HomeMy WebLinkAbout1282.����,Sy .8.: - .k a. �..}a,. M'f:f §Y 'S., � �:� �'4',f $'..•'r.? k°.$, .. "x,.': � cevSY'�..E:'= "''°a'# � . +£ 4s�F.i'�R.�J�z���'y�''tkirvie l •� •. i } ) A �.- _ - . Co'oEATON 0' T1 'rO'ti off' Bo'G�� .2 l .. { y la' to regulate the use of Weigh Scales belonging I to the Corporation and the rates charged for the ' s weighing of coal and coke when sold within the Corporation, , WMEAS the Munro ipal Council of the Town of Bowmanvi lle deeALs, It in the interest of the said Corporation to require all persons or firms. hereinafter called the Vendor who shall, after a " ease thereof , deliver coal or coke within the Municipality, by a • vehiole , from any ooal yard, 'storehouse, coal shute , gas house or other place. to have the weight of s inch vehicle and of such coal or coke ascertained prior to delivery by a, weighing machine aperated by the Municipal Corporation* Ab NOW TMREFORE the ,Municipal 'Counoil of the;,Co oration of ; the Town of Boun.anville enact as follows; - . 1. Thtthe a vendor of coal and or coke to ,a purchaser within the bouedarli es of the Municipality hall ' make out a delivery' ry slip that shall. 'contain the name of the vendor and pure haser the date j the description and grade of coal or coke, the. wef ht of the g ; vehicle used and the we3. ht of the, coke and or coal contained therein x and the' total amount of the weight of the vehicle and the load shall'! r_ �3 be _ shown. 2 F That the vendor of coal or, a oke shall before delivery., „ of .the same to a purchaser, thin the boundarie. s of the -Manici ali t y� p ;. have eaoh load weighed at the scales of the Corporation,.'" w 3. That upon each load being Wei hed as aforesaid an g , , authorized official of , the Corporation . shall put upon the,-delivery p p R t. alip of the vendor the date artd - the combined weight, of t he � said load . and vehicle and the said delivery slip so endorsed shall be delivered k } by. the vendor to. the purchaser. 4e The officiod of the uGorporation in charge oaf the scales t may, at any time order the driver of the vehicle delivering coal or coke to return to the. scales of ter the delivery of tie said load to the purchaser to have the empt�r vehicle weighed at the said scales,. t 5. The- driver of every vehicle delivering coal or coke shall produce the delivery slip for his load to the poli ee upon request for same. - _..�:. �, z ,,