HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-022-11Cj~~ REPORT Leads gtneway ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, May 30, 2011 Resolution #: ~PA'S'oa-~i Report #: EGD-022-11 File #: By-law #: Subject: PROVISION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES NORTH SCUGOG COURT, WEST SCUGOG LANE TO CONCESSION RD. 3 BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report EGD-022-11 be received;. THAT the firm of D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited be retained to furnish professional engineering services for the design and contract administration for the reconstruction of North Scugog Court from West Scugog Lane to Concession Road 3; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Engineering Agreement with D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited; and 4. THAT the request made by Halloway Developments Limited be capifalized on in order to avoid duplication of works and services currently being provided to the company by D.G. Biddle & Associates saving the Municipality engineering costs and waive the Purchasing By-law 2006-127 for the construction works associated with the project. by: Submitted by: ASC/RA/jo May 24, 2011 A. .Cannella, C.E.T. Director, Engineering Services C `'~--~ ~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 REPORT NO.: EGD-022-11 1.0 BACKGROUND PAGE 2 In order to facilitate the development of an addition phase of residential development in northwest Bowmanville the reconstruction of North Scugog Court is required from West Scugog Lane to Concession Road 3. This project includes the reconstruction of the existing rural cross section of North Scugog Court to an urban 8.5 m local road standard. In conjunction with the adjacent residential developments, providing servicing for existing homes and a school and the need to complete the reconfiguration of the transportation network for this area of Bowmanville in accordance with the vision of the Official Plan, the Municipality agreed to take the lead role in the project providing the remaining services through the reconstruction of North Scugog Court. This includes the Regional sanitary works and all other services necessary as part of our road reconstruction project. The reconstruction of North Scugog Court will require coordination between 7 parties. This includes the Municipality, Durham Region, Hydro One, Enbridge Gas, Veridian Connections, Halloway Developments Limited and the existing development along North Scugog Court including Knox Christian School. The services provided by each are listed below;. • Veridian Connections will be relocating a number of their service line poles within the North Scugog Court right-of-way; • Enbridge Gas will be relocating a length of their existing gas main within the North Scugog Court right-of-way which is in conflict with the proposed road reconstruction; • Hydro One will be working with the Municipality to facilitate the completion of the road reconstruction north of the Rose Garden subdivision including the construction of a cul-de-sac to create the termination of North Scugog Court just south of Concession Road 3; REPORT NO.: EGD-022-11 PAGE 3 ? The Developer will be installing the required servicing infrastructure and grading in the road allowance to facilitate the completion of the Rose Garden subdivision; ? Existing landowners adjacent to the reconstruction will be working with the Municipality of Clarington to allow the full development of the urban section including grading as required to necessitate the reconstruction; ? Region will provide the additional servicing with respect to sanitary sewers on North Scugog Court north of the Rose Garden subdivision limits; and ? Municipality will be installing the local storm sewers required and construct North Scugog Court completing a portion to the vital link. As the design of the cul-de-sac requires additional deliberations with Hydro One and the Region of Durham did not include for the sanitary servicing of North Scugog Court north of the proposed development in their 2011 budget, the north portion of the reconstruction will be completed next year. This also has the added benefit of maintaining at least one open entrance to the Know Christian School throughout the reconstruction works. 2.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited are the Engineering Consultants for owners of the development on the east side of North Scugog Court. Since D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited have been actively involved in this area and already have a database of engineering knowledge on the site and road grading, existing drainage proposals, servicing works, road design, and utility locations, it is desirable to retain this Engineering Consultant to carry out the design for the reconstruction of North Scugog Court. This arrangement will eliminate any confusion and delays during the design and construction process. As the owner of the development land east of North Scugog Court, Halloway Developments Limited has requested a collective benefit (Attachment #2). Halloway Developments Limited will relieve the Municipality of the design and contract administration of the project in order to streamline the process thereby ensuring their development schedule. The Municipality will benefit through reduced fees in eliminating REPORT NO.: EGD-022-11 PAGE 4 the duplication of services currently being completed by D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited for Halloway Developments Limited. It is also suggested that the project from West Scugog Lane to the north limit of the subdivision on North Scugog Court be tendered in conjunction with the development work in order to take full advantage of pricing based on volume. The tender process will be open to multiple bidders and acceptance of the unit prices will be subject to the Director of Engineering approval. This assures the best interests of the Municipality are considered. The Engineering Department has discussed the process with the Purchasing Division who concur with the ability to waive the Purchasing By-law 2006- 127 in order to take advantage of this proposal. 3.0 CONCLUSION Our staff has dealt extensively with D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited on large residential developments in various areas within the Municipality of Clarington, including Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle Village. We have found their performance to be reliable and proficient. The Municipality has a standard consulting services agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions for their consulting services to the Municipality. The agreement with D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited will be prepared on the same basis as our standard consulting agreement. Consideration of the request made by Halloway Developments Limited would be advantageous to the Municipality on several levels. Beyond fiscal compensation, the proposal reduces the possibility of errors through design coordination, delays through construction coordination, liabilities of multiple contractors working within the Municipal right-of-way, and avoids confusion of construction limits and the responsibilities thereof. ------------------------------------------------------- Attachments: Attachment 1 – Key Map Attachment 2 – Correspondence (Halloway Developments Limited ) s ~ o a ^ o00 ~ _ ~U ~Q°°~o~Q ~~oo d m ~is ooonos N r T ~ o ~~ t~ ~ r > a /`~ c o Cm < ~ 9 Q N 3 0 ~, ~ N U~j Y c Q Q W ~ ¢ O U ~ Z ~ ~ ~ Z W ~ ~ ~s avoa ivNOioaa wvaana ~ ~ m ~ V } d r~ ~ ~~ as ~ Y pOi WD WH ~ o Z~ ~ ® ~a o x y avoa N33ao Y 111 llvoooo o a3did w ~~ Q OG G Z ~GJ m ~~S~C 3NVl JOJfIOS 1S3M > m~ s 0 H U ~~ w c N ~,~ U ~ a G ~ Q ~ Kit O GOJ ~ o JG O v> ~ yG ~ ~~~ ~ ~O w U Z O U ~ ~~ U m °c ~ D Y~ W LS dVOb lt/NOIJ3a Wt/Hbf10 O 2~ ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-022-11 H~ILLOW~V YDEVC-LL~PMENTSL/M/TED May 6, 2011 Municipality of Clarington Engineering Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A6 Attention: Mr. Ron Albrieht Re: Rose Carden Subdivision, Phase 2 DrafiP/an of Subdivision 18T-87089 Nor/b Scugog Corrri Reconstruction From 60m West of West Scugog Lane To 320nr North & West of West Scugog Laue Dur File: 104050 Dear Sir, As you are aware, the Subdivision Agreement executed between the Municipality and Holloway Developments Limited contains the following clauses under Section 4.12 "Specie! Conditions" (19} The Owner acknowledges and agrees to make a monetary contribution for any Works associated for the intersection of former Old Scugog Road, now know as North Scugog Court and Concession Road 3, in an amount determined by the Director of Engineering Services forthwith after being given written notice by the Director requiring the Owner to do so. These Works include but are not limited to intersection improvements, taming circles, turning lanes, utility relocations, ditch grading, sodding, entrance construction and streetlighting. (20} The Owner acknowledges and agrees to make a monetary contribution for any Works associated with the eeconstruction of Concession Road 3 and former Old Scugog Road, now North Scugng Court, in an amount determined by the Director of Engineering Services, forthwith aNer given weitten notice by the Director requieing the Owner to do so. These Works include but are not limited In intersection improvements, turning circles, fuming lanes, utility relocations, ditch grading, sodding entrence construction and streetlighting. Continued...... t 77NOrvocenrv ROAD. 20n-r FecoR. Osna wa, Oaramo. L 7 G 352 Pik>vc.~90557&1626 l:ar90557&9472 Aa/kererrd@rogers.com -2- (22) The Owner acknowledges that Phase 2 of this development cannot proceed until the Municipality of Clarington has approved the expenditure of funds for the reconstmction of North Scugog Court from the intersection of West Scugog Lane to Concession Road 3 to a full urban section. As outlined in Paragraph 22 above, the development cannot proceed until the Municipality of Ctarington has approved the expenditure of funds for the reconstruction of North Scugog Court from West Scugog Lane to Concession road 3 to a full urban section. It is also our understanding that the Municipality has included the reconstruction from West Scugog Lane to Concession Road 3 in this years budget. As you are also aware, our Consulting Engineers, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited, have obtained approvals for Phase 2 of the Rose Garden Subdivision that also includesthe Engineering Drawings for North Scugog Court to the north limiF of the development and it is our desire to proceed this summer with Phase 2 of our development. As the Developer, we would be willing to undertake the responsibility for design, tendering and administration of the works on North Scugog Court to the north limit of our development. The benefit of proceeding this summer with the works across the frontage of our development is to accommodate an access to the Durham Christian High School from the north entrance during this Contract and to have the southern entrance available while the remainder of the court is being completed at a later date, thereby always maintain a fire route access to the school. In addition to the above, we suggest that the Municipality consider the advantages of including the servicing of this portion. of North Scugog Court as part of the Development Tender for servicing and roadworks. This will provide economics ofsca[e with the potential for lowering the costs for bath ourselves and the Municipality. The North Scugog Court services and roadworks would be tendered as a separate section so that there would be the ability to easily compare unit rates in the tender behveen the Municipality portion and our casts. The Municipality 4dou[d have the ability to accept the award aFthe tender price for the services on North Scugog Court in order to provide flexibility and central by the Municipality. Continued.......... -3- The Municipality portion of the Contract can be invoiced upon the initial acceptance of Stage 1 Services and upon the initial acceptance of the Stage 2 Services, as outlined on the attached Works Cost Estimate. Please advise a your earliest convenience if the Municipality are willing to adopt this approach for the reconstruction of North Scugog Court. Yours truly, HALLOWY DEVLOPMENTS LIMITED Robert Flann President RH:kd c.c. Mr, William Creamer, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited !oh Files11040301104050 Cortespondence1104030 Nonh Scugog Rernnstruction:upd