HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-14 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Wednesday, January 14, 2003 at 2:15 p.m. at the Animal Shelter ROLL CALL Present: Colleen Cochrane Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Karen Lyle, Animal Services Officer Don MacArthur, Councillor Marie Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk Dr. Bill Mingram Nick VanSeggelen Donna MacKay, Secretary Absent Were: Dr. J. Holt Peter Klose, Animal Cat World Tara Stocker Nick VanSeggelen chaired the meeting. 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Laura Davis, seconded by Dr. Bill Mingram THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on November 13, 2002 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS FOR 2003 Meetings are to be held every other month. If additional meetings are necessary, they will be held at the call of the chair. Final meeting for 2003 will be held in October. Appointments to this committee terminate at the end of November. 3. CLARINGTON ANIMAL SERVICES PERFORMING SERVICES FOR COBOURG, PORT HOPE AND HALDIMAND The Clarington Animal Shelter is providing temporary dog impound services for Cobourg, Port Hope and Haldimand commencing on December 21, 2002 and terminating in January, 2003 until their new facility is completed. To date, approximately 8 dogs have been provided for. Animal Advisory Committee - 2 - January 14, 2003 4. VARIOUS RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS AND DONATIONS TO CLARINGTON ANIMAL SHELTER Listed below are some of the acts of kindness and donations to the Clarington Animal Shelter - Petsmart in Whitby have provided adoption space in their store, and as a result have found homes for 80 cats. They also donate $5.00 for each cat adopted through their store which is allocated to our spay/neuter account - Photos with Santa generated funds in the amount of $526.50 in 2002 - Pet value has provided an adoption cage in their store and we were able to adopt out 37 cats this year. Along with donations of food and toys, a BBQ was held and raised $425.00 to benefit the shelter - Inspired Ambiance donated several cheques in the past as a result of their free gift wrapping service, where, instead of charging they gave the customer the option of making a donation to the Shelter - The Humane Society of Durham Region along with Animal Alliance has come to our aid in finding homes for pets for various reasons and extensive veterinary care - Several residents have donated money to put towards spay/neuter services, along with food, toys, treats, blankets and beds for the Shelter - Various fundraisers such as garage sales, yard sales, singing door-to- door, to mention a few have taken place to raise funds - People have also been ordered by the court to make a donation to the Animal Shelter - Many donations have been made in memory of both people and pets that have died during the year 5. X-MAS DONATIONS A handout was circulated showing a picture of gifts which were donated to the Shelter at Christmas. A report will be prepared by staff to present at the next Council meeting listing various random acts of kindness and donations to the Clarington Animal Shelter. A suggestion was made to prepare a newspaper article for review by the Committee advising residents on ways to raise funds for the Animal Shelter. 6. PETSMART GRANT APPLICATION Staff will be applying for a grant between $8,000 to $10,000 thru Pet Smart in respect to a spay/neuter program. Hope to have questionnaire filled out by end of month. Need to come up with a concrete plan to replenish spay/neuter fund. Animal Advisory Committee - 3 - January 14, 2003 7. MICROCHIP CLINIC A handout was circulated surveying other municipalities with respect to having microchip clinics and Oshawa is the only one that does. As long as a veterinary is on site inserting the chip and the other Veterinary Clinics are aware of this Clinic, and giving them the opportunity to do the same, there should not be a problem. Dr. Mingram will discuss with the Veterinarian Association. The Animal Advisory Committee will discuss at next meeting in March when the best time to have this Clinic. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Approximately $600.00 was raised from the "Photo with Santa" held at the Petsmart Store in Whitby. The feedback from the Responsible Pet Ownership articles in the paper has been very favourable. 9. OTHER BUSINESS Karen advised Committee that 2 free cat cages approximately 5' x 4' was offered free of charge to the Shelter from Sunnybrook Hospital. Once Karen gets correct dimensions of individual cages, arrangements will have to be made to pick them up at Sunnybrook if they are suitable. Karen advised that the new cat cages ordered for the shelter prevent people from putting their fingers inside thus preventing injury and the spread of disease. These are forthcoming. The sound baffles in the dog cages have been installed. Pet Postings.com will be a free site on the web as of February. This site helps in placing lost dogs/cats with their owners and also assists with adoptions. 10. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Dr. Bill Mingram, seconded by Colleen Cochrane THAT the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. "CARRIED" NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 2003, 2:15 —ANIMAL SHELTER Chair Donna MacKay, Secretary