HomeMy WebLinkAbout12791;' \y.'Jyfl , a //d2 , ' BBC M rAw I o ' A By** law of the Corporation of 'the Town of Bowmanville licensing and governing paddlers, hawkers and other persons carrying on f, petty trades within the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville. THEIMFORE be it enae t ed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation FA of the Town of Bov nvf lle as follows ; - Fi rs t ; That from and after the passing of . t hi a By-Law, all hawkers peddlers and other persona carrying on petty trades-within R the limits, of the Town of Bowmanville or who go from place d to place or From house to house, on foot and with any animal or vehicle bearing or drawing any goods, wares, or, merchandise for sale within the limits of the said Town of B owmanv i lle , shall before they shall ex erdi se such trade , calling or occupation, bake out a license for such purposes Be a and ; - - Provided always that no such license 'ehal'l be required ,for hawh,ing, peddling or selling any goods, wares, or merchandise, the growth, produce , or. manufacture of this Province, if the same are being hawked or . peddled by the Manufacturer or producer of the goods, wares or merchandise , or by the bona fide agent or employee having written authority in that behalf, and such agent or employee shall produce and exhibit. his written atithority' 'in, that behalf, ' and such agent or employee shall produce and , exhibit his 'written authority, when required to do so by any Municipal. or Peace. Officer. Third; The word Hawker i n .this 'By -Lew shall include all persons s who being agents for persons not resident within the said sell or offer for sale, Clothing and , own of owmanvi Ile , , wearing apparel , hardware, meat , bread , coal, e oke , ' wood, frtti t , ve ge t able s , potatoes,, honey, butter , eggs, maple t syrup, auto accessories, fish, books, magazines, periodicals novelties 'l fancy goods, office supplies, -chri t mac cards, sporting goods, ,kitchen ware , household goods , a9. all kinds, sui t lengths,.: confeot.i.onery .. and., ice. cream, .t oilab- arti.c es, :.... ,o osn .i es psi e,..�,... varnishes and .. adi ...... i nt n shes a ..::o.f.,ls.,� r: .:os..,aut,om.�bi�:�...e.e� , • ,i' iae't or carry and expose samples or patterns of any such - Y gooale t o be afterwards delivered within - the said Town of owns n i e' to 'any person no ng, a wholesale or retail' dealer 3p such goods, wares . orerdhandi se. 1001mth That such license shall be under the Corporate seal of the ,Corporation 'of the Town of Bowna.nvi lle and shall be signed by tltie Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk and-that such license shall be in, f orce one year, f rom' date of issue ; and that the sums t o be paid for such license . shall be according to the following schedule ,; - namely, if , or mw4reeidents of the of owmanville the: sum of C Thirty Five Dollars 35*OD ) Ior residents of t he down of Bowmanville the sum of Ten Mollars 10900 x every licensee shall have at-all times, while carrying on hi 13 business have his license' with him and shall upon demand exhibit the same and upon failing to do so when demanded, shall, unless satisfactorrip accounted for, be liable to a, penalty of not less than One dollar or more than Five jx .a. + Dollars together wi t h 1 he a oat a recoverable before a Justice of the Reace. aµ VULM • g } G � ' • t� � � ' Z'17 -P7