HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-09 Minutes Draft minutes - Not vet approved bv Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 8,2009 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) David Best Jim Cleland Joe McKenna Karin Murphy - Vice Chair Dan Stanoi Arthur Burrows John Stoner - Chair Shirley Minifie Brian Reid Councillor Willie Woo Also Present: Jennifer O'Donnell Peter Windolf (Non- Voting) Pam Lancaster - GRCA (presenter) Absent: Kerry Meydam Warren May - MNR Candy Davis-Storks Greg W ells- GRCA 1. Agenda Additions There were no additions to the agenda. Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Karin Murphy, seconded by David Best THA T the agenda for September 8, 2009 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of August 11, 2009 Corrections There were no corrections to the minutes. 2 Approval of Minutes MOVED by Shirley Minifie, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT the minutes of August 11, 2009 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Presentation - Pam Lancaster, GRCA, Wilmot Creek Watershed Study Pam Lancaster presented a slideshow outlining Wilmot Creek Watershed Planning. The presentation included recommended actions for management, protection and enhancement of Wilmot Creek based on scientific information collected by the GRCA. She explained that this was a "living document", meaning it is constantly changing and being reviewed. The study takes into account the recommendations of SWNA Management Plan. 5. Sub-Committee Reports Communications Joe will begin work on the next edition of the newsletter. Possible feature articles discussed include the work done by the MNR Rangers, the new woodland trail, photos of salamanders and a fox pup found within the nature area, and an article on dragonflies. Councillor Woo informed the Committee that the Clarington.net publication will not be produced in December, due to budgetary restraints; however, it could be resurrected in 2010. Dan Stanoi will post the summer newsletter on the kiosk. 6. Updates TD Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-Up Shirley was successful in registering the SWNA for the event, designating herself as the site coordinator. This is a nation wide event originally initiated by the Ocean Conservancy in British Columbia. In addition to being a shoreline clean-up it is also an opportunity to inventory the types of litter found at each registered site. TD suggests working in groups, to pick up and then tally of the types of litter found. It was agreed that those volunteering to participate will meet in the Toronto Street parking lot on September 19th at 9:00 a.m. Pick up will begin along the lake shore and, time permitting, will continue up the creek. 3 Friends of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area In an effort to attract additional volunteers who would like to be involved in hands-on projects at the SWNA, Brian drafted text for an ad and read it aloud to the committee. After some discussion about the merits of the initiative, the Committee passed a motion to proceed. Brian will finalize the text and it will be included in the next newsletter. The text will be placed on SWNA letterhead along with some site photos to create a flyer to be posted on the kiosk. Brian will also set up an email account to receive responses and to send correspondence. Sign Relocation and Trail Clearing The asphalt trail north of the Sewage Treatment Plan has been cleared of sediment by the Operations Department. The entrance sign on the Toronto Street side will be moved by the Operations Department; however, it is set in concrete and will, therefore, take some time to move. Letter of Appreciation for MNR Rangers John read aloud a letter of appreciation from the Committee to David May, the coordinator of the MNR Rangers, thanking them for the assistance they provided on July 16 and 1 7. 7. Other Business/Next Meeting Fall Event No fall event will be scheduled this year; instead the committee will concentrate on a spring 2010 event themed around owls or birds of prey. A comparison of fees will be done with several contacts to determine which will be the best to pursue. Flora/Fauna Inventory John Foster from the Durham Filed Naturalists visited the SWNA three more times in August, collecting data for his flora and fauna inventory. Brian Reid sent a copy of the Background Report to the Environmental Management Plan to Mr. Foster to assist him in his research. This is an informal study for himself and for the benefit of the committee. Brian has asked Mr. Foster to speak to the committee about his findings when his research is complete. Adjournment: 9:00 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday October 13, 2009 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room 1A Notes prepared by J. O'Donnell