HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-01-15 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. in the Ante Room ROLL CALL Present Were: Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Peter Klose, Animal Cat World (2:20 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.) Marie Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk Dr. Bill Mingram Tara Stocker Nick VanSeggelen Donna MacKay, Secretary Absent Were: Colleen Cochrane Dr. Julia Holt Councillor Don MacArthur Nick VanSeggelen chaired the meeting 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Marie Knight Stanley, seconded by Sheila Elkington THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on December 12, 2001 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. EXOTIC BY-LAW AMENDMENTS The intent was to add to the exemptions of our by-law. Solicitor recommends making no amendments to the Exotic Pet By-law. Municipality does not lc` i�ice these events at present and is covered either by the Exotic Pet By=law or the .Zoning By-law. a1. . Events using exotic/jungle animals are allowed in the Municipalityiprlly ifffllratod with CAZA. If not affiliated, then event would be stopped if Mu6ioipality is made, .... • ......,' aware prior to the performance. A draft of Minimum Stand ar#'for Zoos­in Ontario compiled by The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources"was handed obt ­ - and copies will be made for next meeting. Animal Advisory Committee -,2 " January 15, 2002 The following motion was made. Moved by Tara Stocker, seconded by Peter Klose THAT the Animal Advisory Committee recommend to Council; THAT the Animal Shelter send a letter to the Clarington Separate & Public School Boards advising that the Municipality of Clarington prohibits the use of animal shows with performers who are not accredited by CAZA or the American Zoo & Aquarium Association due to the danger which these animals may pose to the public and the liability issues associated therewith; and THAT all schools in the Municipality of Clarington be advised by the School Boards. "CARRIED" 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Feral Cats —An active approach is being initiated to eliminate Feral cats from the Municipality. Five extra cat cages are budgeted for the Animal Shelter to house more cats. They will be kept minimum of 7 days. Animal Services Staff when removing cats will issue a Property Standards Order stating dumpsters must be kept closed and cracks sealed so feral cats cannot get in. Marie will speak to Councillor Jim Schell who is a member of the BIA. Most of these properties are adjacent to stores downtown. Dr. Mingram stated there is no way to eliminate this problem unless these cats have been spayed or neutered. People feel they are being kind by feeding these cats but they are only making things worse. In other words "if you feed it, you own it." Sheila would like to see something in writing to handout from the Shelter explaining why it is unwise to feed feral cats and the negative ramifications from doing this. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Discussions were held on holding a Microchip Clinic as a fundraiser for the Animal Shelter. Animal Shelter staff are authorized to administer microchips. Dr. Mingram with check with the Veterinarian Association if there would be a problem with the Shelter holding this clinic. Sheila will get correct wording from the Regional Health Unit regarding the legal wording for the necessity of rabies shots and for how often they should be administered. Animal Advisory Committee - 3 " January 15. 2002 5. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Marie Knight Stanley, seconded by Tara Stocker THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:25 p.m. "CARRIED" NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2:00 —ANIMAL SHETLER Chair/ f Donna MacKay, Sec etary