HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-14Newcastle BIA MINUTES May 14th, 2020 www. vi llageof newcastle. ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Lina Schmahl, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Councillor Granville Anderson, Leslie Ray, Donna Wood, Valentine Lovekin, Jane Black, Debbie Miller, Janeen Calder, Bonnie Wrightman, Guest Ron Albright Regrets: Greg Lewis, Helen Vatandoust, Tracy Yates 1. Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. Ron Albright from the Engineering Department of the Municipality of Clarington joined us to provide support for any challenges businesses may have with social distancing, parking issues, bylaws unofficial or official, patrons lining up on sidewalks and being able to still walk on sidewalks while social distancing. Marking sidewalks with 6ft markers may be necessary depending on the business and those needing it. The Municipality wants everyone to prosper and transition out of this together. Engineering, Bylaw and the Clarington Board of Trade are all here to help businesses re -open in a safe manner. Reach out of you have any concerns or questions. 3. Approval of February Minutes: Lina Schmahl Seconded by: Leslie Ray 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report: The Municipality of Clarington is looking at ways to help businesses open back up safely. They are helping the restaurants with patios to accommodate more patrons if necessary. 6. President's Report: Valentine has been participating on calls with the Durham Region Task Force every Friday. The group consists of The Mayor, MPs, Chambers and BIAS. Thank you to Sunspace for generously donating safety panels to Newcastle businesses. The downtownsofdurham.ca website is launching. 7. Treasurer's Report: The 2020 levy from the Municipality is in the bank. Valentine, Theresa and Leslie will review the budget as our events this year will not be happening. 8. Committee Reports: Safety Et Decor: Bloomfield's donated the pansy's in the flower boxes at the Beaver/King intersection, we will share on facebook to Thank them! The birch sticks that were in the boxes for Christmas will be stored in the storage unit. Jane Black has a key and will coordinate. Advertising: Facebook likes are up. Lots of engagement on both facebook and Instagram. Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting -possibly still light the town hall with no family event or gathering for it. Leslie will see if there is money in the budget that can be used to pay for the lights. b) Breakfast with Santa- Cancelled c) Santa Parade - Waiting for MOC to confirm d) Harvest Festival - Cancelled e) Canada Day - Cancelled, not sure if the Gift of Art is planning anything? 9. CBOT- -Bonnie advised they have been reaching out to businesses -they are offering weekly webinars -they are getting leads from businesses that still want to open a business in Clarington -the farmers market is trying to continue and offer items for pick up at the Newcastle Arena -check out their website cbot.ca/open for their retail/wellness/eat pages of who's open and available for business in Clarington, if you don't see your business on it, please contact us. -they are promoting Clarington business thru the newspaper and radio 10. Chamber News: They have cancelled all events (home show, Hospice fundraisers) 11. CIP: Grant money is still available through the MOC to any business looking at facia/accessibility upgrades. 12. New Business: The events committees would like to order and sell t-shirts as a fundraiser for future BIA events. Theresa motioned to spend $3800 for 500 t-shirts. 2nd by Debbie Miller. Approved 13. Next meeting, Thursday, June 11 th, 2020 at 10:00am via ZOOM 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Leslie Ray seconded by Janeen Calder