HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-09 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Thursday, February 9, 2000 at 2:00 p.m. at the Municipal Administrative Centre – Council Chambers ROLL CALL Present Were: Scott Creed, Orono Cat World Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Wolf Klose, Orono Cat World Marie Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk Laurie Ovenden Councillor Jane Rowe Donna MacKay Absent: Nick VanSeggelen Councillor Jane Rowe chaired the meeting. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1. Moved by Marie Knight Stanley, seconded by Sheila Elkington That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on December 2, 1999 be approved. “CARRIED” BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 2. a) Sheila Elkington approached Clarington Animal Hospital to determine the interest of a veterinarian sitting on the Animal Services Advisory Committee. There has been no response but Sheila will try again. b) Marie Knight Stanley contacted MTO in regards to obtaining a permit for the proposed mural on the Animal Shelter if it receives Council’s approval. Apparently, a permit is needed and the cost will be $675.00. c) A report to Council for the mural is not necessary, it will go through budget approval. Animal Advisory Committee Minutes - 2 - February 9, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________ d)Discussions were held regarding the Activity Book to promote pet awareness throughout schools. Jane Rowe spoke with Visual Arts, they would have to go through budget, will not know until later. An activity book from the Humane Society was circulated and it was felt we should approach the Humane Society regarding a partnership in the printing of the book. Add to it instead of recreating it. Will photocopy articles Scott brought with him and return originals. Discussions were held re: educating school children. It was felt grade 2 and grade 7 would be good target ages. SCRAPBOOK 3. Laurie Davis and Laurie Ovenden have inserted articles and pictures in the scrapbook. Nicely done. Once completed, staff will laminate the book. PET SMART – SPAY/NEUTER PROGRAM 4. Sheila advised that Pet Smart has assisted with the adoption of our cats for a total of $900.00 in the past year. Sheila also gave a verbal report on the Spay/Neuter Program. To enter into the program, a proposal with a mission statement for the group must be written along with the amount requested, up to $25,000.00. The Grant must be used towards spay/neuter only. A special account should be set up for this use only. Cats and dogs will be adopted out already spayed/neutered and a portion of cost will go back into the account. Discussion was held regarding having a donation account set up for the Committee to access for Animal related purchases. Resolution #AAC-5-00 Moved by Scott Creed, seconded by Laurie Ovenden THAT the Clerk’s Department liaise with the Treasury Department regarding the feasibility of establishing a special account for donations to Animal Services specifically for the purpose of establishing a spay/neuter program. “CARRIED” CAPITAL BUDGET 5. Marie gave an overview of the Capital Budget submission for this year and itemized the list. Animal Advisory Committee Minutes - 3 - February 9, 2000 HIRING OF ANIMAL SERVICES OFFICER 6. Janet Sharp was hired as a part-time Animal Service Officer as of December 20, 1999. Janet has a lot of experience and will fill in when short staffed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. Discussion was held on delivery of Pet Awareness programs to schools. Laurie Davis passed around a word find sheet which could be inserted into an Activity Book. Target program to grade 2 initially and grade 7 later. Marie Knight Stanley will contact Humane Society to find out who publishes their Activity Book. Sheila Elkington will contact Catherine Pressant at Bowmanville Library to discuss Pet Awareness Week in May. Also, approach Jennifer for putting Animal Services information on the Web. Sheila will also contact Jennifer regarding using the front entrance of the Municipal Administrative Centre to set up displays for “Pet Awareness Week.” Marie Knight Stanley will call the Association of Animal Shelters Administrators of Ontario regarding the proclamation of Pet Awareness Week. Resolution #AAC-6-00 Moved by Scott Creed, seconded by Wolf Klose THAT the Animal Advisory Committee request Council to proclaim Pet Awareness Week at the appropriate time. “CARRIED” OTHER BUSINESS 8. Laurie Davis requested clarification on cat licencing and lifetime licencing. Sheila Elkington reported a former patron, Mr. Elston passed away. He donated a fairly large amount to the Animal Services. The Committee would like to honour him in someway, plaque etc. Jane Rowe mentioned the Oshawa Radio announcements on cat licencing were very good. Jane Rowe and Laurie Davis will investigate having the Municipality’s information put on radio with free air time. Animal Advisory Committee Minutes - 4 - February 9, 2000 NEXT MEETING 9. Next Meeting will be held March 8, 2000 at 2:00 p.m. in Ante Room. Following meeting will be held April 12, 2000 at 2:00 p.m. in Ante Room. ADJOURNMENT 10. The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. __________________________ Chair ___________________________ Donna MacKay, Secretary