HomeMy WebLinkAbout2525A by-law to authorize the entering into an agreement with the Tyrone Community Centre Board. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Darlington, hereinafter called the Township, is desireous of entering into an agreement with The Tyrone Community Centre Board, hereinafter called. the Board, for the purpose of con- structing a Community Hall and Skating Arena; Now THEREFORE the Council of the Township, irtbonsideration of the premises, HEREBY ENACTS as follows 1, That the Township enter into an agreement with the Board for the purpose of constructing a community hall and skating arena an lands owned by the Township in Lot 9, Con cession 7 in the Vitlage of Tyrone, in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A". 2. That the Township make application under The Community Centres Act for grants payable thereunder. 3. That the Township pay up to a maximum of $18,000.00 from the proceeds of lands in the area and from general Township funds towards the balance of the funds required to pay the total cost of the project in accordance with the said Agreement. 4. That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the said agreement on behalf of the Township and impress the corporate seal thereon and make the appropriate application for grants under The Community Centres Act. SY-LAW given its first and second reading this 20th day of November, 1973. BY-LAW given its third reading and finally passed this - 2Qth day of November, 1973. ..~~~~ _ ~s~.L 446::5.. . .'. - Reeve ~~ Clerk. SCHEDULE."A" MEMORANDUM OF AGREEME[dT v made in triplicate this 20th day of November, BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF i DARLINGTON ' hereinafter called the "TOWNSHIP" OF THE FIRST PART: and THE TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD, hereinafter called the "BOARD" A.D. 1971 OF THE SECOND PART: j ~~ , Sj i t ~~ i ~j .a. s i WHEREAS the Township has, by by-law, established a Community Centre at Tyrone under the management of the Board pursuant to The Community Centres Act; AND WHEREAS the Township and Board are desireous of con- structing a community hall and skating arena on lands owned by the Township in Lot 9, Concession,? in the Village of Tyrone; AND WHEREAS the Board has funds totalling $32,000.00 - and. the Township has agreed to provide funds to a maximum of $18,000.00 from proceeds of the sale of land in the area, general Township funds-and funds by wdy of grant which the Township intends to apply for under under ,The .Community .Centres Act; AND WHEREAS pursuant.to-T?xe Regional Municipality of Durham Aet, 1973, the Townsh~,p wh .become apart of the. new. Corporation'of the Tows of NewcastYe and<The Regional Cc~unc;l of The Regional Municipality of Durkam .will be a board of a community centre under The Community Centres Ftict; AND WHBREA$ the Township end the,~oard'are ~issireous of y~. setting< out - he terms of the,~x agreement to construct' the above- mentioned: community :hall ~sl skat~i~g arena. NClii THEREFOl~;incon~ACat-'ion of the p;,enri§es a~3 the n ~. ~~~ y covenants hereinafter het ,~ the Township and..t~1~ Board mutually. ~~ covenant and agree for.. tv~,stheir succesrs and ~~,signs as follows s ~ '_ -r~ ~ ; . ~„ r 1. The TownsYaxp w3,const~ruct a: commusity~hall and x~ ; skating aretaa in accorda~~, ~h ~s3;at~st.to be appzoa~gd' liy the Town- ship and the Board„mad thm ii~nship will conduct° all .negotiations, h prepare plans and specifications, make and sign any contracts, provide any necessary supervision and make all payments in connection :with the construction of the said hall and arena. 2. The Township will apply for grants payable under The E? Community Centres Act and the Board agrees to assist in such appli-jj cation as may be required. Notwithstanding the success or failure I~ of such application for ,grants, the Township agrees to provide fund ,. -2- N ~~ up to the maximum hereinafter set out to assist in the payment of the total cost of the project after taking into account the receipt ~ of any grants made.. 3, The total price of the said hall and arena shall not exceed $50,000,00-of which the Board shall pay forthwith to the Township $32,000,00 to be retained in trust for use in connection with the project, ,and the Township shall provide and set aside up to $18,000,00 from the proceeds of the sale of municipal lands in the area, general Township funds and grants received under The Community Centres Act. }i 4. All. costs in connection with-the work aAd services ~~ to be performed .,hereunder shall be charged against the. total cost i3 '~ of the project. ~ ~~ '~ t' ' 5, This agreement shall be binding on the successors and ~ " assigns of the Township and the`$oard, ~; -~ '~ WITNESS the seal of the Township attested by its duly ', authorized officers and the hands and seals of ahe du~.y authorized officers of t'he Board, „_ . ,~ SIGNED, SEALID and DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP f F in the gresence of ): r .~ ti ~_ - x~ .~. .1- - .~ -' '~ _ ,, ~ ~. Reeve y _ -- ~; - Clerk '; .° r: , ~ . - ~ ' ~ ,THE 'TYRONE COMlg[INITY CENTRE BOARD ~- ~= y ~. .>: . ~ ~ ,c, -