HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-12 MinutesDraft minutes -Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY MAY 12, 2009 ON SITE Present: David Best Arthur Burrows (Voting) Jim Cleland Shirley Minifie Karin Murphy Greg Wells (GRCA) Brian Reid Also Present: Peter Windolf Dianne Graham (Non-Voting) Regrets: John Stoner Kerry Meydam Joe McKenna Councillor Willie Woo Dan Stanoi Absent: Warren May (MNR) 1. Agenda Additions There were no additions to the agenda. Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Shirley Minifie, seconded by David Best THAT the agenda for April 14, 2009 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of Apri114, 2009 Corrections Updates: DFN Songbird Presentation - PQ #3 -Delete "habitant" and add "habitat" in last sentence Other Business: Pitch In Day - Pg #4 -Add "Jim" to the list of volunteers OPG: Green Grants - Pg # 4 -Delete the words "ask talk" Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Arthur Burrows THAT the minutes of February, 2009 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes Jim and Arthur informed the committee that they did not receive the Apri12009 minutes in the mail. 4. Sub-Committee Reports Brush Cleanup The Operations Department has picked up most of the brush pile dumped in the corner of the Toronto Streetparking lot but a smaller pile still remains. Operations will be asked to pick up the remaining brush. Sign -Toronto Street Parking Lot The committee discussed the relocation of the SWNA entrance sign at the Toronto Street parking lot. Toronto Street has been realigned and the sign is no longer visible from the road. A means and budget to relocate the sign will be investigated further by Municipal Staff. 5. Updates Indian River Reptile Zoo Presentation June 6. 10.OOAM The scheduled date for the Indian River Reptile Zoo Presentation is June 6th @ 10:00am at the Toronto Street parking lot. Arrangements will be made to have the Clarington tent available in case of rain. If rain is in the forecast Committee members will be contacted to assist with erecting the tent at 9:OOAM. Notices of the event have been posted at various locations around the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area; posters have been mailed out from the SWNA mailing list, distributed to the Community Services Facilities and Libraries. A few picnic tables will be requested from Operations for the Toronto Street Parking lot. PowerPoint Presentations - Apri127~' & May 12`h, 2009 Brian presented the S WNA PowerPoint presentation at the April 27`h meeting of the Durham Field Naturalists. It was a very productive presentation. Approximately 40 - 50 people attended and several members of the DFN expressed an interest in visiting the site. John Foster a member of the DFN was subsequently given a tour of the SWNA by Brain and Karin. He identified many different birds and amphibians by their call; he also identified types of vegetation. He will be visiting again to compile a list of birds and amphibians observed or heard at the S WNA. A copy of that list will be forwarded to the committee when completed. Brian will ask John to present his findings at a future SWNA meeting. Karin and Shirley presented the SWNA PowerPoint Presentation for the Wilmot Community Auxiliary Committee on Tuesday May 12`h, 2009. Approximately 40 people attended. While many residents use the SWNA regularly others were surprised by the things the SWNA has to offer. Some commented on the need for a portable washroom. SWNA Brochure The committee discussed the need for an SWNA brochure that would provide users with information and maps. This has been discussed previously with the Communications sub- committee. Now Yhat the PowerPoint presentation has been completed some of that content could be used in a brochure: The issue will be discussed further at the June meeting. GRCA Clean Water/Healthy Land -2009 Grant Application The Municipality will submit a grant application to the GRCA for 2009 planting projects. It will be investigated to determine if production costs for an SWNA brochure would be eligible under this program. MNR Rangers -tentative schedule The MNR Rangers will be working at the SWNA for two days in the summer. Their schedule was discussed and it was determined that the Rangers should come to the site on a Thursday and Friday rather than earlier in the week. Their schedule will be firmed up by the June meeting. 2009 projects will include; • Improving the woodland trail by adding woodchips and building a retaining edge at some locations. 6. Other Business/Next Meeting DEAC- Awards Retention May 14 The SWNA has been nominated for the Irene Kock-Education/Communication Award. The awards reception will be held on May 14`h @ 6:30PM at the Regional Headquarters. Jim and Karin will attend the event. Review soil conditions for June 6 plantin~proiect The committee members took a walk along the trail behind the Water Treatment Plant to check out the soil conditions for the planting project. The soil was easily workable and 20 shrubs will be ordered for planting at the June 6`h SWNA event. Adjournment: 7:30 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday June 9, 2009 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by D. Graham