HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-221-87UNFINISHED BUSINESS TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~C+) REPORT File # , ~,,,~ . Res. # ~ ~-~~~ By-Law #~ I(~; General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Tuesday, September 8, 1987 T #: PD-221-87 FILE #: 18T-81008 CT: EXTENSION OF DRAFT APPROVAL DANARUS MANAGEMENT GROUP PART LOT 29, CONCESSION 2, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE FILE: 18T-81008 RECOP~IENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-221-87 be received; and 2. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle does not support the extension of draft approval for• Plan of Subdivision 18T-81008. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On July 14, 1987 Planning Staff received a request from the Region of Durham in respect of lapsing of draft approval of Plan 18T-81008 on September 29, 1987. To that end, the Region has requested the Town's comments r•egar•ding any possible extension of draft approval. It is noted for• the Committee's information that, inasmuch as the request for• deaf t extension was received on July 10, 1987, a Report could not be prepared and included within the last agenda pr•ior• to Council's adjournment of its r•egular• meetings during the month of Auguust. To that end Staff noted that we were n`ot in a position to respond within ...2 ~~~~ REPORT NO.: PD-221-87 Page 2 the thi r•ty ( 30 ) day per•i od as requested, fur•ther• noting that a Report would he pr•epar•ed for• the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of September 8, 1987. In consideration of Staff's response, the Region of Durham has indicated, by letter dated July 29, 1987, that an interim extension was provided to enable the Town to respond to the appr•opr•iateness of any fur•ther• extensions. This extension was granted to lapse on Pdovember• 30, 1987. As Committee may recall, Staff, in Report PD-25-87, provided a r•erommer~dation that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle does not support the extension of draft approval for• Plan of Subdivision 18T-81008. As contained within Report PD-25-87, Staff was concerned about the tempor•ar•y access onto King Street for• the subdivision. This concern was due to the fact that there had been no applications made r•egar•di ng any development on 1 ands sur•r•oundi ng the site. Staff wished to pr•ovi de the devel oper• with the oppor•tuni ty to evaluate the situation. Staff would note that, to date, an application for• development of adjacent lands has not been received. At the r•egular• meeting of Council held on January 26, 1987, the following recommendation was approved: "THAT Report PD-25-87 he received; and THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends a six (6) month extension of draft plan of subdivision 18T-81008." It is noted for• the Committee's information that following the consideration of the extension of draft approval on January 29, 1987, a request was received for• proposed revisions to Plan 18T-81008 to i ncr•ease the number of single family r•esi denti al 1 ots fr•orn twenty-two (22) to twenty-five (25) and to r•e-align the tempor•ar•y access. Staff would note that additional blocks on the revised plan being Blocks 26 and 28, at such time as the tempor•ar•y access is not r•equir•ed. (could develop jointly for• r•esi denti al purposes. ) ...3 REPORT NO.: PD-221-87 Page 3 It is noted for• the Committee's information that, in reviewing the proposed revisions, the Ministry of Tr•anspor•tation and Communications responded as follows: "This Ministry has definite concerns with the location of the tempor•ar•y access as shown on the draft plan. It is our• understanding that the draft plan to the west of the subject lands under File: 18T-75493 is no longer active. In the past this Mi ni str•y has had pr•obl ems with tempor•ar;y access points becoming permanent entrances when no other means of access exists. On this basis, we advise that an access to this location would result in congestion at the intersection of Old Kingston Road with Highway No. 2 and impact the flow of traffic along Highway No. 2. Should an alternative access to these lands be provided, we would be in a position to offer fur•ther• comment." In consideration of the above-noted comments, Staff ar•e unable to support the proposed revision to the draft plan nor• an extension to draft plan approval. It is noted for• the Committee's information that cor•r•espondence has been received from the applicant's solicitor to the effect that negotiations with Foster Creek Developments Limited being the landowners to the west, respecting servicing of the subject lands. It is noted that the 1 andowner•s to the west ar•e agr•eeabl e to pr•ovi di ng easements across thei r• property for• storm sewer and/or• water and sanitary services to facilitate the Danarus pr•oper•ty. The exact alignment of the easement for• servicing would depend on the future road pattern and lotting for the Foster Creek pr•oper•ty. LDT*TTE*jip *Attach. August 26, 1987 CC: P1r•. Sam Cur•eatz Humphreys, Hillman and Cur•eatz Bar•r•i ster•s & Sol i ci tors P.O. Box 186, 36 1/2 King St. F. OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 7L1 Recommended for• presentation to the Committee r r•ence Kotsett Chief Ad i _i strati ve Officer ~«~ ~~~~ Jul 29, 1987 Y DURHAM ------._ . : ~ ' r4 ~ k ' .a w .~ ~~ ~, The Regional Mr. A. Mant ~ a Municipality Danarus Management Ltd. It1~ ~ ~: 19E7 of Durham 1110 Sheppard Avenuer East Planning Department Suite 307 I~"~w OF -C9 ~"; _ . , Ontari o § '~~?lE Wi l l owdal e Bozs23 , M2K 2W2 F(_~ld~n4ffV(%DE~P~~TMFf~IT °'°°" 106 Consumers Dr. Whitby, Ontario Canada, L1 N BA3 Dear Mr. Mant i a (418) 888-7731 DR. M. R. MICHAEL, M.C.LP' R@ : Extension of Draft ,Plan Approval commissioner of Planning F11 a NO : 18T-81008 Town of Newcastle Further to our letter of 'July 10, 1987, concerning the above-noted t `the Council of the Town of Newcastle ou th a .plan, I wish to advise y will not be in a position to comment on any request for extending __ - -- draft approval until September. Because draft approval will lapse September 29, 1987, we are willing ble the Town to respond to us n to ena to allow for an interim extensio on the appropriateness of any further extensions. An extension is hereby granted to lapse on November 30, 1987 This decision to extend draft approval is subject to Section 55 of the rovides for appeal to the Ontario Municipal hich 1980 p , w Planning Act, Board within 21 days from the date of this notice. If no appeal is received by the Regional Clerk, the said extension i will be final and you will not be further informed unless there is an appeal. Yours very truly, t .~~' Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning :cc cc: Regional Clerk Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Works Department Mr. T.T. Edwards, Town of Newcastle The Plantario Group ~~~"> G i ~~ o~ ~~ V_ Y `~ 8 1J F ~~ t-_ L ,•' ea ~T \ soi YV~ ~~ \ C~J sa-~~~ O I to l^l ^- J _ I Yd C ~.~E Zy • z €ga ~~~ F-~~ ,qa ~ z ~ O $ ~ O ~~~ Z (n ~ .N `ry Z ~ EtETY U 1..1. 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