HomeMy WebLinkAbout1146 B Y /• L A N NO........ A By-law of the Corporation of the Tosco of Bovenville authorising the Council of the said Corporation : to sell and convey the lands and promises owned by the said Corpeitstion and formerly occupied under lease by the Doss Can Ce, Andt" situate within the limits of the said town of z ., Bownanvill6. art' BS IT FNACM by the Bi�4o4_1 Ccurscil �f the -- Corporation of the Town of Bow►asnville as a by-law of ------ - said Corporation, aa�sla±rs: (1) THAT it Shall bid may be lawful for The Corpora Lion . of the Town of Bevuanrille to still and convey for the express consideration of twenty-five thousand dollars to _ THE R. IL HOLLINGSBBAD COWARY Of CANADA,LIMITBD, (incorporated ender the laws of the Province of Ontario). - - ALL AHD SIEhAR that oertaix p-a-ras1 or f, of land and premises (hereinafter desigsat•d as 'Itw i•)situate, lying and bs in the.town of Bowmanville, in the County of Darbam, and bising a ;kart of oribinal tosasship lot nub•r - - thirteen in-the second concession of the tomship of Darlingt s in=laid-County-91_Durhe nos included within the lisits of - _VW Akid vh#ak�say be doncritai as follows — COIMCIM at�w<�t on the Sava-*ids of UAW ihrenl� - - 8 saw tsos of Bows the �Office for the-ibgstm-t2ivis_ises-of= Neat Riding of the" Office Dxftm dais► an -is-distant three i�ndr•d end - aysnt --fiV"* f- w"VIa ery f 3eugag Sta••et is said tore of Bore w e• thOnce.an a coarse south sixteen - east on a line el with Sco®og Street. sight hundred and t4a ty-five 'feet (;ell sers or less to #hs lands of tie TormI to and Naatera Ibtiilway as defined in t we aopeyawn date the aim}sth day of guorh,"1913, *ieii.e r gi tm% j is tv O ice book 1? for the said of • est aaesi�d day o! , 1413. a amibsrs Quad # w•etsr following the sinaoaitiu of the northoss la�m� ots#h., - -- la* SC sit Toronto and Bastarn Radon .end the •s IL ard, Lake Oaterio and Nastern 1 as defiawd itt a eertain deed beerinngg to;the s•ooad o 191#. whi vas stared in said�istry Office t� said team of WAAmille on th• iecond day o �] , 3�1d,'a"; thees bsa�ir•d and ninety feet -C3%1 sor+e or ton - to-the �. sid• of a sill d kWA as Yanstons-a sd1I ; thy north and nester yes the asst side of mid and fellonciag 1 sisttesities of -water risk et, said flwddr• awed nifs feet (4p6' see of lass POO 1i�e• ,a a e a on of said lands tits tint, off 191 egad ear fyled #s d Regis en t r+ineh day of Daly. 1913, as 47= Ito. St. and wa 7 vuLUA 3 by William Ardook. O.L.S. Por Christian Rohder; thence north'and westerly and at the foot of the hill and high eater , bevel of said mill pond along the-dotted line. shown on said astly menned plan, Three hundred and one feet (301') more or lets to a tia post planted as shown on said lastly mentioned elan• thence on a course north sixteen degrees west fifty-six feet i6 5 more or line to the south boundary of said Rehder Avenn X ,. produced; thence'on a *course south seventy-lour d es east al the dotted line of the aouth beurrY of said Avenue.X feu'hdred end t�r�ty-five test" (48$') more or lose to the ' place of beginning; oontsining by admeasursmt of lands to the oast of the top off. the bank. our acres and fif ty-eight one- hundredths of an acre (4.68 acres) be 'the same more or less. _ (SA:13 AND XXCr 1 771,aLMT approximately .138 of an sets of above described lands desoribed in a convoyanoe-from The-Ccr gor ation of the town o Bo�esan►il7,e,_,and the Ron: Can Co.Limited, to The Campbellford. ° e Ontario and Western Railway°Comrany, which OOnTO s iv#-bO91�19 for he-town- ISO ---=— - -- of— AL AL: '_ �i 311-UL that certain land and parcel or tract of premises situate 1 ng and being in the town of Bowman- villa. in the C amt of �iur and being of part of - original townshf�lX m�er thirteen-in -- --- or me so enahtp.,ot yorli.$ton, now forming part of the tows of Bowm nvills aforeaaid which may be more particularly described as follows, C0111XCI+� at a point where the southerly boundary of said township lot 13 is interseoted b the waeterlpp boun�laiy of The Camkbellford Lake Mario and extern Railway Compan 'a - -� industrial spur dine on said lot, which point ie ap oximately two hundred and fifteen lest from the wee terip s a] of Sculgog Street- then" was tsrly along the said southerly boundary of said tovmokp lot. approzinately sixty feet to a point where said boundary is intersected by the northerly boundal of the Toronto. Eastern Railway lands thence north-westerly al�,the nordhosl boundary of the said lands of The Toronto �snsterit Na! y oae hundred sad thirty-one feet; thence north —parallel wi�s'sasterly bounds of said tovnshi lot-13, - a r�r pp disteacse of about ens hundred and ninety feet to the wastorl -moo *-said industrial spur• thence south-easterl folio w+ - -- - _i____TQG&TE1M__wjth_a?-Onnga w soh--aai pi we ot_IsaT_ie �wn-o�lored_ r pZarin h eaarrs�ao Trost Chris tiara Rshder e Corporation oP the fawn of Ban&-inville which is registered - k -town of Bowaenviile an rawer 7216; -- tual right of wa y over and upon thenf61or�lrgg-tree parese -of-land PAFiC1;L 1: ALL AND :1 tt UL0 that parcel of land situate in the- said towh of Bowasnvillo, a-part of said original - toeaship lot number-thirteen in the second concession of Darling- ton (now f oradpg jart of the said town of B ossanville) described as follows: CCOAMCING on the north boundary of Concession Street --- in said town, which is the concession lino between the first and second concession in said township of Darlington, at a po int distant one hundred and sixty -fire foot (166 ) lraai the vast - boundary of Sougog Street in said town thence on a coarse north si n degrees west parallel with said 'ougog Street. fifty feet (60 ; thence on a course is a atrai t line north-westerly* two hundred and eighteen feet six iea (21819*) mars or less to a point, on the eastern boundary of the.lands be de oribed under Items 1. which point is distant sixty-six feet66' norther- ly from.the north boundary of the lands acquired-by Thhee ozo nto -referred� �$�+ Fb►iles C under deeds rsferreci to in Item 1 above as registered 602 and 6d8$; the on-a-course south sixteen a�wa oast sixty-six feet (666 re or less _-_-- to the lands of-Vas said _%* Toronto and Eastern Failway Compoy - worse aster�ly__elo �=nsrt�bounder-of_said l,u�d■__ot- 14te -Toronto and (astern lI n ono'hundred Ord_ arae -Y�s sr�re or less to the n'0 �seid G'ono-thirty-Stm1�, tuts easterly alp the north boundary of said Consesaiem-- -- J i ME 3 Y � Sy= savant"ight feet (yet) mrs or lose to the plane ° $•. ALL AND S IMMAtt that eertaia p 1 o f v land sitma tits said torso of.gswmaaiille, a part said - erigi�aal,towmkip lot, knova as follows: Lot uAbor six fromti ea< S"6 titroet is said toga as show em beth of said plans rderred to under Ttos 1a�o re. p� 8: M AM SIMULAR t1�at parcel of lead ■itt to is Lid of B swaianrins, a of saint t0 dd p lot >hi h my be dozer ilnd as follows: at. the ski-mat-$ems• of said lot 6 above . retsartod to amder the hear of Yarwel 2; theses rmtaiag only . a lists im proleagati.am of the south bomrdary of said and tveut fire test ?Z!),abrs or loss _. 5es" Ttua 1• the # s raid lsae a _share m:r�ss__� � � tie 1, fi net ' > tba o is a str� to -- iair i-ar-st— a of said let 61 firs feet-( M" or 49 aw�i�cteea 6s os- -- _ - —east aleag the vest t2 said lot 6, ofty foot (501..) re or lone to;ths place o begiaaiag; ,' -- AZ--THAT-it shall and may be laWfUl for the lk* of The Corporation of the Town of Beram ville, and he is hereby authorised and iastrwted to azeauts a cenn8aace of said lands sad promisan hereby authorised to be 04Mreired, by & f!yiM the seal of the Corporatim and attaahiag his sigmtW% thereto, and ONG Clark Of t0 said CerpsMtias is _- hei"TV tthorised to sign said eanvo anee on behalf of tia -- --- said Cerperatiea. - -- iay;r• Mark i 54 , If TIC C )PPOTRATION (If TRE TOINN Lip , 1 f 1 , 1 ' , i.. r, i � �r s%- s .. } • � � , r r 1. � , I , � ,g�t',� � 5 r , r L: `r ' 1 , Ron t #hc �-i si sid c� off' %a prem sea* ' , , { w 1 r , Ir r r r r » rr I 4 t ` a g, ra; r 4 .. r •. ,y. 1,, ,� '�Si'; i , rr .. r .! '. ,,v ,k;t'v.' ! 5 r -.. ,: , .. �. � 1 ♦ r. r .. S 7:x,4 r _ , r GF aa, • r a , rr k r rr� • tt } i ,�, :, r r , if 1, i ;. • � r ! , 7 t r , r� a y r t rr '11'• , , 1i , r r r t 1 l r, r I • } A^: _,:�_ .�.; :, ♦.r .. 4'. r. ,... ..��.?4:5J. 5 ,"''. .. 11• r SI:'r•� -1 n t , ,1 , , I r , Y via l I r .., ,.. :,:. : � • y. r - ;.:.� ,...., r. ..,.. fir, `.f . ::.. :.,. ,.. ,. ,. .. .. .' ;.:r .' ' -'�:,. -.. - � � ,N• . del`; r > _ - r r v r. .,h. .r:. ... 'r � :: .., .- '. ., r ,. 1- �. � � 121�•rt - r 4 +rd •'S .J` r .r . -:.'.-,....:.r _. _.._._....r .._....r........... .......r... .. r .,...... ....ter ..,.,.r ,... ..... .... ...... ..,. }.:F. Lum r r , r ry R' r r r r i • , s , ,r : , , pp�y 4 , r' /r r { i.� v �r , , r „ 7 r,. I , r r . r J : ;r r.a�. w rr ... > � sue!,:., f �.._ ,.� f '..:., ..�' ♦vw._.w n e r p•:4 � .�':�vF't.,{, -i: '''� Y trt��}ti,:'x�,Mi3.5�',:.zz r>F',..�u '*,.sf<:'z _. _ ._...n, r , t � , r • I , - , 1. I r r .. . ,. _ .. � .. • � .`[! �:.' f 5 f R. I