HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-10-10 Minutes COUNCIL INFOMATION C:c >� ► lam ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Wednesday, October 10, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. at the Animal Shelter ROLL CALL Present Were: Colleen Cochrane Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Dr. Julia Holt Marie Knight Stanley Councillor Don MacArthur Nick VanSeggelen Donna MacKay, Secretary Absent Were: Peter Klose, Animal Cat World Dr. Bill Mingram Tara Stocker Nick VanSeggelen chaired the meeting 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Marie Knight Stanley, seconded by Laurie Davis THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on September 11, 2001 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. DONATION ACCOUNT There was some discussion on how the donation account should be utilized. Marie stated 10,000 copies of Dog Bite Prevention Guide pamphlets have been ordered for print. $1,019.00 was used from the donation account to pay for printing. Council approval is required to access this account if the item to be purchased has not been included in the budget. 3. REVIEW LETTER — DOG BITE PREVENTION PROGRAM Letter was reviewed and a few changes were made. One staff member and one Animal Advisory Committee member will execute the program. Peter will submit list of schools to be contacted. Handout from St. John's Ambulance was reviewed regarding Therapy dogs. One problem is finding people available to help with program and also the Liability issue. Dr. Holt will inquire with own insurance as to coverage. Marie will approach Director of Finance regarding insurance. Animal Advisory Committee - 2 - October 10, 2001 Dr. Holt spoke about CKC testing through CGC (Canine Good Citizen). This is a test for dogs to demonstrate manners, control, temperament, etc., in society showing no fear or aggressive behavior. First step toward being a Therapy dog Dr. Holt suggested, as an idea for budget consideration, paying $35.00 for the CKC testing. The letter will be prepared and sent out as soon as possible to each individual school and Sheila and Colleen may proceed with program. 4. TRILLIUM EQUINE COMPLEX, CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL The Animal Shelter staff is participating in a stall Christmas decoration on November 30, 2001. The festival is open to the public on December 1, 2001.This is an excellent promotion for the Shelter. Anyone interested in helping decorate the stall on November 30th , or take down the decorations on December 2nd or 3rd, please contact Sheila. Suggestions for the theme for the festival would be appreciated by next meeting. Sheila will let committee know what materials will be needed. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Suggestions for using donation money— - placing animals with seniors — Municipality would maintain ownership, responsible for veterinary bills and food, would be a benefit to the animal and also to the senior. - sponsor a CGC testing day, hire evaluator, article would have to be written up for paper as to what is expected of animal before testing day. - sponsor microchip clinic - spay/neuter cats The Municipality has a publication "Clarington Today" which is published twice yearly, June and December. It was suggested an article describing both the CGC testing and the Microchip Clinic be submitted and coordinated with the proposed date of the clinic. Sheila suggested putting float in the Santa Claus Parade —Animal Christmas Colleen will call G. Gilpin, of the Bowmanville BIA regarding having a table at the Apple Festival the weekend of October 13th. Colleen would hand out colouring books and brochures on behalf of the Animal Shelter. Nick inquired if Animal Advisory Committee could have its own budget. Marie stated if anything is required for Animal Shelter, it would be included in the Capital Budget. Animal Advisory Committee - 3 - October 10, 2001 6. OTHER BUSINESS Don inquired about wild animal trapping. Sheila stated the traps rent for $3.00/day and staff instruct public on how to use it. Traps are not to be kept indefinitely. If public cannot remove animal, call pest removal company. Colleen has a concern with wild cats running around and reproducing. Will put on agenda for next meeting. Also, chart showing effect of not spay/neutering cats to be place in Clarington Today publication — make people aware of this concern. 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Sheila Elkington, seconded by Laurie Davis THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:40 p.m. "CARRIED" NEXT MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2:00 —ANTE ROOM le Chair D na MacKay, Se etas