HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-07 Minutes i ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 at 2:15 p.m. at the Animal Shelter ROLL CALL Present Were: Colleen E. Cochrane Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Sheila Elkington Marie Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk Councillor Don MacArthur Nick VanSeggelen Donna MacKay, Secretary Absent Were: Dr. Julia Holt Peter Klose Dr. Bill Mingram Paul Spencer Tara Stocker 1 . ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Laurie Davis, seconded by Don MacArthur That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on February 9, 2001 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. INTRODUCTION OF PET AWARENESS EDUCATION PROGRAM There was discussion on how to proceed with the Pet Awareness Education Program in the schools. Colleen has a colleague who owns a St. John's Therapy dog which is used for therapy purposes for Nursing Homes, Denise House etc. on a volunteer basis and also to teach pet awareness to young children. Thoughts were to develop a pedagogical plan and approach the School Board for approval, then contact the individual schools. Colleen is going to work on an outline for the presentation for the next meeting re: - dealing with stray animals - do you want a cat or a dog and why - how to feed, groom and train your pet - statistics re: biting incidents - how to approach a strange dog Liability is a major concern for the Municipality. Animal Advisory Committee - 2 - March 7, 2001 3. HUMANE SOCIETY HOURS OF OPERATION The Ontario Humane Society Office is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday but is difficult to reach. Because of Provincial Legislation, Municipal Animal Services staff are not allowed to enter on private property to remove an animal without owner approval, however, the Humane Society staff are allowed. Any animal, not considered a house pet is referred to the Ontario Humane Society. Staff try to accommodate citizens whenever possible. 4. SCRAPBOOK Scrapbook is up-to-date and was circulated among committee members. 5. UPCOMING PROMOTION AT PET SMART A handout was circulated regarding the Pet Smart Promotion being held on June 8-10. The adoptathon is an annual event. $5.00 for every adoption goes into our spay/neuter program. We need volunteers to help staff this event. Colleen has agreed to help out. Other volunteers are welcome. 6. PET POSTINGS — INTERNET PROGRAM The postings are updated daily, when someone logs onto the site, revenue is forwarded to that particular site. It was suggested to post pamphlets in public places ie libraries, veterinary offices. Marie will prepare information report to Council re: internet pet postings, also looking into e-mail address for Shelter. 7. OTHER BUSINESS Nick— questioned whether the lifetime licence has been advertised enough. Colleen — looking into sharing a booth at the Trade Show being held at the Rickard Recreation Complex in April. 8. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. in the Ante Room at the Municipal Administrative Centre. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Chair Don. a MacKay, Secretary--