HomeMy WebLinkAbout1096 A by-law for regulating milk produced for sale, offered for sale or sold withing the Municipality of the Town of Bowmanville, passed in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 3 of the Ontario Milk Act. Y A' TOWN OF ]MAXANVILLB _ MODEL MILK BYwIAA'• By-Law loo ./ ,� B'or re ulati milk produced for sale , offered for sale , or sold 8 of 'the Town of Bowmanville passed in s000rd- w�tbin the Municipality . p anoe with the provisions of Sootion 3 , of the Ontario Milk Aotj ( passed 0, 19 f'f) • ?)he Council of the Oorporation of the Town of Bowmanv 1.118 enact t an. follows: All milk lioness now in forme is hereby revoked . s •N, No m11k will be allowed to be sold. in the Town of Bowmanvills nn].one such milk has been produced., harped and distributed in oomp plianoe with . the regulations sot out in this By-Law• LZ QENSE EEGULATI ONS• { 1 or offer for sale milk ,or cream. for human son shall sell ,.. Bo .per � � oonsuaa p Lion , in the Town of Bowmaaville , either ' direotly to , the oon- x svmaer of to shops or stores or in wholesale quantities to any person to be afterwards sold and delire'red by such person to the oonsuxner, Without first obtaining a license u Wker the provisions of this by-law. Every person proposing to , apply f license shall be-fore making such application file with the I a written requisition for an inspection of the oattle , premises and equipment from which he for the proposes to supply or to uupply and ct�liver milk ; purpose of aaoertaining whether they conform with the provisions of the Milk Act. , and of any other Statutes applioeble to the production of4 sale of Milk _. and of thi 8 ; By-w> aw. Suah requi efti on shall be An the, norm, not out by ,t this Council. No license shall be granted , or issued until the applicant therefor',,.- shall have first deposited vd.tli the ohlef Constable a certificate of p p respects th® Ins Bator of Foods that the . said said s plioant has in alb. ree e fully -complied with the provisions of the Milk Act , anal of this ' By-4aw, nor until. pent .. of the license fee has been made . The Clem shall have charge of the granting and transfer of licenses and - it shall be hi a date (a) To re' oeive and khep a •complete register of all applications for licenses and for transfers of licenses ( b) To ascertain the truth of all partiouihre acoompa�ing such ,y k_ appllioations. ( a) To cause an inspection . to be made of all premises by' the In speotor of Foods in connection with which any license is applied for. (4) To satisfy himself as to the ohara *er , of all appiloants far licenses. + 3 ( a) To keep full partioulare of even license and transfer issued and to wake a ' return therof to the Council annually L or oftener , if required r; .t (; ) To fin- sh all necessary forme and to. make out and sign all liconcoo €end transfers • a ( : : To � gn aocurate asoount of all money , paid to him as license s; or foes , , and to.. pay , the same over to the Ci ty. Treasurer', moot 4 7� and at the same time to deliver to the said Treasurer an o ;� °sate statement of the number of licenses issued by him Bu c quont to the last preceding similar statement as well as of tho .foes received therefor. t (h) To cause all houses and premises , the owners or occupants of which are lioensees under this By-law to. be inspected by the ; t .. f f a th# Inspector of Foods and �i®dioa3 Officer o die 1 ' ( i ) o cause all persons who offend against any of the provisions of the ilk Act or of tliie By-Law or of any amendment thereof to b ro ut d e p sec h e whenever information to that end shall come ., to his knowledge . a ,tea." ` Oft Dollar per annum , (knd Ono 1) the, Wime, or delivery of milk or oreamo tho date, of io,-ijio 11ext after 00mraenoing on the firat day of 7.1"Y and ondIng on the followjrkj� your. 0171ployos anployod In no&1ing milk.,/ to demand its produotions, The gral riting or rofusing, of lionesen and transfers at howovor , to roylow by counailo rW may to him appetir rof,isorable , 081lation bjv notioe or latter add -eaued to the licensee at the address may .00 tho liaonsee sponal on P. r, anneellatione shall be affixed , io the outaid or ov#,..,r suoh waggon, 0 , art or Vehi thereon durt4 tho ourre4oy of the lioe vGhi01G * and every nuch' 11ate shall bo returned to the, Chief %"$"on6tsbl' e' at the expiration 0or the term of th 110 Every 110W,18ee Asli have, his . name a- prInted in fliul"I UNIX The Inspeotor of Foods arg Me agaistants . , shall­ be aspeato' re to -the , provisions, of the Milk Act and, o 30. 'thl 6 OpLaw. find -of, any, aid jLQt and for suoh' urpQ ' P; nee .Shall hav' e and auAy exq ' ferred by the 1111k Aot a& by for ou said. Town oh purpo so 3 May, enter all , ised for the Gonveyan Males 00 thereof and from wh1oh 'the same is delivered tO and . destroy all tatated and If upon exm'jMtj on and inspootion any arr 00 disposed of as to evont it from Ar Na ' peTsou shall nioll or offer for stao in the said town awl-mi2k h ha wbiob 4 - or changed by tho . "Ition 6f wbAer or other subee age have been stanoe or by the removal of oream or fri hold baok or wb1oh containa le.sa than cents'' total aolids of whioh than fifty degrees Fahrenheit rovided however .. thr P may b 13 oontained In vesael,,r3 bearing upon their exterior the, of milk is , 'asked for by tho p-urahwaors no milk shall be Cream shall oontain 18 per qo' nto butter fat and sold as oream con' t;,lining a , looser peroenta8e of butter fat , unleas nuoh 8 �81 from Whjuh said MW 3 yas M ' No milk or ream -shall be sold, for hman oonaumpti on' from vows which may be unhealthy, siok or roosiving medivine or with inflamed :y or in any way abnormal udders , or while in heat , an'.ee s kept from the root of the herd during that period , nor from oors fed with any food which would have the effeot of deteriorating the quality or tainting tho milk or from oown -supplied with bed or impure drinking water , or from oows which are not kept clean and brushed , comfortably sheltered and bedded and regularly supplied with an adequate amount of suitable food and water. On every dairy farm or other plaos where oowo are kept whose milk is sold in the said Town , there shall be provided a plentiful supply of pure water so situated as to be protected from the drainage of barns , manure heaps . privies or drains , and so ooP erect. as to be pace- tooted from contami�tion by surface rater , and no water shall e supplied to oowe or used for the washing or rinsing of milking utenm , mile or utensils used forthhe storing or distribution of milk on any muoh dairy farm or other place except suoh as is taken from a well or y approved water supply'• old in the said i I All stables n which vows are kept whose milk is e !Iowa shall. be kept olean and dry, thoroughly ventilated and drained , and lighted by not aeon® than two mga�e feet of window glass for each � t oow stabled, thereine The walls and oeilings of all suoh stables shall be whitewashed in the Spring and Fall , and the same shall be kept Eves from duet and oobwebe and accumulation of manure , and no inhabited room workshop, storese house , privy , oess-pool or urinal, and no fowl , hog Whoroo . sheep or goat shall be located within the same , unless epevially authorized by the Inspector of Foods. All milk to be 6414 in the said Town shall 'be removed from the stable to the milk-hour® as soon as drawn, and strained through several . layers of ohee se oloth; if aerated thi�► must be done with an ears or approved by the Inspeotor of Foods , scrupulously olean and:: a.oed , and in a Olean plaoe , free from dust and odours ; -the milk shall be oovered, and 4 kept oold 'in a refrigerator or Joe water , which moat be iced 1 hour previous to placing milk therein , at a temperature not higher� than 50o degreee Fahrenheit' and suoh Joe water vat shall be kept clean and shall be well oleansecl. and scrubbed with washing soda in hot water at least tw#-ae a "ek. This house shall be at least 30 feet from stable and used -for no other purpose. All dairies or other places where milk is sold or Dept for general nos shall be thoroughly drained and w ell lighted and vent i lat ed , and. at all times kept clean throughout -and in a sanitary oondition. Milk kept or stored � for sale or general use in storee or shops ' shall' be oontaiaed and sold ini .battles only , ®�coept bu,ttermi In stores or shops ever�r refrigator or other reaeptaale where m is Sept or stored for sale or general use , shall be kept at a tempera tare not higher than 50 degrees Fahrenheit , and be at least twenty►-five -feet distant from any privy , grater or other closet , stable , pen or out- house , and shall not be exposed to • the air of arm diving or sleeping room , or any business or other surroundings that may tend to make I milk foul or .impure . ; All dairies ox other places in which, milk is soU or kept for use 'in the said Town shall be sub jeot to, regular inepewti on. All vans , bottles , rneasur®a , utensils or, other veosele used for milk shall. not be used for any other purpose , sha3.1 be kept clean and be 'thorouhl washed and scalded before mi lk is put in them , shall be y7 dustamp o2 o when in use and oliall a thoroughly cleaned before again used. _ r Ali (2a. -r ea and ven&ors of milk or oream s and all d rivers o milk r ' waggon a-, oles having mild or orean in their possession at the yT ' time , o _,a l -?¢ � lsh the Ix apevtor ©f Foods , wigs suoh samples as he may re+� �� k �: e to time and at such places, as the samples may be derae.nded F : m otor of Foods shall at taoh to the vee sel retaining, any sample o milk a label upon which he shall write at the bane 'the number of e o plo , date of receipt and his initiale , and 'he shall. forthwith enter in a book to be kept for that • purpose , a corresponding number with the names of the owner and of. . the driver fro©a whom ; and the date ` on which au©h sample was 'reoeived. , A J ' t c: .., g; .III r+ d .. w . ' h ee� le oha�.'i bea eacaninad pq�r�arnts�•�' a,t thO Inboratory of the Each � gar�rd of t�ec��.th , p,oaordixag to �►tYmber , wind ft said Iowa► or rorri,nai.�i1 �� ra�a� ootor of hoods Ir whOm re ort thereon ahall be forwarded sad t n tho I 1 � �:hn Qwne►r of tY the earns► ehratll be Gaterod tit cat regi, etorr•�nd tha �►me n Such sample Subae gUent24 Intw rrte �,or� +�i' tho Town at milk ahail� not ba Is old v►i.t�a the �Corporat �., ,� a srcwel e axao t ill eetLied milk bottiou 9 V1111uh cnente tho z t BovyM avil]� ' �t i,r� the or .ao Of blittormi lk• Yf, Of tho Board of �i�aai.th , euo va�ndi or offering milk or , orem fcar �c�lo in e Evory person � eeid Tows shall aIva faat.�. �. nfcarnarrtx otl to tijo Inn lmotor of Foods ae to �� nn � �a►c�d ahr�Il not aall �;i�, lk c� r arexun . �rcarri any m the ootirae of is pp�Y • �; de. souroo- oondomned by the Xn�apeotc�r of 1r r Town shalt nOtify r `v'ex' dairyman or vendor of milk �.ra the said his �' � ���' ar�,y o�.��-�ts.��►,i.ouv die©st �►a in the Inep atrar of 'code i n writir►g . m whi.a►h. or in which the family the f armbouee o r shop ► at e►hi.oh , fro +ogr reoei ved . n shall aevary out the r4a.trl.ot one rei�.ic a +dit ►er een f 'oado . the Radio off!oer of It®lath laid upon him by the Inepe�tox� o under ��The Pub field th �' the pa�1 hoard of 110althof tho paid Tom. ,� theca► ent�bli • o n �► to a under r� c►ther Act or ,Sy craw � Aat awv ..a3 n �.. �� milk vendor or tit, cp Be rvrtn`t . OmPlOY60"i off' 'finder uo ,oiroumetr�noon �'hc�1'I d d hawse a �naneay , can, bottle r ,�� ��nti ed or c.>JvLaa ` o driver taco from a utrir . auah house for any I,t pa a d whatever without or other ut anall cox onter =r of* the said TOM*Cf fi �er of Health written )er is osi on from tha eed i sal o shall be L�a►�to by or in tho ��rt�ae nc�e of en Ins" The Tuberculin to the ,.I� a ootor . but ahc�uld the Bator . , whenever a Vetarinftry Bu�rgoor1 ie . n b car in the tar at aY'�y tis��e �a►t Ua a .voturiYivary .�a�rgcaon, t o y �o®r Inspeo the Did i and off �rnce of a yetarinor'�; Surgeon to be , nc�: od► by prey , of iioal.th when acs ordered by the said ooh. • miloh viery vnbd or � milk in the aaid Ton shall arrnft all his ' ,l ae© i n whi oh milk is Y Cows , and cow bYroa c nd all dair3oar and p'C}a►�rr ,, Foods the r kept for aa�lee to be i,nnpeat9d by the Inapeatar a w d e.. 1d , a p �ax�itr�ry Ir�a��AOtor of , the eai , 199dioal OffiC or o in Ith . or b3� to d O so . Tawr whta ver n of ouah offloare may desire ' tho a sa a 0f this Aot • no MI d, after a le within tho Corporation of wn of �3a - Q A or ubli+o as being oubjeute nvi• .L® , � h coo. 11ot undorgone Paotreuric ° y �ariod of ea-la, fora p o i�t;� ,t � ra #re !scat l de tug© of deg:=ea eler ,, � o � �,i> Qd�. t� t � f a tE3T �Qr� T of ft�!$].ti !►, U errsafon grad 7 tttxa► att? the a� at , a; p iatal3� trannf®rred to nteril. anntai.c�eare c..n U rni �.3 sea until ready, for delivery • 7 ruture not axc3e .-Ai.ng to $U of 11 nor. aa�no ert ,s get in Iramodlateel p►e.nnagea of thin hi3. . ,� a � s c t i on o nd has► 1f of ilk far oat o I ate► w �ith pro . t� snot u aergo a_ Uedioal c tiara a UV _ ' " ro �iaa w � ourri.ore o f cs �: r.�usi.c�z 'b� o c L aeF.ao w c ert ►i.n i f t� �► , li.a' le to tr �anacuL ttaxwe through milk or oo n a nern* area iaafrautiaa or Any pure one or }aarnaxie �vho (1.11 be guilty of a� Ate breach , of thin •haw or of non-aocn i ia�taa with ans of t)xo :grog, ra>ae tion 'there befox`e the Pvliap a�gLntrr� e . z thereof . aball . upon c oi.o o „ earataa . ha. 'i.n8 j - tiaen of th urhidi.atfon in , ayor car any ��ze� it�a �- f ion a t��,o said �Qlioar It giatrate , the matter � forfeit and ri Ej fine u .sae than i . inflict of nQt Myoar ,, J , ti.00 of Ju �tioea oc�nviatiI nha .: . to one Dollar and not t amore than �i 't�� Do llar a , ta ,a th►®ri.th the n©s ult oi.' ment. thorooaf the , ova sh��l. be of proseeution . AM in defy ttela of the tree rz�t ea1.a Of the goad a and alas 0011e0ted b,-7 die► ant of too vine i,nfli oted for a ; olfeder , end In oboe off' non-paw . 7t distr�esa►�'oulld, out of wh .ah tho naurce euoh brea+oh . And there being .�o -,,, the ,..j. be imt�r 8011od in the 00mi 11 ,��t��� oast be 1ev' Led y sit C3 f.. ►nd e ' umber land and. Durha� with or vi,thout h +d A " ' the ► u3t ' f� o3't h 3.abor . far any tiff in the e a�t��"#�t�,�3a �fi� '��'lfl i�'Q�.�•�e3 ��tr�t� � � '+ar � , i.cat3 not o�ccaaeding a ix monthe , , ur'i�,+aae Just ioee of Justices 80 0 Ono h Tixae and oar�to be nooner �•a�id . ,....7 a incoheioton with this Ali. '•- ewe and portion OOLS r ar!! hors► ►;�' x'a pe ,+ati• �� f ►OuraaI1'o`f.11f3 . Givenp under the C;CIrporate , � f tho. TOM, O this 1 ; r C t TIME 3 ' � z 2 n T•• , ":g. ` E .«-*� k. ,' 'r' �, r{, . - - B0DUr•B f1�11 Y ' I 1. • 1 .' - � • r To the Ynspeotor of Fooda � of the Town of Bowmanvi lle , Out • r s Destri to oe�.I milk in the Town of " Bovaienville for �r 1. bogs oattlo rGmL40,e _o�rn'spt �1�d►, I►, �iieveb� app�►'• tj • p Ij and equipment from whioh I propose A supply milk inspeoted . I hereby agree to observe the v 01rovi scone of the Milk Act and z of tall -�lawe of the Oor�aoration. of the Town of Bowmanvi e elati to the production and sale of milk , and to submit mfr T.. vows to InspeatVon aAd to tort for tuberouloeis by the Teter snaky Inspector whenever you shall require such ,i.nspea.tion , and to deal with any cattle which on auoh inep ection easy' be found to react to suah test in -the manner provided for by the. regulations of the Dominion Department of Agrioulture adopted by Order•inew0ounbit on May 1.8the , 1924 , and to oonf�orm to the rovielone of euoh regulations and, to all oubeequent regula ,. loan promulgated by suoh' authority• I ' a18o agree to imme do diately rectify upon notice of the said Inspector o f Foods sI► 0 edition whioh shall in hie opinion affect , the purity ` or quality of nay milk supply , , and ling such remedy forth- � with that my license may be forfeited'* v I[y milk is obtained from a heard .9f 0 . 6 : .0 0 0000.• 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . . / 6nsi Sting of. . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . vows , from whioh the average quantity of milk sold ie. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gallons . I L e t,l�Q .• . •' . 0 • . . • • • • • • • • day c' e • 00 a0 0 0 • • S • • •A.D. L� . . . . . .• . . . . : oo 's . . . • . . . . r r , 1, r . . r • r ..u...r.r� ,..rn•.n r„.r.r.-0000 .x•,..,..n...«,.,,, r , I r x, r '. � , 0,000 r ' ._. ._.......:. ,. ..__.___.. ____..._ _ _..__..- _�, .._._-..0000 r_..:: . ,. -.:...,. ._: :... _-.:.,' .- , .. ..., .. 0,000• r. r • r , J �. ,- ...._..... 0_00__0.. -..__.•- �_-_-._. �--.-- - _-._•_- -_ _._— ___- - - 0000.-.. -___._. --__.. _ J _. —, -__'- -__ .. I r. i , I � r , 0000 ... 0000:.: 0000.., .....00 000.0:... 0000 . ... ... ..: .. , r I r y r , ” . I i r�" r • ,- i.i. • r .. ' 0000 ,r �. . , r r ( i f� a 3} I VULUME 3 � N 111 ILEN,IN x R ' I I - I ,. - .-I +, r , t _- I " 1 , I y , _ ) 1 i _ , , -:. - I i - , ' I , -. it - a .%X _ 6 1 F , ' I. I , I. I- i - +, I ,.: : :1 r - - __ -. - h rr I 1 Y 1 1 ` r ' ', fr, , 11 : M , I . I ,. nn. i / I ,. r , ' - I' ' - ' 1k " , I r ,• W , .,s. i , , ..5. ,1 , 11,1 , 1 1 , • , 1 , Y. 1 : ' . fry_. 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