HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-10 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 12:00 p.m. at the Animal Shelter ROLL CALL Present Were: Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Dr. Bill Mingram Laurie Ovenden Councillor Jane Rowe Donna MacKay Absent: Scott Creed, Orono Cat World Wolf Klose, Orono Cat World Marie Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk Nick Van Seggelen Councillor Rowe chaired the meeting. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1. Moved by Laurie Ovenden, seconded by Laurie Davis That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on April 12, 2000 be approved. “CARRIED” INTRODUCTION OF BILL MINGRAM, CLARINGTON ANIMAL HOSPITAL 2. Dr. Mingram was introduced to all in attendance and was given an overview of the purpose of the committee and brought up to speed as to what projects the committee are working on. PETS ADOPTATHON – PETSMART FEEDBACK 3. Adoptions were limited to just 3 this year. Total amount of $350 in charity. Cash donations were also accepted at the Animal Shelter. The layout at Pet Smart was not the best and the competition between groups was very noticeable. Will suggest something different for next year. Marie to send a letter to Pet Smart to thank them for letting us participate in their adoptathon. Animal Advisory Committee Minutes - 2 - May 10, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Moved by Laurie Ovenden, seconded by Sheila Elkington THAT a memo be prepared and sent to the Library for their involvement in Pet Awareness Week. “CARRIED” VERBAL UPDATE 4. -Marie wrote a letter of thanks to Pet Net re: Microchip scanner -Letter was sent to Dr. Mingram and included copies of minutes and dog bite prevention program -Composed Press Release to have advertised on local radio station during Pet Awareness Week -Ministry of Transportation of Ontario have advised that they will waive their fee for the permit for the Mural. Permit not yet issued but expecting a verbal this week -The Animal Guardian Society (T.A.G.S.) have offered to come to the Shelter on Saturday and give demonstrations of animal training on our shelter dogs for members of the public -Photos of some of our animals are now on the Web Site UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. - Education in Schools, proceed in January 2001 -Region of Durham has adopted mandatory rabies vaccine yearly. Clinics will be set-up probably for September. Provincial Legislation, Sheila is going to a meeting to see what we are responsible for. -If anyone has any items to be added to the scrapbook, please give to Laurie Ovenden. OTHER BUSINESS 6. -New dog compound erected in front of building Animal Advisory Committee Minutes - 3 - May 10, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________ NEXT MEETING 7. Next meeting will be held Wednesday, June 7, 2000 at 2:00 p.m. at Animal Shelter. ADJOUNRMENT 8. Moved by Sheila Elkington, seconded by Laurie Ovenden THAT the meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. “CARRIED” __________________________ Chair ___________________________ Donna MacKay, Secretary