HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-04-28 MinutesNEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD April 28 2020 Zoom 2 pm Present Were: Barry Carmichael, Chair Crystal Yaki Janeen Calder Marg Zwart, Councilor Sierd DeJong Regrets From: Robert Malone Absent: Grandville Anderson, Councilor Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. MINUTES Moved by S. DeJong , seconded by J. Calder That February 2020 minutes are accepted as presented. "Carried" 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) Barry Carmichael has accepted nomination to chair for 2020. b) Horticultural Society has planted pansies in the urns. Custodian will take care of watering on a regular basis. Custodian will begin cleanup of gardens as part of his duties while hall is closed. Discussed whether plantings are the property of Horticultural Society as they have indicated if any are removed they would like to take them. Most of plantings were part of fundraising campaign 10 years ago. Any added plantings became property of Municipality once they were planted. If any are to be removed going forward the Municipality would decide if they have a spot for them elsewhere in gardens within Municipality. A meeting will be held in future to go over how gardens will be cared for going forward and what role Horticultural Society will play. Chair will set up virtual meeting with Director of Operations to discuss gardens. c) P. Hazelton has returned hall keys. Thank you C. Yaki for following up on this. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT a) Moved by C. Yaki , seconded by J. Calder That financial report is received as presented. "Carried" b) Discussed refunds of payment on cancellations due to CoVid19 Moved by C. Yaki, seconded by S. DeJong That cancellations due to CoVid19 would be issued a full refund. "Carried" 4. INVOICES Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by J Calder That the following invoices be paid as presented: $84.75 G. Bell (Durham Locksmith) $75.00 S. Fogg (Supervision) $150.00 K. Symak (Supervision) $60.00 N. Nixon (Floors) "Carried" 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) Horticultural Society has submitted dates for 2020 meetings in the auditorium. Going forward fees will be implemented for use of hall as this group will no longer be maintaining the gardens. This will be discussed when plan is in place for garden maintenance and hall is back open. b) Canadian Blood Services is seeking permission to put up signage 2 weeks prior to clinic on frontage to advertise. June clinic has been cancelled. Moved by M. Zwart, seconded by C. Yaki That A Frame signage to promote clinic may be placed on front property 2 weeks prior to clinic. "Carried" c) Operating budget request from Municipality has been received. This is now being used to keep Hall afloat during CoVid19. 6. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Report received, will be submitted to Operations Dept. for any follow up issues. 7. FUNDRAISING a) Hotel California Concert scheduled for April 181h 2020 has been cancelled due to CoVid19. b) Refunds have been issued in the amount of $7070.00 c) Concert has been booked for May 7 2021 d) This event traditionally raised between $7500.00 to $9000.00 8. NEW BUSINESS a) B. Carmichael and G. Bell attended webinar for information on Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy. G.Bell submitted CEWS application on April 27 2020. This will cover 75% of employee wages and C.P.P./E.I. employer contributions. Application is for March 15 to April 11. We must apply each new period. Chair thanked Gabrielle for doing the background work and application for subsidy. b) Citron has installed pest control bait traps in basement and perimeter of building. Bait has been taken, no sign of pests at this time. This indicates bait has worked. Continued use of Citron will be discussed in future dependant on whether there is indication it is still needed. c) Curtains hanging in auditorium over kitchen doorway, Operations Dept. has informed that the track is no longer workable. We will need to purchase commercial tracking to fix — apparently tracking is household grade. B. Carmichael will have Steve check into new tracking. d) Meeting with Steve Brake, Operations Dept. has been cancelled due to CoVid19 e) Newcastle Community Hall received 2020 Readers Choice award for Best Banquet Hall f) Moved by C. Yaki, seconded by M. Zwart That this portion of meeting goes in camera. "Carried" . g) Clock has stopped working — B. Carmichael is working with Operations, Rob Groen to have it repaired. It has not had any maintenance in a number of years. h) Board discussed placement of garden art. Board would like to see the wrought iron pieces placed in the patio area. It is felt there is enough in front gardens presently. The sculpture may be placed by fountain with the option to move if it becomes a concern as there is quite a bit of traffic in that area. B. Carmichael will communicate with Sarah Allin at the Municipality with request for placement. i) B. Carmichael suggested applying for student volunteer wages paid 100% by government during CoVid19. Board agreed this could be a good fit for Hall. Could help with maintaining outside grounds. Suggested sharing student with BIA, but felt this could be complicated for the process. j) B. Carmichael suggested planning a community celebration when we are open. Offer tea, coffees, and cookies so community can come together. Consider discount to first 10 rentals? Board will continue discussions on event. k) B. Carmichael will contact R. Groen for details on masonry work to be done on building this year. It is noted that steps to Early On have some deterioration should be considered in this work. It is suggested that alternative to rock salt be used on steps in future to combat future deterioration. 1) B. Carmichael let board members know that as chair he will keep them informed and will ensure transparency. m) M. Zwart thanked board for initiating virtual meeting and continuing their work for Hall. n) B. Carmichael thanked Gabrielle for the work she has done to prepare and set up meeting. And working with clients to move their events Adjourned 3:30 pm Chair Secretary