HomeMy WebLinkAbout2495~~ THB CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON BY-LAW NO . P~ .~.~5.. . A BY-LAW TO Ai~ND BY-LAW NUMBER 2111. WHEREAS By-law Number 2471 which amended By-law Number 2111 was passed by the Municipal Counei~ of the Corporatiion of the Township of Darlington on the 2nd. day of April A.D. 1971 ~ • approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on the 27th. day of July, A.D,,1971; and WHEREAS BY-LAW Number 2471 incorporated certain clerical errors and the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington deems it desirable to correct those errors.. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington BNACTS as follows 1. That Schedule "A" to By-law 2111 is .hereby amended by changing from A to c3-1 the zone symbol of the lands so designated C3-1 on 8cheduLe "A" hereto. 2. That Section 7A of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection fd)s ";(d ) SPECS PROVISIONS ` (i) Part of Lot 1 , Concession. 5s C3-1 Notwithstanding any ether provisions of this By-law to the contrary, the lands in Lot 16, Concession 5, which are designated C3-1 on Schedule "A", shall be sub~eet to the following provisions: (a) the lands shall not be used for .any purpose except for one or more of the uses permitted in Section 7A(a) hereof plus a fuel oil distribution depot, a shoxroom for the display of oil burning equipment and supplies and an office incidental to the permitted uses; (b) Minimum lot frontage 150 feet; (c) Minimum lot depth 180 feet; (d) Minimum front yard 50 fe®t. 3. That By-law Number 2471 is hereby repealed. 4. This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW_~f+`AD A FIRST AND SECOND TIME~~,THIS ....... /. ~ .... DAY OF -~E~~ A. D. 1972. `. , Dep. REEVB CLERK THIS BY-LAW A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PQS6`.~D ~~ • THIS J ~ DAY OF $.D. T~72.` REEVE~~ f CLERK. - v ..... ~~~~,... w e I v t 0 , IL Sri *m W • Q W a r N refit �.y.0.� t�' r :';�� � r 3�t.�5, � d`�S A.'v t ,.±✓� � a R. 5706 e�ro XV OF 'O May 24th, 1972 0 _ y Mr. W. E. Rundle + Clerk-Administrator Township of Darlington HAMPTON Ontario Kb ! Township of Darlington Restricted Area By-law 2495 4th day of May, 1972 No P.S. closed herewith please find invoici covering the Board's fee in connection with the ibove-mentioned applioation rr ~, + iiS TH~3 i6iiYlii OF aL applia~'Ci..an a~hi.p of Da lingtan for approval of ite $eetrloted Area, By-1ax 2495 8 H B O H E s H. ~. HOHEstTS, ~tias-Che~rmatt j -» axui - ~ 1 ~.. ~., 9[cGUIttB, Vice-4ltais- Thttrsdry! the 4th deg oP r 19?2 UPOPI Tlii~ 4PPI~ICATIOFt of The florporation et the Tp~rntshlp ~-~ i~erllr,~ton, upon oonsidexv-tion of the material Piled aui oxdrr of th9.r Hoard made on the ..27th X41' of iul~t 1971 approrit~g Hy-law 2471 end the cauaoil oP' the applioamt oorp~rat3:an having on the 14th dad' of Aprils 1972.paered HY~law 2:495, such b~~lao arorrsoting eertain textual. errors isl $8 24Z1r and having caused a oertifed a opy thereof to be filed and the Board having dispenaed with netice and hearing is respect aR ]~-law 2495; THH BOA~iIJ OBDHRS~ under sart~l in pursuance oP the legisl+etoz+ hsrei.abePcre reterrett to,and at axs~r and all ctl~ar po~ex°e-Vested-ia-fibs $Qarda_ttta# BY-law 2495_Pee~d_t~ie _ __ 14th dad of April, 197g, be and the sear is herei~v uppxoved. µ' _*ti~ SBCRHTbTt7C fatan..,_....9~,,,.,,,,.,. MAY 2 41972 `~~i iECw[i~RY, OMfY1N YpMl~lyK ip111p