HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-18 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY MARCH 18, 2008 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: David Best Arthur Burrows (Voting) Jim Cleland Kerry Meydam Brian Reid Dan Stanoi John Stoner (Chair) Councillor Willie Woo Also Present: Jennifer O’Donnell Greg Wells (GRCA) (Non-Voting) Peter Windolf Regrets: Jim Kamstra Karin Murphy Absent: Warren May Joe McKenna 1. Agenda Additions Wilmot Creek Fisheries Management Plan update from Arthur. Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the agenda for March 18, 2008 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of February 19, 2008 Corrections There were no corrections to the minutes. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Kerry Meydam, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of February 19, 2008 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Sub-Committee Reports There were no updates from any of the sub-committees. 5. Updates Newsletter Distribution The newsletters will be ready on March 19 and will be mailed to those on the mailing list. Jennifer will send John, Arthur, and Kerry batches to be hand delivered to the Port of Newcastle, the Wilmot Creek community and various businesses. Great Waterfront Trail Adventure – Refreshment Break The Committee will provide water and either granola in a cup, orange slices, or trail mix. The fire department will put up the tent if they are able and the operations department will deliver tables and garbage cans to the Port of Newcastle waterfront site. SWNA display material will also be needed. Adopt-A-Pond Presentation More information is needed in order to create a poster and advertising. An official name th for the event, the presenter’s name, the date (May 17), a starting time, activities, and a meeting place is required. John Stoner will provide this information. Evergreen Reforestation Grant Program Evergreen emailed information about a new grant for 2008/2009. It is a reforestation grant, which can go towards a maximum of 50% of the cost per tree up to $7.00 per tree. Once the committee hears the results from the previous grant application, it will decide whether or not to apply for this grant. Waterfront Trailhead Sign Repaired The sign at Cobbledick Road was starting to peel and bubble. It was repaired last week under warranty. Bugs, Butterflies and Birds John Stoner will speak to James Kamstra yet to confirm his availability in August. Newcastle Lion’s Memorial Forest The committee was informed that the Newcastle Lions wish to proceed with Phase 2 of the Newcastle Memorial Forest. A plan was presented to the committee showing the possible expansion located immediately east of Phase 1. Phase 2 will include approximately 87 native trees. Phase 1 included 101 trees. The Lions will use the plan to apply for a Trillium grant to grade and seed the site, install limestone trails, build wood entry features, and revise the existing sign. MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Kerry Meydam THAT The Newcastle Lion’s Memorial Forest be allowed to proceed. CARRIED 6. Other Business/Next Meeting Wilmot Creek Fisheries Management Plan (taken from Arthur Burrows’ notes) As a member of the Community Advisory Council for the Wilmot Creek Fisheries Management Plan, Arthur Burrows attended a meeting on January 16, 2008. At the meeting, a stewardship program involving farmers, land owners, the GRCA, the Caring for the Moraine group and volunteers was discussed. Some land owners are concerned about trespassing and did not like the idea of providing access over their land for creek restoration projects. The GRCA and the representative from Caring for the Moraine were hoping to start this stewardship program in the Hunter, Stalker, and Orono creeks first and other needed areas of Wilmot creek later. This program, if it is approved, will make the drinking waters coming from the Moraine cleaner. The next meeting has not been established. Possible public event themed around Fish/Fishing Greg Wells investigated the possibly of holding an OFAH out-reach program to give children an opportunity to fish at the SWNA. They do run these types of programs and could bring basic fishing equipment to lend out. The committee agreed that the type of equipment OFAH can lend out would not be very useful in the Wilmot Creek for trout or salmon. So if a fish themed event was organized it may be difficult to have a hands on component for children to participate in. PowerPoint Presentation th David Best has arranged a presentation on May 14 at 7:30pm with the Solina Women’s Institute at the Solina Community Hall. John Stoner has agreed to assist with this presentation. David will check with the Institute what media they have for presenting. Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. Tuesday April 8, 2008 Next Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room 1A Notes prepared by J. O’Donnell