HomeMy WebLinkAbout2508AA by-law to adopt Rules of Procedure. 5. ~~~~ saviceNA`ro 8yaa~! ~~ HAMP?PON September 1, 1957 ~n ~~ i Rules and Regulations OF THE Municipal Council OF THE. Township of Darlington RULE II Aa soon ..after Cthe hour 'of. meeting. as there shall be a quorum presentagreeably to the Statute, the Reeve -or Chairman-shall take the chair, and call the Council to order. , RULE III When. the Council adjourns the members shallkeeP their seat until the Reeve' or presiding pfficer leaves the chair. ' RULE IV The first business to be transacted after the Reeve or Chairman has taken the chair, shall be the seeding of the Minutes of the preceding meeting by the Clerk, to the end that any mistakes therein. may be corrected, and that,. the Reeve or. Chairman do then sign them. Q - AULES'AND. REGULATIONS RULE V The order of proceedings shall be: L-Reading the Minutes 2.-Receiving and Reading Petitions' 3.-Reading Communications 4.-Reading Reports. 5.-First Reading of By-Laws. 6:-Seerond Reading of By-Laws 7.-Third.Reading of•; BY-Laws" 8. Unfinished Business of last meeting 9.--0rdinaryor New Business xti:' ..RULE VI Thee Reeve or .Chairman shall preserve order and : decorum; and decide Questions of Qrder, subject to an appeal to the-Councili RULE VII Every Councillor, previous to his spe_skinpi to any question or. motion, shall - address - the Reeve or Chairman as the case may be. RULES ANDREGULATIONS a RULE X When a Councillor is called to order, he shall sit down unless permitted to explain; and all debate an the question of order shall take place before the decision A of the Reeve or Chairman. RULE. XI No Councillor shall speak beside the question in detiate. RULE XII No motion sha32 be debated, or put, unless it be in writing, and sernnded; except to receive and dispose of reports, petitions and correspondence, and referring to Committees. RULE XIII Any member of the Council may have a right to require the question in discussion to be read for his information at any time during the debate, but not so as to interrupt a Councillor speaking. RULE VIII W~311 t0 SPB~{ When twoor more .Councillors ~]Iat once, the Reeve or Chairman shall name the Counclll or who is to speak first. RULE IX Wtiena question is tieing- put no Councillor shall walk out of or across. the' room, or leave his (seat; nor, when a Councillor is speaking, shall any other Councillor hold discourse which may interrupt him. ~, RULE- XIV No Councillor, without leave of the Council, shall speak more than twice to the same question,-except the mover, who shall have the right to reply when all K others choosing to speak shall have. done.-unless a councillor wishes to explain a material part of his speech which may have been misunderstood; but then he is not to introduce any new matter. RULE XV Every member who shall be present when a question is put in Council shall vote thereupon, unless the Council shall excuse him. q aULEa.AND AEGULATIONa RULEXVI _ Na stranger shall be permitted within the bar of the --COUnci1: without .,permission Prom. the Reeve or .Chairman.... . ~~'. ~ RULE XVII The Rules of the Council shall be observed in a Committee of the whole Council, so far:-as thep may ':be applicable, excepting the rules limiting the number of times of:speakingand oPtaking the'yeasandnays. t . .i... RULE XVIII Whenever it shall be'. moved and. carried that the '.Council shall. go into Committee of the Whole, The °.. Reeve or Chairman shaIl. leave the chair and shall appoint a. Chairman-to preside; who shall immediately take the'ehair withoutargument or comment, and- shall reporttheproceedmga of .the Committee. RULE XIX ...x Anv' Councillor'. who shall"..introduce a By-Law. Petition,.:or Motion: .upon any 'subject which: may be referred to a.. Committee- shall. be. heard` before the Committee: RULE RX ~, Ina Committee of the Whole, a mo~ion that the ~Rll .Chairman leave the chair shall. always be [n order, and take: precedence of any :other. matter, add when the motion is made on account of any questio]R or order or privilege arising the. Reeve or Chairman shall assume the chair without discussionor vote of Crommittee. ~.. AUL}SANB :AEGUTATION$ a RULE XXI- In a. Committee of. the whole Council, all' motions relating to the matter under discussion shallbe in the order inwhich they are proposed, sad may. be. preL... RULE XXII In the first session of the Council of each year, Standing Committees, to consist of at least two members each, shall be appointed at. the discretion of Council RULE XXIII. ~~~ All Committees, whether Standing' or Special, shall. report in writing, that the samemay be discussed and finally disposed' of by the Council;' and no Committee d! of this Council shall expend more~than S$~I[at any$50 one time without first reporting inwriting and obtaining: consenb of this: Council, except in case bf' urgent. necessity, when by. consent of'the Reeve. RULE XXIV _. No accounts shall be paid until reported on. by the' Finance Committee,.passed by the Council, and ordered to tie paid. RULE XXV A majority of the whole numbes of any Committee shall be quorum competent to proceed to business RULE XXVI. : The names of the Yeas and Nays shall be entered on the Minutes at the request of any Councillor... ,_, ~ g RULES AND REGULATIONS ' RULEXXVII When-YeasandNays shalltie taken, and .entered on the Minutes, the Yeas shall rise first and remain standing until theirnamesare called over by the Reeve or Chairman; then the Nays are to stand until their names are so called. - RULE XXVIII A motion to adiourn shall always be in order, and may be oral, except when put'a5 an amendment to a written. resolution. RULE XXIX When a By-Law or Petition is read before the 1~ouncil, the Clerk. shall certify the reading. and the times oh the back._thereof; :RULE XXX Petitions and other papers addressed to the Council shall be presented by a Counclllor in his place, who shall be answerable to the Council that they do not contain improper or impertinent matter. The Councillor presenting the. said:. petition, etc.; shall. examine the same, endorse thereon. the name of the applicant; and sign his name thereto;. which endorsement only shall be read. by the Reeve or Chairman, unless any Councillor ~ `. shall require the reading ppf the. paper, in which case the whole shall be read by the Clerk. RULE XXXI Every By-Law sha1T be introduced by a motion for leave specifying its ob]ect, andshall be in writing; and all motions-for thesecond reading, orreierence to Committee may be oral.. By-Laws may sled be intro- duced by aCommittee appointed to prepare them, or by an order of the.Council on the report of a Committee. RULES AND REGULATIONS 7 RULE XXXII: Every By-Law shall have threereadings: '-27ie recital of the tiEle. thereofahall be thefirst reading;. all blanks shall- be filled up during its'second leading. either in Council or in Committee of the whole Council, and at thin stage shall be read at full length; the third reading shall be the recital of the By-Law, except that it may be required to be read by two members. The date and number shall be filled in by the .Clerk at its final Passage. RFJLEXXXIII No By-Law brought. into thia:Council shall have more than one reading. at the-same sitting of this Council, un]ess this rule be suspended by. the Council,. on motion which may be oral, for the occasion by atwo-thirds vote. RULE XXXIV In speaking,. every Councillor shag confine himself to the question under notice or discussion, shall avoid sonalitY. RULEXXXVRQ®Y8 All amendments made in Committee of the Whole shall be reported to the ]fi~jr~ by thee. Chairman, _ and by him to the Council, after which the whole may be subiect to debate- in Council before the question to engross it shall be put: RULE XXXVI When a motionis under debate, ndmotion shall be received unless, ist,to amend; 2nd, to commit;3rd,to lay on the table; 4th, to postpone; 5th, to adjourn. g AULPS AND pAGULATIONB °s7RULE XXXVII Commitkees appointed to report on any subject referred to them by the Council shall report a statement of facts and theiropinion thereon, in writing; and no report shall be received unless agreed to in committee actually assembled, and signed by a majority of the whole members. RULE XXXVIII The Reeve maY give such directions as he may think necessary and proper for carrying into effect the orders of the Council and procuring the safety of its records; and the Clerk of the Council, and other officers, shall be under the direction of the Reeve, in all matters what- ever connected with the performance of his official duties. RULE XXXIX -_ In unprovided cases the Reeve shall decide, subject to an appeal to the Council. - RULEXL In case there is not at any meeting of this Council a quorum of the Council pKesent in the Council Chamber at the expiration of thirty minutes afrer the time for which suck meeting is called, there need not be any meeting of this Council On that occasion; and it shall be the duty ofthe Clerk'of this. Council to publish, in The3~-7L Times7[~L- Oshawa, and The Canadian Statesman,Bowmanville, the names of the members of this Council who attend St, as well as the names of the members of the Council who do not attend at, such meeting. RULE XLI AnY. of the foregoing Rules may be altered, amended or rescinded at any time by giving one month's notice and. by atwo-thirds vote of the whole Council.