HomeMy WebLinkAbout1069 A by-law to provide for borrowing $14,200.00 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain local improvement works in the Town of Bowmanville. . .- ` .t ;:- „a='."f, , ,..'Y:*.` c ; .,a.,... ,_? ,.a..-s ;.,,_......c,.r .. ,.:- s •c..>.W_, t s-:, - tr,., ,..•.,..,,a.,-..a. ;,..,...,»,.E...,.,..,.,.,......._,. ... ,u.. ,_ y �. 1 - BYLAW No A . By-law to prov id 4 for borrowing �' ourteen thousand , k �o= dollars (4iP14 , 200 * 00 ) u�.�oi, d ebentu.res to two hued �d imnroven;ent ply ' for the construction of certain loca works in the Town of Bowmfzn ri lle . 1 certain sidewalks water .mains , and a storm sewer s local improvemente under the provisions Or have �beazi constructed a o .c-� pursuant to the construction bJ•-1aws , of The Local Improvement p Y s$: een the o n s as scrod r oo the ' streets betw t ' n o�.umns' �. and u.,, 2 3 and 4 of Sche�.ule ri �� hereunto annexed ; , � � • s ��1 .200 . 00 of D 'z�hB:: � the total cost of th .� work i �► 4 . y, .I Q + portion of the cost , , arld - --which �5 9 6188 34 , is the Voz'nOlt� pion .� po S t r o rtion o the cost, for whieh a special is the okoners p n r• IS ; assessment roll has been duly made arid. certified ±- • i Aa ' the estimated lif etime of the work ' is twenty _ AND JH one years ; J eessa t o bo rroW the sum of 1�4 , 204 00 AND .c`�"ELS it i s ne y f •J noration and to i 4sue d ebentu.re therefor on the credit of t11e. Cory , �. the rate of Six per c cent . per annum , which. bearing �� serest at 3 by this s b la t of the debt intended to , be created y- w� •. is . the, amour . $. U �rriS.' .��a .i t 1S ex p edl ent to make e p lr�c 1n8,1 of the p twenty _ Baia •_debt repayable in ants sums durirj:� the per , of ants res ectively that the aggregate acv t years of such amo p rinci al and inaerest 'in any year shall be equal P ayable fo r p p be to o the amount s o payable for 'p zinc ipal and may as nearly as y m interest in' each. of tie oIi�r years ; AID 'I Hv HLAS it will be necessary to raise annually the t o1 2 x. 0.2 during the period of, .twenty years to pay the UM 3 earl sumo of p-rinc i ynal and �_n serest as they become du.e , said y y h "489 - 5.3 is secu red to pay the corporation' s portion ofh�.e off, the cost aria tha interest thereon , and : ' 4$ .19 is required to the o 'vnersT porti�on of th e co st, and interest thereon; pay A �D �HIIEAS the 2rovincial Board of Health has appro�ted of the construction of - the. said. water mains and storm sewer , and 3: Y `., ..z?*..- • b j{{ 1 1 v ~ 1 t r t h a royal has been eert�i �i:ed under the hand. of the Ohairman pp 1 f and Secretary of the said Board. ; I ii �'JIi ::.{I�;A►� the amount o.f the whole ra,teabl e, property of ,, the kunici al i ty according to the lust revised a:� sesgment roll , is 429113 , 8930 f AND ti'HEIBAS the. amount o the existin. debentu.r® debt of the c; r p orati on (exclus ive of local improvement debts secured by t4 sp eci 1 rates or assessments) , is � 2'7� ,543 . 4b , and no part of the principal or interest is in arrear. 110"id THMEr 011B The. ,,�,^� �, ' � he lunic•ipal wouncil of the Corporation of r the T o vr.rn o•f 130:R��anv �.� bra STS AS - • 1 . 'That for . the ' purpose ai'oresai,d there shall be borrowed on , the. ' � of the Corporation', at large the sum of � 14 , 200 a00 and . d,e ared It � , shall be issued therefor in sums of not less than., Y"100 . bentu re s each bearing interest at the rate of Six p er cent.* per annum , coupons ons `attached thereto, for the payment of interest e and. having p The debentures shall be 6_ at as of the Second day of April , 2.� T I be a noble in t•�tenty, equal annual ins talmer�ts o 19 23 , and ahal 1 p , ci al and interest on'. tie Hirst day of grin �ipril in each of the p 24 to �. 4 ria the respective amounts of, years 19 9 3 , inclusive , a s p y f principal and- interest a able : in each of such yearn shall be � declared hi cYi Z s h•e ... , .b as set out in Sehedule,;:.,1"�" hereto annex �. , to be and form part; of � this By-law. 3. The debentures as to both principal' and interest s a e s expressed in 0anadian .,currency and . may be payable at any place 1 or places in U anada. ; T rl o-r of the Cor oration • shall sign• and issue the `` debentures 4. .�he �'ay p . . debentures and the interest coupons' shall also be and the said' 'i're surer o f the C orporat i off., and , the , debentures signed by the a shall be sealed With the seal. of the Corpoi!ation: The signature t rer a on the said coupons may be written , stanped , Of .. the Treasu p = lithographed or engraved. y .uurin twent ears , the currency of the -debentures', the , sum 5 • twenty �' of �1 22 shall be raised annually far the payment of the ,debt 3 . 0 f fy$ k dv y VOLUME a }_t ;g - r . a and interest as f ollOws nn 8 shall be raised aually for tho ��aymen The sum of , 489 . 3 of the Corporati on ' s portion of �Ljje cost and VII interest thoreont and shall bQ 'levied and. raise d annually by a. s p rate sufficient therefor , over and. above all other rates . on all the ici a13� t at the same t !me and in rateable property in the mun p y..• the same manner as other rates . ' portion, of the Cost and the the of the owners For p y the soeci.al assessment set forth in the, sa 6 interest there ( imposed ur)on -the lards liable 8Y)eai. arl A,l_�essmen � Moll is her -ch said special ��.:�sessment, therefor as therein set forth , W a sur:1 sufficient�'a c ient to cover iizterest }thereon at tie rat ,, e 1 able in twenty equal annual instalments' ' aforesaid , Shall pay of 4748.19 each , and for that ' nurx�ose the special annual rates h ere to attached a e ronta a set out �.n schedule b �, per foot g hereby rmpo sed upon the lands entexed in the said special __-- to the assessed frontage thereof - kj �, s`s e a sm en t , 011 , ac c o r di n g l other rates and taffies , and the said special . over and above al annuall by the collector of tare; for , rates shall be collected �' and in th,e same manner as' other the ''Cor Oor�ation at the sar�.e time a r rakes • . ause iorovidini f or thee• ,. 6: The debentures may cont any c , ereof authorized b any satutc relating- o registration th , by debentures in force at the time of the issue thereof . by-law , may ,be The amount of. the, loan autho rized by this ,� t o f an loans authorized by other with use amoun s cor�uoa-ted w1 ; .. ir�c 1.ud ing the saxn e ti+��i th such other "100al imp royement. by laws , b� • . ,- a�i au thor�izin-9 the borrotiT�ing of 5 loan �n a c ons olidatrng bS �- , oars erld the issue of d ebentures the afire gate thereof as one 1 , • t � e issue puz�suartt to the prov�.si.ons, for such loan In one consecu � e statute in that behalf ' of the x :lhr s i3y-law shall take e _ _ ec t on the day of the, final passing bhereof * - 3 { this go day of 1 I' E� x' , i } • t - r �1-1"' Tir VOL M a: • t r- SdH MUM "A" 70 BY-LA NUA!B r 1 Nature of Work. Construction By-law. Street. Side. From. To. Special Annual ---- R ates_- --------------- ------------------- ------ ------ ------- - --- Per Foot Frontage.- ------------------- Sidewalk 1051 and 1067. Church V- South Ontario Liberty _- 5 cents. - - - - -- � ------30 -d_-10 ---------�12tx�•e12-----S otr�h----- � ra--------- fronts e on -_- - g ��• H. Spargo t s property Sidewalk 1051 and 1067. Brown v/—East King Queen 5 cents. Sidewalk 1051 and 1067. Brown :'lest Queer Victoria 5 cents. Sidewalk 1051 and 1067. King `v North Brown Easterly to East side 5 cents. of Vi,M. Trewints house Sidewalk 1051 and 1067. Victoria►/ North Ontario Liberty 3* cents. --Sidewalk 1051 and 1067. O'Dell ✓ North Prospect. Nest side of Geo.Jarcoets 5 cents. - - - property. ! ter sin 1© - -- -\/ --- — - --- - - - --- ---- - � e enter -- - - -- 53-- — 7uke Nelson Base Line - - - 7 cents. — Qrm Sever 1068 - -- -- -- Church South Ontario Liberty 5 cents.-- fj Y01M 3 d Y Lf r : rr 1 : CI RUr 11B Ir TO BY-LAW MB A Principal lntereit . Total . �. 86 . 02 2 ,O0 43.238 ,02 2 409 . 1,8 829 , f34 1238 433o73 73 804 2� 1238 .02 I. 4 4 9 « 7G nl ' �'78 , 2b 1.238 •a2 � 8,02 487 . 34 750 ,G8 123 6 3:L6 58 721 ,44 1238 .02 { 5,4.7 , 5t� 690 .,4'4 1238 . 02 1'Fi1.4 93to-a4a4✓„fl tY s - 81I * 4�. �' °�! �5� ',11/ � 1238 - 02 . 2 :�y a; qtr •lwri.22 1238 . 02 1 � ,� , , - sly , x .02 t. • .J, d) j v' ', 691 . 30 34:x` 123O . f1 l , ', 776 ,P75 r j 1238 . 2 0 2 35 {✓ 0 2 > 1 r , .. ! 4 • 2 . 12 . 1236 . 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