HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-09 Minutes I - 1 Draft minutes - Not vet approved bv Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY JUNE 9, 2009 Present: (V oting) John Stoner-Chair Jim Cleland David Best Brian Reid Joe McKenna Councillor Willie Woo Karin Murphy-Vice Chair Shirley Minifie Candy Davis-Storks Dan Stanoi Kerry Meydam Also Present: Peter Windolf (Non- Voting) Absent: Warren May (MNR), Arthur Burrows, Greg Wells (GRCA) 1. Agenda Additions The introduction of new member Candy Davis-Storks was moved forward in the agenda. Candy is a life long resident of Clarington who has spent many hours fishing and swimming in the Wilmot Creek as a child. She currently lives in Newcastle village. The SWNA committee welcomed Candy to the Committee. Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Karin Murphy, seconded by Joe McKenna THAT the agenda for June 9, 2009 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of May 12, 2009 Corrections Under Section 5-PowerPoint Presentations in the 5th sentence replace Brain with Brian Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of May 12,2009 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the Minutes. 4. Sub-Committee Reports Communications Joe circulated a draft of the spring 2009 newsletter. It will feature articles on the DEAC award won by the SWNA Committee, CFWIP Funding program, and the Durham Coastal Wetland proj ect. '- It was recommended that an article about the Indian River Reptile Zoo event also be included. Peter Windo1fwill prepare the text and provide a photograph to Joe. Joe will also obtain a photograph of the DEAC Awards ceremony to accompany the article. Maintenance The Maintenance sub-committee removed brush piled along the south fence line of the Sewage Treatment Plant. Brian reports that the Toronto Street parking lot has been cleared of brush and construction debris by the Operations Department. 5. Updates Indian River Reptile Zoo Presentation Recap The Indian River Reptile Zoo gave a presentation on Saturday June 6th @ 10:00am at the Toronto Street parking lot. The event was attended by over 100 people with the majority being families with young children. Several varieties of snakes, turtles, an iguana and a 12"python were displayed. Guests had an opportunity to pet the python at the conclusion of the presentation. Several guests were asked how they heard about the event and most said they saw the notice in the newspaper. At future events a SWNA Committee member would introduce the presentation, invite the guests to tour the SWNA and ask if any wished to be added to the SWNA mailing list. Planting project at Sewage Treatment Plant After the Indian River presentation several committee members undertook a planting project along the west fence line of the Swage Treatment plant to screen the view into the plant. Ten High Bush Cranberry and ten Serviceberry were planted. Also three dead trees along Toronto Street were replaced as were four Crimson King Maples that were inadvertently delivered as part oflast October's planting project. MNR Rangers -schedule The MNR Rangers are confirmed at the SWNA the week of July 13. The Rangers have offered two crews on a single day or a single crew for two consecutive days. It was decided that the Rangers should come to the site with two crews on a Friday July 17. They will meet committee members at the Toronto Street parking lot between 8:30 and 9:00AM. Their main task wiII be to spread woodchips on the woodland trail and build a retaining edge at some locations. Operations will be asked to provide two large piles of wood chips at either end of the trail. DEAC Awards At the May awards ceremony the Samuel Wilmot Nature Advisory Committee was awarded the Irene Kock Education/Communication Award. Jim Cleland and Karin Murphy were in attendance to accept the award on behalf of the Committee. The committee was appreciative of finaIIy being recognized after several years of being nominated for various awards. 6. Other Business/Next Meeting Flora and Fauna Inventory Brian met on site for the fourth time with John Foster a member of the Durham Filed Naturalists who is preparing an inventory of Flora and Fauna at the SWNA. Mr. Foster will be asked to attend a future meeting to report on his inventory. Camping Complaint Councillor Woo received a complaint in May about camping occurring at the SWNA. The committee believes this was an isolated incident. Camping has not been a problem in the past and has only occurred before on the opening day of fishing season in April. Councillor Woo wiII foIIow-up with the resident. TD Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up A nation wide shoreline clean-up is scheduled from September 19-27. The e-mail from TD will be forwarded to all members on e-mail. The committee will register to participate. Adjournment: 8:30 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday August 11, 2009 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by P. Windolf