HomeMy WebLinkAbout2519A by-law to amend zoning by-law No. 2111. (1) no part of such swimming pool shall be located closer than 30 feet to any street line; (2) no part of such swimming pool shall be located closer than 10 feet to any rear or side lot Line;-and (~) a fence is constructed and maintained • completely around such swimming pool having a minimum height of 4 feet and one only gate equipped with self-closing and self-locking devices. (ii) A private swimming pool shall not be considered part of the lot coverage provided that no part of such swimming pool or its railing protrudes more than 4 ~ feet above the finished grade." 5. That Section 11 of By-law Number 2113 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection (d); "(d) SP"~CIALIZED FARMS. (i) "SPCIALIZE~ Fat4~i" means a lot on which the predominate economic activity consists of raising chickens turkeys or other fowl, the raising of fur bearing animals, the raising of swine or goats, the raising of cattle on feed lots the raising or baarding of dogs or cats or the growing of mushrooms. (ii)rihere a lot is used for the purposes of a specialized farm, no stable, barn, shelter, pen, cage, kennel or other building or structure used to house animals or domestic fowl and no feed lot area or manure storage area shall be located within 1000 feet of any Residential or Deferred Development Zone. 6. That Schedule °A" to By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by deleting from the Land Use Legend the following symbol and words: << UIVIA1Pt,OV3D C~=C~.-+~--~-~-- f t _ PU~LIO ST:-~ET (for reference see Section 4~f)" and substituting t:,erefor the following symbols and words: u ~~~~ ~. That Schedule "n" to amended by adjusting of Darlington and the • with the order o£ the Oct.__~6~ 1968 __. to the Town. CLASS k PU:3LIC STr~ST CL:ISS B PU3LIC ST ~+E'1" ~" ~-~_~~ 3y-law Number 2111 is hereby the boundary between the Township Town of Bowmanville in accordance Ontario Municipal Board dated annexing part of the Township $. This 3y-law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. (2) f T3IS BY-Le~W RE'~D ~ FIRST, SECOidD AIdD THIRD TINS ,~uJD FIP1}LLY PASSED ON T_-~ ~/ ~ DAY OF ..:~-~~........ A.D., 1973• • QEIOGty - R~F.VE ____-ram-' ~~.-~- __ CLRRK • (3> NOTICE TO O'rb~RS OF Ix1ND IN THE T041Id~HIP OF' DARLIIduTOPd NOTICE T 0 OWPTi"35 OF L:~ND I N Tl CITY OF OSFL~4dA; TIC TObdN OF 301~1If,:PdVILLE, AI`TD IPd THE TOWNSHIPS OL' CLARK:3 s Id~lldV~RS s C:~RTuiRIGHT, AidD EAST WHIT3Y. NOTIC OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Township of Darlington for the approval of a By-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. TAK!, NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of the Planning :1ct for approval of By-law 2519 passed on the 21st, day of August 1973• A copy of the BY-law is furnished. herewith. e1 note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the BY-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. Any person mays within fourteen (14) days after the date of tYiis notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of Darlington notice of his objection to approval of the said By-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the By-law may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Toumship of Darlington notice of his support of approval of the .said By-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given. The Ontario I~:unicipal Hoard map approve of the said BY-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place orhen any objection to the By-law will be considered. ATotice of any Hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of supports and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned the address to which notice of hearing is to t;e sent. ,p sJeotror The last day for filing will be September 20s 1973• Dated at the Township of Darlington tlzi.s 5th. 19~3of September W.E.Rundle. Clerk-Administrator. Township of Darlington. H.~iP^lONs Ontario. PUP.POSE _~,D i{;?FECT OP UY-L~iW _ 219 By-law 2519 defines and regulates swimming pools by providing for their location and feneing9 defines and regulates specialized farms by restricting the location of buildings where animals or poultry are kept., in relation to residential 'ldin s and changes the wording of the Sections but. g v classifying public streets. THE CORPO3ATI0N OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON. BY-LAW NUMBER 2519. A By-law to amend By-law Number 2111 WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington deems it advisable to amend By-law Number 21119 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the I~hznicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington E'iI,CTS as follows: 1. That Section 2 of By-law Number 2111 is herebyy amended by adding thereto the following subsection (z)(f)(i): "(s) (f ) (i ) "SWIMi':IIdG POOL 9 PRIV<1T;+J" means any body of watery permanently located outdoors on privately owned property9 contained by artificial means9 and used and maintained for the pur~ose of swimming9 wading9 diving or bathing.' 2. That Section 4(f) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by deleting from the first paragraph the words " an improved public street" and substituting therefor the words"a .Class A public street" so that the said first paragraph reads as follows: "No person shall erect any building or structure in any zone unless the lot upon which such building or structure is to be erected fronts upon a Class A public street which has been opened and which has a width of 66 feet or more9 save and except in the case of a summer cottage in an Agricultural Zone under Section 119 save and except a building accessory to a building existing at the date of passing of this BY-law9 and further save and except lots which front on the follo~.aing streets and the following properties:" 3. That Section 4(f) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by deleting at the end thereof the following paragraph: " For the pur~oses of this subsection9 am"improved public street' means any street in the Township of Darlington other than a street designated as an unimproved public street on Schedule "A" hereto." and substituting therefor the following: "For the purposes of this sul,section9 " a Class A public street° means a street so designated on Schedule "A" hereto or a street provided by way of a plan of subdivision registered on or after the 5th. day of October9 19679 but in no case shall it include a Class B public street as designated on Schedule "A" hereto." 4. That Section 4 of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection (w): "w PRIVATE SWIP~G•IING POOLS (i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law to the cohtrary9 in any Zone a private swimming pool may be erected and used in any yard provided that: (1) no part of such swimming pool shall be located closer than 30 feet to any street lineg (2) no part of such swimming pool shall be located closer than 10 feet to any rear or side lot line9 and (3) a fence is constructed and maintained completely around such swimming pool having a minimum height of 4 feet and one only gate equipped with self-closing and self-locking devices. (ii) A private swimming pool shall not be considered part of the lot coverage provided that no part of such swimming pool or its railing protrudes more than 4-~- feet above the finished grade." 5. That Section 11 of By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection (d)g "(d) SPECIALIZED FnRM5. (i) "SPr~CI<1hIZED F.~~i" means a lot on which the predominate economic activity consists of raising chickens9 turkeys or other fow19 the raising of fur bearing animals9 the raising of swine or goats, the raising of cattle on feed lots, the raising or boarding of dogs or cats or the growing of mushrooms. (ii) Where a lot is used for the purposes of a specialized farm9 no stable9 barn9 shelter pen, cage9 kennel or other building or structure used to house animals or domestic fowl and no feed lot area or manure storage area shall be located within 19000 f@et of any Residential or Deferred Development Zone. 6. That Schedule "A" to By-law idumber 2111 is hereby amended by deleting from the Land Use Legend the following symbol and words " ";`"~"" U1QIi~iPP,OVED ~~_~+~-PUBLIC STREET (for reference see Section 4(f )" and substituting therefor the following symbols and words: " CLASS A PUBLIC STREET ~yCLASS B ~~~~ T ~ 1 PUBLIC STR~3T y2. That Schedule ":~" to By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by adjusting the boundary betweer. the ^lownship of Darlingtr,„" and the Town of Bowmanville in accordance with the order of the Ontario Municipal Board dated October 269 19689 annexing part of the Township to the Town. 8. This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. (2) THIS BY-L=`iW RE_~D A FIRSTS SECOND BIND THIRD TIPS AidD FIN~.LLY P.iSSED ON THE 21ST DaY OF aucusT 9 a.D., 1973. "H. :~.iUC,i; TINK a DEPUTY~~R~.~VE " ..~~.....~...•..,. "W . E . RU IdDLE" CLERit ~~; R 731395 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD TYJ THE ?9ATTER OF Section 35 of The Plannin~~Act (R,S.O. 1970, c: ~~7.ww. and TN THE PAATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Tovm- ship of Darlington fox approval of its Restricted Area By--lain 2519 B E I' fl R E W. H, PAI.MER, ) Chairman ) -and -~ ) D. JAMTESON, ) vice--Chairman ) Thursday, the ist day of November, 1973 No objections to approval having been received as required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By--law 2519 is hereby approved. 1 ,~1 ~:. c. ANI>R-ws SECRETARY .n -~ ~, ;: ~. .,. - i ..:. YOfp (dom. ?i..~__... ~ ~'t i,~ ~~ i