HomeMy WebLinkAbout2518A by-law to amend zoning by-law 2111. (z)(5) "SIGN, WALL" means any sign including a fascia sign, which is painted on or permanently affixed to a wall or canopy of any structure to which such sign is accessory. (z)(6) "STRUCTURE" means anything constructed or erected? the use of which requires that it be located, or attached to something located, on the ground." ., 2. That Section ~+ of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by deleting therefrom in its entirety, subsection (p) and substituting therefor the following new subsection (p): "(p) SIGN REGULATIONS No person shall within any!Zone erect, alter or use any sign 'except in accordance with the Sign Regulations in Section ~+A of this By-la.w." 3. That By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by inserting after Section ~+ thereof the following new Section ~+.~: "SCTION 4A SIGN REGULATIONS ~+A. The following restrictions shall apply: (a) SIGN^~ PERI~IITTED No person shall within any Zone erect, alter or use any sign except one or more of the following signs, namely: (i) IN RESIDEPdTIAL (R1, R2 and R3) Zones: 1: One wall sign and one ground sign per lot, each not exceeding 2 square feet in area, indicating the name, address and occupation of the occupant provided that, where such sign identifies a public or institutional use, the sign area may be greater but shall not exceed 12 square feet in area; 2. One non-illuminated portable sign per lot? not exceeding 6 square feet in area, advertising a sale, lease or rental pertaining to such lot provided that, where frontage on a public street exceeds 500 feet, one additional such sign shall be permittedg 3. One portable sign, or one ground sign not exceeding 20 square feet in area, identifying a contractor's jab-siteg d+. 5. any sign pertaining to a rederal, Provincial or A4unieipal election or campaign, provided that such sign shall be permitted not more than six weeks prior to the election day or close of campaign and shall be removed within ~ days thereafter Notwithstanding any provisions of Section ~+A (b) hereof to the contrary, any sign required by any public authority in Canada including any official traffic siggn or signal• and any sign, not exceeding 8 square fee in area indicating caution for safety purposes or ~'ido Trespassing". (2) (ii) IN ALL NON-3;,SIDEDI`fI~L 20TQES: L, Any sign permitted in subsection (a)(i) hereof 2, Any sign on any door or window, not exceeding 25% of the area of such door or window; 3, gnyte?npcsrary* streamer or~ banner~desgned,to promote current or imminent activities within the Municipality; T+. Notwithstanding any provisions of Section ~+A(b) hereof to the contrary, any directional sign, not exceeding 8 square feet in area, indicating a vehicular entrance to or exit from private property,~provided the height of such sign above ground level shall not exceed 8 feet, (iii) IId COPIT'IEI3CIAL (C Z) ZOTIES I. Any sign permitted in subsection (a)(~.) and (ii) hereof; 2. One wall sign per lot for each business conducted on the lot; 3, One ground sign per lots not exceeding 20 square feet in areas provided that, .where such sign identifies business occupants of a shopping centre, such sign's area may be greater but shall not exceed one square foot for every lineal foot of the front lot line. (iv) ITd CONR/i^r,~CIAL {C2 and C3) ZONES and IN IDIDUST~IAL (M7., M2 and MQ) ZOPIES 1. Any sign permitted in subsection (a)(i) and {ii) hereof; 2. One portable sign per lot in any C2 or C3 Zone 3, Oneywall sign or one roof sign per lot for each business conducted on the lot; ~r, One ground sign per lot not exceeding one square foot in area for every ~ineal foot of the front lot line provided that, where frontage on.~,a public street exceeds 125 feet, one additional such ground sign shall be p~ermittedT and provided further the height of each such sign above ground level shall be at least $ feet and not more than 35 feet. (v) DEFERRIDUDEVELOPMEN?' (D) PZOP~E (OS) and 1. Any sign permitted in subsection (a) (i) and (ii) hereof; 2. One wall sign on one wall only} identifying a farm or farm owner, which sign may include a symbol emblem or picture; 3, One wa~l sign or one ground sign, not exceeding 12 square feet in area, advertising farm produce raised or produced on the premises or recreational Facilities. (b) SIGN_PIiOVISIUNS No person shall within any Zone erect, alter or use any sign except in accordance with the following provisions: • Ci) PiTFtPCSES OF SLGIdS Every sign shall be designed solely for the purposes of identifying the use or occupan~y~:of ,~ the lot, building or structure on which it is located or advertising the sale, lease or rental of the property or the goods or services available therein; (3) (ii) ILLUt4INATED SIGidS: Any illuminated sign shall be arranged so as to reflect or emit light away from any adjacent Residential Zone or use; and no sign shall be permitted which employs flashing animated .or intermittent illumination. • (iii) SIGNS AFFECTING TRAFFIC: No sign shall attempt to direct movement Qf traffic or resemble or impair the vieta of any officia~ traffic sign or signals or display red or green illuminated colours within 200 feet of any intersection controlled by automatic traffic signals. (iv) SIZE BESTRICTIQTd5: (except as otherwise provided in Section TrA (a) hereof) 1. Portable signs: maximum areas 16 square feet; 2, 6da11 signs: maximum area: the lesser of 25jo of the adjoining wall surface or 300 square feet; 3, Roof signs maximum length: the lesser of 50% of the parallel roof dimension or 50 feet; ~+. Real Estate signs advertising the sales lease or rental of any property as permitted in subsection (a) (i) 2. hereof: maximum area: 6 square feet. (v) HEI GHT RESTRICTIJNS: (except as otherwise provided in Section ~A {a) hereof ) 1. Portable signs: maximum height: 5 feet; 2, Y7aI1 signs: maximum height: height of adjoining wall; minimum height: 8 feet above ground level; 3, Roof signs: ~:t least 3 feet and not more than 7 feet above adjacent roof or top of parapet wall. (vi) LOCATION RESTRIC`T'IONS: 1. i~7a11 signs: maximum projection: 2 feet out from any adjoining wall; 2. Roof signs: not less than ~- feet from any outer wall of the adjoining structures and located so as not to obstruct any window - sky-lights door or fire escape; 3, Ground signs: minimum distance from street line: 30 feet, provided that, where the sign surface is parallel to the street line or indicates the names address and/or occupation of the occupant as permitted in subsection (a}Ci) 1, hereof or identifies an automobile serrt_ vice station on the lots • the minimum distance shall be; 10 feet; minimum distance from side lot line: 10 feet (T+) (vii N'LRfIDER RESTRICTIOTJS: Real Estate signs advertising the sales lease or rental of any property as permitted in subsection (a)(i) 2, hereof: maximum number per lot: ones provided that where frontage on a public street exceeds 500 feet one additional such sign shal~ be permitted." ~+, This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LA:1 READ A FIRSTS 5ECOTv~ AIdD THIRD TIME API} FINALLY PASSID ON THE oC / ~ DAY OF ~~ ~~ ~ A.D, ~ 197 ~ . ,~EPUT y -REEVE ~~~~~ CLERK (5) • r ,- TiIE O"?TARIO MUNICIPFIL P!?AR? IN THE MATTER OF SECTIOrI 35 QF TiiF. (R. S.O. 197^ CP=?~.PT_T'R 349) - and - IxT THi' f~.ATTt`R OF A`? APPLICATIO'.d O? OF TFF. TO'^7'_~1&fiIP OF WARES`?^mnn: ~Sn RESTRICTf'b AR".',A 3Y-LAS; 251II FASSEt? OF AUGUST, 1973. File No. R 731399 PI,.AP?NI"?G ACT TNF, CORPORATION ?PPROVAL OF tTS OF? TFIE 21st DAY I, dALTL:R ._. RUFif1L?, Of t"e Too7'1 Of Sowmanville in the County of Dur}tam, :Municipal Clerk:., '~ ~ ;':'~Y `~nr:E OAI'?' At~D SAY: 1. Z am the± Clerk of tti~.e 'owns'iip c~ `?3r1zn:;ton anti the Gfficiai responsi}ic~ for sending out the noticer, o`_' the above Ax>pli.cdtion. 2. On '"ues?ay, t`±e ~lth uay o` Septe?nf,~r, 197?, Z caused `>oticf> of this A~7p_ 1CdtiOr., P,'1 ':::Jli:l^.d.tory `CitE= t~7 'iy-LaTa .51r, d tril£? COj3y b ^,<'_i•3E..' 2~,1R td ''~ forutdr~?E:' ~';1> j:rC~¢t d.il first class msil^to all nerGOns~and nr.canizations a= requir^r under paragrap`1 (k~.) to th) inclusive as renuireri by R,ale 1 of the f>CVi Gnr} ??!.11n,r, „t f rb ^•?i~~.lY~^ !lr~tr?i'. !1n Ct}m!^C?x 2~1t}l r 1`'~~! ln~i a-~endments i~exnr.o. 3. Annexed ?aereto and mar?reci as r"xhi?~it "A" is a List of the taerFOns and organizations to e'ho:a entice of this A,~plicatiba csas so given as set out in =aragraph 2 ahc>v~. 4. ,IO person has sent to r+e or to the hest of my know]s3ge and belief to any other emnloyef, agr?nt or officer of the T4unicipality a request for Y30TICE of Application for approval of Ey-Law 2513. 5. Annexed Hereto ant' 1^ lr}:ed as Exhibit ' f3"' is a true copy of the .?otiee of Arplication w~;ich wa.> so mailed to the .^,~rSG1 ftS Sn~:' Cr^ani Zc~ti OnS 25 v'Cst brit zn ~C}'.F.'(~lliP_ "A" hereto. °, 5. Annexed hereto and narked as Ex}libit "C"' is a true copy of t?,;e ~:S:rlanatory '+ntP entitled the "Purxosc:: and Effect of. [ty-Law ;?o. 25I^" ~?hich was mailed with the i2otie9 of Apf;,licatiorl t_o t'°*~ s:li.c' t~r_rson ar.~, ,r.~:~:~.izationa. 7. r1.^,nE±X°i:E hEYey to an.a ?;Etr:-F?ci a3 r:X?'.i~~it "D" i^ 3 tr'1f! COtJy df '~y-Kara 2513 w'^ic': d:a:-, mailed to the ,persons an orreanizatiosl5 r~=_^- Welt i*~ >r_hsdulo "a hereto. . (ln F~?eC1nr_sday, Ch:.> _1 fv 1~ ,,iaY ,~c ^y,~p}°r'?..,. ~-~°t 1973, I Cau3ed abtias of this Replication, the Explanator~t f?ote €~ntitl+>d the "Pureose anu~ffect of ''y-hoer?Rp. '2;19" and a true copy bf t3y-Law `io. 2513 to he ~~ublis`l~d in t!ie The Canadiatz Statesman, a taeewl<< local nAwspaper havint? general circulation in t!te zrea concerrlec in i.ts issues dated. ~'eptember 5t', ar.:' 1''*_h, l?73. 7'he r1ia :?once of Appli~tion was so out;lis'^r~d in accordance erith the directions of the fioard in its lot*_er dated Augr~ 27th, 1973, 9. Annexed hereto and marked as F..:chi?pits "'.?Z" and "E2" are true comes of tho said '?once of r,~c~lic~stion, and copies of the Exolanator,• ';ote and f;y-Cara '?o. 2513 directed to the owners of lent.' in Darlington Township .anu the owners of land in the adjacent ~4unicipaliti;-s, alI of which were published in the (31t3i.ar. Statesman in its issues dated September 5th enc. 1St°~, 1~D73. - a - 10. To this date n~ objection or request Por a change of the provisions of Dy~Law has been filed in the office of the Clad: or to the best of my knowledge and belief with any other emaloyee, agent or oi'ficer of the bunicipality. 11. To this date no request for :.once of (Searing has been received fra^^ anyone supporting the !3y-Law in the office of the Clerk or. to the hest of my knowledge and belief by any other errtployee, agent or officer of the Municipality. Sworn before me at the Taym ) of 5a~,znanvillF3, ir. th~~ County ) of Durham, this~~s~'~day of ) September, 1373. ) ) ) ) :v . ,~ c ~;~ msu ~ » ~ sc rn* Er - ~ .. .:::.~,a, } ) ) ) Lz~~l ~° p:.~~u~p~J :'#Ls.i~ r'J :::~f'«SZ.;~TIUIIi ~.r~~.is ~4~)'.~.Ie,c:: US' `~~'+ P i~;32Ta`~,a 0 ,3Y"~Ltlfi+E NOs 251$• ~L4nistrY o~ `.r~t$l2y! florsOtai.as ;uu1 intor~averrmental }PY'xirs~ P1a.L:~..~E': _ac33~i:~3.atration ~rrusch~ E3C?3 a;; Strn~at~ Taranto 5f Ont. C~ntr.~.l tkst~~+rio Joint P3.a~^~:ir.~; t~oaid~ Osa~:wa :~pp1~ Ccantre i~SiMe ata~eet ~~est~ Os~lawzz~ Unt. 2 oopios. THIS IS EXt11EIT A REFERticU .0 IN THE Affii)AVIT OF Walter E. Runde DAY SWORN BEFORE ME TIiIS _ ~~ S OF $ePtember 15 73 i ~~ ._ ................_ /... A Cammiss~rer, etc. kM\! M 4~ (.'iJJ. Ol~if!1161G•l6f ...~ , `1 .r hi~r9dr~nm'- xr.9 :T irham~ e v .., ~. 1478 Mr$, J. ;3rawninj;~~e0r€ataryy C~rtral Lakt3 ~tltaria Gan$er-t~tia9n Authorityt ~9 ~.n(; strmet ~.4~t~ Oshc~wm~ C~a.tario. D~rpaa•tment of Transportstion and Co~ntnioa.tions~ P-a.~li~csnt i~tt7.lcli.n~s~ Tory=:,to~ Ontario. Y,. Syaans~ C1er~~ iJn.~ teci Countie$ of t~orti~lnber].anc: ~~ Jurham~ Coun*ie®` fui2~in~~ G"olTa argf l~1~3Ti0• Clerk Toys o.~ vi11Q~ EFPi f363pc`~r~l' T1Qe i7trE3®t.~ r3awta.'?rsvtlle~ Ontsria. SmOPatttPy~ T3oWCn9nv$11A ~.''«Ti.`'x3.22i; -~a2rt~! 4.O 'Iaac;perance 3treet~ Basvmcerivil:Lei Ont°.'.'9.os Clerk Cit;~ oP dsr~awmy Citr" au~.ly Osi;~wa ~ On Maria. Clam;, "a'oiS213~31.p of s 6s~hit 'Y- Calumbu$~ Ontario. Clot:c~ Township of ~:artwrieht~ ala.c~sstoa'+s~ Ontario. Cl®N31' Tavmshlp oP Ii,^,ZYV#3r$~ I3otiuir~v! Osataria• G"].Qrli ~ Tawns'.3p of Clarke Orono Ontario. ~sar~tolyt Oshawa Piau.~inr :k>girr2~ Cit, iiall~ Oshawaa~ Ontario. 58Qretary~ ~a3C rvhltby i'12rit.in;; ~a:aYYi Columbu$~ Ontario. SacrQtsry ~ Cartwri~ t Planr'.i ~ra~ Jl.aci~~stook~ Ontterio seorotary• Nk:nvors E~],oruiin 3:~re1~ li~othany~ Ontario. S00EY3 t1 Rq ~ Clerko 1'lan~.ng ~aa~rdti Orono Ont::rio. NOTICE TO Ou7NERS OF LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON NOTICE TO OWNERS OF LAPID IN OF OSHAWA~ TIE TOWDI AI?D IN TI~ TO',NNSHIPS Nf11I'dTTERS s C1,RT',rJRIGHT ~ WIITBY. IRIS IS EXIi161T B "' Rt E"n'ftED TD IN THE AFFIDAVIT DF Walter E. Rundle S'NDRN BEFORE ME 1HIS ~S ~ DAV Qf Septembe i9.7 i'1 ,~ ~; . ;.,~, a ~1,,~~gtIS~IGne etc. THE CITY JF BOrn'i~1TdVILLE$ OF CL~"iRKU s _~TdD EAST NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Township of Darlington for the approval of a By-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. TAPE T10TICE that the Council of the'Corporation of the Township of Darlington intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of the P1.aruzing Act for approval of By-lao-r 2518 passed on the 21st, day of Augusts 1973. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law and stating the lands affected there- by is also furnished herewith. Any person raay9 within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of Darlington notice of his objection to approval of the said By-law together with a stattement of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the By-law may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of Darlington notice of his support of a~oproval of the said 3y_law together with a reduest for notice of any hearing that }nay be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By..law but before doing so it may appoint a time ~~.nd place when any objection to the By-law will be considered. Notice of any Hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. The last day for filing objection will be September 20s 1873. Dated at the Township of Darlington this 5tr., day of September .,,.. 1973. W.E.Rundle, Clerk-Administrator. Township of Darlingtons HAI?PTOTds Ontario. PURPOSE 1~TSD L..rliCT OI? BY~L.1W~13. By-law 2518 repeals that part of By-law 21119 the Zoning By-laws that deals orith signs and substitutes a new Section which includes definitions and regulations, regarding the numbers locations type and size of signs permitted in the Township. R~FER4ED ioJN THE THIS IS EXHIBIT C AFFIDAVIT OF Walter E • Run~~£ DAY SWORN BEFORE ME THIS ~,g, c~ 5 OF Se eY ~/ ~~ v"' tii'G-~ A ~emmissioner, etc.. A by-law to amend zoning by-law No. 2111. (z)(5) "SIGN, WALL" means ar~y sign including a fascia sign, which is painted on or permanently affixed to a trail or canopy of any structure to ~ahach such sign is accessory, (z)(6) "STRJCTURE" means anyt!~iing constricted or erected' trio use of ~ahich requiredF that it be located9 or attached to something located9 on the gxmznd," 2, That Section 4 of By-law iVumber 2111 is hereby amended by deleting therefrom in its entirety' subsection (p) and substituting therefor the following new subsection (p): "(p) SIG~V._t~EGULGTIOiIS No persor_ sha11 within any Zone erect' alter or use any sign except in accordance with the Sign Regulations in Section 4A of this By-law.° 3. That By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by inserting after Section ~ therof the following ne4r Section 4A: "SEC`I'IOI~,4A SIGN REGJLATIO?uS 4A, The follozt~inZ, restrictions sha11 apply: (a) SIGPd5 PERiiITT'ED T~To person sha11 ~-rithin any Zone erect' alter or use any sign except one or more of the follot~ring signs' namely: (i) IPY RESIDEPd'1'IAL (R19 R2 and R3) ZONES: 1. sOne t,rall sign and one Sround sign per lot' each not exceeding 2 square feet in areas indicating the name' address and. occupation of the occupant provided that' where such sign ;dentifies a public or institutional use' the s;_giz area may be greater but shall ilot exceed 12 square feet in area' 2. One non-ilhzminated _~ortable sigr. oer lot' not exceeding ti square feet in area' advertising a sale' lease or rental pertaining to such lot provided tk-iat9 where frontage on a public street exceeds j00 feet' one additional such sign sha11 be par--mitted9 3. One portable sign, or one ground sign not exec-edin~ 20 square feet in area' identifying a contractor's job-sites ~,, ,(,ny sign -pertaining to a Fed_eral9 Provincial or Municipal election or campaign' provided that such sign shall be permitted not more than six creeks prior to the election day or close of carnpai;;~.z and sha11 be removed iaitiiin 'J days thereafter' 5. Nothzrithstand.ing any provisions of Section 4A (b) hereof to the contrary, any sign required by any public authority in Canada irci.ud.in~ any official traffic s;gn or sigrial° and any sign not exceeding ti square fee in area' indicating caution for safety purposes or "Tdo Trespassing". (2) (ii) IPd ALL NON-1~SIDZ1dTI9L ZOPT;;So 1. Any sign permitted in subsection (a)(i) hereof9 2. Any sign an any door or window, not exceeding 250 of the area of such door or window; 3. Any temporary streamer or banns designed to promote current or im,:~inent activities within the Municip.3lity~ 4, Notorithstanding any provisions of Section l+:a(b) hereof to the contrary, any directional sign, not exceeding 8 square feet in =area, indicating a vehicular entrance to or exit from private property, provided the height of such sign above ground level shall not exceed 8 feet. iii) IPd i,Ol~i~"__,nCI~~L (C1) ZOis~uo 1. any sign permitted in subsection (a)(i) and (ii) hereof 2. One wall sign per lot for eaci~ business conducted on the lot9 3. One ground sign per lot, not exceeding 20 square feet in area, provided that; where such sign identifies business occupants of a shopping centre, such sign's araa n:ay be greater but shall not exceed one square foot for every lineal foot of the front lot line. (iv) IN COP41-~sRCIAL (C2 and C3) Zones and Ins I1•ID`JS!'RI1L (Ml,hi2 ar_d P3~;;) ZOlu;So 1. Any sign permitted in subsection (a)(i) and (ii) hereof ,; 2. One po.rtaL-le sign per lot in any C2_ or C3 Zone only9 3. One wall sign or one roof sign per lot for each business conducted on the lot9 4. One ground sign per lot, not exceeding one square foot in area for every lineal foot pf the front Lot line pl'OV1ded trtat, where frontage on a public street e:..ceeds 125 feet; one additional such groun~.. si@;n shall be per,nit'ted, anr.' provided further the height of each such sign above ground level sl><a11 be at 1e<.xst 8 feet ancz not r.~ore than 35 feet, (v) I'd :icFtICJLl'U~iiL (a), OP~'ri SP.~C~ (OS) Jnrl. ~~rZ~~~D D~uLLOPi1~~T (D) ZO1~~S L :any sign permitted in subsection (a)(i) and(ii) hereof 2. One wall sign on one wall only, identifying a farm or f ;.rm o~.anar, ~ar~icil sign may include a symbol, eml;lem or picturay 3. One era11 sign or one ground sign, not exceeding 12 s-lucre feet in area, advertisii~e farm: p_°oduce raised or produced on the premises or recreational facilities. (b) SIOi'd PROUISIOitiS 1~To person sh~111 within any Zone erect, alter or use any sign e.rcept in accordance with the following p.rovisionss (i) PURPOSES OY' SIO1J8. -very sign shall be designed solely for the purposes of identifying the use or occupancy of the lot, ;wilding or structure on tioh ieh it is located or advertising the sale, tease or rental nt' thr property or the goods or services available therein, C3) (ii) ILLUMINATED SIGNSe Any illuminated sign shall i_~c arranged so as to reflCCt Or emlt lloli{: a4ray frDl'1 atly adjaCEnt Pesidential Zone or use9 and nc sign sl-fall be permitted 1.hich employs flashing9 animated or interr`_ttent illumina.tic~:l. (iii) SIGTVS AFFECTI?tiU TRAF_n^IC: No sign sha11 attempt to direct movement of traffie9 or resemble ci' im~~air the vie~,a of any official traffic si.l;n or signals or display red or green illuminated colours L-rithin 200 feet of any intor- sectior. controlled by automatic traffic signals, (iv} SIZE RESTRICTIOidS; (cxcc~-t as otLerL;ise provided in Section t+A (a} hereof) 7_> Portable si~;ns< maximum arcae 15 square feet9 2. ti~1a_1 signs : mahirnurn ar<a ~ the lesser of 25 of the adj oining t-call surface or 300 scua~e feet9 3, roof sigr_s 1naXi.mwn lcr_ttha t}_c lesser o~° 50,. of the parallel roof dimension or j0 fcet§ 4, Real. Estati; sigTls advertisin trio sales lease or rental of any property as perr:~itted in subsection (a) (i) 2, hereof e maXlliiLU'1 area= E sC'i t:.are feet (v) FIEIGHT RES'~RICTTOivSa (except as otherLrise provided in Section 4A (a) hereof) 1. Portable si~:;ns o m4~i au~i hci~ht ~ 5 feet ~ 2, tidaJ_1 si.~r_s: ma..i:t>rn heights height of a.l,J Oir!11i~ L~Tc~ll ~ mini_-1u;n heights 8 feet above ~roune levels 3> iioo±' Signs at least 3 feet ar„A not more than 7 feet above adjaeeilt roof or top ( i) LOC~ T ' of _;;arapet Lrall, v ~ ]:C: t 'ESTRICTI ODSs 1. Wall ~irnso maximu::? _~rojection: 2 feet out f r o!n any ad j oirin_; Laa11 ~ 2. Roof signs s not less than L~ feet frog: any otter L•rall of the ad j oinin strncture~ slid located so as net to ot.~struct an;r L~rirdow~ skylights 3 Ground si ~~s ~ door ar fire eXCapc9 i i , g m il mtrn distance from street lii:e: 30 foot provided tha jug s _ tj where ae si.rn sure°ace is parallel to tlic street line cr indicates the nara.es addres.- aird /or occuoatio:_ of the occupant as perinittcd in subsection (a)(i) 1, hereof or indentifies an automobile service station on the lots the lni.nirnunl distance shall be, 10 fect~ minir~~r1 c:istanee from side lot line 10 feet (~ ) Cvii) iviUMBER RESTRICTIONSs Real Estate suns advertising the sa1e9 lease or rental of any I~roperty as ~~ermitted in subseei;iom. (a)(i) 2. hereofa ma~i~num n,,;r~ber per lot a one, provided that where frontage on a public ::greet e;ceecds 700 fect9 cr_e additional such sign shall be nerm_._"tied." ~> '!'l.is B;,--la.~* sL-~ail becor;:e cffccti.ve on the date hcraof subj~==at go recsivin~ the a_~~;ro--u1 of t!1e O'ngario Piunicipal Board. `11TIS PY-Lti'vJ READ A FIRSI'9 SsCCI~ 1i!ID IiII^D TIiiE GPI FIdALLY PASSED Ors I'HE 7_lai DAY OF L'.iiG TS'i ~ A.D. s 1973. n~;?.li,. R~i'dDLErr L" LEP~ ~i Y Jz R 731399 `~~) CNTAR'.O ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER Ok' Section 35 Of The Planning 1~ct (R,S.O. 1974, c. _3~9~_¢._...r_ - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town- ship of Darlington for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2518 B E F O R E W. H. PALMER, ) Chairman ) ) -and - ) ) D. J.AMIESON, ) Vice-Chairman ) Thursday, the lst day of November, 1973 No objections to approval having been received as required: THE BOARD ORAERS that By-law 2518 is hereby approved. I T ~ ~ ~~ V ~'~~~U f ~ I x. c. ANDRESas SECRETARY !{V I L.f.EC7 u n P. J'ry~li.. ! ./".......... iOi!J V~:!-,~ ............... !r.-! ,/,~y ? t,,.2.- , ' Aj .J ~-~ r