HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-10 Minutes Draft minutes - Not vet approved bv Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10,2009 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) John Stoner - Chair Karin Murphy - Vice Chair Councillor Willie Woo Brian Reid Dan Stanoi Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: David Best Warren May - MNR Absent: Greg Wells - GRCA 1. Agenda Additions There were no additions to the agenda. Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Shirley Minifie, seconded by Jim Cleland THA T the agenda for November 10,2009 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of September 8, 2009 Corrections Pat Mulcahy Jim Cleland Shirley Minifie Arthur Burrows Joe McKenna I - 1 2 There were no corrections to the minutes. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of September 8, 2009 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. New Member Introduction-Pat Mulcahy The committee welcomed Pat Mulcahy. Pat has been a resident ofthe Wilmot Creek Community for the past 5 years and is a frequent user of the trails at the SWNA. She became more aware ofthe activities of the SWNA Committee through the presentation given at the Wilmot Community last spring. 5. Sub-Committee Reports Communications John Stoner mentioned that he has yet to complete his article on dragon flies that will be included in the nest newsletter. Since the discontinuation of the Clarington.net publication the newsletter will be posted on line on the Municipality's web site and will be offered bye-mail to the current mailing list. 6. Updates TD Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-Up Shirley Minifie provided an overview of the clean-up held on September 19. Several SWNA members picked up litter and debris from along the lake on both sides of the Wilmot Creek and also along a portion of the creek north ofthe lake. Part ofthe process was to tally of the types of litter found and report back to the organizers. The most common litter found, by far, was plastic water bottles. Other interesting items included a large construction cone and a full can of vegetables. One of the biggest challenges was hauling the litter from the lakeshore up to the Cobbledick parking lot. In 2010 the collected garbage can be left by the lake shelter or viewing platform. Operations trucks can access those areas from the gate at the end of Cobbledick Road. It is expected that TD will provide an overall summary of the event to all of the site coordinators. Shirley will report back to the committee when this information is available. 3 Newcastle Memorial Forest - Phase 2 The Newcastle Lions have received a Trillium Foundation grand and are in the process of completing the second phase of the memorial forest at the north end of the SWNA. Approximately 40 trees have been planted in phase 2 and the walkway locations have been staked out for construction later this month. A wood entrance feature will also be constructed at the new north access point to the memorial forest. Municipal Staff Representation Jennifer O'Donnell will not attend the SWNA meetings for the foreseeable future but will still act as the SWNA committee secretary. She will continue to distribute the minutes, receive regrets for meetings, help organize special events, etc. Peter will record the minutes of the meetings. Councillor Woo explained that this was being done on all Committees of Council as a cost saving measure. Sign Relocation The entrance sign on the Toronto Street side has been moved by the Operations Department so that is now visible from the re-aligned Toronto Street entrance to the SWNA. The posts at the original location were set in concrete and had to be replaced as part of the move. Wilmot Watershed Study Three members of the SWNA committee also sit on the GRCA committee studying the Wilmot Creek watershed. In September members were given the opportunity to tour the entire watershed by bus. Jim Cleland attended the bus tour and reported that many of the problems with water quality in the Wilmot Creek can be linked to agricultural land uses up-stream. The Watershed Study group is trying to encourage better stewardship by all owners ofland adjacent to the Wilmot Creek. Another meeting ofthe committee is scheduled for late November with a final report anticipated in January 2010. 7. Other Business/Next Meeting SWNA Presentations to Schools The committee discussed the need to increase awareness of the SWNA by delivering the PowerPoint presentation to high school students. It was agreed that the best way to do that would be through the Environmental Studies classes at Clarington's public and separate high schools. The schools will be contacted to see if they are interested in receiving a presentation. Pat Mulcahy will also investigate how many Scout groups exist in Clarington so that we can offer the presentation to them. 4 MRN Parking Lot garbage The MNR Parking lot on Toronto Street continues to be a dumping area for various types of garbage. Most recently some furniture was dumped in the lot. The MNR will be made aware of this issue by copy of the meeting minutes. Issues for Operations Department The garbage cans are missing from the Toronto Street Parking lot and at the trail entrance on Toronto Street. A tree limb has fallen on the woodchip trail between the Sewage Treatment Plant and the lake. Motion to Adiourn MOVED by Karin Murphy, seconded by Brian Reid THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday December 8, 2009 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by P. Windolf