HomeMy WebLinkAboutLGL-006-11 Qy n*L on g the way REPORT MUNICIPAL SOLICITOR Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINSTRATION COMMITTEE Date: May 30, 2011 Resolution#: 4PA //By-law#: Report M LGL-006-11 File#: L2030-05-11 Subject: 4148 Regional Highway 2, Newcastle GRCA Permit No. 1089 dated June 30, 2010 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council as follows: 1. THAT Report LGL-006-11 be received for information; 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with 1744856 Ontario Inc. substantially in the form of agreement attached to this Report (Attachment No. 9) in order to address some of the off-site impacts associated with the on-going fill activity at 4148 Regional Highway 2, Newcastle; 3. THAT staff be directed to review Site Alteration By-law No. 2008-114 and report back to Council with recommended amendments to more directly address the impacts of commercial fill operations; 4. THAT the following resolution passed by the Board of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority at its meeting on May 19, 2010 be endorsed: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority request Conservation Ontario engage the Provincial govemment to develop and implement legislation to effectively deal with large scale commercial fill operations, and FURTHER THAT the Full Authority forward this motion to the watershed municipalities, requesting the municipalities engage the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to also work towards addressing concerns regarding large commercial fill operations. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F(905)623-0720 REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 2 5. THAT staff be directed to continue to participate in the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors Alliance roundtable discussions dealing with the regulation of commercial fill operations; 6. THAT Council reaffirm its support for the efforts of John R. O'Toole MPP to see that the Province of Ontario takes all necessary steps to provide for the proper regulation of commercial fill operations as set out in his letters to the Minister of the Environment, Minister of Natural Resources and the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing dated April 12, 2011; 7. THAT staff be directed to participate in the Durham Region Works Department initiative to develop a model by-law that could be consistently applied across Durham Region to address the impacts of commercial fill operations; and 8. THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of the Environment, Minister of Natural Resources, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, John R. O'Toole MPP, The Regional Municipality of Durham, all local municipalities in Durham Region, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Ted and Beth Meszaros, Sherry Ibbotson, Donna Middleton and Carmela Marshall. Submitted by: Andrew C. Allison, B. Comm., LL.B. Municipal Solicitor Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 3 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This Report is intended to provide Council with some background information relating to the on-going activities at the property municipally known as 4148 Regional Highway 2, Newcastle (the "Property"). 1.2 This Report is also intended to provide Council with some options to address the impacts of commercial fill operations, not only at the Property but elsewhere in the Municipality. 2.0 BACKGROUND The Property 2.1 1744856 Ontario Inc. (the "Owner") owns the Property. It was purchased in May 2009. The Property and surrounding lands are shown in the Location Map attached to this Report (Attachment No. 1). The Property is approximately 36 ha in size. 2.2 Barklay Fieldstone Estates Limited, a corporation that is affiliated with the Owner, owns land immediately to the north of the Property (shown as 2505 Morgans Road on Attachment No.1). 2.3 The Department of Highways Ontario (now MTO) is the registered owner of a piece of land contiguous to the Property on the east side of Morgans Road (see Attachment No. 1). There is an on-going dispute between the Owner and MTO regarding the rights and interests that each has in relation to this parcel 2.4 The Property has two vehicle access points— one off of Regional Highway 2 and one off of Morgans Road. The Owner had constructed a third access onto Morgans Road north of the MTO property without Municipal permission. This access was removed by Municipal staff on March 14, 2011. There is also legal access to the Property through 2505 Morgans Road as shown in Attachment No. 1. 2.5 The Property is an abandoned aggregate pit. 2.6 The Property is zoned Agricultural and Environmental Protection. A provincially designated wetland complex is located within the area zoned Environmental Protection. The uses permitted as of right today in the Agricultural zone include one single detached dwelling, one additional single detached dwelling for a person employed on the lot, and a home occupation use. Non-residential uses include conservation and forestry, a farm, fur farms, riding and boarding stables, a seasonal farm produce sales outlet, and private kennels. The permitted uses in the Environmental Protection zone include greenbelt park, conservation, forestry, bird sanctuaries, wildlife reserves or other similar uses which provide for the preservation of the natural environment, a farm exclusive of any buildings or structures, and flood and erosion control works. A more I REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 4 detailed description of the land use designations applicable to the Property and possible future land uses are set out in Attachment No. 2. GRCA Permit 2.7 Ontario Regulation 168/06 (Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority: Regulation of Development, Interference with Wetlands, Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses) regulates the placing and dumping of fill in areas under the jurisdiction of Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority ("GRCA"). This regulation was passed under section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act. 2.8 The entire Property is within an area regulated by GRCA under Ontario Regulation 168/06. Accordingly, Clarington's Site Alteration By-law No. 2008-114 does not and cannot apply to the Property (subsection 142(8) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and section 3.4 of By-law No. 2008-114). Clarington therefore has no legal ability to regulate the placing or dumping of fill on the Property. 2.9 On June 30, 2010, GRCA issued a permit (the "Permit") under Ontario Regulation 168/06 (Attachment No. 3). The Permit will expire on June 30, 2011. 2.10 The Permit requires certification that all imported materials meet MOE Table 2 standards, that a final grading plan be submitted, that sediment and erosion controls be installed, and that stockpile areas which had been identified as having exceeded Table 2 levels be removed or relocated. 2.11 On May 3, 2011, the Owner applied for a renewal of the Permit. GRCA is in the process of reviewing this application. 3.0 COMMERCIAL FILL ISSUES 3.1 GRCA staff have expressed a concern regarding the extent of their powers to regulate fill activity on the Property. Their concerns are set out in a staff report dated May 19, 2011 (Attachment No. 4). Sections 3.1 through 3.19 below describe some of the steps that have been taken recently by public officials and public agencies to address the concerns of GRCA and other conservation authorities, municipalities, and the general public regarding the regulation of commercial fill operations. CLOCA 3.2 On April 10, 2010, the Board of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority ("CLOCA") approved a large fill protocol. This protocol was CLOCA's first attempt at establishing a guideline document to ensure that its interests could be met when reviewing fill proposals. CLOCA was one of the first conservation authorities to put in place such a protocol. While implementing the protocol over the last year, CLOCA has had many discussions with various stakeholders (municipal partners, contractors, other conservation authorities and the Province) about ongoing issues around fill sites and REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 5 strengths and weaknesses of the various regulatory tools available. CLOCA has recently started an internal review of its protocol to strengthen certain components in order to address potential issues of fill sites, particularly as they relate to concerns regarding contamination and pollution. John O'Toole MPP 3.3 On April 4, 2011, John O'Toole MPP raised the issue of commercial fill activity on Morgans Road during question period in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, and followed up with letters dated April 12, 2011 to the Minister of the Environment, Minister of Natural Resources, and the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing. Council endorsed these letters on May 2, 2011 (Resolution #C-212-11). Ministry of the Environment 3.4 In April 2010, MOE staff visited the Property and obtained representative soil samples of two fill piles located at the southeast end of the Property. 3.5 Sample results indicated an exceedance of the Ministry's Table 2 Soil Criteria (Agricultural/Residential) for a sample from the most southerly pile. These results were forwarded to the GRCA on June 22, 2010 for its consideration. 3.6 On April 6, 2011, MOE issued an Order (Number 3333-8FN29D) respecting the Property. The Order requires additional, more stringent controls on the materials being deposited at the site and management of the site including an environmental site assessment with soil and groundwater sampling, auditing of incoming soils and the use of qualified individuals to manage the site. The Order also requires the Owner to disclose any business relationships amongst the parties involved in the site activities. A copy of the Provincial Officer's Order is attached to this Report (Attachment No. 5). 3.7 By letter dated April 13, 2011, the Owner requested that the MOE Director review the Provincial Officer's Order. In a Director's Order issued April 15, 2011, the original Order was amended. A copy of the Director's Order is attached to this Report (Attachment No. 6). The Director's Order recognized the jurisdictional limitations of GRCA and Clarington. 3.8 In the Director's Order, the Owner was given additional time (to May 9, 2011) to comply with some aspects of the original Order. The Owner was also required to prepare a communications plan. 3.9 A copy of the procedure prepared by the Owner in response to item 5 of the original Order ("Dust, Soil Tracking and Noise Control Procedures") is attached to this Report (Attachment No. 7). 3.10 On April 28, 2011, untreated, drinking water well sampling was conducted by MOE staff at three private residences located in the immediate vicinity of the Property, all of which were located on Morgans Road. The samples were analyzed for metals, general REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 6 chemistry, PAH's, VOC's, PHC's, chlorides and carbonates. Municipal staff do not know the results of the analysis. 3.11 We have been advised that on April 29, 2011, the Owner filed an appeal of the Director's Order with the Environmental Review Tribunal. Municipal staff have not been provided with a copy of the appeal. 3.12 We have been advised that on April 29, 2011, the Owner submitted a draft communications plan to the MOE as required by new item 5 of the Directors Order, but we have not been provided with a copy of the plan. 3.13 We have been advised that the Owner has provided MOE with the reports required by items 2 and 3 of the Director's Order, but we have not been provided copies. 3.14 Ministry of the Environment ("MOE") staff have advised Municipal staff that they recognize and appreciate the concerns that have been expressed by all of the different levels of government, and are working on new protocols and regulatory standards for conservation authorities. Durham Region Works Committee 3.15 On April 13, 2011, in response to concerns raised by the Mayor and Mayor Mercier of Scugog, Durham Region Works Committee directed Regional staff to work with the lower tier municipalities to create a model by- law that could be consistently applied across Durham Region to address the impacts of commercial fill operations. Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors Alliance 3.16 On March 3, 2011 and May 12, 2011, the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors Alliance organized roundtable discussions with representatives of Durham area municipalities, conservation authorities and several Provincial Ministries to discuss "commercial fill and fill-in pits". Minutes from those discussions are attached to this Report (Attachment No. 8). Scugog 3.17 In March of this year, there was heightened public concern regarding the source of the fill material that was being deposited at the Property and the quality of that fill. Part of the concern arose as a result of recent fill activity on Lakeridge Road in the Township of Scugog. Scugog was, and still is, dealing with a legal situation respecting its site alteration by-law. The major difference between the Morgans Road site and the site in Scugog is jurisdictional. In Clarington, the fill permit was issued by GRCA. In Scugog, the fill permit that was issued (and revoked) under Scugog's site alteration by-law because the site in Scugog was not in an area regulated by a conservation authority. REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 7 3.18 On March 12, 2011, Scugog obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the owner (2241960 Ontario Inc. operating as Earthworx Industries) from depositing fill pending the outcome of judicial review application filed by Earthworx to challenge various orders issued by Scugog under its site alteration by-law and under the Building Code Act. The position of Earthworx was that its property was being used for aeronautical purposes (a federally regulated matter) and therefore constitutionally a municipal by- law could not apply to the activities on the site. The application was heard in Divisional Court on April 4, 2011. 3.19 In a decision released on May 18, 2011, the Divisional Court agreed with Scugog on every issue. It ruled that Earthworx Industries "is not engaged in the activity of aeronautics at this time; rather it is operating a commercial landfill site' and that such landfill activity "is subject to valid provincial and Township regulation." It also held that even if this conclusion was wrong (i.e. that Earthworx Industries was engaged in an aeronautical activity), "the doctrine of interjurisdictional immunity does not prevent the application of the fill by-laws". This means that even if Earthworx Industries wants to construct a heliport, hangar and/or runway in the future, Scugog's site alteration by-law will still apply to the site. Finally, the court agreed with Scugog that the judicial review application should not deal with Building Code orders because there is another statutory appeal mechanism (section 25 of the Building Code Act) for those orders. 4.0 CLARINGTON'S RESPONSE 4.1 On March 28, 2011 Clarington Council passing the following resolution (#C-149-11): THAT the owner of the property(1744856 Ontario Inc.) be requested give Clarington and GRCA permission to take: (a) shallow groundwater samples down gradient of the fill material and wetlands to establish background water quality concentrations for use in evaluating future groundwater impacts, and (b) random soil samples at timesdocations of their choosing, with reasonable notice to the owner so that its consultant can be present. THAT the owner of the property(1744856 Ontario Inc.) be requested keep and make available for inspection upon request by Clarington a log of every truck that dumps materials onto the property which identifies the source of the materials deposited on the property. THAT the owner be required to enter into an agreement with Clarington to address issues with respect to the damage caused to Morgans Road by the trucks leaving the property. REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 8 Regulatory Activities 4.2 As a result of complaints from residents, municipal law enforcement officers have attended the Property and the surrounding area on numerous occasions. Over the past several weeks, staff have visited the Property at least twice every weekday and on Saturday mornings unless the weather was such that there was no trucking activity. 4.3 Clarington has the ability to regulate traffic on roads under its jurisdiction through Traffic By-law 91-58. Clarington has jurisdiction over Morgans Road. 4.4 The Regional Municipality of Durham has jurisdiction over Regional Highway 2 in the vicinity of the Property. Clarington has no jurisdiction over any part of Regional Highway 2. 4.5 Section 19 of Traffic By-law 91-58 permits Clarington to regulate "heavy traffic" and to restrict loads for specified periods of time. Signs have been posted on Morgans Road advising that half load restrictions are in place on Morgans Road between Durham Highway 2 and Concession Road 3. Staff intend to maintain this restriction if and so long as the Permit is in place. 4.6 No charges have been laid by Municipal staff either under Traffic By-law 91-58, Noise By-law No. 2007-071 or the Highway Traffic Act because no infractions have been observed by the officers at the times that they have been at the Property. 4.7 MTO and Durham Regional Police have the ability to regulate Highway Traffic Act matters. In response to complaints from residents and at the request of Clarington councillors, MTO and DRPS officers have been patrolling Morgans Road and Regional Highway 2. Trucks coming from the Property have been ticketed for a variety of Highway Traffic Act offences. 5.0 GOING FORWARD Morgans Road Agreement 5.1 Consistent with Council Resolution #C-149-11 (see section 4.1 of this Report), staff have prepared an agreement that is intended to address some of the off-site impacts associated with the operations at the Property. The form of agreement (without attachments) is attached to this Report (Attachment No. 9). Amongst other things, the agreement deals with the following matters: (a) Number and Location of Entrances • Consistent with Clarington's Policy for Entrances and Traffic By-law No. 91- 58, any truck carrying fill will be required to enter the Property off of Regional Highway 2 access and exit the Property using Morgans Road. REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 9 (b) Truck Routing • The Owner has been requested to ensure that all trucks coming into and leaving the Property do not travel through Newcastle Village. (c) Dust, Soil Tracking and Noise Control • The Owner will be required to adhere to all of the requirements of the "Dust, Soil Tracking and Noise Control Procedures" filed with the Ministry of the Environment on April 15, 2011. The meaning of several sections of the Procedure will be clarified. The Owner has been requested to agree to further restrict its hours of operation on weekdays and on Saturdays as compared to the hours set out in the Noise By-law (which allows construction activity on weekdays and Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and from 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays). (d) Load Restrictions • Half load restrictions are to remain in place on Morgans Road. (e) Road Repair • The Owner has been requested to pay for a culvert and necessary ditching at the current access onto Morgans Road to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. • The Owner has been requested to construct upgrades to Morgans Road from Durham Highway 2 to the north side of the existing entrance to the Property (approximately 250 metres north) to the satisfaction of Clarington's Director of Engineering Services. (f) Performance Guarantee • The Owner has been requested to provide Clarington with a performance guarantee in the amount of the $54,285 as security for road rehabilitation work. (g) Cross Default • The Owner has been requested to agree that default under the road agreement is default under the Permit. 5.2 The agreement does not address soil quality or other matters addressed either by GRCA in the Permit or by MOE in the Director's Order. REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 10 5.3 As of this date (May 26, 2011), the owner has not provided a formal response to the Municipality's request to enter into the agreement, but has indicated that it will be providing one. Site Alteration By-law No. 2008-114 5.4 Not unlike many municipal site alteration by-laws, Clarington's Site Alteration By-law No. 2008-114 was not written in anticipation of large scale commercial fill operations similar to what has been observed at the Property. 5.5 As stated in section 2.8 of this Report, Clarington's Site Alteration By-law does not and cannot apply to the Property. If it did, the Municipality would have had the ability to regulate many of the on-site and off-site impacts associated with the fill operation as noted below: • Fill quality (sections 4.1(f), 5.2(e) and (f), 6.2 and 6.3 (testing)) • Haul routes (sections 4.1(e), 5.2 (c)(xiii) and (xviii), and 5.3) • Trucking schedules (sections 5.2 (c)(xviii) and 5.3) • Noise (sections 4.1 (c), 5.2 (c)(xviii) and 5.3) • Source of the fill material (section 5.2(e)) • Morgans Road infrastructure impacts (sections 4.1 (e) and 5.3) • Mud tracking and dust control (sections 5.2(c)(xvii), 5.4 and 6.1) 5.6 Having observed all of what has happened at the Property, staff are of the opinion that Site Alteration By-law No. 2008-114 should be reviewed to determine whether it needs to be revised to more directly address the impacts associated with commercial fill operations. Specifically, the by-law should be reviewed to consider possible amendments to address the following matters: (a) Public meeting or public liaison committee requirements for applications that exceed a specified volume of fill. Currently, the Director of Engineering has the authority to issue permits under the by-law without any requirement for formal public involvement. While formal public involvement may not be required for smaller fill activities, permits for larger scale fill activity should go through a public process. REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 11 (b) Fees The current fee prescribed by Council for a site alteration permit is $250 for 250 m3 or less (including $100 application fee) and $500 for more than 250 m3 (including the $100 application fee), with a $25 surcharge per 1,000 m3. Many municipalities impose significantly higher fees, particularly in relation to commercial fill operations. (c) Standards and Protocols More rigorous standards and protocols to regulate fill quality (similar to the MNR's "Off-site Fill Acceptance Protocol" developed for use in the rehabilitation of aggregate pit and quarry operations - Attachment No. 10) may be appropriate. (d) Permit Duration The current by-law states that all site alteration permits expire after 90 days. In some cases, it may be appropriate to provide for longer permit terms. (e) Source Restrictions Whether it is appropriate to restrict or prohibit the placement or depositing of fill that comes from areas outside of the Municipality needs to be considered. (f) Commercial Operations There may be reasons to distinguishing between land owners that are operating a commercial fill site from construction companies or developers who are looking to find a place to deposit fill from their own development activity. (g) Regulating Hours of Operation While the current by-law contains provisions that allow the Director of Engineering to regulate hours of operation, it may be appropriate to establish baseline hours of operation that are different from the hours set out in the Noise By-law. 5.7 Staff are of the opinion that the issues described in section 3.6 should be investigated further and the results of such investigation reported to Council for its consideration. REPORT NO.: LGL-006-11 PAGE 12 6.0 DEPRTMENTAL INPUT 6.1 The Director of Engineering Services, Director of Planning Services, Municipal Clerk, Director of Emergency & Fire Services, and Director of Operations concur with the recommendations of this report. Attachment 1: Location Map Attachment 2: Property Designations Attachment 3: GRCA Permit Attachment 4: GRCA Staff Report dated May 19, 2011 Attachment 5: Provincial Officer's Order dated April 6, 2011 Attachment 6: Director's Order dated April 15, 2011 Attachment 7: Dust, Soil Tracking and Noise Control Procedures Attachment 8: Minutes from GTCMA roundtable discussions Attachment 9: Draft Morgans Road Agreement Attachment 10: MNR "Off-Site Fill Acceptance Protocol" ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 N I f 2513b .. 2505 .2495 0d'''f�SR!y P s ," �� L• < '_ y� mot , c Y f < ` 1744856 Ontario Inc i � y � 4 a•A � 4 �RrV �.. �g. ♦ 4'+C4. �t V M1. . , yp r l 1 2 y<r 050 , 1 • 036 4 _e'1�^MM41M{�dY'.NMI' J_... ♦ � a N.I I`�� i t ATTACHMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 � Property Designations The Greenbelt Plan The Greenbelt Plan indicates that the Property is within the Protected Countryside and is part of a Natural Heritage System. A full range of existing and new agricultural, agricultural-related and secondary uses and normal farm practices are permitted. This would include farm- related commercial and farm-related industrial uses that are small scale and directly related to the farm operation, home occupations, home industries, and uses that produce value-added agricultural products from the farm. Activities related to the use of renewable resources such as forestry, fisheries and wildlife management are permitted as are non-renewable resource activities, such as mineral aggregate operations and wayside pits and quarries. The rural area policies support recreational, tourism, institutional and resource-based commercial/industrial uses. New multiple units or multiple lots for residential dwellings are not permitted. New lots for any use that would create or extend or promote strip development are not permitted. Durham Regional Official Plan The Property is designated Major Open Space Area within the Greenlands System. The predominant use of lands in the Major Open Space Areas is conservation, and a full range of agricultural, agricultural-related and secondary uses. The establishment of limited non- agricultural uses which are in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Greenbelt Plan may be considered. The Property appears to contain key natural heritage and hydrologic features and be part of the Greenbelt Natural Heritage System. Development or site alteration is not permitted in key natural heritage and/or hydrologic features, including any associated vegetation protection zone. Limited exceptions such as forest, fish or wildlife management, conservation and flood or erosion control projects, infrastructure, minor recreational uses, agriculture and aggregate extraction may be permitted. Clarington Official Plan The Property is designated Green Space and Environmental Protection Area. No development is permitted in the Environmental Protection Area except low-intensity recreation and uses related to forest, fish and wildlife management or erosion control and stormwater management. Lands designated Green Space are to be used primarily for conservation and active or passive recreational uses. Agriculture, farm-related uses, home-based occupations, limited home industries, farm-related commercial/industrial uses are also permitted. Golf courses may be considered by amendment. Former Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 The Property is zoned "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" under Zoning By-law 84-63. The Agricultural zoning permits one single detached dwelling, one additional single detached dwelling for a person employed on the lot, provided the lot is a minimum of 20 hectares, and a home occupation use. Non-residential uses include conservation and forestry, a farm, fur farms, riding and boarding stables, a seasonal farm produce sales outlet, and private kennels. Residential uses are prohibited in the Environmental Protection zone. The permitted non- residential uses include greenbelt park, conservation,forestry, bird sanctuaries, wildlife reserves or other similar uses which provide for the preservation of the natural environment, a farm exclusive of any buildings or structures, and flood and erosion control works. Permitted Uses and Required Amendments The residential uses permitted as of right under the Agricultural zone and the Greenbelt Plan include one single detached dwelling, one additional single detached dwelling for a person employed on the lot, and a home occupation use. Non-residential uses include conservation and forestry, a farm, fur farms, riding and boarding stables, a seasonal farm produce sales outlet, and private kennels. The permitted uses in the Environmental Protection zone, which contains a provincially significant wetland, include greenbelt park, conservation, forestry, bird sanctuaries, wildlife reserves or other similar uses which provide for the preservation of the natural environment, a farm exclusive of any buildings or structures, and flood and erosion control works. The Clarington Official Plan permits limited home industries and farm related commercial/industrial uses in the Green Space designation. An amendment to the Zoning By- law would be required to permit these uses on the property. A golf course may be considered on the Agricultural portion by amendment to the Official Plan and a rezoning would be required. Home industry uses in the Agricultural zone require an amendment to the Zoning By-law. No development is permitted in the Environmental Protection Area designation of the Clarington Official Plan except low-intensity recreation and uses related to forest, fish and wildlife management or erosion control and stormwater management. The rural policies of the Greenbelt Plan permits tourism, institutional and resource-based commercial/industrial uses outside of the provincially significant wetland complex. An amendment to the Clarington Official Plan and a Zoning Bylaw amendment would be required to have these uses on the property. ATTACHMENT NO. 3 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Ga naras ka. Box 328, Port Hope, Ontario L1A 3W4 (905)885—8173 FAX(905)885-9824 eCOWERVA'nON - e-mail:info @grca.omca . No:1089 PERMIT Development, Interference with Wetland's,Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation(Ontario Regulation 168106) PERMISS16N HAS BEEN GRANTED TO: Owner: Address- Phone No: Location: Part Lot 16;Concession 2—Municipality of Glarington Morgans Road (east side, 100 metres north of Highway 2) To unit r;aketh64otlowing work: Tempdrarystockpiling offil('material for future use on-site, within the designated areas Indicated on the attached plan; During the period of: June 30t', 2010 to June 30th, 2011 and at midnight of the date last mentioned after which this permit becomes null and void; Sub' ct to the following conditions: 1. That prior to any fill being placed on site the GRCA be provided with certification from a qualified soils engineer that the imported material meets MOE Guidelines Table 2 (Potable Water Designation), 2:' That within one month of the issuance of this permit the owner prepare and submlt a final grading plan forthe'stockpiled material; acceptable to the GRCA which includes, phasing, stabilization and re vegetation details. 03. That prior to any on-site works(i.e. grading, fill placement, excavation) silt fencing be installed as.shown on the attached plan(s), and maintained until the area hasbean adegtiately re-vegetated;to prevent the reladid of sediment from the'work'areas. 4. That prior to any fill placement the GRCA be contacted to inspect the sediment and erosion controls on site, in addition to barrier fencing. 5. That the recently placed fill material labeled "Existing Stockpile Areas"be removed from the site, or relocated to the proposed stockpile.atea If it is demdnstrated th e material meets MOE Guidelines Table 2 (Palabla Water Designation). ' 6. That no other grading, excavation, or fill placement occur on.site, except as indicated on attached plan, and described irrCondition 5 of this permit. 7. That all areas of exposed soils be re-vegetated in a,timely fashion. see reverse side.fo r general conditions COPIES TO: Enforcement Officer: ❑ BUILDING INSPECTOR e( PROPERTY OWNER Signing Officer. o� AGENT la OTHER:Clci a21 )aair oc,r Date of Issue: June 30.2010 Ganaraska CONSERVATION G2_t CoMtlitions 1. That all works are subject to provincial,federal and municipal statues, regulations, and by-laws. 2. That t■ts perrfilt does not confer upon yoLLany fightto occVPyr daVelop or flood lands 6wried by other,tersons or agencies without.peTmisstprt 3. That the applicant maintains and complies with the local drainage requirements of the Municipality. 4. That nothing herein authorizes any person to-carry:on any work or,undertaking; which may result in the harmful alteration,disruptiomor destrucion of fisfi habitat or any fishery. Nate: It is the responsibility of the owner and their.agent(s)lcontractgrs to.,teke all reasonable steps to minimize any potential hazards and risks that may occur during the proposed works. Note: It is the responsibility of the owner and/or their agents to carry out the works.in accordance.wgh.the.above conditions. Failure to.doso•may result in action takan4n accordapce.with the provisions under,5ection 28 of the Conservation Auttior(ties Act. Caution: The G.R.CA.assumes no liability for.any losses or damagesjassoclated with these works or that may occur as a resulf of failure to ipiry, o'ut the above noted conditions. , Noce: Section,28 of the Cpnservetlon Alithori8es Act,Chapter=,RSO 1990 prbvides the'1Cllovring-pe'rialties: (16)Every.persoriwho contra'venbs a regulation matte undersubsectlan:(t1 Itpfity.dGAn o fe4"he on conviction is liable to a fine of not more than$10,009 or to a term at imprisonment of not more`,th8n1hree months. (17 In addition to any other remedy or penalty provided by law,the court,upon making a conviction under subsectloh'(18y�inay order the:petsbni convrcted to, .. c) remove;at that:persorfs:exlsdr a any;developmentwlthln.such reasonable:time�as�me:cavo orders: and d) rehabilitate any watercourse or wetland in the manner and within the time the couri.ora i. ' (20)If a person does not comply with an order made under subsection(17) the authority having jurisdiction may, in the c996 of 5 dedetopment h,Wellrerridved ar4 to the ease of.a Watertoursa bh*4d6nii;S&e it rehabilitated. - - (21)The person convicted is-0able tortha cost of a removal or rehabilitation under subsection and the amount is recoverable by me au8idri `by abBOrrbi a conrt'of co 4 etenqurisdidim. ATTACHMENT NO.4 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 STAFF REPORT — May 19, 2011 TO: Chair and members of the Full Authority Re: Large Commercial Fill Operations The following staff report provides background information regarding large commercial fill operations and the applicability of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority regulation (O.Reg. 168/06) to deal these works. Additionally, staff has prepared a draft resolution for Board consideration, following the motion from the April Full Authority meeting. The motion attempts to capture the essence of the discussion and concerns raised by the Board at the previous meeting. Background 1. Conservation Authority Act Regulation The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) has been given the ability to regulate development within a number of areas within its jurisdiction. The sections of the Conservation Authorities Act that provide for this regulation are listed below: Excerpts from: Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER C.27 Regulations by authority re area under its jurisdiction 28. (1) Subject to the approval of the Minister, an authority may make regulations applicable in the area under its jurisdiction, (c) prohibiting, regulating or requiring the permission of the authority for development if, in the opinion of the authority, the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches or pollution or the conservation of land may be affected by the development; Definitions (25) In this section, "development" means, (c) site grading, or (d) the temporary or permanent placing, dumping or removal of any material, originating on the site or elsewhere; 2. Areas Subject to Conservation Authority Regulation as defined in the Act The sections of the Conservation Authorities Act that describe the areas that this regulation can be applied to are listed below: Minister's approval of development regulations (5) The Minister shall not approve a regulation made under clause (1) (c) unless the regulation applies only to areas that are, May 19, 2011 —Staff Report: Large Commercial Fill Operations Page 2 (a) adjacent or close to the shoreline of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River System or to inland lakes that may be affected by flooding, erosion or dynamic beach hazards; (b) river or stream valleys; (c) hazardous lands; (d) wetlands; or (e) other areas where, in the opinion of the Minister, development should be prohibited or regulated or should require the permission of the authority. 1998, c. 18, Sched. 1, s. 12. 3. Areas and activities that can be regulated as described by Regulation As noted above the Conservation Authorities Act allows the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority to make a regulation. Excerpts from the regulation provide details of the regulated area and the things that can be addressed within this area. Excerpts from: Ontario Regulation 168/06 made under the Conservation Authorities Act Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority: Regulation of development, interference with wetlands and alterations to shorelines and watercourses. Development prohibited 2. (1) Subject to section 3, no person shall undertake development, or permit another person to undertake development in or on the areas within the jurisdiction of the Authority that are, (d) wetlands; or (e) other areas where development could interfere with the hydrologic function of a wetland, including areas within 120 metres of all provincially significant wetlands and wetlands greater than 2 hectares in size, and areas within 30 metres of wetlands less than 2 hectares, but not including those where development has been approved pursuant to an application made under the Planning Act or other public planning or regulatory process. 4. Relationship Between Municipal Fill By-Law and Conservation Authority Regulations The Municipal Act allows municipalities to make by-laws regarding the regulating of site alteration. Excerpts from the Act are noted below. You will note that Section 142, subsection 8 states that if a regulation made under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act is in effect, the Municipal By-law is of no force or effect. Excerpts from the Municipal Act are provided below: Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, CHAPTER 25 Site alteration Definition 142. (1) In this section, "topsoil' means those horizons in a soil profile, commonly known as the "O" and the "A" horizons, containing organic material and May 19,2011—Staff Report: Large Commercial Fill Operations Page 3 includes deposits of partially decomposed organic matter such as peat. 2001, c. 25, s. 142 (l). Powers of local municipality (2) Without limiting sections 9, 10 and 11, a local municipality may, (a) prohibit or regulate the placing or dumping of fill; (b) prohibit or regulate the removal of topsoil; (c) prohibit or regulate the alteration of the grade of the land; (d) require that a permit be obtained for the placing or dumping of fill, the removal of topsoil or the alteration of the grade of the land; and (e) impose conditions to a permit, including requiring the preparation of plans acceptable to the municipality relating to grading, filling or dumping, the removal of topsoil and the rehabilitation of the site. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 76 (1). By-law ceases to have effect: (8) If a regulation is made under section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act respecting the placing or dumping of fill, removal of topsoil or alteration of the grade of land in any area of the municipality, a by-law passed under this section is of no effect in respect of that area. 2001, c. 25, s. 142 (8). 5. What a Conservation Authority can ask for in a permit application As noted above the Conservation Authorities Act allows the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority to make a regulation. Excerpts from the regulation provide details on what a Conservation Authority can ask for when receiving a permit application to undprtake development, (e.g. place fill): Excerpts from: Ontario Regulation 168/06 made under the Conservation Authorities Act (Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority's Development, Interference with Wetlands, Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation. Application for permission 4. A signed application for permission to undertake development shall be filed with the Authority and shall contain the following information: 1. Four copies of a plan of the area showing the type and location of the development. 2. The proposed use of the buildings and structures following completion of the development. 3. The start and completion dates of the development. 4. The elevations of existing buildings, if any, and grades and the proposed elevations of buildings and grades after development. 5. Drainage details before and after development. 6. A complete description of the type of fill proposed to be placed or dumped. O. Reg. 168/06, s. 4. May 19,2011 —Staff Report: Large Commercial Fill Operations Page 4 Concerns The following concerns have become evident in relation large fill operations that are regulated by the Conservation Authority regulation: 1. The municipality, GRCA board members, GRCA staff and the public have expressed concerns with a number of conditions included in Conservation Authority permitting requirements for large commercial fill operations; 2. As described above the Conservation Authorities Act and regulation defines what can and cannot be addressed when a Conservation Authority considers an application to place fill; 3. The Municipal Act clearly removes the ability of a municipality to regulate an area over which a Conservation Authority has a regulation; 4. The Conservation Authority regulation contains wording regarding the things that a Conservation Authority can require of an applicant and this wording is vague; 5. If an application for fill is proposed in an 'other area" limited criteria can be used when assessing the application; 6. The Conservation Authorities regulation was not intended, nor does it have the capability to address the significant social and economic impact of large commercial fill operations on the neighbouring communities; 7. The Ministry of the Environment has stated that the regulation of fill sites is outside of its mandate; and 8. In Conclusion, the Conservation Authority regulation was not developed with large commercial fill operations in mind. Given these issues, it is clear that the regulations developed under the Conservation Authorities Act do not adequately regulate large commercial fill operations. During its Board meeting of April 2011, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Full Board requested that staff prepare a report for the May Full Authority meeting to provide background information regarding large commercial fill operations. Additionally, staff was asked to prepare a recommended resolution to be forwarded to several agencies and Conservation Ontario outlining concerns that were brought forward regarding this matter. A recommended resolution has been provided below: RECOMMENDED MOTION: WHEREAS Conservation Authority regulations in Ontario apply to `other areas" (within 120 metres) of wetlands, and WHEREAS it appears the only consideration in assessing an application for permission is hydrologic impact to a wetland; and WHEREAS the section Section 142(8) of the Municipal Act exempts a landowner May 19,2011—Staff Report: Large Commercial Fill Operations Page 5 of the requirements of a Municipality's site alteration by-law, if a Conservation Authority has a regulation in effect; WHEREAS the Conservation Authority regulations requires an applicant to submit "A complete description of the type of fill proposed to be placed or dumped"; and WHEREAS it is beyond the resource capacity and scope of CA regulations to effectively deal with, large scale commercial fill operations; primarily with respect to the sources and quality of material they import; WHEREAS it is the position of the MOE that the regulation of fill sites; or filling activity is not addressable through its legislation; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority request Conservation Ontario engage the Provincial government to develop and implement legislation to effectively deal with large scale commercial fill operations, and FURTHER THAT the Full Authority forward this motion to the watershed municipalities, requesting the municipalities engage the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to also work towards addressing concerns regarding large commercial fill operations Prepared By: ui c e Mark Peaco . Eng. Greg ells Director, Watershed Services Manager, Planning & Regulations n n �.t Recommended by: 1r � A Linda J. Lalibe e, CGA CAO/Secretary Treasurer ATTACHMENT NO.S TO PPR-06-2011 1521 YaRK DLRHAM DISTRICT OFF. REPORT LGL-006-11 Walstry of V' Ontario MInli do 10'I F.nvkoon Provincial Officer's Order Enwmaw w Probeson Act RAID.1990,CA 15(EPA) Order Nu111ber onto to wA1M RN04rp9 AOt ttAA.1919,a O.ee(OWRA) 33334FN290 PeaaWu Act,RA.0.1190.0.P11 MAI ace DdWna vwbrAa,8.0.M2.o32 ISOWA1 Incident Report No. NubWd him" mantAot,MM&0.119L CA(NNA) W?34FMH37 To: 1744856 Ontario Inc. 96 Cawkees Cove Rd Port Perry Scugog,Ontario,L91. IR6 Canada Richard Rondeau 96 Cawhers Cove Rd Port Perry Swans,Ontario,L9L IR6 Canads Site: 2513 Morgans Rd Newcastle, Part Lot 16,Concession 2(Clarke Twp.) Clwington,Regional Municipality of Durham Pursuant to my authority tinder EPA Section 157.1,I order you to do the following: Work Ordered Item No.1 COMPNenee Date 2011/(W15 trm'naMroo) After April 15.2011 at 07:00 hours,cease accepting any material at the site tmtil: a)One or more Qualified Person(s)have been retained to carry out the work described in ORCA Permit No. 1099 and this Order and there has been submitted to the undersigned Provincial Officer written documentation confirming the came,contact infomtation and qualifications of the retained Qualified Person(s). b)There is put in place a procedure whereby the Qualified Persons)have reviewed written documentation for each source site and has confirmed in writing that the material being received is acceptable for use at the Site and that there are appropriate soil roenagement activities at each source site prior to delivery of material to the Site to ensure the material being delivered to the Site meets Table 2 criteria. The written documentation and written confirmation shell be available at the Site,for review by a Provincial Officer. Pop 1•NUMBER 3333-OFN20D RPR-06-2011 1522 YORK DURHAM DISTRICT OFF. 905 427 5602 P.03 c)There is an on-site,independent Qualified Person(s)to confirm in writing that the material being received is acceptable for use at the Site. The written documentation and written confirmation shall be available at the Site for review by a Provincial Officer. The Qualified Person(s)aball be responsible for monitoring all vehicle activities depositing at the Site,including documenting the vehicle identity for all vehicles depositing material at the Site,details of the approved source of the material,and the date and time the material was deposited. d)There is a procedure in place that is acceptable to the undersigned Provincial Officer whereby each source site material can be segregated and managed at the Site in conjunction with the confirmatory audit sampling procedures set out below. e)The Qualified Person(s)shall collect weekly audit soil samples from trucks that represent each source site that has been accepted to ship soil to the Site.These soil samples shall be analysed for metals,soluble chlorides,volatile organic compounds, petroleum hydrocarbons,and benzene,toluene,athylbenzene,xylem and semi-volatile organic compounds. Copies of these analysis results snail be maintained on the Site and be made available to Ministry staff upon request. If any audit temple results indicate levels above Table 2 criteria,the undersigned Provincial Offiosr shall be notified within 24 hours and advised of the action(s)being taken and by when the soils above Table 2 will be removed from the Site. Item Na 2 Compliance Daw 2011 Y co: By 16:00 hours on April 29,2011,submit to the undersigned Provincial Officer, a copy, report from the Qualified Persons)regarding the nature and sources of the material that has already been deposited at the Site prior to April 15,2011. This report shall also include a description of any relationships between the parties involved at the source sites,the excavation and trucking activities,and all the parties involved at the Site including,where corporations ate involved,any relationships with their officers,directors,and shareholders. Item No.3 Compliance Dots 2011/04/29 (YYYY&UNM By 16:00 hours on April 29,2011,submit to the undersigned Provincial Officer one or more reports on any environmental site assessment and soil work done at the Site,and a plan for additional environmental site assessments. The site assessment will include,at a minimum: (a)a site soil and fill characterization program including test pitting and borehole as appropriate to determine the concentration and vertical and horizontal extent of any contaminant in the fill received at the Site and underlying native soils,and (b)a groundwater characterization program including intrusive investigations to characterize the depth to groundwater,groundwater flow direction and a survey of on and off groundwater uses and/or the relation to surface water features for all groundwater aquifers at the Site that may be impacted by activities at the Site. Pare 2-NUMBER 3333•aFN29D FFR-06-2011 15:22 YORK DURI- M DISTRICT OFF. 905 427 5602 p,04 Item No.4 Compliance Date 2011/04/15 By 16:00 hours on April 15, 2011,submit to the undersigned provincial Officer a plan for appropriate security measures at the Site and implement the measures by April 29,2011. Item No.6 Compliance Data 2011/04/15 lrvvr»,o�wol By 16:00 hours on April 15,2011,submit to the undersigned provincial Officer,procedures in place relating to managing any noise and dust from activities at the Site and truck traffic to and from the Site and court these procedures are implemented. A. While this Order is in effect,a copy or copies of this order shall be posted in a conspicuous place. B. While this Order is in effect, report in writing,to fire District or Area office,any significant changes of operation,emission,ownership,tenancy or other legal status of the facility or operation. This Order 1s being issued for the reasons set out in the anaexed.Provincial Officers Report which forms pert of this Order. Ismud�at Ajax this 6th day of April,2011. Steve Etford " Badge No: 1184 York Durham District Office Tel; Pape 3•NUMBM 33334FN29D APR-06-2011 15:22 YORK DURN M DISTRICT OFF. 905 427 5502 P,05 A"EAL/REVIEW INBORMAMON Rg"gST FOR REVIEW You may request that this order be reviewed by the Director.Your request must be MWe in writing(or orally with written Confirmation)within seven days of service of this order and sent by mail or But to the Director a the address below.In the wram regress at written confirmation you must • specify 1116 Fatboae of this order111et you math to be reviewed; • Include my submissions to be considered by she Director with vespers to Iaumee of the order to you or any Otter Farmer and with respect to the Contents of the order; • apply,for a my of rids order,if netxawy;and provide an ad&=fm service by me of the following meets. 1.mail 2.fix The Director may confimt alter or revoke this arder.If this order is revoked by the Diseases,you will be notified in writing.If dds order Is oonMmed or amended by order of the Dimemr,the Dhalmts amer will be saved upon you.The Dkatats order will include im truetlons for requiring a hearing before she Environmental Review Tribtoal. DEEMED CONFIRMATION OF THIS ORDER Ifyou do not receive oral or wrium motice of the Directors decision within seven days of receipt of your request this order is doomed to be confirmed by order of to Director and deemM to be served upon you. You may require a hewing before tie Environmental Review Tribunal if,whirls IS days of serrvia of die owdrowag order domed to Mvo bean made by dun Director,you save written nods ofyour appal on der EsvimmoanW ReviewTribaml and the Director.Your notice must tote the porWru of she order for which a kuring IS required and she grounds on which you belad to rely a the haring.Except by leave of me Envimnmamal Review Tribunal,you as not winded to appeal a portion or the order or to rely on grounds of appeal flat we not stated in the notice requiring the kearbag.Unkse stayed by to Environmental Review Tribunal,the order Is effusive from to dam of service. Wrhtm notice requbng a keasng row be sexed personally or by moll upon: TheSeeretarr and Director(provincial Officer Orders) Envirahmmtal Review Tribunal Ministry of the Envirommeat 633 Bay Stata,ISO Floor York Durban District Office Teaano ON Sib Flow MSG IES 230 Wutney Rd S Ajax ON LIS7I5 Fax:(903)427.5602 Tel:(90S)427•5600 When service is made by mail,it is decimal to be mode on the AfUh day star site dam of aaling ad the tkme for m4miciag o hearing is not extended by choosing n"ke by mail. Further information an the Environmental Review Tribunal's requUenoew for an appeal ere be obtained directly from the Thlbnmlby: Tel:(416)3141600 Fax:(416)3144306 WMLE gpv." FOR YOUR 1111FORMATION • Unless$toyed by the Director or use Environmental Review Tribmd,this order is dfaalve fkmn she dam of service. Non-compliance with the mquiramhts of ttis order commit"an offin e. • The re"i"a mis of side order we minimum regobmaos only end do not relieve you gam complying with the fullowkrg: • any applicable hdenl legislation; • any Vidiable provincial nquiraamn the are not addressed in the order,and • any applicable municipal law. • The roWma eras oftble order are severable.If any rapuimmentof this order or der application of my requbontem to my eiramWance Is held mvWd,me&Wkdicn Of VA mgWMUM to odor circumsmneu and the remainder of the order are not alfeetot • Further orders may be Issued in accordance wlik the legishmoo u circumstances require. • 7Tm procedures to request o review by Ike Director and other nPonnstm provided above on Intended as a guide.The laga stion should be cashed for additional details and aeeura•reference. Page •NUMBER 33333FN290 APR-06-2011 1522 YORK DLJ*M DISTRICT OFF. 905 427 5602 P.06 ((Tii✓✓��� Ministry of the Environment/O�nO Mins0re do I'Emlronnev mnt Provincial Officer's Report Order Number 3333-aFN29D 1744856 Ontario Inc. 96 Cawkee+s Cove Rd Port Perry Scugog,Ontario,L9L IR6 Canada Richard Rondeau %Cawker's Cove Rd Port Perry Scugog,Ontario,L9L 1R6 Canada Site 2513 Morgans Rd Newcastk, Part Lot 16,Concession 2(Clarke Twp.) Clarington,Regional Municipality of Durham Observations On 2011/03/02,I visited the above sites)and made the following observations: 1.Authority to Issue Order I have authority as a Provincial Officer to issue orders under the Environmental Protection Act (R.S.O. 1990,c.E. 19)as amended(EPA)to further the purpose of the EPA,namely"to provide for the protection and conservation of the natural environment". This Order is issued pursuant to subsection 157.1 (1)of the EPA. Under this provision,an order may be issued to any person who owns or has memgemeat or control of an undertaking or property if a Provincial Officer reasonably believes that the requirements specified in the order are necessary or advisable so as to(a)prevent or reduce the risk of a discharge of a contaminant into the natural environment from an undertaking or a property or(b)to prevent,decrease or eliminate an adverse effect that may result from the presence or discharge of a contaminant in,on or under the property. Pape 1 -NUMBER 33334FNM PPR-06-2011 15:22 YORK DLRHFIM DISTRICT OFF. SW 427 5602 P.07 Set out below is a brief description of the reasons for tie Order and the circumstances on which the reasons are based. 2.D9Mitions For the purposes of this Order,the following tears shall have tie meanings described below, "Clarington"means the Municipality of Clariugton. "EPA"means the Environmental Protection Act,R.S.0. 1990,c.E. 19,as amended. "ORCA"means the Oansraska Region Conservation Authority. "Ministry"means the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. "Order"means this Provincial Officer Order No.3333-BFN29D,as it may be amended. "Provincial Officer~means the undersigned provincial officer or any other provincial officer designated under the EPA w act. "Qualified Person"means a person who has obtained the appropriate education and training and demonstrated the experience and expertise in the areas relating to the work required to be carried out by this Order. "Site"the property municipally known as 2513 Morgans Road,Newcastle,ON,LIB IL9. S.Site Description The Site is a former gravel extraction pit,approximately 100 acres in size. It is located in a Waal setting on the east side of Morgans Road in the Municipality of Clarington. The area in the vicinity of the Site is agricultural and vacant fields with sparse residential.The Site is located approximately 5 kilometres east of the community of Newcastle,and three kilometres west of the community of Newtonville. The Site has frontage on both the earl side of Morgans Road and a very small portion,which amounts to an access driveway,on the north aide of Durham Regional Road 2. Thera are residences located to the west of the Sire,and north and south of the Site. Enclosed within the central part of the Site is a designated provincially significant wetland. Resident in the vicinity of the Site rely on groundwater as their source of drinking water. 4.Parties Involved with the Sit* 1744856 Ontario Inc.has been the owner of the Site since May 1,2009. Richard Rondeau completed an application as an agent for the owner and the ORCA issued "Development, Interference with Wetlands,Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regukedon(Ontario Regulations 168!06)Permit No. 1089 in the name of Rick Rondeau who is the person in management and control of the Site. Page 2-NUMBER333"FN290 FPR-eS-2011 1522 YORK DLFMRM DISTRICT OFF. 905 487 5602 P,00 The Site is regulated by the GRCA because of the presence of the wetland. Although Clearing= has issued a bylaw regarding the placement of fill in the municipality,it does not apply to the Site because of the GRCA involvement. Clarington has jurisdiction over the use of and conditions regarding Morgans Road, The Ministry has not issued any control documents concerning the Site prior to the issuance of this Order. S,Summary of Events Leading Up to the Order The following outlines my involvement at the Site and the key events that have occurred. On April 6,2010,the ORCA first contacted the Ministry and provided information regarding the Site and their involvement. The following sets out my understanding of the facts which have been received from GRCA: (a)Filling started on or about March 6,2010. GRCA and/or Clarington contacted Richard Rondeau and advised that till should not be placed on the Site until the GRCA had issued a fill permit for the management of the existing fill and any new fill. (b)On Match 23,2010,Richard Rondeau,as agent,submitted an application for a permit"to stockpile clean full materials in designated areas". (c)The GRCA delayed issuance of the permit until such time as they had an opportunity to review the implications of the full that had already been placed at the Site possibly being contaminated. (d)On June 22,2010,the ORCA received sampla analysis results from me indicating an exceedance of F2 and of F3 hydrocarbons when measured against the Ministry's Table 2 Soil Criteria(Agricultural/Residential)for a sample obtained from the moat southerly pile at the Site. (e)On June 30,20 10,the ORCA issued to Richard Rondeau,Permit No. 1089 regarding the Site,a copy of which is attached hereto, end forms a part of the Order. (t)On October 18,2010,the ORCA advised me that trucking fill onto the Site has been recently ongoing,and the previous stockpiles had not all been removed or relocated The ORCA have not been given all pertinent information,as required by Permit No. 1089 and they were considering next steps,regarding their options. (g)In March 2011,the GRCA received a copy of the final grading plan referred to in Condition 02 of Permit No. 11189(a copy of which is attached,and forms part of this Order). Pape 3.NUMBER 3339.aFN290 PPR-06-2611 1522 YORK DJ"M DISTRICT OFF. 905 427 S602 P.e9 (h)On March 2,2011, the ORCA received and provided to the Ministry,a 26-page fax"Soil Report"from Stantee Consulting Ltd.regarding 25 Queens Quay East,Toronto(Pier 27). (i)On March 8,2011,the ORCA was provided a copy of a letter from V.A.Wood Associates Limited Consulting Geotechnical Engineers with respect to Condition#1 of Permit No. 1089. 0)On March 30,2011,die ORCA advised tae that,on Friday,March 25,2011,fill was also being shipped to the Site from Direct Line Environmental located on Toy Avenue in Pickering. The following outlines the Ministry involvement at the Site: On April 15.2011 Provincial Officer Kim Lendvey and myself attended the Site and observed a large amount of what appeared to be f eshly-deposited soil in the south central area of the Site. The two piles were each approximately IS feu high by ISO feet long by 40 feet wide. When disturbed or moved,the top portion of the soil had a moderate hydrocarbon-like odour. Representative samples of the two piles were taken and were not for analysis at the Ministry laboratory. On June 1,20 10,1 received the sample results,which indicated an exceedence of F2 and of F3 when measured against the Ministry's Table 2(Residential/Agricultural)criteria for F2 and F3 hydmoaftris. Later in Iwo,I contacted the ORCA and notified them of these results. During the summer and fall of 2010, 1 was in contact with ORCA regarding the Site. On March 2,2011,while working in the Newcastle am of Clatington,I observed a Imp number of soil"dump"trucks travelling outbound and westbound on Durham Regional Road 2,within 2 kilometres of Morgans Road. I drove north along Morgans Road and observed numerous dump trucks depositing what appeared to be fill in on area approximately 500 metres north of the an of the Site where fill was observed to be deposited on April 15,2010. I spoke to people at the Site who advised me that they were coordinating the filling activities and that the fill originated at the Pier 27 site in Toronto. The Ministry has concerns over the quality of fill originating at Pier 27 and being deposited at other sites located in the York Durham District. The Toronto District Office of the Ministry attended the Pier 27 site in obtain information regarding fill destinations from that site.On March 18,2011,the Pier 27 Site Superintendent submitted a spreadsheet to the Ministry which indicated that soil had bean transported to the Site in March of 2011. The total amount of soil transported to the Site in Mardi was listed as 9099 cubic metres. Since March 15,2011 Ministry staff at the York Durham District Office have received several telephone calls from area residents inquiring about the filling activities ongoing at the Site. The residents,mein concern were that of the quality of their drinking water and if it could be affected Pape 4-NUMBER 33334MM PPR-96-2011 15:23 YORK DI "M DISTRICT OFF. 905 477 5602 PAD by the quality of fill being brought into the Site. Also,the residents stated they had believed the Site was currently zoned by Clarington for agricultural uses,and they were concerned regarding the potential future laud use. 6.Order Requirements The following outlines the requirements of the Order and the reasons for such requirement•. Although Chrington and the GRCA have legislation which controls filling activities at the Site, there=jurisdictional concerns over certain areas of the Site and what the GRCA has the authority to regulate. The Ministry has experience in oontiolliug filling scdvities at other sites and has c000ems regarding the quality of fill being deposited. Although Permit No. 1099 does provide some environmental controls,I believe that this is a situation which requires the Ministry to become involved and impose more detailed and stringent controls as they have done at other fill sites and ensure that all areas of the Site are managed appropriately. As indicated above,there is insufficient informatim available for tae to determine whether or not the operations at the Site may be causing an adverse effect that may result from the presence or discharge of a comemb ant in,on or under the Site. The presence of materials that exceed the Ministry's Table 2 criteria(residential/agricultural)for the contaminants identified in Work Ordered Item No. 1 (e)is an indication of potential adverse effect. Any such material should be removed. The requirements of this Order are in addition to and do not relieve Richard Rondeau or 1744856 Ontario Inc.from complying with any applicable order,notice,statute,regulation,municipal, provincial or federal law,including any requirements imposed by the GRCA or Cbsrington. Work Ordered Item No. I is necessary as a preventative measure. I am not confident that the current documentation is satisfactory to confirm that acceptable material is being received at the Site. Consequently no material should be received at the Site until the issues are addressed.I believe that the use of Qualified Person(s)is required to ensure that Richard Rondeau and 1744856 Ontario Inc.,both jointly and severally,are not causing or permitting an adverse effect that may result from the presence or discharge of a contaminant IN on or under the Site. Procedures are required at the Site,and must include some quality control over the materials being deposited at the Site,so as to ensure time is no risk to the environment.l will review the procedures and discuss them with Richard Rondeau. I reasonably believe the material should only be accepted at the Site if proper procedures are in place and implemented appropriately. Work Ordered Item No. 2 is necessary so diet the Ministry is aware of all of the materials that have been deposited at the Site. The Ministry requires the relationship information in order to review our involvement with other similar fill sites in the York Durham District and to ensure our approach is consistent. Work Ordered Arm No 3 is necessary to ensure that a Qualified Person is involved to provide a proper anvirownontsi site assessment so that the conditions of the Site are understood and are Pop 5•NUMBER 3333.OFN290 APR-06-2011 1523 YORK DURHAM DISTRICT OFF. SOS 427 5602 P.11 being managed properly.Ibis plan will be reviewed by the Ministry and it is expected that this environmental site assessment will commence in the spring of 2011. Work Ordered item No. 4 is necessary to provide sufficient controls to ensure no illegal waste disposal occurs at the Site and that all filling activity is controlled. Work Ordered fiem No. S regarding noise,dust and mA traffic,is regulated by Clarington and others,but I require this information so as to ensure that these potential emissions ate also properly managed. Ofteneals) saeP.aa vuudaNsyoaenalN� oeeeApt an (800"d Orh"* Steve Elford Provincial Officer Badge Number: 1184 Date:2011104/06 District Office: York Durinem District Office Page e-NUMBER 7333.OFN290 TOTAL P.11 Ganar ska Regni,,uonservagon Authority �Ganaraska Box 320,PonHopu Ontario L 1A 3W4 CONSENWfION (905J885-8171 FAX(905)885-9824 e-n Cnl: inforaDgrCamil.ca No 1089 PERMIT Development, Interference with Wetlands,Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation (Ontario Ragulatlon 168106) PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED TO F wner: Rick Rondoau ddress: 96 Cawker's Cove Road, Port Parry,ON. L9L 1R6 hone No: (9051427-0390 Location: Part Lot 16. Concession 2—Municipality of Clarington Morgans Road (east side, 100 malres north of Highway 2) To undertake the following work: Temporary stockpiling of fill material for future use on-site, wdhln the designated areas indicated on the attached plan; During the porlod of: June 30", 2010 to June 30'n, 2011 and at midnight of the date last mentioned after which this permit becomes null and void; Subject to the following conditions: 1. That prior to any fill being placed on site the GRCA be provided with certification from a qualified soils engineer that the imported material meets MOE Guidelines Table 2(Potable Water Designation). 2. That within one month of the issuance of this permit the owner prepare and submit a final grading plan for the stockpiled material, acceptable to the GRCA which includes,phasing, stabilization and re-vegetalion details 3. That prior to any on-site works(i.e. grading,fill placement, excavation)sill fencing be installed as shown on the attached plan(s), and maintained until the area has been adequately re-vegetated,to prevent the release of sediment from the work areas. 4. That prior to any fill placement the GRCA be contacted to inspect the sediment and erosion controls on site, in addition to barrier fencing 5. That the recently placed fill material labeled "Existing Stockpile Areas"be removed from the site, or relocated to the proposed stockpile area If it is demonstrated the material meets MOE Guidelines Table 2 (Potable Water Designation) 6. That no other grading, excavation, or fill placement occur on site, except as indicated on the attached plan,and described in Condition 5 of this permit. 7. That all areas of exposed soils be re-vegetated in a timely fashion see reverse side for general conditions COPIES"r0 � ! I EnrorcmnantOHlcsr, l4' I It�'j-�/ i BUILDING INSPECTOR —�� r k( PROPERTY OWNER signing of icur: u AGENT OTHERA L„rgr1� L',..�-n�.r . )__, Data of Issue: Junn 3p 2010 A Gangmka CONSERVATION General Conditions 1. That all works are subject to provincial,federal and municipal statues, regulations,and by-laws. 2. That this permit does not confer upon you any right to occupy,develop,or flood lands owned by other persons or agencies without permission. 3. That the applicant maintains and complies with the local drainage requirements of the Municipality. 4. That nothing herein authorizes any person to carry on any work or undertaking, which may result in the harmful alteration,disruption or destruction of fish habitat or any fishery. Nob: it is the responsibility of the owner and their agent(s)1contractors to take all reasonable steps to minimize any potential hazards and risks that may occur during the proposed works. Note: It is floe responsibility of the owner andktr their agents to carry out the works in accordance with the above conditions. Failure to do so may resuk in action taken in accordance with the provisions under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act. Caudon: The G.R.C.A.assumes no liability for any losses or damages associated with these works or that may occur as a result of failure to catty out the above noted conditions. Sm9on 28 of the Coneruvabon Aulbordo Ach,Chapter C27.RSO 1990 providq 8b folbwing penSMW. (te)Ewry pelaal who contravenes a regulation garde under lubsealam(1)Is Vurty of on off um and on Convidonislhdae to a and of not more Men S10,000 o,to a bum of hnpte nniaM of not maw then throe nwoih& (tr)in addition to any cater &Ody ot penslp provided by law,tiu Cou4 upon(MOUM a mnvigboa under sutroalorl(16)a"order In person owAcurd b, d mmow,atom pewan's eaperrae,any devebernera within such reasonable door as lhsomal orders: and d! Mbbaaeb day watnoaune ar watlawnMs nWYler and vrahintlw Cate the COUm cedars. (20)ea permrr dose rmt oompywhn an order made under suboacdm(1T),dro aulhpay hftN Wnsdimon mey, in Ine ease or a asvebprreM new it removed"n we seas of a watercourse or wound,haw It mhsbwAm. (21)The Peron comiclad b Saole for Our Coal Of Movie or rehoblraaeun under a ftection and the amount is recovdrme,by no surnow by moon in a court of Property Plan „ a _ rS�•.” �a a. 1Ar k94 iy•. a*" ant ' CagnnCal y'1,5 D.rm 6110rPbm eOP$ l A 1.5 m) see"IM of RPWaI RNPUrcn(110'6 f010) B'IN •'rog6 PrNiUM by Fm ll t�"{� t • �J ♦ �, 9 .. 1F �r Ga-r61 NSiOGWPS a I.fi/l N etM O Ga P 6(6IIet t 6 on W Yq 2r,). ND 63. y r6uylfrl y \(` • i .•* �14 9_W X UFU T- ♦ �, 4 I �d ZA j }a [[[ \ ——50 m Will OWletr EAb of Bill A'; I Weuew 1 J w •_.•'' Proposed Doublet Row sin ` T�..1.1FS 1, I J� • f + � Fence ,• yh q !. r ' � '� � �' v '' -- .. PmpOaed Srq Fence l f" ` _�r�' r` , 1 •'i it Vf or --_. Apprciiwala DWI oI Fill �•".e '♦. Matte 0 AKRIDGE ENWRONMENfAl- , . '• a:yti' r � LIMITED S M IT),+60 Mmwr Noap ••� s• 6 . _ P.O. aN Q1 .r d y R P.Ine..,%OR. K91 Eta r _ t. ]l�yY •�y6�` j' nmKl unm :rd ludo. �.\ter F� y.K� , li Newcaaua Pit Fll:ing PermK `'s n . ' r•=i AN Pon of Lot 10 Coa slcia z ✓ '� '#+ -- 1'6-1347 �� �,•.wf . Mar. 2010 figure 1 Mun�up6lity of Cla-rplon ��6 S' (tormar Clark-Tnwnsldp) 5,000 r Final Grading Plan N { I, A. \ it •":tic •k � �'sf ,� � '� � y _jgg S f - �t v` t- ,� 1:fgrai'enatall�;Fpn(fl�nt ; C C' L m - V 1 i \ V y a Line of Section l7 - -— Proposed Posl-Dev'e ment Contour(0.5 m Interval) -- - Welland Buffer(30 m) Limit of Fill Placement with Sediment Controls to be Erected - • � - -•- Proposed Chain Unit Fence - _ ��\D. _— Weiland Boundary proposed!Vegetation Rehab Area Milk Property Boundary a - Stornwator Collection Area (expected to t vegetate) Proposed Fill Area Area to be Graded Laing Existing Materials(minimal S •��� µt9hWay nn required) `., t .ate 0..4 w+e.�.meno+ lam:t M1 Own1C }] nV, •0 ® "'°'°""°di06j'°°'•'"�^'M1�J1M Newcastle Pit Filling Permit "'"""""^^`m'°""•`°"°""°°� Pert of Lot 16 Concession 2 v� OdNo �W � � o•w.�,.....w..ao,.�.� Municipality of Ciarington 10.1341 S'.' 1:7.000 (Former Clarke Township) os,. 4 p 1® m February 2011 v ATTACHMENT NO. 6 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 O #. Ministry of the Environment ntario Ministbre de I'Environnement Director's Order Section 157.3 Environmental Protection AM,R.S.O.1990 Order Number Section 16.4 Ontario Water Resources Act,R.S.O.1990 3333-8FN29D-1 Section 26.3 Pesticides Act,R.S.O.1990 Sate Drinking Water Act,S.O.2002,c.32(SDWA) Incident Report NO. Section 32 Nutrient Management Act,2002,S.O.2002 P 5573-8FMH37 To: 1744856 Ontario Inc. 96 Cawker's Cove Rd Port Perry Scugog, Ontario,L9L 1R6 Canada Richard Rondeau 96 Cawker s Cove Rd Port Perry Scugog, Ontario,L91, 1R6 Canada Site: 4148 Regional Highway#2 RR#8,Newcastle Clarington,Regional Municipality of Durham Pursuant to my authority under EPA Section 157.3(5), I order you to do the following: Response to Request I have reviewed the request for review and stay dated April 13, 2011 and clarified on April 14, 2011 from legal counsel for the parties ordered,namely 1744856 Ontario Inc. and to Richard Rondeau (the "Review Request"). The Review Request related to the Provincial Officer's Order Number 3333-8FN29D ("Order")issued by Provincial Officer Steve Elford on April 6, 2011. The Order is a preventative measures order issued pursuant to subsection 157.1 (1)of the Environmental Protection Act ,R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 19 (EPA). The Review Request asks that the Director,review all of the Items of the Order, and revoke the Order,or alternatively amend it in accordance with some proposed modifications. I am issuing this Director's order as the acting District Manager in the absence of Dave Fumerton, to whom the Review Request was originally addressed. In addition to reviewing the Review Request,I have reviewed the Order including the reasons for the Order. I have also discussed the Order with the issuing officer, Dave Fumerton and legal counsel for the Ministry. I shall respond to each of the key points raised in the Review Request below in the "Reasons for Response"portion of this Director's Order. Page 1 -NUMBER 3333-8FN29D i Clause(b)of subsection 157.3(5)of the EPA provides that the Director may,by order,revoke, confirm or alter an order of a provincial officer. Subsection 157.3(6)provides that for the purposes of subsection 157.3(5)the Director may substitute his or her own opinion for that of the provincial officer. I have decided that the Order should not be revoked. I have agreed with a number of the wording amendments and a date change suggested in the Review Request. Because this Director's order is being issued today, there is no need for me to consider a stay. I am also of the opinion that a communication plan would be a beneficial addition to the Order. For convenience and ease of reference, I hereby set out my Director's Order,in its entirety, and use, by means of capitalization, the defined terms set out in the Provincial Officer's Report or in this order Work Ordered Item No. 1 Compliance Date 2011/04/15 jPft�' After April 15, 2011 at 07:00 hours, cease accepting any material at the Site that'' from any source, other than Pier 27 or the soil reconditioning facility located at Toy Avenue, Pickering,until: a) One or more Qualified Person(s)has/have been retained to carry out the work described in conditions 1, 5 and 6 of the GRCA Permit No. 1089 and this Director's order and there has been submitted to the undersigned Director written documentation confirming the name, contact information and qualifications of the retained Qualified Person(s). b)There is put in place a procedure whereby the Qualified Person(s)has /have reviewed available written documentation for each source site and confirmed in writing that the material being received is acceptable for use at the Site and that there is documentation supporting that there are appropriate soil management activities at each source site prior to delivery of material to the Site to ensure the material being delivered to the Site meets Table 2 criteria. The written documentation and written confirmation shall be available at the Site,for review by a Provincial Officer. c)There is an on-site,independent Qualified Person(s), or an independent inspector instructed by the Qualified Person(s) and reporting thereto, to confirm in writing that the material being received is acceptable for use at the Site. The written documentation and written confirmation shall be available at the Site for review by a Provincial Officer. The Qualified Person(s)or the independent inspector shall be responsible for monitoring all vehicle activities at the Site, including documenting the vehicle identity for all vehicles depositing material at the Site, details of the approved source of the material,and the date, time and location where,material was deposited and/or managed. d) There is put in place, a procedure that is acceptable to the undersigned Director whereby each source site material can be segregated and deposited into separate areas and managed at the Site Page 2-NUMBER 3333-8FN291) in conjunction with the confirmatory audit sampling procedures set out below. e) There is put in place, a procedure whereby the Qualified Person(s),or an independent inspector reporting thereto, shall collect weekly audit soil samples from trucks that represent each source site that has been accepted to ship soil to the Site. These soil samples shall be analysed for metals, soluble chlorides,volatile organic compounds,petroleum hydrocarbons, and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene,xylenes and semi-volatile organic compounds. Copies of these analysis results shall be maintained on the Site and be made available to Ministry staff upon request. If any audit sample results indicate levels above Table 2 criteria, the undersigned Director shall be notified within 24 hours and advised of the action(s)being taken and by when the soils above Table 2 will be removed from the Site. The provisions of subparagraphs (d) and(e) shall apply, after April 15, 2011,to all materials received at the Site including the Pier 27 and Toy Avenue materials. The foregoing provisions have no expiration time periods indicated, and shall continue in full force and effect, until such time as a Director revokes or alters the requirements. The Site owner and the Permit holder may,at any time, submit to the Director, an application,based on a recommendation from the Qualified Person,for a revocation or alteration of the provisions. The Director shall alter this order following receipt of such an application,even where the Director may not approve or accept the submission made in order to provide for a right of appeal of such a decision. Item No. 2 Compliance Date 2011/05/09 - By 16:00 hours on May 9,2011, submit to the undersigned Director,a copy of a report[4vm the Qualified Person(s)regarding the nature and sources of the material that has already been deposited at the Site prior to the date of the report. This report shall also include a description of any business relationships between the parties involved at the source sites, the excavation and trucking activities, and all the parties involved at the Site including,where corporations are involved, any business relationships with their officers,directors, and shareholders. Item No. 3 Compliance Date 2011/05/09 By 16:00 hours on May 9, 2011, submit to the undersigned Director one or more rep6f t3 ott any environmental site assessment and soil work done at the Site, and, a plan prepared by the Qualified Person(s),for additional environmental site assessment(s) and the date for completion of those assessment(s). The additional environmental site assessment(s) will include, at a minimum: (a)a site soil and fill characterization program including test pitting and boreholes as appropriate to determine the concentration and vertical and horizontal extent of any contaminant in the fill received at the Site and,if determined by the Qualified Person to be necessary, a program to assess underlying native soils, and Page 3-NUMBER 3333-8FN290 (b)a groundwater monitoring program including intrusive investigations to characterize the depth to groundwater, groundwater flow direction, a groundwater sampling program and a survey of on-Site and off-Site groundwater uses and/or the relation to surface water features for all groundwater aquifers at the Site that may be impacted by activities at the Site. Item No. 4 Compliance Date 2011/04115 By 16:00 hours on April 15,2011, submit to the undersigned Director,the following (a) a report confirming appropriate security measures at the Site and ensure the measures continue to be implemented,and "(b) written confirmation of procedures and legal requirements in place relating to managing any noise and dust from activities at the Site and truck traffic to and from the Site and ensure these procedures continue to be implemented and legal requirements followed. Item No. 5 Compliance Date 2011/04/29 By 16:00 hours on April 29,2011, submit to the undersigned Director a communications plan with timelines for implementation,in order to advise all interested parties,concerning the activities being undertaken at the Site in relation to this order. ' REQUEST FOR HEARING You may require a hearing before the Environmental Review Tribunal if,within 15 days of service of this order,you serve written notice of your appeal on the Environmental Review Tribunal and the Director.Your notice must state the portions of the order for which a hearing is required and the grounds on which you intend to rely at the hearing. Except by leave of the Environmental Review Tribunal,you are not entitled to appeal a portion of the order or to rely on grounds of appeal that are not stated in the notice requiring the hearing.Unless stayed by the Environmental Review Tribunal,the order is effective from the date of service. Written notice requiring a hearing must be served personally or by mail upon: The Secretary and Director Environmental Review Tribunal Ministry of the Environment 655 Bay Street, 15th Floor 5th Floor Toronto ON 230 Wesmey Rd S M5G 1E5 Ajax ON LIS 775 Fax:(905)427-5602 Where service is made by mail,the service shall be deemed to be made on the fifth day after the date of mailing and the time for requiring a hearing is not extended by choosing service by mail FOR YOUR INFORMATION The procedures to request a hearing and other information provided above are intended as a guide.The legislation should be consulted for additional details and accurate reference. Reasons for Response Richard Rondeau: Page 4-NUMBER 3333-8FN29D I disagree that there is "no basis for inclusion of Richard Rondeau in the Order". As indicated in the Provincial Officer's Report, Mr. Rondeau personally applied for, and was issued, the GRCA permit No. 1089. Consequently,I am of the opinion that Mr. Rondeau is a person responsible for managing or controlling the Site,and is therefore an appropriate person against whom a preventative measures order should be issued. Site Ownership and Description: As noted in the April 14, 2011 clarification letter, 1744856 Ontario Inc. is the owner of the Site. It should be noted that the municipal address for the Site was incorrectly stated in the Order as "2513 Morgans Road,Newcastle, Clarington,Regional Municipality of Durham". Clarington has advised that there is no Morgans Road address for the Site,but that the municipal assessment records describe the Site's address as 4148 Regional Highway 2,R.R. #8,Newcastle. The legal description of the Site is "PT LT 16 CON 2 CLARKE AS IN D463967 EXCEPT PT 1 1OR2193; S/f N9921;CLARINGTON(PIN 26668-0065 (LT)). I have amended the Site address above accordingly. I have also noted that the "property plan" and the "final grading plan" that were attached to the Order as part of the GRCA permit material indicate that the Site is generally in the shape of a rectangle. The land registry office records indicate that, in fact,a portion of the rectangle adjacent to Morgans Road,beginning just to the north of the vehicle roadway onto Morgans Road, to just below the "proposed fill area",is owned by the Crown(Ontario Ministry of Transportation). The owner of the Site is claiming rights over this property (including,in particular,the right to access and use the roadway)and has been in discussion with Crown legal counsel concerning this property. I understand that there has been, and will be, no deposit or stockpiling of fill on this parcel of land. Basis for the Order: I am of the opinion that the Order and this Director's order are necessary and appropriate in these circumstances. I agree that 1744856 Ontario Inc.has indicated a level of cooperation in dealing with this matter. However, given the broad public interest in this Site and in filling operations, generally,I believe it is important to have the Ministry issue a control document which outlines, formally,its expectations and requirements. The Order is the appropriate document to do so and also provides appeal procedures,if necessary. It is important to recognize that the Order is not a contravention order; but rather a preventative measures order. The Ministry has not been provided with sufficient information required at this time to properly assess the environmental status of the Site. Furthermor G1CA and Chnington are involved,as indictftd hithe, Ore .$mtitntions. The involvement of the Ministry and the issuance of the Order and this Directors order supplement their requirements and provide for an improvement in the understanding of the Site and its operations. I do not agree with all of the Review Request background and factual information. Although the meeting on Monday,April 11,2011 was the first opportunity for Mr. Shawn Page 5-NUMBER 3333-8FN290 Rondeau, the son of Richard Rondeau,to discuss the matter with Ministry staff,Provincial Officer Steve Elford did attend at the Site on Monday,March 2, 2011 and spoke with Mr. Jody Churchill who was managing the Site operations and was well aware of the Ministry's concerns. Previous to that,the Ministry's concerns are reflected, in a general way,in the GRCA Permit No. 1089. z Clarington counsel has advised me that the statement made on Page 3 of the Review Request, "Prior to accepting any fill at the site,our client was advised by Clarington that a permit was not required to accept fill." is not completely correct. The advice provided by the Clarington official was that no permit was required from Clarington because the Site was being regulated by the GRCA and a permit would be required from them. I do not agree "there is no evidence of an adverse effect or the potential for an adverse effect from fill deposited on-site under the terns of the Permit...there is no basis for an Order". The sample taken by the Ministry in April 2010, which showed a minor exceedance of Table 2, was taken to assist the GRCA. GRCA did issue their control document, Permit No. 1089, which did deal specifically with requirements regarding the area of the Site which was sampled(see Condition 5 on the Permit). No further sampling,however,was conducted by either the Permit holder or the Site owner, to confirm that the balance of the material, which had been deposited at the Site, and has since been relocated,did, in fact,meet the requirements of Permit Condition 5. Although the Site owner did receive some sample results from its engineering consultant,who in turn was relying on information received from the Pier 27 consultant,I have concerns regarding this information. The amount of the sampling was not sufficient and how the sample information relates to the material that was, in fact, deposited at the Site is not clear. As indicated in the Review Request,the report being submitted to satisfy Work Ordered Item No. 2 regarding the nature and sources of the material deposited at the Site will provide further information in this regard. It is important to note that I now understand filling occurred at the Site in March 2010 (from Toy Avenue,before the Permit), in September 2010(from Bowmanville) and then in March 2011 (from Pier 27 and Toy Avenue), and that,in all cases, the GRCA was not provided with the sample results from these source sites prior to the filling activities taking place. If the new soil analysis reports being submitted by the Qualified Person indicate specific exceedances of Table 2 criteria,appropriate actions will be required to be taken. In summary, a basis for the Ministry's concern is a lack of appropriate information regarding the source sites'material and the public concern regarding potential impact to private drinking water wells. I believe the requirements of this Director's order are necessary or advisable so as, as stated in Section 157.1 of the EPA: " (a)to prevent or reduce the risk of a discharge of a contaminant into the natural environment from the undertaking or project; or (b)to prevent,decrease or eliminate an adverse effect that may result from Page 6-NUMBER 3333-8FN29D (i) the discharge of a contaminant from the undertaking, or (ii) the presence or discharge of a contaminant in, on or under the property." Work Ordered Items: The following specifically comments on the Work Ordered Items: I have required the submission of materials to myself,instead of"the undersigned Provincial Officer" in the various sections where this was noted in the Order and the Review Request proposed amendments. Since I am issuing this Director's Order,it is appropriate to have the submissions sent directly to me. Item No. 1: I have agreed with a number of the proposed amendments in Item No. 1. The following sets out the reasons for the key areas involved: I have received on April 14, 2011,information required by Item No. 1 (a)of the Order, confirming that Decomissioning Consulting Services Limited has been retained as the Qualified Person for the purposes of the Order. The Ministry does not require the Site to cease accepting material from Pier 27 and if or the soil reconditioning facility at Toy Avenue, Pickering, as the Qualified Person will be, as of April 15, 2011,supervising the on-site soil management activities and providing a report by May 9,2011 _. to me regarding these source sites. Although I have agreed to the wording changes in sub-paragraphs (a) and(b) of Item No. 1,I see the role of the Qualified Person as being critical "to ensure the material being delivered to the Site meets Table 2 criteria." I have agreed in sub-paragraph(c) of Item No. 1 to add "an independent inspector instructed by the Qualified Person and reporting thereto". I have not, however, agreed to any two-week time period limitation for this requirement, as requested. Until the May 9,2011 report is submitted by the Qualified Person, such a decision cannot be made. This independent audit requirement is a requirement at other fill site operations where the Ministry is involved in York Durham District. I have,however,provided provisions that address a possible revocation or alteration of the Item No. 1 requirements. This addition will also provide appeal rights if the Site owner and/or Permit holder and the Qualified Person do not agree with a decision by the Director made in the future. This provision is often inserted in orders or certificates of property use to address these time limitation concerns. Item No. 2: Page 7-NUMBER 3333-8FN29D I h 4pprot,'agreed to change the compliance date for the submission of the nature and sources of fill from April 29, 2011 to May 9, 2011 to allow the Qualified Person time to complete an ria te detailed report for our review. Item No. 3: I have also agreed to change the sgmp ,i'ay date for the submission of any environmental site assessment reviews. It is my view that a groundwater monitoring program is particularly important at this Site to understand the groundwater flow regime in the area wherein the community relies on groundwater as the source of drinking water, and any possible adverse impacts, either off-site or moving within the Site, or as has been suggested,possibly moving onto the Site from a nearby former landfrlling operation. Items No. 4 and No. 5: Items No.4 and No. 5 of the Order have been merged into my Director's Order Item No.4, as they both have the same compliance date. I understand that there are security measures currently in place for the Site,and therefore have amended the requirement to submit a report,rather than a plan. I have added "legal requirements" to the procedures in place with respect to the report on the management of noise and dust from activities at the Site and truck traffic to and from the SiteWT evil#t�s ng with thgse rttatters in faith&detail at`a"later date. New Item No. 5: I have added a new provision requiring a the submission of a proposed communication plan in order that the activities being undertaken at the Site can be properly conveyed by the Site owner and Permit holder to all interested parties. Measures that I have seen being used effectively elsewhere to provide proactive and open information include newsletters, websites,open houses and meetings and presentations. I will review the submitted plan and provide comments thereon and the next steps. Attachments This Notice constitutes part of Order Number 3333-8FN29D, issued on 06/04/2011. Issued at Ajax this 15th day of April, 2011. 'AZ Page 8-NUMBER 3333-BFN29D Sandra Thomas York Durham District Office Page 9-NUMBER 3333-8FN29D ATTACHMENT NO. 7 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 _ TAT rinO Unit 11 Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L46 31\14 DECOMMISSIONING CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED Tel: (905)882-5984 Fax: (905)882-8962 E-mail: engineers @dcsltd.ca 701229 Web Site: http://www.dcsltd.ca 15 April 2011 Ministry of the Environment Central Region 230 Westney Road S. 5a'Floor Ajax, On LIS 7J5 Attention: Mr. Steve Elford Senior Environmental Officer, York Durham District Office Re: Compliance With Provincial Officer's Order Number 3333-SFN29D Item 5 2513 Morgans Road,Newcastle, Ontario Dear sirs: We are pleased to provide, herewith, the dust and noise management procedures that we have prepared on behalf of 1744856 Ontario Inc. to be applied at the above referenced property. The attached procedures document, entitled Dust, Soil Tracking and Noise Control Procedures, 2513 Morgans Road Clarington, Ontario are being submitted to comply with the provisions of Provincial Officers Order Number 3333-8FN29D, dated 6 April 2011 (as may be amended), specifically Item 5 which states: By 16:00 hours on April 15, 2011, submit to the undersigned Provincial Officer, procedures in place relating to managing any noise and dust from activities at the Site and truck traffic to and from the Site and ensure these procedures are implemented. We trust that the enclosed is suitable for your current purposes. Should you have any questions or should you require additional or more detailed information, please do not hesitate to call the writer at any tine. Yours very truly, COMMISSIONING CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED G man,P.Eng. Senior Principal encs Specialists in Property Assessments and Environmental Audits,Site Remediation and Decommissioning, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydrogeology,Waste and Wastewater Management and Industrial Hygiene DUST, SOIL TRACKING AND NOISE CONTROL PROCEDURES 2513 Morgans Road,Clarington,Ontario 1.0 INTRODUCTION The procedures documented herein are to be applied at the site to manage dust and noise generated during soil stockpiling, grading, compaction and earth moving works and trucking activities. 2.0 SITE INFORMATION The site is located at 2513 Morgans Road, in the Municipality of Clarington and the Regional Municipality of Durham. The site fronts the east side of Morgans Road and the north side of Durham Regional Road 2. Site access/egress is from the north side of Durham Regional Road 2 and the east side of Morgans Road. Residences are located to the west of the site as well as north and south of the site. 3.0 DUST CONTROL The potential sources of airborne particulate(dust)at the site include the processes involved in; 1. the soil stockpiling process; 2. soil grading works; 3. movement of vehicles and equipment within the work area; 4. movement of haulage trucks on public roads; and 5. the tipping of soil imported to the site. In addition to the above processes, wind blown particulate from exposed soils in roadways, and in existing and future fill placement areas can also occur. Control measures shall be maintained for the entire duration of the work to ensure that the generation of dust from the earth moving works and other activities on and off-site is minimized. The Contractor will be required to implement all necessary control measures to minimize dust generated during: Dust,Sod Tracking And NWm Con&o/Procedum 2513 Morgam Rom6 C3adngran,ON 701229-April 2011 1 DCS • construction and or maintenance of access roads and soil tracking control pads; • movement of haulage vehicles and other equipment across the site; • tipping imported fill; • stockpiling imported fill; • site grading works; and • windy periods in dry conditions. The potential health risks associated with the inhalation of dust are anticipated to be very low. Precautions are, however, to be taken to avoid or minimize the generation of dust. Dust control measures shall include: i) instructions of workers in dust control methods; ii) adjustment of the rate at which fill is imported to the site, as required, to minimize dust emissions; iii) enforcement of a construction site speed limit as required to minimize dust emissions; iv) maintaining site access roads in good condition and if necessary surfacing with a granular fill; V) use of water, as necessary, to wet all exposed soil including road surfaces on the site sufficient to prevent dust from becoming airborne by wind or vehicular action; vi) ensuring tarpaulins are in place across the boxes of all loaded haulage vehicles entering the property to prevent dust from becoming airborne by wind action; vii) cleaning of the municipal/regional roads to a minimum distance of 50 m in either direction of any and all access/egress gates to the property using wet methods to Dust,Soil Tmeking And Noise Control Psocedum 2513 Morgan Road,Mrtngron,ON 701229-April 2011 2 DCS prevent dust on the road surfaces from becoming airborne by wind or vehicular action,as required; viii) monitoring dust emissions visually, and by sampling if required at the property boundary and taking action to suppress dust as observed to be necessary; ix) monitoring wind and weather conditions and temporarily adjusting or ceasing earth moving works and/or soil import rates for as long as such controls are determined to be necessary; and x) responding to dust complaints from the public and taking action as necessary to further control dust. Road dust generated from on-site traffic shall be controlled through the application of water spray, as required and where necessary. Road dust generated on adjacent thoroughfares used by vehicles departing from the site shall be controlled through the regular wet sweeping of trafficable surfaces. The Contractor shall supply and have available at all times a power street sweeper equipped with water sprayers to removed tracked soil and suppress dust, a water truck with spray bar and cannon or other suitable discharge device and other suitable dust suppression equipment to control and prevent dusting from the Works as needed. In addition, the Contractor will be required to maintain an adequate water supply for the site. The application of water to control or prevent dust from being generated on and migrating from the site,will take precedence over all other work activity. Dry sweeping of roadways will not be tolerated. 4.0 SOIL TRACKING CONTROL While dust generation from the on-site earthworks and haulage comprises the principal concern for off-site impacts, secondary dust associated with access and egress to and from the site by haulage vehicles onto the municipal roadways will also have to be addressed. The concern in this regard relates to the loss of soil, mud, dust or debris onto municipal roadways adjacent to the site from the wheels, axles, truck frames, and truck boxes of haulage vehicles picked up while traversing across the on-site access roads. Tracked materials on municipal roadways and other surfaces comprise a secondary source for the generation of dust resulting from vehicular and wind action across affected roadway surfaces. DU$4 Solt Tmeking And Noise Comml Pmeedaler 3513 Mergaw Road,Cl wuron,ON 701229-April 2011 3 DCS The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent the tracking of soil, dust, mud and debris wastes onto municipal roadways. All haulage vehicles and equipment floats shall be cleaned and controlled through Soil Tracking Control Zones, equipped with a Soil Tracking Control Pad and monitoring station to be installed by the contractor at all site egress points in operation. The Contractor shall clean all debris, soil and dust deposits adhering to the vehicles on the Control Pad before departing from the site to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 4.1 SOIL TRACKING CONTROL PADS/ZONES A Soil Tracking Control Pad is to be constructed at each Soil Tracking Control Zone. The Soil Tracking Control Pad shall comprise a minimum 15 m long x 10.0 m wide x 500 mm thick pad of 20 mm diameter clear stone placed above non-woven geotextile and excavated into the ground surface to be level with the surrounding ground surface. The Pads shall be large enough to accommodate the largest equipment to be used on the site to perform a complete washdown as may be necessary and based on by monitoring and inspection findings. All vehicles departing the site shall report to the soil tracking control pad/zone where the Contractor shall visually inspect the vehicles and immediately clean all soil,mud,debris and dust deposits adhering to their tires, wheels, undercarriage, body, and box prior to their departure from the site onto municipal roadways to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide and maintain at each Soil Tracking Control Zone suitable tools, including brooms, brushes, shovels, water supply and power washer, as required to remove dust, mud, soil and debris adhering to haulage vehicle exiting the site. No other vehicles used by contractor's or subcontractors' forces or suppliers shall depart from the site for any reason whatsoever without being cleaned across a Soil Tracking Control Pad and without the express permission of the Inspector. In the event that adhered materials persist on the vehicle surfaces despite sweeping, the affected equipment will be subject to power washing on the Soil Tracking Control Pad. The Contractor shall also maintain the decontamination pad, including repairs to approaches, removal of soil build-up, and collection and disposal of washwater for the duration of the work and shall remove or replace the Soil Tracking Control Pad whenever necessary to control off-site tracking. The municipal/regional road pavements shall be swept using a power sweeper equipped with water sprayers, supplied by the Contractor, to a minimum distance of 50 in to either side of each Daa9 Seg TMCMMg And Nobe Comro(Pmed m 2513 Morgam Reaq Qarfngton,ON 701229-April 2011 4 DCS site egress gate, and along which haulage and service vehicles having access to the work site have travelled. The roads shall be swept as required to permit the removal of visible debris or tracked soil and not less than once at the end of each working day that vehicles may access the property. Dry sweeping of the roadways,will not be accepted. A departure log noting inspection results and any truck cleaning activity found to be necessary for all vehicles that have had access to the site shall be maintained by the Contractor and shall be made available for inspection on demand by the Engineer, the Owner, and MOE, GRCA and Municipality of Clarington Staff. 4.2 INSPECTION AND TESTING Air quality will be monitored on an on-going basis by the Inspector on site, using visible dust as the principal criterion. If determined to be necessary, following the receipt of complaints from neighbours or Municipal, GRCA, Region or Provinicial Government regulatory authority staff a boundary survey using mini-volume air samplers should be conducted to establish working levels for total suspended particulate (TSP) material in air. The results of the gravimetric analysis for TSP will be compared to the MOE 24-hour Ambient Air Quality Criterion for TSP in air of 120 gglml. The planned and implemented dust control activities will be refined as necessary. If visual observations and or the boundary air monitoring results indicate that the dust control activities being implemented by the Contractor are insufficient to control the generation and migration of dust from the site, additional dust suppressant applications shall be implemented and further boundary air monitoring work may also be undertaken during the course of the earthworks on- site at the direction of the Engineer. Boundary air monitoring work would be conducted if warranted to establish both background and earthworks generated TSP concentrations in air at the sits. Boundary air sampling will thus be carried out during active earthmovingtimporting fill works and during inactive periods at the site to permit accurate determination of earthworks related dust concentrations to be established. Each sampling event will take place over two days comprising two 24-hour monitoring periods. Each boundary air monitoring period will be completed using two mini-volume air samplers, one situated at the upwind boundary of the site and one situated at the downwind boundary of the site. In order to establish the general background concentrations of TSP in ambient air at the site, one monitoring period will be conducted at a time when no work activities are being undertaken. To establish the site earthworks generated TSP concentrations in air, the second Dual Sol!7}arkUgAndNoue Cavrol PMCfthfM 2513 Morgan Rwd,Mdngto4 ON 701229-April 2011 5 DCS monitoring period will be completed during the coarse of active site soil importing, stockpiling and grading work. Samples will be taken and analyzed for total suspended particulate and reported immediately to the Engineer upon receipt. Should the Engineer determine that the dust control measures implemented by the Contractor are ineffective or that weather conditions (wind and dry conditions) are such that control of dust emissions is impractical, the Contractor will be ordered to stop or modify any operation that is aggravating the condition and/or to take appropriate mitigative action, including increasing the application of dust suppressant. 5.0 LONGTERM DUST CONTROL Upon completion of soil import and stockpiling operations on the site, and in the event that soil stockpiles are to remain in place prior to final site grading work, exposed soil stockpiles are to be vegetated to prevent the on-going generation of windborne particulate. The vegetation process can be completed via natural seeding processes if this can occur within a reasonable time frame. If natural seeding processes are determined to be ineffective, hydro-seeding or other suitable seeding process will need to be implemented and completed on the site. 6.0 NOISE CONTROL The site is situated within the Municipality of Clarington and all work completed on-site is subject to and to be completed in accordance with The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Noise By-law 2007-071. To control noise generated at the site as part of the earthmoving works, the following measures shall be implemented as required; • Limit earthmovingtconstruction works to the time periods from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday to comply with The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Noise By-law 2007-071 (Section 3.3a). • Should there be a need to undertake construction outside of the hours allowed in the applicable noise by-law, the client or its Agents on behalf of the Contractor, will seek any required exemptions and permits directly from the Municipality in advance for any such work. If an exemption cannot be obtained, then construction will only proceed in accordance with the requirements of the by-law. Dust,Sa Tracking And Notre Control Procedures 2513 Morganr Roa4 Mrtngton,ON 701229-April 2011 6 DCS • The Contractor shall comply with all applicable requirements of the contract and local noise by-law. • All construction equipment used, including earthmoving equipment, haulage vehicles etc.. shall be in good repair and properly maintained to limit noise emissions. All equipment shall be operated with effective engine muffling devices that are in good working order. • As required install temporary hoarding in order to provide acoustical screening to control noise from earthworks activities that is found to affect neighbouring residents. • The .separation distance between the construction staging areas and nearby receptors should be maximized to the greatest extent possible to reduce noise impacts to off-site receptors. • To the extent possible, design the on-site access roads/haul routes in such a manner to limit the need for heavy trucks to reverse and use "back-up beepers". • Onsite access roads/haul routes shall be well-maintained to prevent pot-holes and ruts to avoid the loud noises caused by haulage vehicles and other equipment travelling over uneven road surfaces. • Enforcement of a construction site speed limit in order to control excessive noise caused by haulage vehicles revving their engines or braking heavily. • Reducing truck tailgate noise by requiring that the tailgates of all trucks be kept in the closed and locked position whenever haulage vehicles need to travel any significant distance on-site. In addition, ensure that the practice of "tailgate banging" be avoided as a means of releasing trapped dirt from the boxes of the haulage vehicles. • A complaints protocol should be established for receiving, investigating and addressing construction noise complaints received from the public. Dust,Soil Tracking AadNoise Conmol Procedures 2513 Morgans Road,Uarington,ON 701229—April 2011 7 DCS • Receipt of any noise complaint will require that an inspection be implemented to verify that the general noise control measures are in effect and are being enforced. • In the presence of persistent noise complaints, all construction equipment should be verified to comply with MOE Noise Pollution Control publication 115 (NPC- 115). • In the presence of persistent complaints and subject to the results of a field investigation, alternative noise control measures may be required, where reasonably available. In selecting appropriate noise control and mitigation measures, due consideration may be given to the technical, administrative and economic feasibility of the various alternatives. DUO,,Soil Tmddxg AnANa&e Coximl Pr"e&ree 251J Morgam Rama Clanngrox,ON 701229-Apol 2011 g DCS ATTACHMENT NO.8 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 MINUTES - ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION ON FILL MARCH 3, 2011 -9:00 A.M. UXBRIDGE TOWNSHIP Attendees: List attached Mayor Gerri Lynn O'Connor began the discussion by stating that Uxbridge Township has 47 licensed pits with the majority being on the Oak Ridges Moraine. We understand the need for fill placement but where are the checks and balances if we allow fill to come in? The concern is that there is no level of comfort with the operators and we do not have the resources or expertise to monitor operations. Ingrid Svelnis(CAO Uxbridge)—Uxbridge has been working on a fill bylaw for the last 3 years. Uxbridge is getting pressure not only on pits but also rolling land. Township is resistant because there is no guarantee that they will stop if there are problems because of the amount of money to be made from it. Mayor Chuck Mercier, Scugog—The fill operation(Earthworks)at Highway 21/23 was supposed to set an example. They have been bringing in fill days a week(1 million tons now and likely to hit 2 million when complete). Unfortunately the owner took the stance that he was not governed by municipal rules, only federal ones as it was an"Aerodome". This isn't just a Scugog problem. It is also a Provincial and National issue. It is great that everyone has come together to look at it from different perspectives. For the Scugog site, there are 3 main issues: 1. Quality of Life(Environmental) Issues—it has been 306 days of dumping. Over 1 million tons of fill going in. Lakeridge Road(Hwy 23)is falling apart from(possibly)the weight of the trucks. 2. Safety Issues—Need for a proper traffic flow(trucks exiting and entering). Durham 23 is a main road and a well used one. Although there have been no serious accidents, there have been lots of complaints(delays,noise, etc.) 3. Building is part of an Aerodome—They are trying to erect a building without permits. There was no discussion on this—no proper planning. Need provincial legislation to help us; not for anti-commercial fill but for managing commercial fill Alex Georgieff(Region)—The Durham Regional Official Plan incorporates the provisions of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and contains rigorous policies for environmental protection. The concerns being expressed regarding fill operations are indicative of a province-wide problem. The Town of Caledon has been dealing with fill-related issues for some time and may be a resource for best practices. Traditionally, site alteration has not been considered a"use of land"from a planning standpoint. In late January, the Regional Chair wrote to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)requesting that they engage the Province to address the concerns of municipalities across the Province regarding fill. AMO staff has acknowledged receipt of the letter but specific action steps are not known at this time. Rob Messervey(Kawartha Conservation)—They looked at several by-laws including the draft from Uxbridge and pulled together a Draft Model Fill By-law to be used as a frame of reference. Lakeridge is not a regulated area. Conservation Authority can only deal with regulated areas. They have another issue that they are looking at—slurry(drawn from trenches)with sludge being dumped. The issue-putting a stop-work order on the site. MOE has good protocols in place. Conservation Authority being pushed to do well testing to see if there are problems. • What to test for at adjacent sites? • Is there an onus on the owner to do any testing? Roundtable Discussion on Fill March 3, 2011 Peter Waring(Kawartha Conservation)—Legislation is in place but not much for when they don't comply. Legislative Tool Kit needs enhancement. Chris Darling(CLOCA)—The challenge in determining if large fill sites are a change in land use that can be dealt with under the Planning Act is that most permit applications for large fill sites indicated that they are for"agricultural purposes". CLOCA has established a large fill protocol which includes requirements for pre and post elevation, inspections and confirmation that the fill is clean. Applications must document origin of soil, if origin site was subject to P.A. (Planning Act)approval, and must meet MOE Table 1 or 2 requirements. This works great...when the filler is reputable. Challenge is arguing whether it is a change of land use. Pickering/Whitby/Oshawa are all looking at their by-law in the last 6 months. There is a desire for municipalities to work together. Also protocol and regulations make it difficult to bid competitively on large projects. Rob Baldwin(LSRCA)—LSRCA is looking at internal policies. They are in the final stages of the Lake Simcoe Plan which does contain some references to fill. Conservation Authority will have the power to issue a stop-work order. Carolyn Woodland(TRCA)—TRCA has had quite a few issues. Peel and Caledon have both struggled with implementation activities. Had residential site problems. Even with a site plan exercise, there were still problems. People even dumping in remote areas. Unless someone sees them, we can't do anything. Townships will need to have a fill strategy on where fill will be disposed of on big tenders. Nick Saccone(TRCA)—Has dealt with a number of operators over the years solving erosion issues. Fill can be a resource and a source of revenue in some cases. Requires protocol development and monitoring the process closely. Tom Farrell(MNR)—The requirement for rehabilitation of gravel pits is a 3:1 sloping and ground cover. Ten sites in Uxbridge are possible rehabilitation sites. Sites are required to stockpile topsoil and overburden. If they do not have a sufficient stockpile to properly slope,they need to import it and follow MNR protocol. They must specify the types of material: soil(must be Table 1 standard—difficult to meet),rock,brick and concrete. Should strive for a ticket system: • Ticket goes from originating site to the trucker • Requires inspection before entering site(checked against a list) • Copy kept by both trucker and the site Most bad cases are solely money-driven and they don't care about the repercussions. "Surrendering a License"—Licensee has completed the rehabilitation. Municipalities are notified. MNR wants 18 months(a few seasons)to ensure that vegetation is growing, etc. and to make sure that it is stabilized. It is also important to know what the plan is for the end use of the property. Other method to surrender a license is a municipality agrees to work with owner to finish off the rehabilitation or other and MNR would agree to allow the license be surrendered. John O'Toole(MPP)—This is an important topic. No one wants to inherit liabilities of consequences. 10:15 BREAK Page 2 i Roundtable Discussion on Fill March 3, 2011 Greg Sones(MOE)—Has had talks with MPP O'Toole. For the last 6-7 months,MOE has been in discussion with the Residential&Civil Construction Association. Stakeholder Review has been established for soil management. Industry and stakeholder consensus is being sought in order to determine the best way to manage fill. They are looking at Municipal procurement practices and model procurement strategy established by AMO and also looking at greater emphasis to be placed on the requirements of a"qualified professional". Stakeholders could include today's participants. MOE will work directly with the municipalities. Re. Scugog issue—MOE has also been told by Earthworks that they have no jurisdiction but Earthworks is"voluntarily"co-operating with the MOE right now. There are a number of orders issued related to that site. MOE required that groundwater testing take place. There have been no concerns with the samples to date. Adjacent properties will be approached for samples. Bore holes(50 metres apart)were a requirement and they have the results. Some exceeded the standards so now the bore holes must be 25 metres. They want additional audit samples of loads which can only come from the site by the authorized soil management analyst. Lessons learned—they will be charting some operational guidelines learned from the Earthworks issue. Mayor Mercier—Thanked MOE for being on-site in Scugog. Another issue is Public Trust. There were over 200 attendees at their last meeting. Communication is key. We need a Public Communication Strategy. Active environmental groups are visiting the site. Went to Good Roads at ROMA and spoke to the Minister. Minister says that the operator must adhere to provincial laws. Mayor Mercier requested a letter stipulating this to show a united front. Scugog will not participate in Earthworks' Advisory Committee until they comply with municipal laws. Bev Hendry(CAO—Scugog)—it makes it look like a planning permit means nothing. MPP O'Toole—Expectations must be provincial. Each municipality cannot have different rules. The local permit was the problem. They ignored it. Victor Doyle(MMAH)—he has not been as involved as others in attendance. The Municipal Act gives townships the authority for their own by-laws. Site alterations and peat extraction weren't considered "use of land". Scugog's requirements did not address environmental issues. Bore-hole requirements, etc. are too late. We need to know what is going in prior to it being dumped. There needs to be some kind of cost recovery. MPAC (change of taxes)is a possibility. Diane Ploss(MMAH)—Applying fees and charges may be an option for cost recovery. Rob Messervey—the Planning Act has broader opportunities and greater tools for the municipalities. Debbie Leroux(Clerk—Uxbridge)—Our municipal process—Although the by-law is not ready yet, it would involve a planning process for anything over 1,000 cubic metres(fees per load, fees for restoration if an issue, registration fee,charge operators for any additional studies that are required). Ingrid Svelnis —We would be looking at"end use". If there is not environmental benefit,perhaps we shouldn't be interested. Conservation Authorities would be involved at the restoration stage. Page 3 Roundtable Discussion on Fill March 3, 2011 Alex Georgieff—The$64,000 question to be addressed is the linkages between the Municipal Act,the ORMCP Act,the Greenbelt Act and the Planning Act. Changes to legislation may be required. MPP O'Toole—perhaps look at the Niagara Escarpment Act. Mayor Mercier—The soil is not coming from our township. It is coming from Toronto and they are reaping all the benefit. We need help. We can't afford to fight this. This is a provincial issue. Operators are watching us with great interest to see the result. Paul Foster(Region—Roads): 1. Need to set an example of our own fill. Ensure contract obligations are met 2. Well-head protection zoning needs to be considered 3. Access Control By-laws should be required for any new access required for a site 4. Weight restrictions—a 2-month window There is power to limit activity. General Comments • Victor Doyle: We can do everything we want because of the Planning&Municipal Acts. • Tom Farrell: We already have the powers under the Municipal Act. If we want more then we need to be more specific about what we want. • Weigh stations should be required • Better monitoring for weight restrictions • Planning protocol needs to be more defined • Peat should be included/added • Determine strategic locations for fill • Further discussion on how we deal with our own soil • Focus on policies, regulations,policing and penalties Next Steps (suggestions): • bring up at the next AMO conference • should consider peat and fill together as both have similar challenges • confirm deficiencies and gaps • enhancements—done collectively with Conservation Authorities • plan a second session and include: • GTCMA • municipalities that are opposed and ones currently running fill operations • invite some of the generators of fill Meeting adjourned 12:30 p.m. Page 4 Roundtable Discussion on Fill, March 3, 2011 - Attendees Oroanization Representative Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) Chris Darling, Director of Development Review& Regulation Kawartha Conservation Rob Messervey, Chief Administrative Officer Kawartha Conservation Peter Waring, Manager of Planning and Regulations Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) Rob Baldwin, Director, Planning &Development Svcs M.P.P., Constituency Office John R. O'Toole, M.P.P. Minister of Intemat'I Cooperation & Member of Parliament Meg Goard, Constituent Assistant on behalf of The Honourable for Durham Beverley J. Oda Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) Victor Doyle, Manager- Planning Policy Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) Louis Bitonti, Senior Planner Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) Diane Ploss, Municipal Advisor Ministry of Natural Resources(MNR) Tom Farrell, Supervisor, Planning & Information Mgmt. Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Steven Strong, District Planner Ministry of the Environment(MOE) Greg Sones, Director Central Region Region of Durham Alex Georgieff, Planning Commissioner Region of Durham Brian Bridgeman, Director of Current Planning Region of Durham Paul Foster, Project Mgr-Transportation Infrastructure Toronto and Region Conservation Authority(TRCA) Carolyn Woodland, Director- Planning and Development Toronto and Region Conservation Authority(TRCA) Nick Saccone, Director- Restoration Services Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) David Hatton, Supervisor- Soils Management Toronto and Region Conservation Authority(TRCA) At Willison, Manager, Enforcement and Security Township of Scugog Bev Hendry, Chief Administrative Officer Township of Scugog Mayor Chuck Mercier Uxbridge Township Mayor Gerri Lynn O'Connor Uxbridge Township Ingrid Svelnis, Chief Administrative Officer Uxbridge Township Debbie Leroux, Clerk Uxbridge Township Bev Northeast, Ward 1 Councillor Uxbridge Township Jacob Mantle,Ward 4 Councillor Uxbridge Township Rich Vandezande, Manger- Development Services Uxbridge Township Brian Pigozzo, Chief Building Officer Uxbridge Township Andre Gratton, Bylaw Officer Uxbridge Township Kris Sullivan- Scribe MINUTES OF THE ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION ON COMMERCIAL FILL AND FILL-IN PITS THURSDAY, MAY 12TH, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO Minutes of the Roundtable Discussion on Commercial Fill and Fill-in Pits on Thursday, May 12"', 2011 at Council Chambers, Township of Uxbridge Present: Mayor Virginia Hackson, Councillor John Eaton, Wayne Hunt, Town of East Gwillimbury, Mayor Adrian Foster, Tony Cannella, Municipality of Clarington, Mayor Robert Grossi, Joe Costanza, Town of Georgina, Mayor David Ryan, Bob Starr, City of Pickering, Mayor Wayne Emmerson, Town of Whitchurch-Stoufiville, Mayor Terry Clayton, Deputy Mayor Debbie Ann Bath, Joe Bonura, Township of Brock, Mayor Chuck Mercier, Ian Roger, Township of Scugog, Glenn Blakely, Richard Lloyd, Town of Caledon, Councillor Ron Simpson, Gavin Watson, Barry Russell, Debbie Korolnek, Township of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Mayor Gerri Lynn O'Connor, Councillor Bev Northeast, Councillor Jacob Mantle, Ingrid Svelnis, Debbie Leroux, Brian Pigozzo, Township of Uxbridge, Steven Strong, Ministry of Natural Resources, Greg Sones, Ministry of the Environment and Energy, Dave Fumerton, Ministry of the Environment and Energy, Laura Rupprecht, Scribe 1. Mayor Gerri Lynn O'Connor called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. and introductions were made. 2. Mayor O'Connor turned the meeting over to Ingrid Svelnis, CAO, Township of Uxbridge for a brief background on events leading up to today's meeting. 3. Ms. Svelnis suggested that a representative from each municipality advise whether or not they allow commercial fill and fill-in pits as well as share some of the pros and cons they may have experienced. Debbie Korolnek, Township of Bradford West Gwillimbury explained that they presently have a Site Alteration By-law but that it does not distinguish between commercial and non-commercial fill. Ms. Korolnek advised that the Township has not experienced any concerns until quite recently and provided an explanation of such events. Councillor Ron Simpson of Bradford West Gwillimbury advised that the by-law was passed in 2004 but is in need of amendment. COMMERCIAL FILL ROUND 2 TABLE MEETING MINUTES MAY 12TH, 2011 Mayor Virginia Hackson, Town of East Gwillimbury explained that they presently have a fill by-law which is under review. Mayor Hackson advised that they have experienced more negatives than positives. Wayne Hunt, General Manager of Community Programs & Infrastructure explained that they are presently only filling aggregate extraction areas and that it is a very detailed process. Mr. Hunt advised that truck routes and volumes are a concern and explained their fill quality and ground water monitoring process. Mayor Robert Grossi, Township of Georgina advised that they do have a current fill by-law in place and that truck volumes are a concern. Joe Costanza continued the discussion by how their by-law tries to deal with truck volumes. Mr. Costanza explained that anything over 250 cubic metres requires an agreement with the Township. Weekly reports and ground water monitoring is a requirement. Filling in residential areas requires Table 1 soil and anything over 2,000 cubic metres requires Table 2 soil. The Township's fee is $.60 cents a cubic metre. Glenn Blakely, Manager of By-law Enforcement, Town of Caledon, advised that they have had a fill by-law for a number of years. Presently they allow fill only in agricultural areas. They have set fees of$1.42 per load to cover road damages and $1.00 per load to place fill. Joe Bonura, Chief, Building Official, Township of Brock explained that they have one fill by-law which addresses fill amounts under 500 cubic metres and one for fill amounts over 500 cubic metres. Mr. Bonura advised that any fill requests of over 500 cubic metres must go to Council for a public meeting. Mr. Bonura explained that fill quality is always a concern and that a fee a requirement for security deposit is in place. Mayor David Ryan, City of Pickering advised that they passed their fill by-law in 2002 which works in conjunction with their zoning by-law. Bob Starr, Manager of Development Control advised that their by-law permits top soil on agricultural lands only, unless otherwise stated. Mr. Starr explained that they have had some issues with contaminated soil in the past but that they have no large operations presently on the go. Mayor Chuck Mercier, Township of Scugog advised that they presently have a fill by- law and provided an update on the problems associated with a current fill operation on Lakeridge Road. Ian Roger explained that the Township of Scugog's by-law is similar to that of the Township of Uxbridge in that any requests of fill over 500 cubic metres must have Council's approval. . Mayor Adrian Foster, Municipality of Clarington spoke to a current issue in their municipality involving a fill permit issued by a conservation authority and is therefore outside of the municipality's jurisdiction. Tony Canella, Director of Engineering COMMERCIAL FILL ROUND 3 TABLE MEETING MINUTES MAY 127H, 2011 Services spoke to their current site alteration by-law including fee structure and operation controls. Mr. Canella explained that they have control over their entire operation including truck routes and soil inspections. Mr. Canella also expressed his concerns with conservation authorities issuing fill permits which undermine the municipality's site alteration by-law. Greg Sones, Ministry of the Environment and Energy explained that there is currently no provincial legislation that regulates soil quality used for infilling purposes other than it can not be hazardous waste and it can not impact water quality off site. Mayor Wayne Emmerson, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville explained that the Town currently has a fill by-law in place and is home to several ongoing fill operations. Mayor Emmerson explained the permitting process advising that they use a staging approach and undertake strict monitoring. The Town currently imposes a fee of .50 cents per cubic metre which will be increased to $1.00 per cubic metre in the near future. Mayor Emmerson suggested that commercial filling of pits can work as long as municipalities take complete control of the process. Mayor Gerri-Lynn O'Connor, Township of Uxbridge spoke to the need for better communication between municipalities, the various ministries as well as conservation authorities with respect to the filling of pits. A better working relationship between these agencies must be established. Municipal roads as well as residents can be severely affected by commercial filling operations and yet the municipality has little control Debbie Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge provided some background on the Township of Uxbridge Fill Committee and the Township's current site alteration by- law. Ms. Leroux explained that there are no commercial fill operations in Uxbridge at this time however the Township is feeling pressure from local pit owners to allow filling in pits. The meeting recessed at 10:20 a.m. and reconvened at 10:40 a.m. Councillor Jacob Mantle read a statement from the Honourable John O'Toole, MPP who was not able to attend the meeting. Mr. O'Toole expressed his concerns with respect to commercial fill and advised that he will continue to work with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and all stakeholders to ensure the protection of people, property and the environment. Stephen Strong, Ministry of Natural Resources advised that his ministry regulates licenced aggregate pits and explained some of their protocol procedures. Mr. Strong suggested that not all pits need to be filled and that the pits that are rehabilitated are done with a 3:1 slope. COMMERCIAL FILL ROUND 4 TABLE MEETING MINUTES MAY 12TH, 2011 Councillor Bev Northeast, Township of Uxbridge reiterated Mr. Strong's suggestion that not all pits need to be filled. Councillor Northeast stressed the importance and benefits of allowing pits to rehabilitate themselves naturally. Greg Sones, Ministry of the Environment spoke to the benefits of reused soil. At the same time Mr. Sones emphasized the importance of the generating sites knowing where the fill is going and the receiving site should have a qualified professional prepare a soil management plan. Mr. Sones recommended ground water monitoring, good record keeping, signage and regular audits for both generating and receiving sites. Mr. Sones also recommended that operations have a good contingency plan should any problems arise. Mr. Sones advised that the ministry is currently meeting with agencies and stakeholder working groups and staff are looking at developing a "best practice" policy. Dave Fumerton, Ministry of the Environment spoke further to the Township of Scugog and Municipality of Clarington fill operations as it is in unique situations such as this that the MOE get involved. Greg Sones, MOE advised that the Ministry has 'emergency' power to stop work on an operation however the circumstances are limited in which to do so. Next Steps Mayor Foster spoke to his concerns with Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) approved sites. Mayor Emmerson recommended establishing a fill process and partnering with the MNR with respect to fill operations. Ron Simpson, Township of Bradford West Gwillimbury suggested that all municipalities establish one fill by-law, endorsed by all the agencies. Joe Bonura, Township of Brock spoke to a commercial fill by-law meeting at the Region Durham on June 15, 2011. Mayor O'Connor suggested that each municipality dedicate one staff person to participate in a working group with other municipalities to establish a common commercial fill by-law. Greg Sones advised that the a Ministry of the Environment staff person could be available to attend that meeting. Adlournment Mayor O'Connor adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m. ATTACHMENT NO. 9 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 ROAD AGREEMENT BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE A41 MUNICIPALITYOF CLARINGTON ("Clarington") - and - 1744856 ONTARIO INC. (the °Owner') WHEREAS: (a) The Owner owns the property municipally known as 4148 Regional Highway 2, Newcastle which is legally described as part of Lot 16, Concession 2, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham (the "Property"). (b) Barklay Fieldstone Estates Limited, a corporation that is affiliated with the Owner, owns the property immediately to the north of the Property shown on Schedule "A" (Location Map) as "Additional Lands Controlled by the Owner". (c) The Property has two vehicle access points - one off of Regional Highway 2 and the other off of Morgans Road as shown in Schedule "A". (d) Access to the Property is also available through the Additional Lands Controlled by the Owner. (e) Clarington has jurisdiction over Morgans Road. (f) The Regional Municipality of Durham has jurisdiction over Regional Highway 2 in the vicinity of the Property. (g) The entire Property is within an area regulated by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (°GRCA"). (h) GRCA issued a permit under Ontario Regulation 168/06 on June 30, 2010 (the "Permit") in relation to the Property. (i) The Permit will expire on June 30, 2011. Q) The Owner has applied for a renewal of the Permit. Page 2 (k) Clarington and the Owner wish to enter into this Agreement in order to clarify the rights and responsibilities of the Owner in relation to the Property, including those obligations imposed on the Owner under Provincial Officer Order Number 3333- 8FN29D of the Ministry of the Environment issued April 6, 2011 as modified by the Directors Order issued April 15, 2011. NOW THEREFORE Clarington and the Owner agree as follows: PART 1 —VEHICLE ACCESS Number and Location 1. Consistent with Clarington's Policy for Entrances, vehicular access to the Property shall be restricted to those locations described in recital (c) to this Agreement. 2. No trucks shall access the Property through the Additional Lands Controlled by the Owner. 3. Any truck carrying any amount of fill shall obtain access to the Property via the Regional Highway 2 access only. The Morgans Road access shall only be used by trucks if they are exiting the Property without any fill. Truck Routing 4. The Owner shall ensure that all trucks coming into and leaving do not travel through Newcastle Village. PART 2 — OFF-SITE IMPACTS Dust, Soil Tracking and Noise Control 5. The Owner shall adhere to all of the requirements of the "Dust, Soil Tracking and Noise Control Procedures" filed with the Ministry of the Environment on April 15, 2011. For purposes of this Agreement, that Procedure shall be deemed to be amended as set out in Schedule "B" to this Agreement (Amendments to the Dust, Soil Tracking and Noise Control Procedures). Load Restrictions 6. The Owner acknowledges that under section 19(3) of Clarington's Traffic By-law 91-58, half load restrictions are in place on Morgans Road between Durham Highway 2 and Concession Road 3 from January 1 to December 31 in each and every year. Page 3 Road Repair 7. Clarington shall install, at the Owner's expense, a culvert at the Owner's current access onto Morgans Road. 8. Prior to June 15, 2011, the Owner shall construct upgrades to Morgans Road from Durham Highway 2 to the north side of the existing entrance to the Property (approximately 250 metres north) to the satisfaction of Clarington's Director of Engineering Services. Upgrades shall include: • pulverize the existing surface over the full width of the existing road platform and grade the base with a 2-3% crossfall from centreline. • add 150 mm Granular 'A' over entire width of road platform. • lay 50 mm HL8 binder course • ditch where required to drain the pavement structure and provide positive grade to an outlet. Performance Guarantee 9. The Owner shall provide Clarington with a performance guarantee, in the form of an unconditional and irrevocable Letter of Credit issued by a chartered Canadian Bank to be used by Clarington as security for the Owner's obligations under section 8 of this Agreement. The amount of the performance guarantee shall be $54,285 calculated in accordance with Schedule "C" (COST ESTIMATE). PART 3 — DEFAULT AND REMEDIES Permit Condition 10. The Owner shall not object to GRCA making it a condition of the Permit or any renewal of the Permit that the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be complied with and that default under this Agreement shall be default under the Permit. Remedies 11. Subject to section 12, if the Owner is in default of any provision of this Agreement, Clarington may, (a) enter upon the Property and do all such things as are required to remedy the default and charge the cost of such work to the Owner together with an 25% Page 4 of such cost for overhead (to be construed as a liquidated amount, not a penalty); (b) draw upon the performance guarantee; (c) declare Morgans Road a "No Heavy Trucks" under Clarington's Traffic By- law 91-58 for whatever period of time it deems appropriate; and/or (d) designate Morgan's Road as "Heavy Traffic Prohibited" under Clarington's Traffic By-law 91-58. 12. With respect section 5 only, the Owner shall not be deemed to be in default unless Clarington has notified the Owner of the particulars of the default and given the Owner a reasonable period of time to cure the default. PART 4 — GENERAL PROVISIONS Successors and Assigns 13. This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Owner without the prior approval of Clarington. 14. This Agreement enures to the benefit of and binds the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Term of Agreement 15. The term of this Agreement shall coincide with the term of the Permit, including any renewal of the Permit. 16. Part 3 of this Agreement (Default and Remedies) shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Non-waiver 17. Waiver or non-enforcement by either party of a term or condition of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or a non-enforcement of any other term or condition of this Agreement or any subsequent breach of the same or similar term or condition. Changes to Agreement 18. Changes to this Agreement shall only be made by agreement in writing by both parties. Page 5 Notice 19. (1) Any notice to the Owner under section 13 shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the following address: 1744856 ONTARIO INC. 96 Cawker's Cove Road Port Perry Scugog, Ontario 1-91- 1R6 Attention: Richard Rondeau Facsimile: 905-427-0265 (2) Notice shall be sufficiently given if delivered in person, sent by registered mail or sent by facsimile transmission during normal business hours on a business day. (3) Each notice sent shall be deemed to have been received on the day that it is delivered, on the third business day after it is mailed, or on the same day that it is sent by facsimile transmission or on the first business day thereafter if the day on which it was sent by facsimile transmission was not a business day. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Clarington and the Owner have signed this Agreement. Dated at Clarington this_day of May, 2011. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Adrian Foster, Mayor Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1744856 ONTARIO INC. Richard Rondeau [title] ATTACHMENT NO. 10 TO REPORT LGL-006-11 MNR AURORA DISTRICT OFF-SITE FILL ACCEPTANCE PROTOCOL This Protocol has been developed for use in the rehabilitation of aggregate pit and quarry operations. I. Definitions For purposes of this Protocol, the following shall have the meanings described below: "Acceptable has the meaning set out in Part II following Filr' "EPA" means the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.19, as may be amended "Generating The location from which acceptable fill material Location" originates "Site" means the relevant properties licensed under the Aggregate Resources Act "MNR" means the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources "Protocor, means this Off-Site Fill Acceptance Protocol, as may be amended from time to time "Qualified means a Qualified Person as defined in O.Reg. Professional" 153/04 (Environmental Protection Act) as may be amended "Reviewing means a Qualified Professional retained by the Professional" Licensee as required by this Protocol, and who is a professional geoscientist or professional engineer experienced in environmental site assessment and peer review "Licensee" means the person or company and its successors and assigns to whom the Aggregate Resources Act licence is issued "Table 1 means the standards set out in Table 1 of the "Soil, Standards" Ground Water and Sediment Standards for Use under Part XV1 of the Environmental Protection Act" published by the MOE and dated March 9, 2004, as 1 may be amended or replaced pursuant to the provisions of the EPA under the column entitled "All Other Types of Property Uses". "Topsoil" As defined in c. 25, s. 142 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as may be amended, to mean: Those horizons in a soil profile, commonly known as the "O" and the "A" horizons, containing organic material and includes deposits of partially decomposed organic matter such as peat. II. Acceptable Fill The Licensee shall place at the Site only Acceptable Fill which, for the purposes of this Protocol, is defined as being material that meets the following criteria, provided that the material does not contain any putrescible materials: a) Soil / earth that meets Table 1 Standards and passes a slump test as outlined in the General Water Management Regulation (O. Reg. 347 pursuant to the EPA), as may be amended; or b) Rock; brick (without coating and free from contamination); and concrete (without coating or exposed rebar or containing cement fines and free from contamination). In addition to Acceptable Fill, Topsoil may be imported for use as final cover (i.e., 5 — 10 cm or as identified on the approved Aggregate Resources Act site plan). See section VIII. III. Application for Shipment of Fill Material 1. Any person wishing to ship off-site material to the Site will be provided with a copy of Parts I, II and III of the Protocol. 2. Anyone seeking to ship material for deposit at the Site must receive written approval from the Licensee that the material proposed to be shipped has been accepted in accordance with the Protocol. 3. An application to ship material for deposit at the Site shall include the following: 2 (a) Name of the owner of the Generating Location and the representative of the Generating Location authorized to sign any bill of lading or other documentation relating to shipments of Acceptable Fill to the Site. (b) One or more reports, prepared by a Qualified Professional from the Generating Location), to include the following information: i A description of the Generating Location and its history, including the location, past and present uses of the land, and current activities. ii A description of the material to be shipped to the Site, including the processes involved in its generation. iii Where some or all of the material to be deposited is soil/earth, a record of the results of a comprehensive soil testing program for the Generating Location, including a description of the sampling locations, sample collection procedures, and parameters analysed. An explanation or rationale for the selection of the sampling locations and the parameters for testing must be included. iv A statement from a Qualified Professional stating that in his/her opinion the material satisfies the requirements of the Protocol and is suitable for placement at the Site. v . The anticipated volume of material to be shipped to the Site. A An estimated time frame in which the material will be shipped. 4. Copies of any application, together with the related report or reports, will be forwarded to the Licensee and the Reviewing Professional. 5. The application will be reviewed by the Reviewing Professional to determine whether the material proposed for shipment is suitable for acceptance. The Reviewing Professional will consider the results of the sampling program, including but not limited to, whether the sampling locations and number of samples are representative of the material proposed to be shipped, whether the test results include the full range of parameters of potential concern relating to the Generating Location and whether a 3 suitable Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program was implemented. 6. The Reviewing Professional will advise the Licensee in writing whether or not the material proposed to be shipped is suitable for acceptance and provide any terms or conditions of acceptance. The Licensee or the Reviewing Professional, if so authorized by the Licensee, will communicate the approval or rejection, in writing, together with any terms or conditions of approval to the person making the application and confirm the approximate times of shipment of any off-site material. 7. Once written approval has been provided by the Reviewing Professional, the Licensee will proceed to issue "bills of lading" to the Generating Location. 8. A master list of bills of lading will be produced for each Generating Location by the Licensee prior to the shipment of any materials. The master list will enable the bills of lading to be linked by number to the specific Generating Location,haulage company(ies) and site assessment report. The master list will be updated as required so as to remain current. 9. The Licensee will keep at the Site, or at some other secure place, a copy of the documentation referred to in this Part III and shall provide a copy thereof promptly upon request to MNR. IV. Controls at the Site 1. The Site will be fenced and gated to prevent unauthorized access to the Site during the times that any off-site material is being received at the Site. The Site will be manned by persons who have been appropriately trained by the Reviewing Professional. 2. On a daily basis, the Licensee will identify a location on the Site where filling activities will occur. The location of loads will be tracked and recorded on a daily basis through the development of a locational grid tracking system for the property. Records will be retained and made available to MNR upon request. 3. A bill of lading will be presented before any truck(s) can enter the Site. Each load to the Site will be accompanied by a completed bill of lading indicating: ■ the name of the generator, ■ Generating Location, 4 • the name of the hauling company • license plate number and truck identifier (if one exists) • the date and time of the shipment, Each bill of lading will be signed by an authorized representative of the Generating Location. 4. The gatekeeper will cross-reference the information on the bill of lading against the master list which will include truck ticket numbers issued by project. 5. Untested/undocumented loads or loads with no bill of lading will not be accepted under any circumstances. 6. The gatekeeper, who must be trained for such purposes, will complete a visual inspection of each load prior to permitting access to the Site. Loads containing unacceptable material or exhibiting evidence of possible chemical impact (e.g., unusual odours or staining) will not be permitted access to the Site. Repeated situations of material being rejected by the gatekeeper from a particular Generating Location will give rise to an investigation. An investigation report will be prepared within 30 days, giving a full account of the reasons the quality control system on the part of the Generating Location failed and the corrective actions taken and a copy shall be provided to MNR. The report will be retained by the Licensee at the Site, or at some other secure place. 7. Once the gatekeeper approves the load for acceptance at the Site, he/she will sign the bill of lading, and direct the driver to a specific dumping location at the Site. The assigned location will be noted on the bill of lading. 8. A daily summary log will be maintained for loads shipped to the Site, including rejected loads. The log entry will include: ➢ Date ➢ Daily total # of trucks entering the property ➢ Daily total # of trucks accepted ➢ Daily total # of trucks rejected (and reasons for rejection) ➢ For each Generating Location: i. Identification number for each Bill of Lading received on that date, ii. Location fill was placed on the locational tracking grid. 5 9. All applications and related reports, bills of lading, logs of material accepted at the Site, records of material approved for acceptance at the Site, etc. will be retained by the Licensee until the licence is rehabilitated and surrendered. V. Quality Control Audit Program 1. For the purpose of a quality control audit, samples of materials shipped to the Site will be collected by or on behalf of the Licensee under the supervision of the Reviewing Professional for every 10,000 cubic metres of imported fill (or as approved by MNR) and a record will be maintained of the sampling procedure and the rational connected therewith. 2. Samples collected for audit purposes will be submitted to an accredited laboratory for analysis and will be analyzed for inorganic parameters, volatile organic compounds, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and F1 through F4 general petroleum hydrocarbon parameters, together with any other parameters that are deemed necessary by the Reviewing Professional, given the information contained in the reports for the Generating Location relating to the materials being shipped to the Site. VI. Discovery of Unacceptable Materials Should any unacceptable materials (i.e., material other than Acceptable Fill) be discovered at the Site (through the audit program or during, or after, dumping of a load), the Licensee shall do or cause to be done the following procedure. All unacceptable material will be located by way of the site log and locational tracking grid and recovered and stockpiled for further assessment and/or removal from the Site. A record of the action taken, together with any applicable documentation (e.g. testing and analysis and/or shipment off-site) with respect to the unacceptable material will be kept in the site log (at the Site, or at some other secure place). A copy of the documentation referred to in this Part VI shall be provided promptly upon request to MNR. Should any unacceptable materials be discovered at the Site, the MNR will be notified promptly in writing by or on behalf of the Licensee. VII. Groundwater Monitoring 1. MNR, in consultation with the Licensee, will determine if a groundwater monitoring program will be required at the Site. 2. Any such monitoring program may include documentation of the number and type of samples, the manner and timing of sampling, 6 the parameters to be analyzed, the standards to be used for comparison purposes, the reporting requirements, and any confirmatory sampling requirements should the results indicate any exceedance of a standard established for a parameter of concern, and any further response requirements. 3. As far as is practicable, existing groundwater monitoring wells will be utilized for the purposes of any groundwater monitoring program. 4. Groundwater samples will be collected by or on behalf of the Licensee under the supervision of the Reviewing Professional and delivered to an accredited laboratory to be tested. Results of the testing will be provided to MNR upon request. Any changes to groundwater quality (i.e., from background condition) will be reported to MNR immediately. VIII. Guidelines for Topsoil 1. All requests to import Topsoil for rehabilitation purposes shall include the following: ➢ A demonstrated need to import Topsoil for rehabilitation purposes ➢ An area identified on a drawing or sketch as to where Topsoil is to be placed and/or stockpiled on the Site for rehabilitation purposes ➢ Name of the owner of the Generating Location and the representative of the Generating Location authorized to sign any bill of lading or other documentation relating to shipments of Topsoil to the Site. ➢ A description of the Generating Location and its history, including the location, past and present uses of the land, and current activities. ➢ The volume of Topsoil anticipated to be received ➢ An anticipated time frame in which the Topsoil will be shipped ➢ A maximum depth of Topsoil to be used as top dressing as shown on the approved site plan or as approved by MNR 2. All requests to import Topsoil shall be subject to the conditions as set out in Part IV #6-9 and Part VI of this Protocol. 3. To the extent possible Topsoil will be used immediately as final cover. Topsoil stockpiles should be as minimal as possible and are to be used progressively in rehabilitation efforts. 7 4. Additional testing or information may be required for the importation of Topsoil as deemed necessary by MNR. IX. Amendments to the Protocol This Protocol has been developed for use in more typical, larger scale, fill importation operations. Where any special.circumstances exist or the importation of fill operation is smaller in size this Protocol may be reviewed and/or altered in co-operation with MNR. 8 November 212007 SAMPLE BILL OF LADING No: 0000001 Name and Location of Generating Location: Date Shipped: Time Shipped: Haulage Company: Truck Number: Licence Plate: Signature�of Authorized Personnel at Generating :-� Date Received: Time Received: Assigned Location for Deposit at Receiving Site: Sign#ure of Authorized Personnel atRecevmg Site ANY UNSIGNED OR INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL RESULT IN REFUSAL OF LOAD AT THE RECEIVING LOCATION. WHITE COPY- RECEIVING SITE YELLOW COPY- HAULAGE COMPANY' PINK COPY- GENERATING LOCATION 9 November 212607 SAMPLE DAILY SUMMARY LOG Date: dd/mm/yyyy Total Number of Truck Loads Received at Site: 34 Generating # of Truck Filling Location Loads Bill of Lading# s Grid Location Assigned ABC Condos 8 0001-0007, 0032 Al ABC Homes 14 0008- 0021 Al 123 Homes 10 0022-0031 B2 TR UCS LOADS REJECTED Generating Hauling Bill of Lading# Reason for Refusal/Comments Location Company ABC Condos 234 Hauling - Rejected—no Bill of Lading 123 Homes WYZ Excavation 27 Oil smell/staining, mixed with asphalt—report required Signature of Authorized Personnel at Receiving Site: 10 November 212007 Sample Master List: Bills of Lading Generating Location #1 (Name and Location) Bill of Lading# Date Issued Date Received at Site Gatekeeper Initial 0001 Sept 2, 2007 0002 Sept 2, 2007 0003 Sept 2, 2007 0004 Sept 2, 2007 0005 Sept 2, 2007 0006 Sept 2, 2007 0007 Sept 2, 2007 0008 Sept 2, 2007 N N N N 0025 Oct. 5, 2007 0026 Oct. 5, 2007 0027 Oct. 5, 2007 0028 Oct. 5, 2007 Generating Location #2 (Name and Location) Bill of Lading# Date Issued Date Received at Site Gatekeeper Initial 0017 Sept 6, 2007 0018 Set 6, 2007 0019 Sept 6, 2007 0020 Sept 6, 2007 0021 Sept 6, 2007 Generating Location #3 (Name and Location) Bill of Lading# Date Issued Date Received at Site Gatekeeper Initial 0017 Set 6, 2007 0018 Sept 6, 2007 0019 Sept 6, 2007 0020 Set 6, 2007 0021 Sept 6, 2007 0022 Sept 6, 2007 0023 Sept 6, 2007 0024 Sept 6, 2007 Date of Last Update: Signature of Authorized Personnel at Receiving Site: 11