HomeMy WebLinkAbout2511A by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required for the year 1973, to set tax rates to raise such amounts, and to authorize certain methods and terms of collection pursuant to the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, as amended. -2- ~Or? I'~`.`?~ '' ~ ,~ I?'; S:, T_? ,F Dt n?~T:dGTOPd 3y-T,.:~ r,~ .. ~.~ :%r , . , 6. ^1 he :3an'c of _~ontrzai~ ~owr'.anvi112, is hereby empowered to receive pay~:eiits of taxes in advance of the date upon w!-i~_ch ~ instal-ent becomes due, 'J, r'.11 currer.`~ taxes s':iall be paid at the rank of :>iontreal in Bow~ianvillz or ^sha°,aa, Fees for collzct~on charged by the ''33n'f. S+lall be pa.ld_`r0': tfle oenerai iUndS Oi° t~:i° 10!^:n5hip of Darlington. Q, The Treasurzr and .olloc~ar are hereb~> z:r~potaerzd ~o accep part payment iron t_:nz to ti^e on account of any arrears of taxes. 9, Schedule "ti° hero to attached is r'.eclared to be and form part of th.s _;~-1a~~a, 10, The iorovis.ons of ~y-laws o° th;_s "uni_cipality passed przvious to this date .zre~ insofar as t~e~:~ appear to conflict 1,rit:.''ne provisions of t'ris By-la;~r~ repealed. `1, Tr.`-s 3y-la.a s~.all co^~e iri'::o "orce and ta'_ce effect on t:_e day of ?ts passing. n~•.r -i T2T R'r "L :i_ti TTV iiLi~J Pdai]P~'. T _ rS ~ ~ Yt~ Ds~Y OF ~Cac~ 1973 ~JJ ~~~T ~i VLLlr~i t1J.aI°~'.I~T.l ~1 i\/li .rr TO~:~~`?S'IP OF DARLINGTOTd SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW # o~ Sam/ ~ 1973 -3UDG~:;T ~XPd~iD T TURF General Government Reeve & Council General Administration Salaries Res. Empl, Sick Ben. Print Post Stat. Telephone Audit Le Sal A2aint. ".un. Bldgs, Elections iemberships & Conventions Insurance 'iisc. Protection to Persons/Property Fire costs Build. Insp. St. Lights -Hampton St. Lights - Enniskillen i4isc. (td.F. - weeds) Livestock damage Dog control Public 'corks Roads Child Crossing Patrol `41st. Tile Drain Sanitation/!m'aste ~iemoval Conservation of wealth Hospital Social & Fa~ily Services General aid Recreation ~ Community Services Grants to vol. or g. Cemetary Parks (Cloca) Community Plannin? & Development Committee of Adjustment Administration Other 1972 1973 ACTUAL BUDGET TOTALS 4800,00 6800.00 6800,00 3 827.06 37276.00 6 500, oo ? 1000, o0 5579.93 6000.00 123f.3o 1275.00 3600.00 3900.00 2300,55 2500.00 4768.74 5700.00 2862.27 ------- '693,96 2198,96 3271.26 3434,82 12. 1000.00 02 7+2 .Z 74284.78 1620.233 o 0 1642.ib i23o . 0 ~ 033.52 2 500.00 59o.6z 650.00 1357.98 1500.00- 3047.76 3500.00 2~i .2 620,00 0 0 5 068 0 :. 7 .5 38708.66 439600.00 ~ 557.92 1675.00 8620.43 3000.00 4" 7.22 43 58.02 X5132.12 ~ ~~.02 461833.02 ^2600,00 126 0 00 12650.00 2 0 0 00 50.00 350.00 450.00 131.11 200.00 14 2 .00 1 0 00 1 20 .11 1 00,00 14600.00 762.89 1300.00 6500.10 41000 210 o0 1 00 ~ 0 ~ . + 22 7. 0 23497.00 TO'r1'•ISHIP OF D,':RT.,I?'•i ;TON SCT.;ED'JLL "A" TO BY-L~:',°; ~ s?S ~ I 1973 BUDGET ~X PE"dD `TUBE Financial Expenses Interest on Banlt Loar:S Taxes X1/0 & 'isc. Bank service charges county County fiate under levy Education Public school under levy Secondary school under levy Separate school S urplus - (deficit) 1972 1973 +,"'U[~L BUDG~:T TO T6 LS 403.41 1500.eo 157+1.71 b000.00 18 ~2 r o 0 2000 OG 0o co X500,00 201 521.50 13 9 p12 x5.19 130/e~~ 201 21. 0 190932.19 190932.1a 39+950.62 336977.00 2208.00 373353.30 3736i5.oo 1307.00 14614. 1 =oo 7' 7~ 923.51 7 193 +. CO 78198+.00 1605753.c4 1 33199. 9 ( 48765.03) 4332.03 1 ,5 9 7.9 1 37~~1. 2 TC',J.^,SE_IP OF Di,R:LI?QO`,OTr yP`,rn r~ ran m~ BY-L~:`UJ ~ oC ^S^// SC'" 1973 D'JDG;~T ii~'1.° JE Taxation 1972 Levy 1973 Levy Tile Drain. Contributions - other Gov't's Pavt lieu taxes Fed. & Prov. ~mp1. i.nc, Per cap-ita grant P,oad:=ays Resource L-coal, Grant General support pay't Contributions - ocher Bell. ~ C`', C° Other revenue Per°i.ts - Bldg. - Pl. & Tank - Dogs Other Fines Sundry Penal t- .~ Int. Invest. income Sdy, Road P~ev, Taxes cl~iarged Sale of lands and ?3ydro (taxes) back - S t. :iary' s 1ry72 1973 T, _'UiL BTJD"t;T i'O ~nL 12391 51 .04 1 19 54?9. 50 ~~4~~11_7•.22 43[8,02 1z~+ 268.26 1200337. 2 1200337.52 ^1 ~p X00,00 3 g3 ,n7 000.00 60067.30 60500.00 ^93076,19 234GGGw ~iG ---~----- 42638.00 - 12026.00 5055.27 2 X57 .co 357'+64.00 b241.50 1831,eo 41 s 3.50 630.00 281,00 979. ~~3 23648.21 7179.04 2~+4g.7o 1240.00 oo.co 3500,00 4000.00 1600.00 4200.00 63o.eo 300,00 1000.00 2 5000. co 6ooo.co 2;00.00 1000.00 co -+' oc~+.+ 7 2~O,G0 76230.00 1 5 97.9 1 37531. ;2 TO'di"?S_",I? ~F D..?il~''QTOrT TT ! T~ P ~/I 3_.-i,~`s, rr c. ., ~D?JT,~ nlin 197 _',?:DG~T '~R''C'Sli ..S 2L "'T .F.. K:OIIPdT Roads all 10004+63 20.00 200089.36 Fire aiI 10004468 3.30 33C14.74 County all 10001+468 19.08 130932,19 Twp, General R;~F ~' 820' 527 S 436 6 1 1 6 68 97 - .9 _1 37.75 F~c ~ c 1013326 B 357220 s c 12970 .~ 4' 75 ~ 13.,3271 5.63 781 ;.96 x.S. R?~F 8616197 36.77 316^18 Ixc 1388271 40.86 56797 373615.00 P.s. RAF 3201527 39.79 326 339 Tic 1371146 4!x.21 6 60 38 3~~6977.00 w. RyF. °ete S ~ 26861 5 33,67 ' ,358 , roc 10300 44.34 596 17377•eo :~-F opt, 1^+150 56,9 5730 ?0cC 6325 6„2 J93 S t. Li;i_ts na pton 48 5000 4,1 5 2000. C0 nnis~rillen 102285 5,34 ~-16,00 119 + 9 o 7 , ~ Tile Drain 48 8.02 1200337•.2 :~ _.. ,, T^,?"'SAID OF D~:RLI„~mr,*,! :.,,:. , BY-L' ' % ~.5"~ 1 C J~.LL ii nll i ~;' ; D^ P"c:D n^~' 1973 - ~-, _..._ . Residential ?c Farm Industrial & Co1~Hercial Rr~1"3S 1972 8471097 14^3390 9?1 3616197 13:,3271 & F I ;~ C '?'ownshi.p (Incl. roads 1972 18 rills 2?+. 33 29.17 2`.~4 23.93 1973 20 -Hills) C,unty 20,12 20.12 19.03 19.08 High school 37.13 41.31 36.77 40,36 Pua13c school 40.'1 44,90 39.79 44.2? Separate school (Ontario) 29.65 32.94 63.28 56.95 Separate school (Feterborouoh)1+0.56 47.07 39.67 41+.34 St, livhts ~a^~pton 3.69 3. h9 ~6 4.1; 4 4.1; 4 St. Lights Enniskillen 5.66 5• 5.3 5.3 ~'O^<'.? R:''.~,,S R x° F I c C :, R{ F I& C Public School 122.09 1 135.50 4 116. a8 4 x 133.03 Separate School (Cntaric) ?1 .33 123.5 1 0. +7 1~+5.82 It 11 L (Fe~erborcugh) iLj2 .24 ~ X5.67 ~~ 1 0.86 133.2' Ha,~cptnn St. Light area '25.73 '-39.19 121,13 137.23 Enniskillen St. Light area 127.7] ?41.16 122.32 138.Lr2