HomeMy WebLinkAbout1231Vg4,qo A, 7"!, 12 to Usw),AW V o AV ABYva alaw of t ho Cor oration of t he 1own of J3 a.Ymany i I a P authorizing the lunue of Debenttres for the sum of Seventy give 11undr4d Doblare f Or the purp000 of Heating 3yotem and porpament' rimanville zbllo Improvements in'the B oN 6oh00l. AJU) W111 the ftblia 00hool Trustee Board having made' " R, .5 appli oat ion to the Municipal Counoll of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvillo for a apeolal grant of 6eventy Five livndred Dollars to install a now hoating 9yetem in the 7500-0' Publio Sohoole Fbr this purpose the Board will require a sum of Sovonty give, Hundred Doll are 4 AND 'a1iS1W3,$ - in the opinion of the Muni 619W.00anoU of the Corporation of tho Town of Bormanville., tWt the applioution Of Oil the -Public School Board for Seventy Five, Pioueand Dollars 8h Ud be granted.*, 2herefdr'e the Munioipal 091noil of the 001-Poration dip of the Town Of Bowmanv'111-e enaots as follows; First rhat The the purpose, aforesaid, there shall be borrowed on the credit of the ' C orp o ra t i on at large the auto of Seventy Five Hundred Dollars 47506#00, and debentures shall.. be issued theref ore In sums of not lees than One undred Dollars 1A I10Q.C�0 each, bearing interest at the. H rate of 5 per dent per annum and having ooupons attalohed there to for the purpose of Interest The debentikres shall all bear the same date and skall be issued within Six'.blonthe after the date on wbiah this date within such six Bye, Law was pa a go d And may bear any months, and chall be payable in 'Twenty annu.sl inetalments during the twenty years next... after the, t1r. Yie then the same are Ibbseadd and the respeative amounts of PrUhtpi and interest, payabie in each of each years shall be as a 64 forth in schedule A hereunto annexe dq wh1oh said 18 hereby declared to be and form part of thi a By -Law'. The said Debentures shall be U 6 at the L0081, biawkhof, the Bank of Mont real .0, in the Town of, Bawman villeo Sea O:hd During the -twenty, years the ourrenoy of the ,debenturea; 'the sum of X 3i'*hundred and one Dollars and Sighty,two cents. YM 06o1*82 -shall:,be raised annually-for-thie.,ps (.Nnt,.of.. debt end interest jj by a s P eotal.rate sufflotent thereof. over and abov'e all other retes, on all the 'rateable property, in the, -Muniolpa'11tye at the, . same t Ime and In the same manner as other rates. -An n A. d 4hereas,the amount of I the, whole, rateable' Property of the Utnloipallty, according to the last revised Assessment Roll 2 93,14 9175 And 'Whereas ;t --e amftnt 614Ythe existing debenture delft of. . t he 'Oor oration &clusiv 0 e off' 100al Ir,,.)provement deibts, oeoured by Special rates of Assdesment I Is $331,,890*47 41vided- Be fol.1 OWS do " aterworkO and Sewerage Debentures 3.65,708,*2 6 All bAhar exae«nt Local ImDrovement 166 v, 18 9 '91 "I" Cal VOL LIZ 3 r E P, t M DYwLAW NO ,VOLUME 3