HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-10 Minutes Draft minutes - Not vet approved bv Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY February 10, 2009 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (V oting) David Best Jim Cleland Joe McKenna Karin Murphy Arthur Burrows Shirley Minifie Kerry Meydam Brian Reid Dan Stanoi Also Present: Peter Windolf (Non-Voting) Greg Wells (GRCA) Dianne Graham Regrets: John Stoner Councillor Willie Woo Absent: Warren May (MNR) 1. Agenda Additions There were no additions to the agenda. Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by David Best, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the agenda for February 10,2009 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of October 14,2008 Corrections No. #6 Updates Title "Trials" should read "Trails" 1-4 Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by David Best THAT the minutes of October 14,2008 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Sub-Committee Reports Communications Joe McKenna will begin drafting a spring 2009 newsletter. Articles may include: . Information about the fall 2008 planting project on Toronto Street . Possible Special Events in 2009 . Article with photos of the boat launch created for the Durham Wetland Monitoring project Maintenance In October and November the committee removed a mountain bike obstacle course that had been constructed in the woods at the north end of the marsh. The course was removed because of safety concerns and the impact it would have on the forest ecosystem. The course consisted of earth mounds, depressions and wood ramps. 5. Updates DEAC Nominations Nominations for the Durham Environmental Achievement awards are due March 2. The SWNA committee will be nominated for the Irene Kock Education/Communication award. A nomination package has been prepared highlighting the committee's efforts to create opportunities for the public to learn about and experience the natural environment. The nomination package includes samples of the SWNA PowerPoint presentation, interpretive signs, special events and newsletters. The Lions Club of Newcastle has submitted a letter in support of the nomination. The awards will be presented at a ceremony in May 2009. 2009 CFWIP Application The CFWIP application has been submitted. The project included in this year's application is the Lake Meadow Restoration- Phase 3. The planting project is intended to improve habitat for birds and butterflies through the planting of native shrubs and perennials. Committee members have noticed a decline in songbirds at the SWNA so fruit bearing shrubs will be planted to create more abundant sources of food. MNR Rangers 2009 work program This SWNAC may have the opportunity to use the MNR Rangers for 2 days during the summer. Potential Projects include; · Creating a woodchip trail though the woods at the north end of the marsh . Helping plant the shrubs and perennials we hope to by if our 2009 CFWIP grant is approved. PowerPoint Presentations The PowerPoint Presentations for Durham Field Naturalists and the Wilmot Community Auxiliary Committee are being rescheduled for the spring due to John Stoners absence. Both Karin and Shirley expressed an interest in delivering the presentation so the presentation notes will be distributed at the March meeting. The committee also discussed PowerPoint Presentations for local schools to educate students about the SWNA and encourage field trips to the site. However the lack of a port-a-potty was seen as a detriment to having school groups visit the site. Portable Washroom The committee again discussed the need for a port-a-potty at the SWNA. This has been a topic of discussion for many years by the committee. The area is heavily used by members of the community for hiking, dog walking, bird watching, specials events, and community planting projects. It is the municipality's largest park with the Waterfront Trail passing through the site. In January 2009 a request was made to include a port-a- potty for the SWNA in the 2009 municipal contract administered by the Operations Department. The request was denied citing criteria to only install them at parks with 2 permitted sports fields or designated picnic areas. The committee suggested that the amount of use should be the determining factor regardless of whether it is a sports park or a nature park. After some discussion the following motion was considered; Motion: "The SWNA Committee requests that the Operations Department install a port- a-potty in 2009 at the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area to be located in the Cobbledick Road parking lot". MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by Shirley Minifie THAT the motion on February 10, 2009 be accepted. CARRIED 6. Other Business/Next Meeting 2009 Special Events The committee discussed special events for 2009 which could include. . Bird watching and spring count-Brian will contact the Durham Field Naturalists to see if they are able and willing to assist . Butterflies, bugs & birds-same format as previous events . Reptile Display-Peter to check on costs . Owl Prowl-Greg Wells will check with GRCA staff to see if this is something they can do. Adjournment: 8:30 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday March 10, 2009 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by D. Graham