HomeMy WebLinkAbout2497A by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required for the year 1972 to set tax rates to raise such amounts and to authorize certain methods and terms of collection, pursuant to the Municipal Act RSO 1970 as amended. L ., PAGE 2. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON BY-LAW NO ...~ ~ 9jG . . 8. The Treasurer and Collector are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any arrears of taxes.. 9. Schedule "A" hereto attached is declared to be and form part of this By-law. 10. The provisions of By-laws of this Municipality passed previous to this date area insofar as they appear to conflict with the provisions of this By-laws repealed. 11. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of its passing. READ A FIRSTS SECOND AND THIRD TIME~~__AND FINALLY .PASSED THIS .`J/ ~ DAY OF ~d~l 1972. REEVE CLERK-ADMINISTRATOR v /.:5 m .. ~ T - ~_ -^ . .: ~nwu~ar>a 0 ~' DAR~OTON , - .Z ~~ 7 SCFiEOULE "A" T4 ~aI,AW g0 . ~~2 pL~4ET (with aompax'ative 1971 fi~sg} ,- ~~g~ _~ _ $t~F3t38T 1~~~ --.. ACTQA3. 14?1 BITDt3ET X972 1 ~EAIERAI, QOYERNASENT Gouneil Fees 484€l.i~4 _ I ,+~ ?. (}ENER~L ADMINISTRATION, 8alariss & Fringe genefits er ti ' St 3t7744.04 615(7 00 3683.00 47 6.00 34b60.44 52SD0.40 y on a Print. feast. & Teleone .. 1200.E ~ 100 .0© ~ ~ 10~},t~t# , , _ Audi 3606.b0 4~32 io0 4304.44 Legal Gists - Mu21. Bldgs Maint 2000.04 6500.00 131.6;04 5400.(74 i~4.04 5f700.00 . Memberships&CQnventions 11.49.00 80 .00 1000.00 ' Insurance 3640,.00 27x,.047 : ..00.00 31 41740 00 ~,: Election Miscellane0u8 .R. 1443:44 . 119.04 . ~ Reserve for Enap.Si.Leave 6540 00 *~ = ~3A_44 62 X947 00 5'914.04 bit 547 44 jr PROTECTION TO PERSC7NS 8c PROPE RTY Htzilding Inspection 9540.44 30416.00 31100.E - ~~ Itvestoek IIamage 3044.00 33b$..00 ,~i00.00 Warble Fly 8c Weed Control 1(744.00 2224,04 1 .470 3 Dag Control 3604,..40 3f4~44 .474 ~ Fire 30499.50 30882.40 ,00 32Q Hampton Strset Lights 1064.0(7 14i .047 ~ 1141..0 .; Enrtisklllen Btreet Lights 58Q ,DU ;~ . ~ ~~-,~, _ , ,, , w , 4a~1~ i34 44 ; X592 ~ ~ ~ ~. PUBL7C WbR~~ s Highways & Roads 382940.,00 378169.44 ~$ 4@ :'~ Qapital out of Revenge 3504.00. $ariitat®a~ ~Vas~te Koval 2340000 922$.,90 , Cemetery Restoration' 5p4.44 - -e $470.00-,: 'Tile Du~inag® 3$4$.96 3~~.4~7 ~ 7.22 3chaol'Crosaing Guard - 41 :1 22 ~; , ,,5a GOA AT 0~ N O~~EALT~t`-" ~. `~ Oranta -to Public Hospital 12°~O (70_ ~`~Q ~! 12f.~00.Q0 x, SOC29L & I~AMILY~F3ERVZCE3 M ~ d ... _ _ .. - t .. deneral Assistance 1612 _4~? lbt?~4t00 I00.40 kielfare Administraton. ~ :' .~ • _ - _ • _•: ~sX ~~~~ ~6 X76 i~74 , 3.470,.E--' a . ,. _ . r „' : ~~ ~. _ ~= - ~. _ _. r . -- , . _ 2 s .- t: .: _ 6-; _ > r' PACR ~ ]'+,y,PFSNTlTTf3RSF ~ C©NTIN'S7HI51 g .'Ft~ ~Tf~ nAte B~}7~r8'P .-~~'- AG247A2, I~?1 $UDGST ``,: 1472_ 7 ~R,CREAT24~ ~ C@MMiTNITX 38RVICi ~S ~ ' .°' C. ~,. a. C. a. 16037.00 00 0 9833..00 O@ 1 ~A 1926~,C50 1 ~t3.00 Salgaton Ar~Y .Durham Cent. Agric. Soe. , 1 100.00 . : 1415.00 00 100.00 00 2 5 South. Ont. :~gric. Soc. Cartazright Agric. Soe.. 25.00 2:5.00 2:5. .25.00 . . 25.40 Hampton Park 1,00 ~4~•00 150.04 r ~ Oth 1 ~ 7~ Y. i ~ 7 :. er ' w { ~ i~.~ y / ~/ ~ 3 .4~-b7Y ~{ (~ qi ~ 1<?T17~ $,~ COMMUNITY PLANNING & DF~gEL,_,~45 , ~` , :.Cent. Ont. ,7t. Pl. Drd Plannixsg $Aard i03,~0.40 50130.00 10306.00 ~ 633 :00, 9~I.OQ 13~rg .00 Com. of &d3ustment O.QO ~i0.150 .00 .. Costs 3 D A P A O i 40 x 6744.00 ~ ,, _ , . . . . . , ~~~ 2~I~7~~ 23~ ,04 9. F'INANCII~I~~ ,~NSES = 'interest on &arrorrings & other Sank Charges -~`~' ~5~.00 i 341.00 2940.00 Taxes - 4tritten off '5400.00 2fS05.00. 2500.00 Defer€ed Charges (ReOenue) --^ ~ ~°-- ,.«.. - ~ 500.00.... 0. ,:., .00 =- ~.1L.~~C~~i, QN Public~3eh©ol 419677.22 l4252~0.015 310236.00 3epax'ate 9Choo1 Pete.Cty _ Separate 8chool_Ont. Cty 9````.~0.00 ,_35,72.00 97O6.{i0 ~w_3~~2.tN? 1100.00 ^~33~~.00 { ~~R ~H. 3 I a p i as V TOWNSHIP ~,_DAR~,~IGTON ; FAGS , REVENUE SCHE_„_ DULE~nAer BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET _1.973 1991 1~2 1. TA7[ATIC,~ji+ .Realty.- Residential & Farm Commerical & Business 1195685.99 121245]..00 1244004.90 :Tile Drain 3845,.96 ~,B~Fi,1;44 41 S~a , x.199.531,95 1216.00 1248122.12 l 2. CONTRIBUTIONS.-. OTHE GOVERNMENTS Payments Lieu Taxes - Ontario Enterprises 1050.00 2100,00 044,04 Fer Capita Grant 56175.00 1 75. 1 ~ Res. Prop. Tax Red'n (1513000.00) (167369.00) - Roadways 210200.00 1829335.00 208900,130. General Welfare 12689.00 1247.00 ;~~: 0 ther .,'.,~- 9~s 00 . 280112..0(3 2634„j?.44 26$07 .04 (15s04o.40) (167369.40) 3s oTH__~x x~v_ENU,~ A .~~, .`Licenses & Permits Building Plumbing 3100.00 1100.44 it6g g.40 14$6.04 56OO.b4 1Y+00,Op , Dogs 4500.00 4268,40 44t30.40 Other Fi es 500.00 57 .04 6 5,40,_: .. n 300..00 32 .00 600,00 Sundry 150.00 :1309,.04 204.04 Tax Certificates 3.50.00 308..00 3.'0.04 Penalty & Interest on Taxes 16000.00 ..22921.00 23544.44 Interest ,from Investments .3000,00 3926.04 504.00,; Road Revenue 1450.00 netted to expense 1500„0(3 Taxes chargged bask 2000.00 ~ 15+{.00 2044,.00 Def. Rev. tP & L) _ _ l 272..40 - •• - ,,,. 5g ~34 00 4Ei625 04 , 4. SURF~US; (DEFICIT (171..05) , ~~~TOTALS 1511922.90 1534868a40 1562822.12 ' . i r -,- TOWId3HIP OF DA ~ING TON r , I AW DY O , - N .: 1972 B[3DG$T ~; < j EXPSNDI - ACTUAL BUDGET. 1971 ~.~,. 1. General Government 4800.00 4800.00 2. General ABministz~atian 57930.00 b7050.00 3. Protection - Persons/Properly ,,' S21i4.00 53592.90 4, Public works 392620.00 413117.22 ~. Conservation oP Health - 12520.00 12600,00- ~,~` s,-; , 6. Social & Family Services_ 16506:.00 . .: 100.00 ~' 7. ..Recreation &:Community Services 10908: ~_: 19717.00 8. Community Planning & Development 25795;00 2334d.oo 9. Financla2 Expenses ,; 5420.00 5400.00 l0. 8dueation 736789.;00 778341.00. 11. 'Reserves °_-- _:._-_ 12. County Expenditure 172630.00 198g48,~cj 13, _Surpius.- EDeficit) 46856.00 (143$4•.69) .__ ,.:. 1534$68,00 ~5"62822.1a =~ 1. REVENtJ~ taxation 1216297.0© 11248122.12 2. Contributions.- other Goverruaents 263037.x0 26$075.00 - 3. other 553. 00 ,~.,.~ .., .....~ .. .. ~'~~. 4 R TOIdNSH IP ~ F ~ ~~;~~~ ~ } T v }31-L~:MA 14 ( V a ~y}~p ii `rll~~~ ~~~~ MILL,~~S-ADOPT &D h0$ 1972 r ASSSSSriENT ~~_ ~:: ~~ ` ` Residerrtisl end Farm $173042 84?1097 Induatr#al at~d Commere#a1 ,'422410 ``. ;}~~ 39f3 ~Q 5452 8448? . ~ _ -a...iae,... Roads 18;~~' t l~" F#re 3.24 3i~4 Cawsty 20.12 SF 20.1:2 ::':. Township -General 3.14 ` 7."93 w High 3ehool _.37.18 41.31 Public School <-~ #(3.41 44.90 :Separate Sahoal (O~atario Oounty)_ ,, - 29.65 32,9?r . Separate Seh4xal (Peterboro- County) ~ 40.56 45.0 w ` Street :Lights,- Ha~ptan 3.69 ; ~ e 3•~9 '~: Street Lights - Enn#skillen _. 5.66 . 5.56 Q~~ ~ ~ ~a ,f ~~: M' a 9t~t+ - R & F ~ .~:~5 Public St~hool .I22.09 13,5, ~t3 Separate Schaeil f Ontar#o Cotuity)' 133..33 123. .:.Separate School fPeterl2oro County) 122.24 135.67 Hampton Strew L#ght Area 125.78 ~= 139.19 Enn#akillen Street Light Area 127,.75 141.1::6 s - ~~ , .- ~. `. - ~~. TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON: PAGE B~~~W No. ~`f97 1972 BI7DGET SUMMARY -MILL RA,,,,~'ES PURPOSE ASSESSMENT Roads 9889487 Fire 9889487.. County 98891+87 Toxnship of Darlington General R. F~F. 81+71097. I. & C. 1418390 Higk~ Sehool R. & F. 8471097 L & C. 1418390 Public School R. & F. 81093,2,' L & C 1393945 Separate School R. &. F Ont. 100630 r. & C, ont, 10960 R. & F. -Pete. 261145 i. & C, Pete. 134$ 5. Street Lights Hampt€~n 308322 Enniskillen 102385_ Tile Drain Deficit e L '- ~* - .Tr a SC$EDULE non 4 9 x.972 4, M I L RA7~ AMOUNT TOTdL 18.00... 178010;0 ..3.24:... 32042,:00 ao.12 198:976.00 3.14 26599.00 7.93 11248.00 ~ .oo' 37. l8 ' 3149 56. o0 41.31 58599«00 373555.04 >34.4i `327698.00 44.90 6258880 390286.00 29.65 2984.00 3a, 94 361..00 33''ES. oo ~~~ 40.56 10 592.00 '+5.07 608..00 1.200.00 3.69 1141.00 5.66 580.:00 1723.00:< 4117.00 17023.oO,, 3,~~122.00