HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-12 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY JUNE 12, 2007 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: David Best Arthur Burrows (Voting) Jim Cleland Joe McKenna Kerry Meydam Karin Murphy Jim Richards Dan Stanoi John Stoner Councillor Willie Woo Also Present: Jennifer O’Donnell Greg Wells – GRCA (Non-Voting) Peter Windolf Regrets: Jim Kamstra Brian Reid 1. Agenda Additions There were no additions to the agenda. Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Kerry Meydam, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the agenda for June 12, 2007 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of May 8, 2007 Corrections There were no corrections to the minutes. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Kerry Meydam, seconded by Councillor Willie Woo. THAT the minutes of May 8, 2007 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. st 4. PowerPoint Presentation – 1 Draft A PowerPoint presentation is being created to present to school for educational purposes and to corporations to solicit sponsorship. The first draft of this presentation was shown to the committee. A copy of the presentation along with the accompanying text will be sent to members. Members are encouraged to make comments and suggestions, and to submit pictures that can be included in the presentation. Since the committee will be meeting on July 10 comments can be brought to that meeting. 5. Sub-Committee Updates Communications The communications sub-committee is asking for help with story ideas and content for the newsletter. Peter will provide text for an article on the information kiosk and other project updates. Jim R. volunteered to prepare an article about the Purple Martins that will tie into the recent installation of the Martin House. Any other stories or ideas should th be submitted to Joe via email by Tuesday June 26. The newsletter will also acknowledge the volunteers from Hydro One who erected the Martin House and from St.Stephen’s School for their tree planting project. Site Maintenance Fifteen to 20 rolls of wire fencing were moved from the Nature Area and placed along the side of the waterfront trail at Toronto Street. The Operations Department have been asked to pick them up. They also did a garbage pickup, resulting in about 20 bags of trash at the same location. 6. Updates Kiosk The stone work on the columns is underway and will be completed by June 15. Page Graphics will complete the sign panel and erect it at the end of June. The contractor has been asked to level the area around the Kiosk where the excavated earth was piled. Limestone screenings will then be installed around the base of the Kiosk by the site maintenance sub-committee so that the sign can be viewed from both sides. DEAC Awards Reception Kerry gave a report on the May 10 DEAC reception. She attended along with Jim Richards. Although the SWNA did not win in the Irene Kock Education/Communication category, the committee received a Certificate of Merit recognizing the nomination. Kerry also brought a copy of the Region’s report on the DEAC awards. It contained the list of winners their accomplishments. The committee briefly discussed the merits of applying again next year and agreed that that decision can be deferred until early 2008. Viewing Machine The viewing machine has been repaired and is working again; however, Dan explained that the focus is not working as well as it used to. It will be inspected and if not working properly that information will be passed on to the installer. Bridge Abutment Repairs The tender has closed and has been awarded to S & F Excavating. Work cannot begin until after July 1 to avoid MNR Fisheries regulations. Storm Water Management Pond Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation and Design responded via email to the question of having a life ring at the storm water management pond. Leslie explained how the pond is designed to be as safe as possible. She mentioned it would be difficult to ensure that a life ring was always available even if one was installed. Warning signs around the pond are already posted, but they make no reference to winter ice dangers. Staff will investigate the installation of a second sign on the same post that can warn the public of thin ice cover. 7. MNR Rangers The Ministry of Natural Resources has students working for them for the summer, and th are available to assist the Municipality of Clarington the week of July 9. They will be th assigned to the SWNA on Wednesday July 11 to spread wood chips on the trails on both sides of the site. Jim C. volunteered to help supervise the work. A group from The Church of Latter Day Saints has volunteered to assist with a community project. They will be informed of the project planned for July 11 and asked if they would like to assist. 8. Other Business Toronto Street Reconstruction The committee was advised of the plans to reconstruct Toronto Street. The work is scheduled to begin in the fall. As part of that project the Waterfront Trail along Toronto Street will be re-routed off-road at the Regions Sewage Treatment Plant. It will then meet the new section of Waterfront Trail recently constructed along the lake in the Port of Newcastle. 9. Summer Meetings The Committee discussed meeting in the summer. It was decided that the Committee would meet in July in order to plan for an August special event. At the July meeting, it would be discussed whether or not to meet in August. Adjournment: 8:20 P.M. Tuesday July 10, 2007 Next Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room 1A Notes prepared by J. O’Donnell