HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-09-14 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on September 14, 2005 at 2:30 P.M. at the Municipal Administration Centre - Boardroom 2B. ROLL CALL Present: John Stoner, Vice Chair Laurie Davis Rhonda Hooper John Sturdy Councillor Adrian Foster Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Absent: Julie Price Charmanine Dunn Wendy Korver Kathleen Blundell 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES The minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee for the meeting of May 11,2005, were approved without comment. 2. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS The new Committee members were welcomed and all members introduced themselves. 3. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR Moved by Laurie Davis and Seconded by Councillor John Sturdy THAT John Stoner be appointed Chair of the Animal Advisory Committee. CARRIED 4. QUARTERLY REPORT FOR APRIL TO JUNE 2005 Sheila presented the Quarterly Report for the period of April to June, 2005. She further reported that wildlife is up primarily due to construction activities throughout the Municipality. Animal Advisory Committee -2- September 13, 2005 John Stoner suggested that Staff consider using television media as a means by which to promote the adoption of cats. 5. RABIES UPDATE Anne provided an update on a rabies incident that occurred within the Municipality in the past month. Members were provided a copy of correspondence the Municipality received from the Ministry of natural Resources, dated August 2, 2005, concerning actions taken by the Ministry to protect the people of Ontario against rabies. 6. COMMUNITY EVENTS - UPDATE Anne reported that Staff had a promotional booth at the Clarington Family Fun Day on July 16, 2005. The Animal Services’ booth was not well attended and Staff recommend that the Shelter not participate in this particular event in 2006. Emergency and Fire Services Family Fun Day is to be held on September 24, 2005. Staff will be setting up a display of pictures of animals available for adoption and they will be encouraging the public to visit the Shelter. 7. REGIONAL EMERGENCY EXERCISE – ANIMALS – FOLLOW-UP John Stoner, Shelia Elkington and Anne Greentree reported on the th Regional Emergency Exercise held on September 13. John reported that he believed staff at all stations could use additional training to ensure they have a sound understanding of their duties and responsibilities. Anne reported that the exercise was an excellent opportunity for our Animal Emergency Plan to be tested. All Shelters within Durham Region, with the exception of PAW (Pickering/Ajax/Whitby), participated in the exercise. 8. 2005 DOOR TO DOOR SALES CAMPAIGN Anne Greentree reported that the 2005 Door-to-Door campaign had st concluded as of September 1. Sales were definitely down this year over 2004, primarily due to the fact that Staff conducted the sales rather than using an outside contractor. Anne further stated that we did not receive any complaint calls from our residents concerning our door-to-door campaign; a definite difference over previous years. A detailed report respecting licensing sales will be going forth to Council this fall. Animal Advisory Committee -3- September 13, 2005 9. PIT BULL RESTRICTIONS - UPDATE Sheila Elkington reported to the Committee that to date the Shelter has not been significantly impacted by the new Pit Bull restrictions. Staff have discussed protocols for handling various situations involving Pit Bulls. Sheila further indicated that there is a 60-day transition period and therefore we may be significantly impacted at the end of this transition period. 10. ANIMAL SERVICES WEBSITE- DEMONSTRATION Anne Greentree gave a demonstration of the new information now provided to our browsers on the Animal Services page of the Municipality of Clarington’s website. Members of the Committee were encouraged to visit the website and preview our information. Anne advised that our webpage is a work-in-progress and it is Staff’s intent to continually improve and update our information. 11. OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Foster advised members of the hearing process currently used for dispensing with Appeals to “Orders to Restrain” and stated that Staff was reviewing this hearing process. The Committee discussed both the existing process and possible alternative processes. Members were encouraged to email Councillor Foster or Anne Greentree with any further thoughts they had regarding this matter. 12. NEXT MEETING Next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 9, 2005 at 2:30 pm at the Animal Shelter. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.