HomeMy WebLinkAbout1148A by-law to grant a fixed assessment to the R.M. Hollingshead col of Canada Ltd. and to authorize an agreement for that purpose. E I� 1 1 LAW No oy A By»law of the M �.of real C o nail of the 1P Own of Brrarm Finvi 119 to grrint � a faxed annesament to The RWA 4, Hollingshattd Co of Canada 14mited and to auhtori le tin agro►ema nt orv�thn t purpone . * who ,-eas for the Purpotie of more) affootuall;r oarr3ring out an a,greomont mt. .(W betweon the Corporat icon of the 'town of 3 f Bowmanvi l.Le its Ve ngor tend t),o ji .14, Hol li ngeha nd Company nn Parohns©r drytad. November 13th 1926 , the renafi t o-P �v�� �. c'�h has . been usai.gned to The R.H. HoU ingehea(l Co off' etinad n IImi ted the Lunt alpid Counoil of the Corporation of the , Tovn of Bowmanvi lle doom i t ' aadvi gable u nd in the Interest of the C oar taorat i on to grant v fixed aene ssrne nt for the your l9?.7 to 193b both inoliket re to The R. W. Hollingshead Vto of Gana 4n ltd ` as not forth in ra oart :xin ,)roposed .Agreement bet*een the slid Cbr aorat i on and the said Company marked :3ohedule "A'► haret a. Be it therefore emoted tie a By-law of the Corporation of k The Town of SoManvi lls U8 f0l.1OwS ; - d First ; - Thnt the Corporation of the '2011n o f , -bowmanvi Ile be and is hereby authorized to enter into , exeoute tmd Uliver Gert ai n agreement wit M a 1j i ngshe nd Co of C im �d a . limited , dated the day of 1927v in s000rdanee with the form hereto exec3 marks Sohadnle ".A'' , he rob;. deolared to be and form tart of this By-La Seoond • - That the Mayor rand C;1er1?4 ©f the ' nald Corporation nre hereby authorized (.nd empowered to sign :mid ex©ante the stkid Agreemo nt on behalf off' the (;or.,.)' rat i on , and the ,C#Xerk of the Corporation is - hereby authori zed and empowered to tiff ix thereto- • Its Corporate Seal . Third ; That upon the exeQntion of the s6id"Ugreecoent by the Car .)prat i on and t he C ompuny the as se9srlent in reap® (.t of the ids .,.4nd ft em. e : therein dais ribe d . and of all uildi rigs , y , l�rnt , mraehiornd fixtures now erec�tJed or which ray hereafter be erected thoeon shall for all , urpooee , save and exQept for.- school purposes {.rnd looal Improv+emen t rates , be fix e 4 at not Acre than the sum of Fifteen thousand �Qllars � �1� ,Q4� ) fox each of, the years, 1927 t o 1936 bot h In. elusive , and , save as. aforesaidf k. 4 the said Company and the sitM 1; tnd s ..and premises and the build.inga , l t , mtzohinery and fixtures , ereated or t o . be er ' ato:d � used or to die caned thero on ,,. shall, for the yeare 1927 to 1936 , hoth 3.nmlu i v^ be exempt from t OX at ion bar the Corp©rat f on. , ' -- F upon or an t its am h. _ {� rt be in g re1eo t a d by the s i d p y - ,aw be submitted to the df ly a ].i. f ie d- rat a pryers of t :e By-law _ - C ornc�rnt i on for their ry te�r�a1 . _ 1 'aaaed rot ,_and and second reading March 7th 1927 nal lq �927 �'aa' ed , this day o j - Clerk. Mayor T _ , John ' lyle ' Clerk of the Corporation of the ,Town of Bowmanville hereby cent ifv that the above typewritten gaper s - k is a true copy of By--law 110 /rh' $ passe-1, its first and ..second reacting op the 7th day of larch 1927 and was read a third time and �'ina117. passed the day of 1927 by the Municipal Council of the Corporation 'of the own of Bowm anvi lle . 1 r �l' LUM 3 ; IM, .. ,e" , 1 ►7 l` '+D 11L S 11 A ►M This Agre emo rat mnAe this .P/ r.. dray of .��r.�.�. 3.927 Between TIG, 01011 k OIJA7!IUi1 op !Plill: 'ro()t1jjj 01r jj0jJ)4A1d I her• olnuftor oit.liedll tlio Corporat to till of tho first ;.mart f and 111H R. M.110L'1J1,1011+: D CO . 011 CABADI 111AxTEWT �.� Company inoorporrated herder tho Unturi n • Companion Aot , heroinriftor oul.Led " tho C:ornp to y" ,, }Y of t hi se co nd, part . s wHERH : b- - Agreomon t dated the 13 th dity of 11 ovomber 1926 made . ..between the Corpornt ion ne Vendo r , of the First a art, and The Hol.li, ngehO ad C or pansy gas lei roh4se r , of tho :fie oond Part c orporat i on ;-igreed t o sell t:a id The R J. 11ol�a i ngshend Con, ny zagraeO to puroffinse a oertdi n flicstory building and s it o si taint e In the town of s Bdwmanvi lle known Qs The Roan Can Company rohorty in ;), crt r oonsiderati on of tho prioo of Twenty-fivo ' housand tol.+, rtrs ( X25 ,000 1 payable in eiish and in part oonsideriation of the i reorient of the Corporation, to grant to the x' trchnser a fixed asset sm© t Ripon the property sold 'for is ,perl od of ton year3 oommenoing in the year 1927, at a value not to exoeed d ifteen 21ionsand yoll:ars , ( $151000.) . I� WHE A3 `vi th the n ; ?proveal of the Corporation the _ RqMe iol.iindshead Company as: igmed tho benefit off' t he s� Lid Agreement t o t he Comapny and by Indenture dsat ed. the 15th , day of Jar in ary, 1927 made by the Corporation i n favor o f the Company the said .f i as t nry building and Bits were conveyed t o' the Comet-my on t he � 'nndersttandi rig that t Company should be entitled to the benefit of n fixed assessnerit in aecordanae with , the said Agreenn nt of 11ovember 13th. i92i6.. 113D W �'1�:AS the Company h: �s :� ) .ied to the Corporal ion for z fixed assessment aocaordin"LY and it is expedl nt t o grant the s r o X1'.1' • , x1011 TH&-1 F ORE THU ,AGIR&12'11T iv TiMs3ETH t hat In . .. y _ e;ns dorut on of the prom the iart i e s, he ro to oove' nant and . agree }4 -each id th the other as foli ows , that i s to sUy; First ; - For' t he ye firs 1927 t o 1936 , both Inclusive. , , the a�ses�t�ent ry of, (ill the - lnnds and premises vonveyed by the, Corpor`gt# on to the ©mpiany on the 15th d. ty 'of ti Janu ar;T 1927 , tog6t her wl th gall bui ldi ngs und . fixtures no'� p ant , m hi ery erected or •whicih M;17 � tie remfte r be erec ate d thereon shf-ill f or :, al 1 -r•rposes s e ,i e oe t school M r� o8 es and local ' i 4;proveme nt , rates be , fixed at not mero f h�Ln the stern of 4 Fi ftae�� h©use nd Dollars � X15 ,0 �0 ) for a--neh of the years 1927 to 193b `s both Inclusive. and slave ae aforesCAd the `ot�puny and the Enid 'l�lnds , • and. -premises and, the bui ldinge , pl -..nt ' m aohir�ery and fixtures ereo to or , to be' , orec3ted ,used or to be used thereon In connection vilt h t he business ' of the Company shall for , the. 'y�:zr 11927 to 19-% both :inalusi,ve be, exempt from tii-xati on , b'y the CorporatI on. Second ; - ache Corporat i on w-il1 tit ' o f t it a hereafter ii ion b�si,n ' „ 9 _reeveste � by th Com any a.,use � By�lal ' authorizing train, Agredment and a a y:rvvix�g the � terr s Cher' of t o be 9ubrai t ted, to the elect ore , of the Corporation for their qp ,roval . .third T hi a A g veom a nt shsil l enure to the bane f t of and be bin+din upon th+e ' suoaesoors and .signs of the 13:Irties hereto. S � a orpo l 'I i te meal of the for p an; and the Ses , of the Corporation a ach, under the han d of their proper offioe rs ,, SIGNh�; SE.� ...-B.D. : TD X,'4 1V.�:: �D 1M 0 O .A "� it U'i' In the pre no o U� .. Mayor le rk . Re JA H07 000 of ant a .:,imp teci. VULUM 3 . as , Y_ I , I '. t , ' N I 1 I i ' L I 1 I I , ,. I. 11§ ' I ,I , , ,-. , 11 , -:. r , ' T loq aj : r ! „, �e _ ' �. £' I t ;- 1 }_� 1.b r ;. , y' ^, I It , ,. 1. oa - I t, ery.• , I I I I I I I . I . //� . I I I ,�I I . �1, I I I I I -I�, I,I I. I �j f) - x -opatim4oft 1614140 . � I . I 11 �:- ly 4, // "' , �r , r 1 -' - I �I: I 1 ° 1. 1 If /1 ►11111*, I „t,, e �f� ,Ijl /t:/.,e�/ 1(( f�,c�uf141.� l • ° °' s (_ . 1 I� I - I ///1:, I . 11 0 .tV1V$41,�If,'( 6 P . , � . I 1 1 ,. - ,,rrAi-t :,. I . � I I '� ',fir: ,. f , ', , ♦p' , , 11LL .. .. , • I . , .. I I I , , . 11: V . • , k - i it w , ,r , ti. .,h, _ _ 1-11.1-1-1._... ,_.,_.. .._ _ _ „.... ...._..._ --.. 11-1,_,-,_ , y - ~ . I . I r , , . . . - t, '.1 1.1 I . rI 1 , : 1 ,I - _ # I I . I t �, r ' • r •A -. I' L -.I ,. I r ',I . , „ - - r I . . - I �q� . I f �. .. _ .. 1 , ,I IJ A r 1 ) .. :, .„ r', r .. �_ .. ' , , • , t' . .. I •r . hh A• W" , „ : -. ij w w . .. I I I ,. r. , b , �t ,. 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