HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-11-13 Minutes COUNCIL INFORMATION I - 2 '_C: lC�) i i I ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE i Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. in the Ante Room ROLL CALL Present Were: Colleen Cochrane Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Peter Klose, Animal Cat World (until 2:15) Marie Knight Stanley Tara Stocker Nick VanSeggelen Donna MacKay, Secretary Absent Were: Dr. Julia Holt Councillor Don MacArthur Dr. Bill Mingram Nick VanSeggelen chaired the meeting 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Marie Knight Stanley, seconded by Laurie Davis THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on October 10, 2001 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. THEME SUGGESTIONS FOR TRILLIUM CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL Group discussion on how to proceed with decoration of stall. Decoration can be assembled before hand and hung on stall. Pictures of dogs and cats from the Shelter was a suggestion to be used. Sneak preview on November 30th, public display on December 1St 3. HANDOUT OF TORONTO BY-LAW RE: PROHIBITED ANIMALS Toronto is the only municipality to have this particular by-law. Some discussion was held but this item will be placed on the next Agenda. Animal Advisory Committee - 2 , November 13, 2001 4. CONCERNS WITH WILD CATS This item to be placed on next Agenda. All to brainstorm with some ideas on how to handle this concern. Most of the focus has been on dogs but there is a real concern with cats. We need more cooperation with owners of vacant buildings to keep cats out. Marie will talk to By-law Enforcement Officer regarding Property Standards. Another suggestion was to print articles in paper to make public aware of this problem. 5. MEMO — PROHIBITION OF CERTAIN BREEDS OF DOGS The Township of North Huron in the County of Huron, adopted the following Resolution: "WHEREAS statistics compiled by the Centre for Disease Control indicate that 189 fatalities occurred between the years 1979 to 1963 due to dog bites; AND WHEREAS certain breeds of dogs have demonstrated a history of attacking other animals and humans including small children without provocation; AND WHEREAS The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 provides Municipal Councils with limited powers to deal with vicious dogs; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of North Huron petitions the Provincial Government to enact legislation which would permit Municipal Councils to pass by-laws to prohibit certain breeds of dogs from being housed or boarded within its municipal boundaries; and AND FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, all Municipal Councils in Ontario and the local MPP." Council has asked the Animal Advisory Committee to give direction as to how we should pursue this issue. After discussion of the resolution listed above, Committee recommends: "THAT Council receive correspondence from the Township of North Huron for Information." "CARRIED" Sheila will try to get statistics of which dogs have bitten the most often. j I Animal Advisory Committee - 3 - November 13, 2001 i I 6. DOG BITE PREVENTION PRESENTATION We have had a good response from the schools regarding the presentation. Five dates are booked to date and a member of staff will do each presentation: DATE SCHOOL VOLUNTEER • November 27th - Lord Elgin Colleen • November 29th - Central Colleen • December 4th - Enniskillen • December 5th - Waverly • April 18th - Dr. Emily Stowe Animal Services have received an excellent package regarding Dog Bite Prevention with excellent literature and videos. Most of the schools so far have preferred the video vs the actual live animal. Sheila and or Mary Jane will be the presenters along with Animal Advisory Committee Members. Committee Members viewed the video at our meeting and were all very impressed with it. There has been Y2 hour booked for each school allowing time for the 9 minute video along with discussion relating to video. There will also be handouts for the kids to take home to parents. 7. NAME THE AD CONTEST There was a great response for the contest with 92 submissions. The winner being "REIGNING CATS AND DOGS" submitted by Adrian Coolen, Engineering Services Department. Honourable mentions were: Whiskers & Wags Pick of the Littre Take Home a Friend Wanna Cuddle 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Colleen discovered through research of the Therapy Dogs that St. John's Ambulance may not be our solution. i CGS — Canine Good Citizen is an American Agency. CGN — Canine Good Neighbour is an Agency which tests dogs to see if they are suitable for becoming Therapy Dogs. Testing starts again in January, 2002. Animal Advisory Committee - 4 , November 13, 2001 j Colleen suggested that she would like the Committee to consider establishing its own organization for testing of Therapy Dogs. All dogs need some adjusting and training. If dogs are allergic to rabbi shots, there is a health food called thuja which can be taken 10 days before the shot. 9. OTHER BUSINESS A handout called "Pet Helpers Lend a Helping Hand" was circulated for Committee to review. Also there is a concern regarding abused women and children leaving their home and having to leave their pets behind. Some people choose to stay instead of leaving their pet. Foster homes for pets is something to be considered. Tara questioned how many cats are being turned away because of our Shelter being full. Some cats are unadoptable. This again, is where Foster Homes for pets would be beneficial. Cats are a big problem, some kind of program is needed. Sheila suggested creating a Cat Education Pamphlet to be circulated to the public. 10. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Tara Stocker, seconded by Laurie Davis. THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:00 p.m. "CARRIED" NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2:00 —ANIMAL SHELTER Chair D nna MacKay, Secr tary I I I