HomeMy WebLinkAbout1113 A by-law to authorize the construction of cement sidewalks in the Town of Bowmanville. Q 82111 Tiox AUMVISIOL&W NO* 111 Fp- it 0022 ORATION OF THE TOWN OF BDWM 1LL14. 4 ftImM WON*do MItY wMew"pow Mr' M111DQMMIDINIMMNe***gpme Ogs BC**LAW of tbeh Oorporati on of the Town of Bovrao anville to k aut by rl s e the o one t rna ti on Of a a ement sidewalk on barha�pc► F Street , from Brown Street to Ontario Street on Lib'erty Street , r , West did e , from King Street to Queen Street ; on Q ent re Street.,t !hest Sider, from love Street to PInoh e Lane; on 0 ono a®g i on Street . South Side from Beeoh Avenue o a � t Gave a property; and on King Street , North Side . from West Bide of Pirle provermo, ty to East line f nO e Of F. Go vanstone l a rte!id enoe . �1tS Wi111am newel]. . Norm an Harvey L, John Ala ton „ William ' F. Ward „ William Adams and others have etitioned h A the C onno i 1 to o one truo t , as a looal improvement , the work hereinew 01 b after desoribed-, and the Clark bas oertified that , the patitlone are , suffioient and it le expedient to gram the prayer of . the � „ }¢ pat it Zone in manner hereinaf ter provided , ; THERSFORI the runic ipal Couno it of the Corporat l.on of The 109n o f Bowman i l le =ACTS FO LLCW S= That a Cement Sidewalk. four feet in width . e Qonst is . d on Durham street , from ,gown Street to onte►ria Street ,# on Liberty Street, West Side , from King Street to Queen . Street on Centre Street , West S ids , from Lowe a,treet to .2inob e L ane on Qonaeas.1on Street, South Side, from Beeoh Avenue t o Co Carerl t e , y property and on King Serest , North Side , from 'West' aide of Pire . . 4 property to Bast line (enoe of F. C Vanst one residenoe 'em a 180al improvement under the provl alone , of The Lo ' el Improvement p vement A©t* 2. That F. Go ,, Palne,r as i neerr of the C or orati �n of the, p 4 Town , of Boonville o for - _ - thwth make suoh plans , p rof Ile 's and ape 01float .ons and furnish such Information as ma be neass�ear tor'. . F y or s. the mak Ing. o f a c on1 raot for the execution of the work, { s. 3• The work shall be oarried on and exsou.ted under the so, erg fs h intend enoe and aoo ording to the directions and orders of euob ` Engineer, a i The L gor and Clerk are authori Zed to 0ause a oo rao t for the oonetraet ion of the work to be made and entered into with�}} n t r VOLUM - $RC._ :k�Y:'irk .. .s )$ ... r+.v.... �t ' .-. .., s..-,..-.. _s ..s.. A'...,_',. ;'e. ,z",.-.,._ .. ...r..:._ C.v ...-.. -,.4., u...,,._ .... -si.,_ -- - ..f.'3' r .TMxi .#` _L'Cw ,.-.P ...xl `t ,::7ae*y E'1'r. ,,er: ,p,• ;_.° .°"':,,?". h .. n, 1 4 410 eons person or, persons . firm or oorporation, sub jeat to 1 the approval of this aounoil ,to be deolared by resolution. • g * The Treasurer may (subjeot to the approval of the Qounoit ) r ' agree with any bank or person for temporary advanoe s of money , to. most the .o ost of the work pending the o omplet ion of It* • .b. The spec ial asseeement sball be paid by %wenIq annual } • c 4 astalmen too r► T. the debentures to be issued for the loan to be effeoted to pay for the post of the ' wo rk wh tt oompleted shall "bear interest at five per vente per annum and be me'4e payable within twenty years on the instalment plan, and in eettling ' the sum to be y a t, raised annually to pad' the debt the -rate of interest on invest- t mente shall not be estimated at more, thaki foar per pent „ per 80 Any person whoea lot , is epeoially assessed may oomMa to for a payment in oaeh the spe'o tal- rates imposed thereon, by Pay ingM the portion of the oost of oonstmotion assessed upon) euvh lot , without the interest , forthwith after' the dpeoial Assessment boll has been oert i f led by' the Clerk , end at any time- ' thereafter by the payment of , suah sum, as wbean Invested ' t four per o•en•t. per annam will provide an annuity cuff io ient to per► the . speo ial rated for- .- the unexpired portion of the torte Y as they _ fa].]. -dUs. _ µ - 'Ads this 2311h day of November, 1925 dP qMM err, 8► OI'• I HEREBY C . 'i'I 'Y that the above � i s a true c; o of 3f ..fi v. :r . ,a 1101II passe. by the thirnial,Pa3 Conne, it of the l'own off' 13ownanvi I le on the 25th day of November 1021 = ; >• a Y —r 3: F y ,fit T`. - ' , . . .r. r...n. ..r.-. 7 t -.:? -z S•.f-: i ? 5.t a YULUM 3 F FIF