HomeMy WebLinkAbout2499A by-law to amend zoning by-law 2111, as amended. -, .- - 2 - ?_ TINGE ATorth 77 degrees 07 minutes West-continuing along the North-~asteriy limit of King's Hlghxay Dumber 2-aR-;shown on said Deposited Plan Number llg2 a distance of 175.50 feet to an angle therein;.-_ THS@dCE North 09 degrees ~2 minates East a distance of 3.7© feet to an iron bar; THENCE North 76 degrees G2 minutes West continuing along the North-Easterly limit of the said Highway a distance oP 151.77 Peet to a point; THENCE North 13 d®grees 12 minutes East a distance of 51.0 feet to an iron bar; THENCE North o5 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 454.70 feet to an iron bar; ~'F7FNCE North 79 degrees. 22 minutes 30 seconds $ast a distance of 171.17 feet to an iron bar planted in the 8asterly limit of ss~d Lot 20 THENCE South l~ degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East alcag the $aster2y limit oP said"Lot 20 a distance of 412,3©.feet,to an iron bar msrking the North-Westerly angle of Zot One (1) acearding-to Registered Plan-Number 650 For the Township of Darlington; TH~NGE South 17 degrees 55 minutes East along the Westerly limit of said Lot 1 and the Easterly limit of eaid Lot 20 a distance of i81.3~ feet more or less to an iron bar distant 57.90 feet measured Northerly thetein from point "A"; THENCE SoatJiOg degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds Weat a distance of 4g.o3 feet more or less to the point of eommeneeme~t. The said lands are shown in heaey outline on a plan of suraey made by M.D. Brown, C.L.S. which is attached hdreto as Schedul rr A ~i (31i) Y'he sine and location of the buildings to b® ased for the purpcases stated herein shall be as indicated on the said plan dated December 16th, 1971 and prepared by M.D. Brown, C.L.. S. which is attached hereto as Sehedale "A&, .provided that so long as the distance between any buildings and the lot lines is not reduced, the size of .the buildings may be extended to a maximum distance of two Peet in any. lateral direction. (iv) The buildings used in connection with the garage, service station and sales of permitted items, shall be one storey in height n©t to exceed 35 Peet while .the maximum .height of the dwelling shall be in accordance with requirements fmr a R.1 Residential Zone as set out in Section 12 of tae Zoning By-law. (v) There shall be a setback of at least 40 feet from Highway ..Number 2 and 2Q feet Prom all other lot lines for all parking `and nax and wised car displays. r~..s> ^ 1 ATTACHE D TO ORIGINAL Farm 9-Rk O*TARIU MT3NICI T08oRiT'lt lob' ra,vs �22i�e rw. te�e►rioNe 969912 W. E. Rundle Clerk-Administrator Jnl 2fl 1972 Township of Darlington y e Hampton, Ontario L Dear Sir: R#- Township of Darlington - Restricted Ikra6 By-law 2499 YIe are enclo#jag herewith dupli#*te. origWj or the Order of the trd Made on the 14th Aay of July, 1972 in connection With the above-*0*%JoA*d, #"MA ltioa. ' WA" wry truly,. C. B6ruF :3c Supervisor - Planking A e 4istrati9A UC1. i ~. ~. .. aad Ylt T~ A!liTT~R. ©P` an appl?.sla~loa by Tho GorpeoraLioa et rho S~ntw Ahip of Darlington for apprraval of its &sstar~is~sod Aron ~+-1a~r x.99 B&F ORSs J. A. k~.F~X ~ R.G. Ghairs~an w and A. YAI~ T, Q~C. i[M-bier' 14tIDAI' tbs ' 1lFih day of d1JLY ~ 197 i~ TIDE APFLZGATI4Ei at The p~raton o% tie i'oxnahip of Darlingtoa, upon sonafdo~ttlota of the material filed, and 3.t appsaring that noi:iao of application has beau g ven as direetod $r the Hoard anal that nas ok~~ections to pproral k-ave beex rsesi+rod ~~ the tslerh of the appl ant corporati9r- as appsara Hy atf'davt filed; TkD~ BAABtA t?R9HHH miler and in purss~oe t~f the legf.~elation hsreinbef ` e referrsd to, and of asy aad all other per-ers vested in the Hoard, than 8~+law ~4'9~ passed the day of une, 197, be a~ fiche ssr~o i,s lrcarrby appa~ored, AC?I~tt~ 9 A'HX ~lio No..g~~ ................. J UL 21 1972 ~~~?~F- 2 :Mds Sr-lav shall acme into affect ea the day it is passed hY Council subrjeat to the approval of the Antario ltjUctpal Boa r� This Rymla w road a First any! B000 od tim® this 7th. toy of April 1972. ------r-r ,.--°,.-- rrr REZVE r.rl4rrrrr.rwrri+aarwPrr—rr This Sr-lash read a Third tine Arad finally passed #fit- --day of e r rrr rr_-r�r ..�yrrdrtrr - - yam♦ n \