HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-10 Minutes Draft minutes - Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY MARCH 10,2009 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (V oting) David Best Jim Cleland Joe McKenna Karin Murphy Arthur Burrows Dan Stanoi Shirley Minifie Kerry Meydam Councillor Willie Woo Also Present: Peter Windolf (Non- Voting) Dianne Graham Regrets: John Stoner Brian Reid Absent: Warren May (MNR) Greg Wells (GRCA) 1. Agenda Additions Other Business: Viewing Platform Pine Bark Beetles Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the agenda for February 10, 2009 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of February 10,2009 Corrections There were no corrections arising from the minutes. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Kerry Meydam, seconded by David Best THAT the minutes of February, 2009 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Sub-Committee Reports Maintenance The pickets on the south viewing platform have been repaired except for one. The committee discussed how best to secure the pickets so that they can't be kicked out by vandals. Different options were discussed including the installation of a steel or wood mid-rail to give the pickets greater stability. It was agreed that if vandalism of the pickets becomes a recurring problem then a mid-rail should be installed. Newsletter Joe McKenna has begun drafting a spring 2009 newsletter. Greg Wells from GRCA has sent information regarding "Wetland Monitoring" to be printed in the spring 2009 newsletter. Additional Information may include: . PowerPoint Presentation for the Wilmot Auxiliary Committee on Tuesday May lih 2009 , · Fall Planting Project Information . Special Events in 2009 5. Updates CFWIP 2008 A final report on the 2008 CFWIP project was submitted to the MNR in December. A cheque to reimburse us for the work has been received and was deposited into the Wilmot account. PowerPoint Presentations The PowerPoint presentation for the Wilmot Community Auxiliary Committee is scheduled for Tuesday May lih, 2009; Introduction begins at I 1:00am. Karin and Shirley will do the presentation. Laptop and projector have been booked for this event. Notes for the presentation where handed out to Karin and Shirley. They are an abbreviated version of the previous notes. Presenters are encouraged to add their own commentary as they see fit. Shirley will confirm the access code into the community. Special Events The committee agreed that the Indian River Reptile Zoo should be confirmed for an on- site presentation on either Saturday June 6 or 13. The exhibit would feature live native and exotic reptiles and snakes. This was one of the most popular special events of prevIOUS years. A September special event themed around songbird migration will be investigated furth er. Portable Washroom The committee again discussed the need for a port-a-potty at the SWNA. Councillor Woo will speak to the Director of Operations to determine if a portable washroom can be placed in the Cobbledick Parking lot this season. The committee agreed school bus trips to the site would not be promoted until a portable washroom was available. 6. Other Business/Next Meeting New Business Parking lots on Toronto Street and Cobbledick Road need to be graded to eliminate numerous potholes. Many fishermen have been using the SWNA lately. Garbage containers in the parking lots are frequently full. Operations will be notified. Songbird Migration presentation Brian sent an email with a link to a Toronto Star article about a new research study on songbird migration. The author of the study will be the guest speaker at the Monday March 30 meeting of the Durham Field Naturalists. The meeting is open to any SWNA members who would like to attend. The meeting begins at 7:30PM at the Northview Branch of the Oshawa Public Library, North/West comer of Beatrice E. and Ritson Rd N. Karin, Shirley and David expressed an interest in attending this event. Brian will liaise with the Durham Field Naturalists to see if they can assist with a future bird themed special event at the SWNA. Pine Bark Beetle There was a brief discussion about the Pine Bark beetle. Jim asked if it was a problem in this area. Peter responded that we probably have a type of pine bark needle in Ontario but it wouldn't be the same species that is devastating the pine forests in western Canada. Peter will provide more information at the next meeting. Adjournment: 8:30 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday April 14, 2009 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room 1A Notes prepared by D. Graham