HomeMy WebLinkAbout1210E M A?z LAW No UV t A B _xsw to provide for • boW r.owi•ng $19930040 upon debentures Y to pay for the oonstruction of certain Local. Improvements. W MMA S pursuant to construction By laws. X o 1 oer'tain works have been constructed of the nature , on the streets and between the" pofnte as shown in Columns � a•� � of Schedule " A ", hereto as Local Improvements under the provisions of - t he Local' Improvement ikot . f An WHEREAS the total cost of each of such works , t he Corporations portion thereof, and the owners portion thereof, ( anti for the owners share of the cost of each of wbitsh each works, a V. speeial assessment roll has been , wade an& . test iffied) are shown „in aolumne % 4--n4' F re spe c t ivel$r of said Schedu le "A" . AIM WHEREAS the obt imat ed lifetime of each of t he sai d works ' is twenty years. AN 1) ISE RZ A S it is necessary to borrow the sum of 19,300.00 being the total cost of all the said wbrks , as shown in c ol.umn �P of said Schedule, "Al' on the q,redit of the Corporation, and to issue delentures th8refor, bearing Interest at the rate of 5* per cent per annum, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created b the By-Law. ANL WHEREAS it is expedient to male the prineip�zl of the said debt. repayable in yearly sums' during the period of twenty years of such amounts. respectively, that the aggrega to amount payable ; N for principal and interest fn any year shall be equgl as nearly as m&y be, to the amoimt so payable � for principal and interest - x in each of the other years. All) WHEREAS' t will be 'necessary t o . raise annual l the sum as shown in column of said Schedule "T,' , sting , gg g _ a re during the period of twenty,, ye ass, to pay the said yearly sum of principal and interest as the y bee ome due , of whi ch the sum shown in column /D of aid Schedule "All aggregating � �� •co are required 4 o a the Corporations portion of the cost and into est thereon', � t 'Pay p 1 i/� d• Schedule. dale "1�" aggregating and ,the sum as shown in Column Offeai c , �A as required ' to pay the owners portion of the cost and y interest thereon. h AND MORELS .the -amount of the' whole rateable property of p t� d assessment roll `is ing t o the last revised ' uia ipalit actor , �� ANM WHEREAS the amount of the "e.st it a debenture e o .r the C ors oration,' exclusive of. Local I❑aprovemont debts secured by p ' 3 9 ancd none of the - special rates of assessment is principal or interest is in arrears., N OAP THEREFOR the Muni c i p al C ounci of the Corporation of the T own of B owmanv i l le enacts as f of lbws That for. the purpose aforesaid there shall be borro *ed' on p 011,00 the credit of the Corporation at large the sum of 419301 and debentures shall be issued . t herefor in sums of not less than 100:04 each, bearing interest , at the r6te of 5-21 r cent per annum, and having 'c cup on s attached thereto for the 'Payment o f the interest_..' _ pere. , l Second;- IJ,/ T dabs tunes obal�_ all be dated as of the , day of he n 1930 , a7f�'day d steal be ::.payable In twenty annusa installments . of in each of the ye ars / 9.3 / t o on the . 9 � ineliisive , and . the respective' amounts ©f prinicipa3 and interest payable - .n a ach a such gears shall be as se forth in' Schedule "B" hereto annexed. Thi rd - -, 1 , The debentures as to both princip ' l , anti interest sha7. be l expressed in Canadian currency and may be made, payable at any place or places in Canada. ' i 1 s i i` "A-YY k t'u 3 ir•T' i7L"' ,. "'iY ,�; l 3 3 1 _ VULU X z 3 �r _w.�.u.. _�...v _ _�_��_.._ ,..��_._� ._�_,�..,.u.=.z :rja m— y,- cpy, Sr. z ,,,S��s��xe,�s..r:�Paak3.r.�a.. ors= .`.��s...�- �Net4-3�,.�a.'s.,,.. W.wrN��w_ia�t�Ga�`.zsa ..?�.,..a_� � ...�T>.�a,„�w§A�ifdru �.3tm�e�; ,,^�._� _',. iz .mss ,er �...,�. e.. �1 0 m SWAM i7 VuLU�i� 3