HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-04-11 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. in the Ante Room ROLL CALL Present Were: Colleen E. Cochrane Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Dr. Julia Holt Sheila Elkington Councillor Don MacArthur Tara Stocker Nick VanSeggelen Donna MacKay, Secretary Absent Were: Peter Klose Dr. Bill Mingram Paul Spencer Marie Knight Stanley Sheila Elkington chaired the meeting. 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Nick VanSeggelen, seconded by Colleen Cochrane That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on March 7, 2001 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. INTRODUCTION OF PET AWARENESS EDUCATION PROGRAM Colleen prepared a handout describing the purpose and outline of how to proceed with the Pet Awareness Education Program. Colleen also circulated a Dog Bite Prevention Guide Brochure which was used in Georgina. Tom Vendrasco, By-law Enforcement Officer now working for Clarington designed the pamphlet and we may be able to use it for our purpose as well. Colleen also has at her disposal, 2 golden retrievers from St. Johns Ambulance, with liability coverage which we could use for such a program. Discussions were held regarding the possibility of including a video. Dr. Holt suggested checking library or book clubs for information already published. Nick also made his camera available if needed. Thoughts were to focus on stray dogs, dog bite prevention, body language as a presentation and all to discuss at next meeting. Councillor MacArthur will contact Bob Wilsher of the School Board to determine if we can contact the individual schools directly. Animal Advisory Committee - 2 - April 11, 2001 3. TIME CHANGE FOR MEETINGS It was brought to our attention that Dr.Mingram is unavailable to attend the Animal Advisory meetings on Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays were best for him, however, caused problems for other members. Thursday mornings seem to be the best time for everyone involved. Sheila will check with Dr. Mingram to see if Thursday mornings is a good time for him. At next meeting we can decide whether to change the time and day of meetings. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Colleen — not able to have a booth at the Exhibition held at the Garnet Rickard Recreation Complex, will try to set something up for next year. Colleen picked up some pet posting ads to distribute. She will compile more information for Pet Awareness Education for next meeting and will contact more "Dogs for Therapy" Agencies. Sheila — Pet Smart Promotion coming up however, date has not been confirmed. Tara has agreed to volunteer, will need others to volunteer once date is confirmed. Sheila circulated pictures of dogs/cats printed on her new colour printer at the Animal Shelter. Donna will copy the Dog Bite Prevention Guide pamphlet and sent out with minutes for everyone to review. We will discuss at next meeting what if any changes will be made before circulation. 5. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. at the Animal Shelter. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. Chair Donna MacKay, Secretary