HomeMy WebLinkAbout1087A by-law to provide for borrowing $2860.87 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain local improvement works in the Town of Bowmanville. r :"t A W11 k M&; By% PTO ° k A, By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvi].le to the borrowing of $286OA7 , upon debentures , to pay for provide for - mss the construction of a Water main on Third Street , from Elgin Street to Lam Street and on Lamb Street , Tom- Third Street , northerly to ' residence on said Lamb Street ; and fo r the construe t�- George Pearce s r f Cement Sidewalks on certain streets in the Town of Bowmanville try- ion o , = Whereas pursuant to Construction By-law Hoo 1078 , passed on the enth day of December , 1923 , a water �uaain' has been , constructed a Y . Third Street from Elgin Street to Lamb Street , and on Lamb Street , on , r from Third Street northerly to George Pearce ' s residence on. said, Lamb Street as a local improvement under the pro vi, si one of The Local , Xmpro vemen t Act ,9 And whereas pursuant to Construe tion By-law No 1 I075 , passed on the Tenth day of September , I923 , cement side�ralks # four feet wide , have been constructed on Scugog Street , West' side from Rehda rfe " Pros sing to, ,Roenigk' s sidewalk, on Odell, Street , North Bide , .from �'rospect Street to East side, of . La' mb Street; on prospect, Street, Weet sid- from Odell Street to C,•P.R%Bridge ; on Queen Street , South side , :from Queen' s'' Avenue to East side of' .H* Dill ing ' s grope rty; , On Beech x , r Avenue , from Concession Street`$: West side, to ;*Labelle ' s crossing; a on Ontario Street , East side from King Street to Church Street and ,-on � Durham Street , North side , from Ontario Street to Mrs. Ramblyn' s residence ; also• a cement sidewalk, three ,f ee t wide , front North side of ,'� 3 Odell Street , to North end of Leslie' Nicholl ' s property as a local Improvement , under the pro visions of the Lo cal Imiare vem-,n t Ac t. - the aggregate cost of the` works construe ted, pursuant Al'�D AREAS agg g to By-laws . No s a I07�5 and 1078 , i n c 1 u s ive of interest is 2860 .27 , of which ���� �� is the Corporation ' s portion of � the cost and $134joegb e , is the owners ' po rtion of ) the cost four which Special Assessment Rolls f have been duly made and certified as follows WA97R THAI NS Corp. , Share wners Total On Third Street , Elgin St . to Lamb St. 202992 # � 10' 5 *40 306 .32 a On Lamb Street , 2371 North & II7 t ' South ' I71 *34 174,20 345 .54 Wi IF.. _I',-.;.. .. .._w-M... .,.. ......,.r.a_,.. _ may,,r.-,.. ..... ..•.....ww. i:. a VOLUME r On Sougog S tree t s west side , From Cox . Share Owners Total ,} k• s 81 dewa.l k � 27.0'7 63.26 , 9,0.32 Rehdar' s o rowing to Roenig On Odell Street , South side from Bougog 152.72 'I08690 261 .62 Prospect'A Street to Stree t { Street North, aide , from prospect f an Odell . 125 .40 148.9�6 2744,36 Street to . East side of Lamb Streets On 1'roepeat Street , wee t Side , from Odell =� to C.l'.R. Dr idge , 89 .63 10 7 .80. 19 7 �43 Street , South aide , n Street South side , from Queen' s On queen ro art 4 8 .88 222.20 . X44 X88 Last side of ReDilling p Y. Avenue to .. On Beeoh Avenue , west side , from South side of Cono ession St• to J,Labelle s c ro sing , 3,3:38 70 .56 103 .94 4nta.rio Street , Last sirde , from King 4n 30 160 5 7 .5 7' 35 . 17 Street to Church Street,, . eet North side , , from,* Ontario I3�i.58: pn ..Durham • S t r , � 43 .82 - 95 . 7 6 Street to Mrs. 1lamblyn a residence,, On Pros eat Street 3ast side , from North side .of Odell St. to North enct of Leslie Ifiaholl' e property , I54 �6 I86.I5 341.11 32 1340.95 2860.27 } I5I9 . i -,' 4WA A estimated' life time -of ' the work i s QTY y,ears ; i 1 r to - borrow the `said sum o#' 2860.27 AND REAS it is necessa y on the ore dt of the Corporation and` to issue cdebentures therefor bear ng er ,, cent. , whic is h f Fi�1e and one half p per annum to .nterestt the gate o Ni h .. amo ►nt ofthe debt intended 'to be � created by thusby-law; : x r - eaid . A.S it is, expedient to make tYe principal of tYe F. AM VMS'^ earns durin the period of twenty years.,,` of cosh _. debt repayable in yearly 8 f ab1.e for rinaipal and y a�oboLlnto re speo tively that the aggregate amount pay P be a ual as nearly' as . may be t-o thb amount Aso interest in any bear shall q f f©-r rc.ipa�.. and interest in each, of the other years; paya�b le p AND W it will . be necessary to raise annual3y the sum of duriri the eriod of ttwenty years to pay the said yearly, slim ; 239.35 , g r p f vine i 1 and interest as they become due , of rhic�n t ' t# + • o p Pa . the Cor oration' s. portion of ' the cost and the interest them. required to p a y p aired to a the Owners portion of the cos an ,> on nd 112*20 , i s req p Y } the interest thereon ; AtD '{ AS the amount of the whole ra,teab3.e property of the If -� alit accorain to the last revised assessment roll , .is f° Iduni c ip y, S U ,2II , I27o ' Sys F euiw `�.L.MAN++ tw. f ' . Z:+a d°' Zn :•' 'N"sf s. 1 V IrUME / e w _ _ maxi , r • ' yVM A� three said exteneion of orate rworke System has been � e,pproved by the Provinoidl Board of Health. 1d W �IOCAS the amuoun t of the existing 'Debenture Debt of the Corporation ( exclusive of Local Improvement Debtev scoured by special, rates or assesilm ts) is 259 .503-94 , made up as follows ** , 160 ,049 waterworks and Sewerago .51 Debentures , Im rovement) 99 .454.4 All o the r ( except Local p i ,nd no rt of the principal or interest is in arrears and . o,gainet said Yom' Oor oration has in possession a sinking fun d . - n do'benture debt , the P Yie to ry Monde and debentures of other a o rpo rations , which i t rice ac qu,ired AP mounting to �� z r on of the Town o f F RF the Munioi pal Counoi l of:the: Corpo rati _ _ G, ry V4 l follo�rs • owmnville enaa t$ as I . That for, the purpose aforesai d the re aYll be borrowed on the large the sum Twenty-eight hundred and ' dit of the Corporation at g are , } 2860.27 ) and debentures shall dollars and twenty-seven eent.s , sixty do bea3!ing , . be 'i s sued the ref o r in sums of n of less than X50 . each, interest f per cent:s per annum, and having coupons to eat the rate of Five and one hal p j thereto for the payment of the interest . attached 2. The debentures shall all bear ,, the'' sme date and shall be , issued on whic this y-1 passed , Ma e day h D la i s a�cl -. r. within two years after th Y 'b e,ar any date within . su,ah. .two years and ,,5 sha,l3. be payable n wen Y the twenty years next of ter. the time when the { annual instaiments during same are issued ,, sand the respecti respective, amounts of principal axid interes t payable in each of ouch years shall be as fol3ows:- f. .al Interest _IaL , y Pr in _ 82.04 I57 ,3I 239 .35 I5 2.81 . 239.35 8654 C 148, 05 . 239.3 3 93.30 a 4 96.33 : x 143.02 239.35 g I0I . 63 : 137. 72 239.35 g 107 .22 . : I32. I3 II3.II " 126.24 239 .35 ' ,, 8 119 .33 12 0: 125 .90 II3.45 39 .35 I32.�32 rt } • •OL V`M ti t' i 1 TI Tgja 140.I2 99 .23 239.38 .ry 12. I47.83 9105 2 239 .35 a 155096 83 .39 239.35 =1 L I4 " 164.5 4 , tR.. 74.81 239 .35 I5 173.69 65 . 76 239 .35 i Ig 183014 56 ,21 239 .35 239 .35 / Z7 I93 .2I �6 .I4 v �� . .. 2C3. � • N eratk Ali., t . -i`lr •, T ' / ' I9 215 .05 • 24.30 .239 .35 r , is .i } t .226 *77 I248 239.35 286C .27 I92603 � 4'787.00 s. The debentures as to bo-th principal and interest may be expressed in Canadian currency or in Sterling money of Great Britain , at the rate of one pound sterling for each four dollars and eightrasix .and two - thirds oents ,. and may ,be Payable at any place or places in Canada or G'rea.t Britain. - j 4. ` The Mayor of the Corporation shall sign and issue the debentures r and the eame and the interest coupons . shall also 1�e signed by the Txeaeurex of the Corporation, and the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the : Corporation. The signature of the Treasurer, on s id coupons ,'may .be 4 written , stamped, lithographed or engraved. f 5 . wring twenty years , the c urrene y of the debentures , the sum of '239 .35,# shall be raised annually for the payment of - the , debt and, Interest as follows : The sure of 1290115 , shall be raised annually for the payment of the - corporation' s Portion of the cost` and the interest, thereon , and 5 shall 'fie levied and raised annually by a special rate sufficient therefor , over and above all o the rates , on J all the rateable property in the , wnioipality; at the,, saMe time and- in the same manner as other rates * ' For the Payment of the owners' portion of, the co s t and the x interest thereon , the special assessment 'set forth: in the said special ; Assessment Roll is hereby imposed upon the lands liable therefor as € therein eat , forth•: which said special assessment with a sum sufficient t ��� p , © it �f cover esaid neres erCOn aerae aar shall be payable in twenty equal annual instalments of $112,*200 each, and for that purpose the WE9 YS£ 1PIR 771771` t a Y-_ a s { p , 1 1 1 C eoiai annual. ratee� per Foot frontage 0e t forth in 8ohedul e heretoattaahe ap hereby iMI)osed upon the lots entered in the said Special Assessment loo are �' z s.ocording to the assessed fronto,g e the roof , averd above all Other rates y and taxes , and the said special rates 8111 bh collected annually by the ,d t aa�leator of taxes four the Corporation at the warns time and in the sa�aae raanne r as o the r rates• : , clause providing foar the regis xa- 5. The debentures may oonta,in any � Statute relating to Municipal debenture s ll tion thereod , authorized by by any In ford a at the time of the issue the�e��` �» , • 7 . The amount of the loan authorized by this 'by--la y 'bb cons Q �- dated with the o� .t cf any .oan s ,utho rized by o thex local imTxovement -- bb laves by including the same with such other toms in a consolidating .' y of as one loan ,' and R re ate there -law uthorizing the borrowing of the a g by a issue of debentures for such loan in one eonsecutive issue , pursuant th e to the prov in that. "behalf isions o the Statute 8. This by-law shall to,ke e ffect on the day �f . the, final." passing thereof*" r r of `� 1924. day Pees®ad this, f -' . . . �' �' _• ��__fit..__ TTTT Yore , s• — -- — —— --— -- a 01 s } o tY�e:` ,Tov�n o Bowra ►nvlle , I John lyle.. . Glom of the C orporat i o_ n ; s t ewritteri pecpex i s true copy 'Of hereby eerify. that the, above yp By-Law T1 o. 3087. duly passed, at a Mee Bye- the Gou� oi3. of the ov manville held on the third day o� C orp Drat i on of the Town o f B t. M ar.c h A * D. 1924*, . - erg 7 VU1 T� �IY]�M. SHfMMMR' Y. - Attached to Debenture By-law No. - - Nature of-Work -- Cons. 8v-I,aw Street 8I.°de of Street From To Annual -rate Par ft. Watermain I07 Third North Elgin St. Lamb St. Four cents South F, " 1078 Lamb West Third St. 235' North)" " I078 " North ---- -- - " - -- _ G.Pearee's residence ------"- Cement Sidewalk 1075 Sougog West Rabder's Crodesing J•Rcenigk's Five cents " I0175 Durham North Ontario West side Mrs. Hamblyff, property " " '1075 Odell St. North Lamb, East side, Prospeot,West side, " " 1075 " South Prospect, West side, Seugog, East side " --- " 1075 Prospect West Odell Sty--- C.P.R.Bridge "- I075 p Queen South Qu"As Avenue East s e, H.Dilling propert " " 1075 Ontario East _ King Church - --" - - --- - o - -- - -- pr Pew F -- 'T5 -Prospect East Odell St.- - North aide, L.N3cholls ---! -- -- - - --- --- -- -'- - --- - - - Prot `-- -- -- Four and-one-3ialf - cents. e , 1 '), I / t t 1 I r s I I I A I . , t I , I - I I ,1 1 _ A .. " ,It,, ! ' , 1 I I. ,. - , , I i t - - i a , ' I 1 I q t A I I ' - ' I I ; I c r:,' ' s, -11 M �. • • I p - - ' } . ,. . I `, - _ , r::r '. _. I ; 1---s'. I , v I I "I I I. l rI t it 1 1 .4 I �° I It t , I . � , , 0 I'll Y: „ t d. . 'r t I I �. , _....__� 1111. _1111 _1111. .. '' - '' ' I� Ill 11 I IV. I ., } l'�'' I t4; A� �0 � 1:, I . I 4 ,' , I i " ..... I ! s .__mi&-O, „ cA, I. I I I I�.,�, I� 1�, I a d' , ,1. , � , ,I �1 . ... � . s, 7 f tf`i � ,fir .� l ­We . I "., � I I .M . . I I� 4 I .. 1. I I � .�� . � I " n „�! ,, Y$.`j `V + 1. I . ,, � I I I 1. I . I , . I . l . 'L/ r�� t't R I r t 1 ! : .� I . I I I . I I I 1. , i, I . . I � I , ; � 1. I it 111k.; I I I I -� � I'll, I I - . . I I I , I .. , �11 I , . . t.j� I I . . q I . , I 1 4 �Y ql P �^r ly }1. I I 1� I . I . I I I � I� �-1 . I I � 11 I'- . 1. ., , , , � . W��l ,- I - I I I 15 I I .,; I I � I I I j I I �, -� I I . . � I I � - I I I -� I I '�, . � r ���-� I I ;�, I I . : I ". � . I I � , I I I . � . I � , I I I I I'll , I I � . .? . .w . I- . I 1. I . . . . i�� I 1, I I .,� I - . I ,ll�,., I -11 I I !, , 1, 4 014)" ///,� I I , I � �jl , 11,� I I I I .. 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