HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-10 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. in the Ante Room ROLL CALL Present: Colleen Cochrane Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Peter Klose, Animal Cat World Marie Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk Don MacArthur, Councillor Dr. Bill Mingram Tara Stocker Donna MacKay, Secretary Absent Were: Dr. Julia Holt Nick VanSeggelen Don MacArthur chaired the meeting 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Tara Stocker, seconded by Sheila Elkington THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on May 14, 2002 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. CLARINGTON COMMUNITY FAMILY FUN DAY Sheila extended a thank you to Laurie Davis for donating her time at this event from 10 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. Good opportunity for public relations. 3. AMENDMENT TO RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERSHIP BY-LAW Report CLD-36-02, Amendment to Responsible Pet Ownership By-law#99-90 regarding List of locations where dog/cat licences can be purchased was presented to General Purpose and Administration Meeting on September 9, 2002 and will be ratified at Council on September 16, 2002. Animal Advisory Committee - 2 - September 12, 2002 4. CLARINGTON FAMILY SAFETY DAY— Emergency Services Department Event to be held on Saturday, September 28, 2002, 10:00 a.m. —4:00 p.m., another good public relations event. Colleen volunteered to help from 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. and Dr. Mingram will try to help out in the afternoon. 5. PET VALUE BBQ Another public relation's event to be held on Saturday, September 28, 2002 from 11:00 a.m. —2:00 p.m. Proceeds go to the Animal Shelter. Sheila to request if Co-op student will help out. 6. FUTURE MEETINGS Discussion was held regarding how often meetings should be held in future. All agreed bi-monthly and will alternate Tuesday/Wednesday. Donna will make up schedule. A meeting will be called if an urgent matter arises. Marie recapped achievements of Committee to date. • Spay/neuter—25% discount • Fundraising events • Official opening of Animal Shelter • Opened donations account— collected over $5,000.00 • Emergency measures committee relating to animals scrapbook • Policies & procedures • Mural —Animal Services Building — Paul Livingston • Responsible Pet Ownership and Cat Licencing By-law • Pet Postings Inc. on Website • Pet Awareness Education Program • Dog Bite Prevention Flyer • Report CLD-009-01 — Order to Restrain • Dog Bite Prevention Education Program in Elementary Schools 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Dr. Mingram will address committee on use of iodine pills for pets at next meeting. Money was budgeted to purchase an awning for the Animal Shelter. Another 7 awnings may be purchased due to savings on phones. 8. OTHER BUSINESS Laurie Davis and Tara Stocker have volunteered to help out at Apple Fest which will be held on Saturday, October 19th, The Animal Shelter deals with domestic cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. Humane Society or Zoo may take snakes, lizards etc. Animal Advisory Committee - 3 - September 12, 2002 Rabies Clinics are legislated by the Province depending on risks to public and implemented by the local veterinarians. Local veterinarians are not in favour of holding these clinics unless forced to do so because of the public's perception that if their pet has a rabies shot they do not have to have them examined. Health Department Staff are no longer picking up dead birds for testing. If dead birds are found, the public may double bag them and put in garbage or bring into the Animal Shelter to be put in freezer. Sheila will distribute the Dog Bite Prevention Pamphlets to all local veterinarians to be included in their information kits. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2:1 .—ANIMAL SHELTER Chair Don a MacKay, Sec(etary i