HomeMy WebLinkAbout1110 A by-law relating to the exemption of all the property of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada, Ltd. in the Town of Bowmanville, from all municipal taxes, excepting school tax and local improvement, for a period of ten years from first of January, 1926. i b 3 J'S ;, vjl C BY L W NO." 1110 of the the Corporation of the town of Bovnmanvxlle rel&ti. to exemption of all the proper t of I The Goo year Tire and Rubber tom an o f anada. Limited . in the town of • Bowmanvx le , from all rnunicapa1 taxes , excepting school tax and local ftprovement for a period of ten years from the first day o f Janu,ar 1926. r' .a Y Y• '. The Goodyear Tire and' Rabber Company of s entered into an agreement with the •C�xiada, Limited , .4.ha ate' Town f Bowanvi ll a bearing date the . Corporation o f the o n � , f fifteenth da of - September , 1925 , a copy of which is Set i Forth in Scha ul e r hereunto annexed , which provides for exemption from taxation , excepting school tax and local IM , ovement. of the lands , buildings and machinery of The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of Canada, Limited, situate . Z� E in the town of Bowmanvi l l e ,, f or a period of ten years' from „the ,f first day of January, X1926 , and it is des i red to bring said agreement 'into ,offect; BE IT THMWOI ENACTED b the nici 1 Council. !4 of , the Corporation , of the tovm of Bowmaxiville , as - follows 1 That the said a�p�•� eement` as set- forth in Schedule "A" y di tions. .are._hereby hereunto annexed, l and all its terns an con ratif ied , authorized and c onf irmed; , 2. All the. - property owned acid held by._ The' .Goodyear Tire: and Rubber Company o f Canada, Limited:, within the ].ice.t IL s of the , Corporation' orpora�ti on of the town of Bo�wm�anvi l le and ' us ed by , , j the sail d Company in connection with its business shall be all nisi al taxes except, school tax and local - exempt from 1 p improvement for a period of ten years from the first day of imp p � whole of its lands. buildings ,s , machiner January, 1926 , on the Y � and stock are trade. 3. Nat-rithstandi anything in said agreement ' contained , r of said c��n an in the town of Bwmanville shall", all the property p y =x „- VOLM 7 b :5f 1 be liable to school tax and local im rovame�nt on the full p I r f, aseesement value thereof as provided by Ue' Assessment Act. y 4. This b -lew is to be effective and connence on the I first day of January , 1926. 1 I t Read a . f irst and second A,time and passed in open Counc it on the twenty-f i re t day of S ep tenber , 1925. I r Ace x OL N � t +' I • • r+ ' r • T i _ John ?1�ae� -1-rk_ off_--thee C=or----_ . _- .. _.. - ..___ --- -._..__ _m•_�_.. e porat i on of the To • B owmanvill e; , hereby aertify that t he above t �ne wri t t,en { , i � Paper is' a t:rue ca o py of By haw ja 0; i von Its first ,.. ., g t amd- seoo n d reading on the twenty first day of September p y p ;3 1925* and w s read. a third tithe and ftnally' passed on: .thy f d aZr of A. 25. • • 17 .00 • ♦ • 0 w • I n 4 I 1 r " Y ;., - _:.,...•.�..-r..-».,, .�-.-. .._..—.�.:-..:�._....... .....��...r_w�.:ww.. .,_.+r...r._.�..+ ,_ .._ ....._......_..... _.,......n..... ... .w._ �Nr...M.:',.....--... .._..�u...r....`.�.,.. _.,m..�.r>,.w..a._...,-.r...w .mr+._r .•..., .a._.-....... ._...... ...5 y' 1 ..-.-.,..,.-z-_.+,,.•'—f - .. s .•" A a r:i"9• air VOL 3 - s - n. , . .. 45i 0 H E D U L I "A" T I S IGREEME N 'T a d 'Into this fifteenth day of September , one made and enters y p thousand nine .hundred 'and twenty-f i ve ; � �etweon :, :'ORATION OF IM TOWN OF BOV�I�ANVILLE, tir T HE CO i here inaf ter call ed the Co rpora, ti on, of the fi rat part, and v r r - THE GOODYEAR T IRE -AND RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA,h TED, s Y 1 hereinaf ter called the e Company, F of the second part, r w1TNESSETH that the said parties hereto , for themselves , ;} a each of their successors and assigns , respectively . 1 their and M tual.ly covenant and agree as follows: All the property owned and held. by the Company within + nvi ll a and is of the Corporation of the town of Bowma the. limits used by the Company in connection with its bus ines a , shall be T 1� f exe m p t from all" mm:Lci al : taxes , except school tax and local f , a ri od of ten years s from the first y c improvement , for pe y on the whoa,e� of its lands , bui l dins and machinery. V . January , 1926, _ r _ n in said, •agr e omei thetand1 a nyt hing o .r a burld coma-ined -------the •land _ings and machinery of the said - x for school purposes. and' 1 o cal ," r �Coinpany shall be liable to to ssrnent t ' value thereof as provided imp ro vement , on the full as s e s by the, As-s es sment Act. • ernent and b -lay to be founded hereon are. 3. This 'e Y s o f it rs t day of January, 1926. -to be .effective' . and commence on th y en the arties that the said 4, It is also agreed betwe p Company shall pay all fees ,es costs charges and other expenses , _ attendant upon , this agreement and including the legal charges p ted hereunder and i t� i s the - b -law to be pr. epared and subs t s 1 char e s shall be limited to those also , agreed that the lap a g r ounsel or 0olicitor who p resents this agreement to the ,the • , x VOY= 3 �zzz Coum,cil of the Corporation. Co IN WITNESS WHMOF the - proper officers of th e mp have ' herbunto set their hands and affixed its corp6rate seal , and the Mayor and Clark of the Coforation have set their handis and caused to ' be affixed the seal of the, Corporation , (Corporate seal of the T. S. Holgate (Corporation of the, 1(myor (town, of Bowmmville John Lylb Clerk , Corporate sea he, THE GOOD TIM , WJRUBBER 1, of T YEAR Goo ear Tire and coo, OF CANADA,LIMITEDe Pub er Cbm, ny . of 1W, ana' da',Lim ted C * H Carlisle Vice Pres. R. . C. Berkinshaw IT, As s i stant Sec re ta UP 4 Y .................... ........... ...... ....... .............. ...... ry iq,17VAlo j i�,I,no- 'j"V 4� ay b VOL= t , , I t I I _ I , s, ' ;`.. 1 , I _ _ _ I I A 1 .. • 1 ' I 1 `` - - 1 y _ I I - II A 1 h' 1 , • • •&.: :I 1 : .T I :1 ' ' ,-: < I , . 1 ' : _ , ' : a - 4 ' :fl 1 , I : : I - ' 11 .r.' f , I 4 to, , I - 1 1 : I ,I I . L 1. : y Y I I � - ��� --- , M;:i-�.�,-,�,,',.,,,,,, I I >. ,, I,, I•I,.IyA-aw 1 11,. ,: .,. .. , 1 . Y ., I ... s� I lk y. .i A , , {_ 1 1 j/ ��r - LAW No . i�lo '1. ; 1 I I i 1 11 I I . - , 11 4 ce �� .11 , I 11 ;° ;.0 the • tavrn of ovr«a� nv i 1:�e , ��(((' I °.I.• - . ' • , _I 1.. . ±x �. ; ta. to exc�in ti on of the : ,1. �I� . I p 1 . v 11 bra porty o f The o o ya�,r ire , �, ,;1,,; -' 1 f C d I o imi u Rubber er o , any o. ,L ted , � _ 1 I - 21 1 _ , ,,: . ', TY " I 1 .I om to xa i o . a „I 10 r t ' n , 1.WI&—/'yy- /'t /0&/ F. ,�c��- T yl '� / 1 :. - -y1, 1 . , ._. .... .a...... ......, ,...,...,.,..... y. .:: -.. , _ , 1 , , I -'1' . .. , . _..4 y . „ :. I , 1 1 ........_. y 11.' .. 1 ., .. .: _. ' r 4 .: ? 1 , . 4 , I 1 II . 11 - . I :, , _.. I _, �� �; r���th, r�' +r urrx; t r dul � :1 .hW the n D . tt r, .f.N �' 1 , 1r : . 1 r 5 .: ..: .. , ., I : 1 ,11. y[. v . t � t, . .11 �t11�r&��t�„� -.�il�ln� I I- I I -Ir ,40&I � DvItam —, ti; , ,:. I 11R ,:.: I II t; . „ .. . ♦ _ - ... r I I'll. .1 .0 ." I I . . I , --AIF— - 130 � - . I . I 1.o I . 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