HomeMy WebLinkAbout1170 A by-law to regulate traffic in the Town of Bowmanville. x' " w E �t BY**LAII 10 ' oo a 1111jaip al Council big the Corporati on of the : A By �.aw o�' t h � p awn o: ' Bowmanvi ll.e to regalat o Traffic on t he hibli a Streets f: of tho said. Town of bowmanvill. e , passed 11n(�.er thc� autbority 0f The Highway 'rraf'-Pia Act , HeviBed Stat��tes . .off' Ontario , 192 Ohap. 251-w . a I r ounoil. of the Corporation of the Towne of ,n The Muni cia p _ Bowmanv i ll.e hereby enacts , 10 Definition A ) Street s11al l include COMM and ,pub li c highr way,. Avenue parkway , driveway , place , square bridge , yi aduc t or , trest to , designed and. intended for„ or used , by , the y general public for the passage of vehicle s . ( $ ) Vehicle shall include motor vehicle , t railer , , " fraction engine ' and any vehicle drawn , propelled or driven by any kind of power , including muscular power . ( C ) park as applied to a vehicle shall mean t o allow . period the same to reai� standing on a sire©t for a longer �n than five minutes, without a responsible person in charge . ( D) Stand as applied to a vehicle shall mean to stop . for any period of time longer then actually require to take on 'or discharge passengers or merchandise . v' l; Curb shall include the edge of the t ravel led portion of the Highway. _ 2 police Control of , Traffic . Absolute control of traffi o ' I a vested 'in the poli ce . - 3 Keep Close to Curb . Tehicle'a ,moving slowly shall keep, 'as close: as possible t o the . curb on the right allowing more swiftly moving 4Q iale$ „ free passage t o the it left . Turnip Ste in 4 , Signalbs before Starting , pp g 'Drive --s � of vehicles before starting , stopping , turning or changing, their course shall make sure that such movement can be made in safety and without. obstructing traffic, and r shall4 9 ive a visible signal to persons driving vehicles behind them of their, intention to. make sue move me at . 5 'urni n.g . :t:o: Right right into Drivers of vehicles Intending to tern to the their ' r r. st r.ee t :: :or hi ghw draw - _ . an intersecting : of first he curb on the right . as ossible vehicle i-n as t;,ql ose t o, t g p and turn t 13e a orne r as harply as possible . , --- --- b ; Turning to Left . tre Drivers of vein Iles intending t o turn to tha , left i.r��t o an intersect ing , street or . highway shall first draw their 4 vehicle out to the centre of the highway and coast inue beyond the centre of, the inperseati on before aurning. Fire Police waggons , Ambulances , Etc . . The driver of V a vehicle upon the approach or sounding g , police vehicle , fire waggon , ©f a signal o an ambulance ante or other fire apparatus ,. shall immediately draw up said. s vehicle as near as practical to the right hand curb parallel' aral le 1 thereto , and bring it t-"o a st andst $ A proacting Fire, apparatus {t c , p ` of a vehicle shall. not follow within TWO The driver Hundred, Feet of any moving . Fire apparatus answering .a Fire Alarm , and shall. not � approach within �'��0 Hundred Feet t ©f any stationery fire apparatus attending on a fire * s Tr -1 119 a _ i f VC: 3 x xrn 33 -tr W-W lk�A i 4.4 L Fire Appar a "us Asturning from Fire * when, returning from a fire or an T be Arl4ar of any f ire apparefto ravel at an ex0ongivo speed and must alarm of & ) fire shall lot t t dligonoo an otter G/ tho sarno care and. i 10 Narking Aear Odrantao go valliclo shall stand within. foot of a fire hydrant. ing'# 11 Blooking Traffic and. Overload i n upon or be driven throngh go vehicle shall be allowed to Tema hiale any street 00 as to blockade or obstruct e t traffic and no ' r horoos or mot or power shall -4 loade,d that the boxed 0 shall be so over ate 0 Bpe be unable t 0 MOTO it as a treason able r w Lntering or olnerging from Doorays *. from an alley , stable , Arivewayt , No vehicle shall enter or emerge te faster t ban ' & walke or garage without giving a warning signal or at a ra 13 Loading and unloading. vehicles Bhall be loaded orAniodded from the eiae Whenever possible inches Of the curb and be parked within except during actaal backel u to ; he curb e So vehicle shall remaln p t bah the actual in such case no ' longer it and unloading from loading or a , vehicle ' requirede the horse or horses at to loading or unloading an to the vehicle backed up to the curb shall be turned at right and in the direati on in which traffic on the street is moving. Stopping At rossingse St stop on or obstruct crosstngs ' Vehicles shall not Stopping at 'Entrances. 9 0 15 S owed t a t and. in front of the entral ce t vehicle shall be allow 0 No Corium off Joe building or any building where auclitorit theatre , h6tel goods or merchandise is being held or where large assemblages are d to move OU- after being legglly warned taken in or out as to obstruct the entrance to any lane No vehicle , shall Stop so c1 int build-Ingo o an -rages or y private ga or rivewaY into .................. Crossing Prodessionso 16 Drivin or Cross 9 h- any- . . vehicle shall not, Arive acros or thrbug The driver of a v u process 04 . Civic Funeral or other 'law fl 13 M1.1i t ary Propelling. Toboggandk 1�;t C :props 17, - Drawing or shall, draw , or -Pr .. person In charge-. ,of a motor vehicle *r t ' 'Joye,la upon r ...... waggon bicycle, any sle"d sle1g] h toboggan * han T vehile'. with such mOt.0 ,e which a person o r persons are Tieing of Vehicles 0 18 -Overflowing . . ion of t b content Vehicles shall not be used 'from which' any ort ' de t acbed. and lie upon the leak 1p, overflow 't or becoMe in any W*y pay streets. , Riding on the rear of Vehioleso n1 or side of any vehicle. ride ht o person $hall 'id , upon the ..Tear end. d d obtained an on of the driver first had an TMI138i without the pe qe y shall protrude beyond t,hel , '. t , of the pars one body when so , riding no par, limits of the v e hicle'.6 'Ridine"' on 514 1ka .` or tri av- Cle , upon ., any No Person shall ride a bioycle 2:1 Nnmbpr riding bi cycle * le has ' be e n const rue ted,, No greater of persons than a bicyc and, 'Say joers on riding a , to carry shall ride upon such bloycleg at least one hand on the handlebars of such bicycle shall keep bicycle while in snot ion. t Al, 7 _7 M VULUIZ F { 22 G est i ng oia Hills and Sl d.ew4lkm No porson shall oosst flown any hill on any stroot or upon any sidewalk ; with a hand waggon , sled , sleigh , or toboggan . 23 Through Stroot . King Street is dosignated ari a through atioot and as required by subseati ox I A ,• seoti on 189, Hip hway Truffle Act , ! the operator or driver of any vehicle ahall immodi.atel.y before entori ng a crossing of the,., maid atrec t , bring tthe vehi ole to a Bill,. ; n, stop 1'l�© provisi ores oi' thia section shall not come into offoot until signs have boon orecto d i n F aoc ordance with the regulations of the 'gip De artmo li , p ��t of lublia ighways. , 24 r lvastening -off' horses, No parson shall leave any horse or horses, r standing on any street,,- whether attached to a vehicle or not , 'unless such horse or horse a shall b'e socitre ly fastened in oral e r to prevent starting or running away , or the reins be In the persons hands or within'his reach , and no person shall Fasten such horses to any ornamental or shade tree or to any box or case around any snah ; tree or to* any ornamental lamp post , patrol or fire box on any t street in thl s Corporation. 15 Jo person shall break in or train an horse,.,. mare or gelding or .i y g g shall exhibit or let t o mare e, any . stud. horse in any' street or , public dace . ( 26 ' Barricaded Street �.. } • =j No vehicle shall be dr en past any b'arr'icade or upon ariy street closed to traffic , when barri-eaded or close(l. by any Civic De pa rtment for any purp ose . r. 2 a 27 Immoderate ' Rate of Vehicles. No person driving any horse or vehicle or riding upon any horse ' mare - or gelding upon - or along any street in this Corporation shall cause or permit the beast . which he s hall s o ride or drive t o go at a gala op or other immoderate rate , and no pers on ridi ng a bicycle, or tricycle or any other vehicle upon or along any street shall -ftoe or ride at an immoderate rate , and every person driving or riding along such stre et shall slacken his spedd in approaching a crossing for edre stians upon, which a erson is or may, be ' �Y g P p � p Y r crossing such street , 28- Dkiving Over o r 'Along Sidewalks* 110 person shall ride , drive , lead , push, draw or back any horse vehicle over or along. any sidewalk , , unless at a regular . crossing provided thereon, provided however that this prohibition shall not apply;. to ,,prevent a person so crossing- the sidewalk for a lawful purpose , i f , he , shall have previously thereto 'covered such sidewalk with planking at least two Inches in t hi,ckne ss securely fastened and chamfered or bevelled off r at the ends so as to be no obstruction to pedestrians and has coilbtructerl saroos the drains, gutter , orr watercourse opposite the proposed crossing a good and sufficient bridge of planks or other proper material so constructed, as not to obstruct drain , gutter�ot watercourse . 29 > Control of ''Ani orals Driven. R o person shall ride or drive any home or of he r beast or lead am ho Y� � m� e or gelding along any street , unless he, shall have . - trt ioul � r .nee fastened the bridles of the bear and held In his hands , suffi. ient to gui de them and to , restrain them from runnings galloping or going immoderately throughany o�.p the streets. � 30 r Parking Ito horse or vehie:.e shall be left in such wanner as to obstrue � the ordinary traffic of the streets , and . no horse or vehicle shall be . parked on any street an unreasonable ' time having regard t oP 4t he z traffic requirerpent s of the street in nuest kon. p� 1 :Parking near Intersections , i4o vehicle. shall stand on. the corners of street intersedtions x f©r a distance o�. 20 feet from the corne r , in each intersecting street , t Corner" being de finel as the intersecting fight angle point of the curb . r L rr- .,... ... .`.., firS'a'.f&''x:!"K G1'fRgrp4L.'A'•b LesYa»lWyi G 6 ' VULUM 3 F " fl ' tt► Et : , r ? ►1 ,ft (t wow Lt 'k (Alk) aCi )yoVt (I i,l► ► i. ► alp%y t). � ► ' , ; 1 ► 1 of, t4r,uti.an hl ►�' 1,1� ► 11 E' ;�' � . -; 'C aI't�' r► a'Yr Do pm of 111.11► Li c 111p;1'�w�uya. 32 Paarki ng' on Bridge s . 14o vehicle shall stand on any bridge in the Corporat l � ,n of the Town of B owmanv i, 11 e . 33 Angle i a arks. ng . Where angle parking is indictited the angle s]iall be 45 degrees and vehicles shall park with tho rl ght Front wheel against the oiarb or the indicated line. s g . 34 Tdannr of . %ipg Parrallel t o Curb . No vehie le shall stand on any street whet« t hero is a curb un ess such vehiolo is parallel to and the wheels and runners theroon are not more than o inches from ouch curb , or in winder as near this as the oondi t i ons of the streets perms; . Un unourb A streets standing vehicles shall. be Opx llel to and as Kooe as circ��m tsnow .and weat)ier o ondi t i ons permit to the edge of the boulevard or x ` case may be . 41 dew4lk as, the as '1 5 srkinig an4i Traffic Signals ft eb,4� 1 be the duty of all drivers of vehicles to observe signals , "�10 1'ar'�.in��" signs , and other permanent or Ieemi er�natnent signal devieea. -- J6­ ., #o Pai ing apaces. Igotehicle shall be parked inan ' space . that is designate -6f, -.Parkingf signs of the Police Department . t17 � Parkino at ,. Risk of Owner* arked in an parking space, shall be at the Lver� mot or vehicle p y p f 6• yak ,_ hr�� owner in case of acQident occasioned by the.Fobstruction ' here"b ee;uoed on any portion of the public highway. 8 ehic& s s114llnot park on the street outside any premises for a 3 n Street betvreen Sou o and onge� peripd than 30 minutes on Iii g g Re.orp Streets. ' 39., Pedestrians I 9 w oss i n a Peden cans trust, not step from the, sidewalk in cr g r street without looking in both di rec t i ons and sha11 cross at right angles with the street . Pedestrians shall keep to the, right when walking on - the sidewalks It shall be the duty of dent tsars t o observe the line of t raffic at street i,nt er$eotions u he , and in. cases where policemen are in charge df eeet ing the movement }; _ g h of such traffic pedestrians shall observe the signal o such policeaman and they shall not cross except at their own risk , before they signal is given . for the traffic to . move . in the direct on Indicate d by the traffic officer. Pedestrians shall not obstruct, sidewalks or street corners snd where three or_ . more_ persons, are congregated their shall be° su ee to , the direction, of the Police,. 40 - Pe nal t y. E Q s on vi olatin ' of the provisi and of thi s By.-Law shall" ' Any p , r g any be sub, ect to a penalty on conviction thereof in the discretion of the convicting Magistrate of not laore than Ten Dollars 14040 for the fftpt offence and t o not more than Twenty Five Hollers 425- 00 for every , subsequent offence exclteive of costs and all such penalt ie s sh.alll be , recoverable under the Ontario Summary Conviction Ae,t .;. . ¢l i8y;-laws Re pe ale d. g By Corporation Drat i do of the Town provisions of ,any , ' of Bawrnan v i lle now in force re spe c t,i ng the regulation of traffic upon, the public streets of the Town ofo�nnanvi3l.e are hereb;' repealed �G- 42 This By_Zaw s 11 come into 'force and take effect on the day of ` 19280 NG Passed the ' day of A y n - / r re,. F h S � `f`� - x � w.=f ',-,-.,_ -'* tr'?•±.a' ,'�' , std �m e t its S - - 4 VOLUME 3 ,E It I, ! . , , {. I , 0A • ! i 't, I I I I I, ",.� � . �( .� I I I I I I.- d " 1 i ' t. ! - _. 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I ° : ... ..,,. ..._. ., .: r _ __._ Dear $ir= _ _. -- _ __ _ ,, I ,11 n . J Y • , . ' t��e are i n rec receipt t of our L att r of th ,. I p y e e 3rd instant, . , . . 11 I . . . , enclo ping tvio co pi es of your by-law Jo. ll?0 of thc� 'hown of. Bowmanville. 11 I 1i I This •b -law is now in order and �on ry ; y e copy la being r©turned horei�ith 3 1. '� It F bear bearing Departmental. approval. 'I. �; v ? : . . . . n �_ - -- -- - -- - _ _ , s ' I our. tru . Y . +' ` � - _ .. 11 . ,: . . . I ' •11 U - 1 :I 4 • n.: , • 0, ''I. r , f .. r" r 11 . .. - . I I , „. , r . - r •. I", � j r . V �. . . .. . }, " ( r , r , 1 , r' ' r s:. ,. .. i z' • - r. i I , ,., 111 .. I , •� .. . - .. 1.. i L. _ :. a 1 . 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