HomeMy WebLinkAbout2460A by-law to provide for the inspection of plumbing and the enforcement of the regulations respecting plumbing (Plumbing Code) made under the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act. r 4, drains, pipes, traps and other works or appliances that are or are to be part of or connectbd with the plumbing, and shall pay a fee, for the inspection by the Inspector or such plans and of such completed work, fixed in accordance with the schedule hereto annexed. If additional inspections other that the two referred to in the schedule are required, the person requiring such inspection shall pay in advance a further fee for such additional inspections, as set out in the said schedule. - 2 - 5. Upon approval of such plans, the Inspector shall issue a permit certifying to such approval, 6. Without such permit, so such plumbing may be constructed, repaired, renewed or altered, and no person shall do, nor permit or ca~zse to be done, any such work without such Permit. 9• Any person who intends by himself, or through others, to construct, repair, renew or alter any plumbing other than in Commercial, Industrial or Institutional buildings or premises, shall before the commencement of such work, notify the Inspector of such intention, and pay a fee for the inspection of such work by the Inspector in accordance with the schedule hereto annexed. 8. No person shall use nor permit o-r cause to be used any plumbing until it has teen inspected and f;~und to conform to tYle sale:. =regulations. g. The Inspector is hereby appointed as an agent of the municipality for the purpose of receiving notification in writing that the construction, repair, rene~•ral or alteration is ready for inspection in accordance with. the Regulations. 10. The fee or fees required by this '_'sy-law to be paid may be paid by the cwner or occupier of premises for whom the wort, is to be done or by the person who intends to do the work or cause it to be done, Payment by one of such persons shall. relieve the other or ethers from responsibility for payment. 11.. The fee shal_1 be paid to the Treasurer who shall prepare, in triplicate, a written acknowledgement of payment thereof, showing the name of the person intending to do the work, the name of the owner and. of the occupant of the premises and the address or location of the premises. The acknowledgment shall be signed by the Treasurer. 1?_. The Treasurer shal]. deliver one copy of the acknowledgment to the person paying the fee and shall forthtaith deliver, or send by mail the second copy of the acknowledgment, to the Inspector, and shall retain the third copy of the acknowledgment in his records. 13. Any person who contravenes this 3y-law is liable to a fine of not more than THR3E Y'~UND3ED DOLL~:RS 0300.00) upon summary conviction lti~. By-law No. 2185 hereby repealed. of the To~+mship of Darlington is PASSED at the TOLVNSHIP OF DAY -C F /~-~-~ DARLINGTON this ~ 7 1970 CLERK. - - : ± ' . S .SCHEDULE OFFG'ES FOH PLU,";BI1VG IP~SPECTIOIQS Fesidence Duplex and ~~ultiple apartments Combined apartment e.nd. store or business Store or business n,~ctories Schoo7_s Ot?:er bui'din~s or premises not specified. above Soil or vent stacks in e-~-cPss of one "1.k tUre~ t?~'d°d. t0 eY.1St1T~g s~~st~:-r or plu_Tabin~ re; aired, rene~~~ec or altered Build.i.og drains O~a.nge frogs septic ta_n_<': to , unicipal se~.~er .=Y6.00, talus x;1,00 a fixture x+6,00 for first suite, ~y.,GO for each additior_?1 suite, plus X1.00 a fixture ~b,i)t~ for apartment, ..µ,g.00 for store and for each additional apartment, plus x'.00 a. fixture :;y6.00 plus Y1.00 a fixture „25.00 plus ~L GO a- fixture `'i).00 plus ~l.oo a fixture :~ 6. ;0 rlus ~;1.00 a fixture <;, Oii ;~.,)0 Pius r;;,1.0 a fixture rj.00 :~.no ~:dditional inspections in excess of two to be 52,00