HomeMy WebLinkAbout2490A by-law to provide for the licensing and registration of dogs and for regulating the running at large of animals. WHT~REAS Council deems it desirable to protect the inhabitants and animals in the Township of Darlington against the infection of rabies and to provide for the licensing and registration oP dogs and foe imposing a license Pee on the owner thereof and generally for regulating the runn3.ng at large of animals; NOW THEREFOR the Council of the Gorpo~'ation of the Township of Darlington, pursuant to the authority provided by Section 354 (1) of the Municipal Act R.S,0.19~0, Chapter 284 and the Dog Tax and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Aet,R.S,0.1g70, Chapter 133, Sections 5,6 ~,8 and 21, ENAGTB A3 FOLLOWS: In this By-law (a) "animal" means any dog or cat (b} "dog" means any dog, male or female (e)'"cat" means any eat, male or female (d) p(hnasr" of a dog includes any person who possesses or harbours a dog and "owns" and "owned" have corresponding meaning (e) "running at large" - an animal shall be deemed to b® running at large when found in a highxay or other ~ublic place and not under the control of any person (f) spayed female" means a Female dog xhieh has been operated on by a licensed veterinarian to prevent conception (g) "Dog Sennel" shall mean a kennel cif pure-bred dogs 2. The owner of every dog in the Township of Darlington shall on or before the fifteenth day of February in each year pay to the Township of Darlington a license fee in accordance with the following .schedules (a) License fee for male dog if only'one is kept ~3.p0 License fee for each additional male dog $6.00 (b) License Fee for female dog,if only one is kept X8,00 License fee for each additional female dog X12,00 (c) where a certificate in writing by ,a veterinarian is produced showing that a Female dog has base spayed it shall be licensed at the same rata as a male dog. (d) License fee to cover all dogs in al kennel of pureri-bred dogs in a registered kennel ~i25,00 (e) The License fee shall be paid at the office of the Treasurer and at such other places and to such persons as shall be determined by Eesolutian of the Council of the Township of Darlington and the Treasurer of the Township of Darlington and such other persons as designated above shall be the Issuers of licenses for the purpose of this By-law • Dots shall be registered by their owners on or before'the h day of February in each year. (a) Dog owners shall provide the following information: (1) The name and address of the .owner of the dog; (2) Sueh further or other information as may be required by the Treasurer of tt}e Torttshp of Darlington. ~~ err ~. s ~ Cont'd. g . (b) The issuer of licenses, upon payment of the proper license fee, shall issue to the owner of every dog a tag having inscribed upon it a serial number and the year for which it was issued and the said issuer of license s shall also issue to the owner of a'~®g so licensed a receipt for the license fee so paid and the license shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of the year for which it was issued. • Cc) The license fee paid pursuant to $eetion 2 shall be applied only in respect to the dog license for which the said fee was paid and shall not be transferable nor shall the dog tag issued for a dog be used Por or affixed to the collar of any dog other than the dog for which it was issued. (d)Every person who becomes the owner of a dog after the 15TH day of February in each year ,shall register the same and pay the license fee therefore as provided in Section 2, within fifteen days after becoming the owner of the said dog. (®) In the case of a kennel as defined in Section 1, each. pure-bred dog shall be registered .and a license issued, but the only fee to be paid shall be the fee as provided in Section 2 and the issues of licenses shall issue to the owner a tag as described in subsection (b) For each pure-bred dog for which the owner shall pay a fee of 25 cents in addition to the license fee, (f) The owner of a dog which has been duly licensed and registered under this By-law may obtain a dog tag to replace a dog tag which has been lost, upon payment of a fee of 25 cents. Ao animal shall run at large and no parson shall permit animal owned or harbored by him to run at large in the reship of Darlington. 5. No person shall keep or maintain any dog in the Township of Darlington unless such dog.. has been licensed and registered under this BJ'-law and subject to the provisions of the Dog Tax and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act wears a collar to which is affixed a dog tag issued for the Burrent y®ar for the sa1B" dog. 6. Any animal found running at large m8ty be lodged in the animal pound and shall be fed and watered for a period of not-less than seventy-two (~2) hours plus days that the pound is closed, and if not redeemed at the expiration of '72 hours .plus days that the pound is closed, may be sold or destroyed. 7. The Animal Control Officer of the Township erf Darlington shall within twenty-four (24) hours from the seizure of a~ dog bearing a tag, or within twenty-four (24) hours fr~im the time' any dog bearing a tag is taken into the animal pound, when possible notify the owner of the seizure with the exception of c,. ~.a -..., 8. The owner of an impounded dog shall be entitled, ~ proof of ownership, to regain possession oP the animal on application to the animal pound and payment of a pound fee of $5.00 the first day or part thereof, and X2.00 each succeeding day or part thereof, that the said animal has been impounded. • 9. The fee for picking up an animal at the request of the owner and disposing of or selling same through the services of the Animal Control Off~cer shall be $2.00, or X1.00 if delivered to the pound. }.. fi. ..,:.: L -3- Contd. 0. Animals that have been destroyed at the end of the seventy_two (92) hours period shall be destroyed or disposed of in such manner as Council may from time to time by Resolution direct. 11. No dog shall be returned to the owner ;unless it has been • licensed in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw, and .any owner of a dog. without a tag and any purchaser of a dog shall obtain a tag for the current year before delivery. is made.. 12. A penalty of not more than Fifty Dollars 050.00) exclusive of costs shall be imposed upon every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By ;law and every-such .penalty shall be recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Aet. 13• For the purpose of this by-law the Dog Control Officer of the Town of .Bowmanville shall be deemed to be the Dog Control Officer for the Township of Darlington and the Animal pound for the Town of Bowmanville shall be deemed to be the Animal pound for the Township of Darlington. 14. By-laws 2359 and 2+39 and all other by-laws that conflict with th4~ Bylaw are hereby repealed. II 15. This Bylaw shall take effect on the day of its passing. READ A FIRSTS SECOND AND PASSED THIS ~ ~ DAy OF cv~~% TH~ TIM$ AND FINALLY ,~:~~=se~re~ .1992. CLEF :' ;` _ ~- -:.- =. ___- ~~: