HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-22-2020 MinutesClarington If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 General Government Committee Minutes Date: June 22, 2020 Time: 9:30 AM Location: Microsoft Teams Present Were: Mayor A. Foster Present Via Electronic Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Means: Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor M. Zwa rt Staff Present: J. Gallagher, L. Patenaude Present Via Electronic A. Allison, G. Acorn, R. Albright, F. Langmaid, R. Maciver, S. Means: Brake, M. Marano, T. Pinn, G. Weir, A. Greentree 1. Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Jones led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. New Business — Introduction Councillor Jones asked that an item regarding Traffic Calming Strategies on Darlington Blvd. and an item Drainage in Solina, be added to the New Business - Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Traill asked that an item regarding Anaerobic Digestion Facility, be added to the New Business - Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Anderson asked that an item regarding Prohibit Symbols of Hate, be added to the New Business - Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Hooper asked that an item regarding Scugog Street and Bons Avenue Intersection Awareness, be added to the New Business - Consideration section of the agenda. 1 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 4. Adopt the Agenda Resolution # GG -184-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Agenda for the General Government Committee meeting of June 22, 2020, be adopted with the following additions: • New Business Item Regarding Traffic Calming Strategies on Darlington Blvd. • New Business Item Regarding Drainage in Solina • New Business Item Regarding Anaerobic Digestion Facility • New Business Item Regarding Prohibit Symbols of Hate • New Business Item Regarding Scugog Street and Bons Avenue Intersection Awareness • Correspondence Item 10.10 Regarding Report EGD -011-20 Proposal to Close and Convey a Portion of a Road Allowance (Given Road) Situated in Lot 30, Concession 2, Former Township of Clarke Carried 5. Declaration of Interest Later in the meeting, Councillor Hooper declared a direct interest in Item 22.5, Paragraph 7, Correspondence from the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Centre. Later in the meeting, Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Report CSD - 005 -20 regarding the 2020 Community Sponsorship Requests for Autism Home Base Durham (Application 20-19). Later in the meeting, Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Item 22.5, Paragraph 4, regarding Community Agencies Rent Relief. 6. Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 2 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 7. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 7.1 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of General Government Committee dated June 1, 2020 Resolution # GG -185-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Jones That the minutes of the regular meeting of the General Government Committee held on June 1, 2020, be approved. Carried 8. Delegations 8.1 Aimee Chada, Event Coordinator, Donor Relations, Canadian Blood Services, Regarding the Need for Blood Donations during COVID-19 Pandemic Aimee Chada, Event Coordinator, Donor Relations, and Jennifer Mathieu, Territory Manager for Blood Services, Canadian Blood Services, were present via electronic means regarding the need for blood donations during COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Mathieu thanked the Municipality of Clarington for their support of the ongoing need for blood during the pandemic. She explained the need for blood during the pandemic and added that patients are relying on the blood services. Ms. Mathieu explained that blood donors can make an appointment now and through the summer months. She added that, by accepting donors by appointment only, donors can complete a pre-screening and they can limit the number of donors in the center at one time. Ms. Mathieu noted that they have enhanced their cleaning and wellbeing practices during the pandemic and will ensure physical distancing is maintained. Ms. Chada explained that blood has a shelf life and some donors may have a limited time of up to 12 months that they are not able to donate. Ms. Mathieu and Ms. Chada concluded by encouraging everyone to donate blood whenever possible and advised the Members of Committee that they are currently in need of a replacement location in Bowmanville for the months of July, August and December. They explained that Trinity United Church is unable to host due to space limitations for appropriate social distancing and would appreciate any location suggestions. Ms. Mathieu and Ms. Chada asked if their social media posts for blood donations could be shared by the Members of Council and the Municipality of Clarington. They answered questions from the Members of Committee. 3 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Resolution # GG -186-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Delegation of Aimee Chada, Event Coordinator, Canadian Blood Services and Jennifer Mathieu, Territory Manager for Blood Services, Canadian Blood Services, regarding the Need for Blood Donations during the COVID-19 Pandemic, be received with thanks. Carried 8.2 Rachel Traore-Takura, Chair, Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee, Regarding Report CSD -007-20 Diversity in Clarington - Update on Diversity Initiatives and Clarington's Diversity Advisory Committee Rachel Traore-Takura, Chair, Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee (CDAC), was present via electronic means regarding Report CSD -007-20 Diversity in Clarington - Update on Diversity Initiatives and Clarington's Diversity Advisory Committee. Ms. Traore made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. She noted the Committee was established as a Committee of Council in 2018 and reviewed the Committee make up. Ms. Traore-Takura provided an overview of the Committee's Vision Statement which is "striving towards a safe, welcoming and inclusive Clarington, where differences are celebrated, and the voices of all peoples are heard". She added that the Committee participated in some strategic planning to develop a vision and mission statement, which complements and incorporates the Terms of Reference. Ms. Traore-Takura noted that the Diversity Committee engages Clarington residents to raise awareness by celebrating the community's differences and strengths. She provided an overview of their accomplishments to date, which included developing a workplan, drafting the Land Acknowledgement Statement, and creating a Community Diversity Survey. Ms. Traore-Takura explained that, together with the Municipality of Clarington, they developed a joint anti -Black racism statement which included publicly condemning the tragic and senseless death of George Floyd in the United States. She added that the CDAC recommends that Clarington develop a robust anti -racism policy and add an anti - racism lens to strengthen the focus and message that racism, in any form, whether anti -Black, anti -Indigenous or against any marginalized group, will not be tolerated. Ms. Traore-Takura provided an overview of the Committee's current initiatives which includes a diversity and inclusion training program for Council and Municipal Staff, development of a diversity lens which could be used by Council, and added that they are planning to have a presence in community events. She concluded by noting the CDAC is always looking for ways to connect with the community and hopes to promote the celebration of diversity in the community through recognizing and embracing the differences. Ms. Traore- Takura answered questions from Members of Committee. 12 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 8.3 Steve Gregoris, Site Vice -President, Darlington Nuclear, Dietmar Reiner, Senior Vice -President, Chief Project Officer and Jennifer Knox, Director, Nuclear Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Power Generation, Regarding Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Update Steve Gregoris, Site Vice -President, Darlington Nuclear, Dietmar Reiner, Senior Vice -President, Chief Project Officer and Jennifer Knox, Director, Nuclear Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) were present via electronic means regarding a Darlington Nuclear Station update. Mr. Gregoris made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. He explained that OPG's dedicated employees continue to generate reliable electricity to power Ontario's hospitals, care facilities and homes during the COVID-19 crisis and added that Darlington provides 20% of Ontario's electricity. Mr. Gregoris highlighted the 2019 accomplishments of the Darlington Nuclear Station. Dietmar Reiner, explained that the Unit 2 refurbishment was successfully completed safely, with COVID-19 restrictions, on June 4, 2020. He added that Unit 3 refurbishment was deferred due to COVID-19 and will begin in late summer, and is expected to take 40 months to complete, with no impact to the 2026 four -unit commitment. Mr. Gregoris advised that Darlington is the only site in Canada licensed for new nuclear build with an environmental assessment. He added that new nuclear will be a significant asset for the Province of Ontario and will allow low -carbon nuclear energy to continue playing an important role in Ontario's future energy mix. Mr. Gregoris stated that the site preparation licence expires August 2022 and added that a new application for renewal will be submitted in Q3 2020 to Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. He provided an overview of OPG's COIVD-19 response. Mr. Gregoris explained that they manage their response through the operation of key response teams. Mr. Gregoris added that staff are reporting to the station as well as working from home to help flatten the curve of COVID-19. Mr. Gregoris noted that the OPG Infectious Disease Response Teams meets regularly and reviewed the measures and protocols they have in place. He noted that OPG has provided assistance to communities including providing surgical and N95 masks to Lakeridge Health, and Tyvek protective suits in Clarington/Durham. Mr. Gregoris added that he worked with Gord Weir, Director of Emergency & Fire Services, to donate protective suits to first responders. He thanked Chief Weir for partnering with them. Mr. Gregoris announced that Jennifer Knox, Director, Nuclear Stakeholder Relations, was the recipient of this year's President's Leadership Award. He noted that she leads from the heart and the company has benefited from her dedication to work and the community. Mr. Reiner thanked Mayor and Members of Committee and answered questions from Committee. 5 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG -187-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation of Steve Gregoris, Site Vice -President, Darlington Nuclear, Dietmar Reiner, Senior Vice - President, Chief Project Officer and Jennifer Knox, Director, Nuclear Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), for an additional 5 minutes. Carried Resolution # GG -188-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Delegation of Steve Gregoris, Site Vice -President, Darlington Nuclear, Dietmar Reiner, Senior Vice -President, Chief Project Officer and Jennifer Knox, Director, Nuclear Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), regarding OPG Update, be received with thanks. Carried 8.4 Gregory Smith, Regarding EGD -011-20 Proposal to Close and Convey a Portion of a Road Allowance (Given Road) Situated in Lot 30, Concession 2, Former Township of Clarke Gregory Smith was present via electronic means regarding Report EGD -011-20 Proposal to Close and Convey a Portion of a Road Allowance (Given Road) Situated in Lot 30, Concession 2, Former Township of Clarke. Mr. Smith made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. He provided an overview of the village of Newcastle and what the village provides. Mr. Smith explained the history of Tornat's mixed-use apartments and provided an insight of their plan. He questioned why the market value for the subject land is being considered from November 2018 and not present market value. Mr. Smith stated that residents were misled on the zoning and development and added that they do not agree with the development. He concluded by asking Committee to support the residents regarding the sale of the land. Mr. Smith answered questions from Members of Committee. 6.5 jarnes Perdue, Regarding Report EGD -01 _20 Proposal to Close d Convey a Portion of a Road Allowance (riven Road) Situated in Lot 30 Conc;espion 77 Former Township of Clarke Mr. Perdue had notified the Clerk's Department of his intention to withdraw his delegation. n General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 8.6 Steven lordanidis, Regarding Speeding on George Reynolds Drive, Courtice Steven lordanidis was present via electronic means regarding speeding on George Reynolds Drive in Courtice. Mr. lordanidis noted he is a resident of George Reynolds Drive and stated that speeding has been an issue since he had moved in. He added that other residents in the area are also concerned with the speeding issue on George Reynolds Drive and added that residents are taking matters into their own hands which is leading to yelling on the street. Mr. lordanidis thanked Councillor Jones and Councillor Neal for addressing these concerns with local residents. He added that residents are open to any traffic calming measures that can be made. Mr. lordanidis requested that a stop sign be installed at the intersection of George Reynolds and Devondale Street to assist with the speeding. He explained that it is a safety concern for residents who live on the bend because of sight line issues and cars parking on the boulevard. Mr. lordanidis added other concerns of the residents include exiting their driveway, getting the mail, and school bus drop-offs. Mr. lordanidis noted his concern for the children crossing to Highland Park. He concluded by stating he is asking for support of Councilior Jones', and Councillor Neal's position, and the position of the residents of George Reynolds Drive and the section between Devondale Street and McLelland Drive and he answered questions from Members of Committee. Recess Resolution # GG -189-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 11:35 AM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Resolution # GG -190-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Neal That Staff be directed to install a four-way stop sign at the intersection of George Reynolds Drive and Devondale Street. Yes (7): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart Carried, later in the meeting, on a recorded vote (7 to 0) 7 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Resolution # GG -191-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -190-20 for a second time. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG -192-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting for an additional 5 minutes. Carried That the foregoing Resolution #GG -190-20 was then put to a recorded vote and carried. Recess The Committee recessed for their one hour scheduled break as per the Procedural By- law. The meeting reconvened at 1:00 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 9. Communications — Receive for Information 9.1 Minutes of the Orono Business Improvement Area dated February 20, 2020, March 12, 2020, April 9, 2020 and May 14, 2020 9.2 Minutes of the Newcastle Business Improvement Area dated May 14, 2020 and June 11, 2020 9.3 Minutes of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area dated May 12, 2020 and June 9, 2020 9.4 Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Region of Durham, Regarding New Durham Tourism Brand 9.6 Memo from Ron Albright, Acting Director, Engineering Services, Regarding Ice Skating Trail Report Fall 2020 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Resolution # GG -193-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Communication Items 9.1 to 9.4 and 9.6 be received for information, on consent, with the exception of items 9.5, 9.7 and 9.8. Carried 9.7 Memo from Ron Albright, Acting Director, Engineering Services, Regarding Flooding on Nash Road Resolution # GG -194-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Communication Item 9.7 be received for information. Carried 9.5 Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Regarding Funding for Reliable Broadband Access Across Ontario Resolution # GG -195-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Communication Item 9.5 be received for information. Carried 9.8 Memo from George Acorn, Director of Community Services, Regarding 2020 Clarington Sports Hall of Fame Event Resolution # GG -196-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Communication Item 9.8 be received for information. Carried 10. Communications — Direction 10.1 Tanya Daniels, City Clerk, City of Brantford, Regarding Essential Workers Day - March 17 Resolution # GG -197-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the following resolution from Tanya Daniels, City Clerk, City of Brantford, regarding Essential Workers Day - March 17, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: 9 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Whereas the Province of Ontario enacted a Declaration of Emergency on March 17th, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 Worldwide Pandemic; And whereas during the state of emergency certain services have been deemed essential services by the Government of Ontario; And whereas citizens are asked to isolate at home to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as essential workers continue to work and provide an essential service to their community; And whereas essential workers across the country are risking their lives; And whereas some essential workers have been stricken with illness, suffered trauma or injury, or lost their lives as a result of providing an essential service; And whereas without this dedicated workforce, essential services, including but not limited to, healthcare, police, fire, paramedics, military, social services, community services, food distribution, agriculture, postal and delivery services, education, security, transit, financial services, hospitality, commerce, manufacturing, construction, maintenance and repair, waste management, sanitation services, government, and administrative services would fail to function; And whereas our community owes a profound debt of gratitude to every single essential worker who ensured our community could continue to operate; Now therefore, the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford Hereby Resolves as follows: a. That March 17 be proclaimed by the Council for The Corporation of the City of Brantford to be Essential Workers Day in the City of Brantford; b. That the Clerk be directed to provide a copy of this resolution, with a covering letter, to MPP Will Bouma and MP Phil McColeman to respectfully request that the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada formally declare March 17 to be Essential Workers Day to honour all of the essential workers who sacrificed so much during the COVID-19 pandemic; and c. That all municipalities across Ontario and Canada be invited to proclaim March 17 to be Essential Workers Day in their respective municipalities, and that a copy of this resolution be provided to AMO, LUMCO, FCM, and ROMA for that purpose. Carried 10 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 10.2 Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Region of Durham, Regarding Waiving of Overage Charges on LTE Network for Rural Mobile Phone Subscribers Resolution # GG -198-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the following resolution from Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Diector of Legislative Services, regarding Waiving of Overage Charges on LTE Network for Rural Mobile Phone Subscribers, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas many Rural Communities do not have access to broadband Internet and use the LTE Network as a bridge to the Internet; And whereas during the COVID-19 Health Emergency, the ability to access the Internet is an essential service that enables the Public to have reliable up to date information from various levels of government; And whereas during this crisis those without Broadband Internet access risk excessive overage charges through the LTE Network; Now therefore be it resolved that Council for the Region of Durham recommends that the CRTC take the necessary action to direct Mobility providers to waive overage charges for those customers that do not have access to Broadband Internet during the COVID- 19 Health Care Crisis; and That copies of this motion be sent to Ian Scott, Chair and CEO for CRTC, Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister for Canadian Heritage, all Durham MPs, the CEO's for Rogers, Telus and Bell, and the local area municipalities. Carried 10.3 Tracy Macdonald, Assistant Clerk, Town of Orangeville, Regarding Diversity Training Program Resolution # GG -199-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Communication Item 10.3 from Tracy Macdonald, Assistant Clerk, Town of Orangeville, regarding Diversity Training Program, be referred to the Region of Durham. Carried 11 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 10.4 Darrin Canniff, Mayor/CEO, Municipality of Chatham -Kent, Regarding Support for the Psychosocial and Emotional Wellbeing of Long -Term Care (LTC) and Retirement Home (RH) Residents. Resolution # GG -200-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Communication Item 10.4 from Darrin Canniff, Mayor/CEO, Municipality of Chatham -Kent, regarding Support for the Psychosocial and Emotional Wellbeing of Long -Term Care (LTC) and Retirement Home (RH) Residents, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington. Carried 10.5 Darrin Canniff, Mayor/CEO, Municipality of Chatham -Kent, Regarding Support of Government's Commission on Long -Term Care Resolution # GG -201-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Communication Item 10.5 from Darrin Canniff, Mayor/CEO, Municipality of Chatham -Kent, regarding Support for Government's Commission on Long -Term Care, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington. Motion Withdrawn Resolution # GG -202-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Communication Item 10.5 from Darrin Canniff, Mayor/CEO, Municipality of Chatham -Kent, regarding Support of Government's Commission on Long -Term Care, be referred to the Region of Durham's Health and Social Services Committee. Motion Withdrawn Resolution # GG -203-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Communication Item 10.5 from Darrin Canniff, Mayor/CEO, Municipality of Chatham -Kent, regarding Support of Government's Commission on Long -Term Care, be referred to the next Regular Council Meeting dated July 6, 2020. Carried 12 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 10.6 Minutes of the Top Aggregate Producing Municipalities (TAPMO) dated May 28, 2020 Resolution # GG -204-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Neal Whereas previous assessment methodologies for aggregate resource properties valued areas that were used for aggregate resources or gravel pits at industrial land rates on a per acre basis of the total site and such properties were formally classified and taxed as industrial lands; And whereas the Council of the Municipality of Clarington supports a fair and equitable assessment system for all aggregate resource properties; And whereas the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation determined, with the participation only of the Ontario Sand, Stone and Gravel Association, revised criteria for assessing aggregate resource properties; And whereas the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has concerns that the revised criteria does not fairly assess the current value of the aggregate resource properties; Now Therefore Be It Resolved: (a) That the Council of the Municipality of Clarington does not consider the revised criteria for assessment of aggregate resource properties as a fair method of valuation for these properties; (b) That the Council of the Municipality of Clarington believes there is a need to review the current assessment scheme for aggregate resource properties to address the inequity of property values; (c) That the Council of the Municipality of Clarington hereby calls upon the Province to work with the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation to address the assessment issue so that aggregate resource properties are assessed for their industrial value; and (d) That the Council of the Municipality of Clarington directs staff to provide a copy of this motion to the Minister of Finance, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry and the local MPPs. Carried 13 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 10.7 Memo from Steve Brake, Acting Director of Operations, Regarding Report OPD -005-20 — Tennis Courts and other Infrastructure Enhancements Resolution # GG -205-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That Communication Item 10.7, Memo from Steve Brake, Acting Director of Operations, Regarding Report OPD -005-20, Tennis Courts and Other Infrasturcture Enhancements, be referred to the consideration of Report OPD -005-20 Tennis Courts and other Infrastructure Enhancements. Carried 10.8 Memo from Trevor Pinn, Director of Finance/Treasurer, Regarding Tax Rebate Program and CIP Update Resolution # GG -206-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Communication Item 10.8 from Trevor Pinn, Director of Finance/Treasurer, regarding Tax Rebate Program and CIP Update, be referred to the consideration of Report FND-018-20, COVID-19 Financial Support Update. Carried 10.9 Alexander Harras, Manger, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax, Regarding Alternatives to Institutionalization of Older Adults Resolution # GG -207-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Communication Item 10.9 from Alexander Harras, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, regarding Alternatives to Institutionalization of Older Adults, be referred to the Clarington Task Force on Affordable Housing and the Region of Durham's Health and Social Services Committee. Carried 14 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 10.10 Roxanne Joshua and Phil Refalo, Regarding Report EGD -011-20 Proposal to Close and Convey a Portion of a Road Allowance (Given Road) Situated in Lot 30, Concession 2, Former Township of Clarke Resolution # GG -208-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Communication Item 10.10 from Roxanne Joshua and Phil Refalo, regarding Report EGD -011-20, be referred to the consideration of Report EGD -011-20, regarding Close and Convey a Portion of a Road Allowance (Given Road) Situated in Lot 30, Concession 2, Former Township of Clarke. Carried 11. Presentations No Presentations. 12. Engineering Services Department Reports 12.1 EGD -011-20 Proposal to Close and Convey a Portion of a Road Allowance (Given Road) Situated in Lot 30, Concession 2, Former Township of Clarke Resolution # GG -209-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report EGD -011-20 be received; That Part 1 on Plan 40R-30883 be declared surplus and conveyed to Tornat Newcastle Limited for the appraised value and Parts 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11 and 12 on Plan 40R-30883 be declared surplus and conveyed to Lindvest Property (Clarington South) Limited for the appraised value; That the applicants pay all applicable costs and fees for the preparation and registration of the transfers, including HST; That Council approve the draft By-law attached as Attachment 2 to Report to close and convey Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11 and 12 on Plan 40R-30883; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD -011-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Referred 15 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Resolution # GG -210-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the foregoing Resolution #GG -209-20, be referred to the Regular Council Meeting dated July 6, 2020. Carried 12.2 EGD -012-20 Clarington/Oshawa Boundary Road Agreement Resolution # GG -211-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report EGD -012-20 be received; That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Boundary Road Agreement between Clarington and Oshawa, attached to Report EGD -012-20 as Attachment 1; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD -012-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12.3 EGD -013-20 Whistle Cessation Update - Cobbledick Rd and Bennett Rd Resolution # GG -212-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report EGD -013-20 Whistle Cessation Update - Cobbledick Rd and Bennett Rd, be referred to the next Regular Council Meeting dated July 6, 2020. Carried 13. Operations Department Reports 13.1 OPD -003-20 Cemetery By-law Updates Resolution # GG -213-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report OPD -003-20 be received; That the Orono Cemetery be included in the Municipality's Cemetery By-law 2012-061; That the service costs for the Orono Cemetery be harmonized with the Municipality's other active cemeteries subject to the 2020 Rates and Fees schedule; 16 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 That an additional charge of $300.00 plus HST, be introduced for customer requests for replacement cremation niche plaques; That the language in Section 2.6 of Cemetery By-law 2012-061 be revised to allow interments on a Statutory Holiday in accordance with the extra charge as currently outlined in the 2020 Rates and Fees schedule; That Section 4.0 of Cemetery By-law 2012-061 be amended to include a limit on the sale of Interment Rights to a maximum of 12 lots/graves to each individual; That Attachment 1 to Report OPD -003-20, being an amending by-law to By-law 2012-061, addressing each of the above recommendations for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of the cemeteries in the Municipality of Clarington, be approved; and That all local funeral homes be advised of Council's decision. Carried 13.2 OPD -004-20 Gardening at Municipal Buildings Resolution # GG -214-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report OPD -004-20 be received; That Council provide approval for staff to contract out the gardening requirements for the Sarah Jane Williams, Waverly House and Newcastle Community Hall Buildings, and the Visual Arts Centre with the addition of $10,000 one time only, to the $20,000 budget approved for such purpose; and That all interested parties listed in Report OPD -004-20, be advised of Council's decision. Carried Recess Resolution # GG -215-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Committee recess for 15 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 3:11 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair 17 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 13.3 OPD -005-20 Tennis Courts and other Infrastructure Enhancements Resolution # GG -216-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report OPD -005-20 be received; That Staff be directed in 2020 to undertake usual maintenance on the tennis courts, as well as contracted repairs for Avondale Park and Guildwood Park utilizing available budgetary allowances; and That a public information centre take place, and public feedback be received in the summer of 2020 on the renovation of Stuart Park tennis/basketball courts; and That Staff be directed to report back in September 2020 on re -surfacing the tennis courts, basketball court, and creation of separate pickleball courts, along with firm numbers on lighting the courts, given the proximity of available power. Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwa rt Motion Lost on a recorded vote (3 to 4) Resolution # GG -217-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report OPD -005-20 be received; That in 2020 staff be directed to undertake the identified contracted tennis court repairs for Avondale Park and Guildwood Park utilizing available budgetary allowances; and That Council direct staff to host a public information center to receive feedback on the Stuart Park tennis courts and to also submit a Capital justification in 2021 to complete the recommended upgrades. Carried Resolution # GG -218-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -217-20 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -217-20 was then put to a vote and carried im General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 13.4 OPD -006-20 Operations Needs Assessment Resolution # GG -219-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report OPD -006-20 be received; and That the Operations Needs Assessment, as prepared by Resource Planning Group (RPG), be approved as the strategic guide for the development of the facility and site requirements for the future Public Works Department of the Municipality of Clarington. Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (2): Councillor Jones, and Councillor Neal Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 2) Resolution # GG -220-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -219-20 for a second time. Carried That the foregoing Resolution #GG -219-20 was then put to a recorded vote and carried. 14. Emergency and Fire Services Department Reports 14.1 ESD -004-20 Emergency and Fire Services 2019 Annual Report Resolution # GG -221-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report ESD -004-20 be received for information. Carried 14.2 ESD -005-20 Emergency Services Activity Report — Q1 2020 Resolution # GG -222-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report ESD -005-20 be received for information. Carried 19 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG -223-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting for an additional 30 minutes until 5:00 PM. Carried 15. Community Services Department Reports 15.1 CSD -007-20 Diversity in Clarington — Update on Diversity Initiatives and Clarington's Diversity Advisory Committee Resolution # GG -224-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report CSD -007-20 be received for information. Carried 15.2 CSD -008-20 Fee Assistance Program Resolution # GG -225-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report CSD -008-20 be received; That the Fee Assistance Program (FAP) as outlined in Report CSD -008-20 be approved; That expired credits on Active.net accounts and unredeemed Jumpstart funds be used to offset the cost of the Fee Assistance Program; and That staff be directed to update all advertising, forms and communication plans related to the Fee Assistance Program. Carried 20 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 16. Municipal Clerk's Department Reports 16.1 CLD -009-20 Appointments to the Accountability and Audit Committee and the CAO Review Committee Resolution # GG -226-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report CLD -009-20 be received; That the Committee receive names of Committee Members wishing to stand for appointment to the Accountability and Audit Committee, and that the vote be conducted to make the appointments, in accordance with the Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy; and That the Committee receive names of Committee Members wishing to stand for appointment to the CAO Review Committee, and that the vote be conducted to make the appointments, in accordance with the Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy. Carried Accountability and Audit Committee Councillor Hooper nominated Councillor Zwart to be the Council Appointment to the Accountability and Audit Committee. Councillor Zwart declined the nomination. Councillor Zwart nominated Councillor Hooper to be the Council Appointment to the Accountability and Audit Committee. Councillor Hooper accepted the nomination. Councillor Jones nominated Councillor Neal to be the Council Appointment to the Accountability and Audit Committee. Councillor Neal accepted the nomination. Resolution # GG -227-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Jones That Councillor Hooper and Councillor Neal be appointed to the Accountability and Audit Committee for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed. Carried 21 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 CAO Review Committee Councillor Neal nominated Councillor Jones to be the Council Appointment to the CAO Review Committee. Councillor Jones accepted the nomination. Councillor Hooper nominated Councillor Anderson to be the Council Appointment to the Accountability and Audit Committee. Councillor Anderson accepted the nomination. Resolution # GG -228-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Councillor Jones and Councillor Anderson be appointed to the CAO Review Committee for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed. Carried 16.2 CLD -010-20 Delegation of Authority to Alter Records Retention Schedule/By-law Resolution # GG -229-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report CLD -010-20 be received; That Council delegate the authority, to the Municipal Clerk, to approve and amend the Municipality of Clarington's Records Retention Schedule; and That the draft by-law, Attachment 1 to Report CLD -010-20, delegating authority to approve and amend the Corporate Records Retention Schedule, to the Municipal Clerk, be approved. Carried 16.3 CLD -011-20 Electronic Participation at Meetings Resolution # GG -230-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report CLD -011-20 be received; That the Procedural By-law be amended to provide for electronic participation at any meeting, including statutory Public Meetings under the Planning Act, for, a. Members of Council, in accordance the provisions set out in the Municipal Act, 2001, b. Delegations and presentations, and c. Members of the public 22 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 That Council authorize remote participation for local board meetings, and that any local board resolving to take advantage of the opportunity to participate electronically be directed to amend their procedural by-law accordingly; That the Terms of Reference for all Council Advisory Committees be amended to allow for electronic participation up to, and including, all members and members of the public; That once the LPAT has updated its procedural rules to provide for electronic hearings, Staff (i.e. Planning Services Department and Municipal Solicitor) be directed to undertake a review of the Committee of Adjustment By-law (83-83) to bring it up to date, including provisions for the holding of electronic hearings, and report back to Council with their findings and possible recommendations; That the protocol for participating electronically shall be set out by the Municipal Clerk and may be amended from time to time; That the By-law attached to Report CLD -011-20, as Attachment 1, amending the Procedural By-law to allow for electronic participation at Council and Committee meetings, be approved with the following amendment: "Subsection 2.5.8 - replace the word "him" with the words "the Member" That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -011-20, and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Later in the Meeting Resolution # GG -231-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the foregoing Resolution #GG -230-20 be amended by adding the following at the end of Paragraph 6: "including amending Section 5.9 of Procedure C00-006 (Attachment 2 to Report CLD -011-20) to delete the following wording: "the Chair will call the vote as if it were a recorded vote but will not be recorded as such, unless a recorded vote is actually requested. Note, where the motion is simply procedural (e.g. Recess, adjourn, adopt the agenda, etc.)" and replacing it with the words "unless a recorded vote is actually requested". Motion Lost The Committee recessed for a one hour break. The meeting reconvened at 6:00 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 23 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Resolution # GG -232-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the foregoing Resolution #GG -230-20 be amended by adding the following to Paragraph 2a), after the words "Members of Council": "where a member of Council is travelling outside of the municipality on municipal business, or, where a member is ill and not fit to physically attend the Council Chambers; or where there are extenuating circumstances". Yes (3): Mayor Foster, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart No (4): Councillor Anderson, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill Motion Lost on a recorded vote (3 to 4) Resolution # GG -233-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -232-20 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -230-20 was then put to a recorded vote and carried. 17. Corporate Services Department Reports No Reports for this section of the agenda. 18. Finance Department Reports 18.1 FND-019-20 2019 Annual Investment Report Resolution # GG -234-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report FND-019-20 be received for information. Carried 24 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 18.2 FND-020-20 FCM — Asset Management Grant Opportunity Resolution # GG -235-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Neal That Report FND-020-20 be received; and That Council authorize staff to complete the application for funding for Municipal Asset Management Program. Carried 18.3 FND-021-20 Supply, Delivery and Application of Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride or Calcium -Magnesium Blend Resolution # GG -236-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FND-021-20 be received; That Miller Paving Ltd., with an annual bid amount of $102,004.00 (Net HST Rebate) being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of tender CT -539A-20, be awarded the contract for an initial one- year term for the supply, delivery and application of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride or calcium -magnesium blend, as required by the Operations Department; That, pending satisfactory performance, the Purchasing Manager, in consultation with the Acting Director of Operations, be given the authority to extend the contract for this service for up to two additional one-year terms; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $102,004.00 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows: Description Winter Control / Winter Mtnce- Plow/Sand/Salt / Misc Oper Supply Account Number Amount 100-36-383-10300-7112 $102,004 That all interested parties listed in Report FND-021-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 25 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 18.4 FND-022-20 Supply of Sodium Chloride Resolution # GG -237-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report FND-022-20 be received; That K&S Windsor Salt Ltd., with a total bid amount of $2,395,091 (Net HST Rebate) for the initial three-year term being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of tender T-280-20, be awarded the contract for the supply of sodium chloride, as required by the Operations Department; That, pending satisfactory performance, the Purchasing Manager, in consultation with the Acting Director of Operations, be given the authority to extend the three- year contract for this service for up to two additional one-year terms; That the funds required for the first-year term in the amount of $767,781 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as provided. The funds required for the second -year term in the amount of $797,699 (Net HST Rebate) and the third - year term in the amount of $829,611 (Net HST Rebate) will be included in future budget accounts. The funding required for the initial one-year term will be funded from the following account: Description Account Amount Number 2020 Winter Control / Winter Mtnce- 100-36-383- $767,781 Plow/Sand/Salt / Misc Oper Supply 10300-7112 That all interested parties listed in Report FND-022-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 18.5 FND-023-20 Sidewalk Bay Replacements Resolution # GG -238-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FND-023-20 be received; That Emmacon Corp., with an annual bid amount of $75,053.00 (Net HST Rebate), being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of tender CL2020-12, be awarded the contract for an initial one- year term for Sidewalk Bay Replacements, as required by the Engineering Department; 26 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 That, pending satisfactory performance, the Purchasing Manager, in consultation with the Acting Director of Engineering be given the authority to extend the contract for this service for up to three additional one-year terms; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $75,053.00 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows: Description Account Number Amount Ops 2019 Sidewalk 100-36-380-10733-7112 $10,764 Eng Sidewalk Replacement 110-32-331-83215-7401 $64,289 That all interested parties listed in Report FND-023-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 18.6 FND-024-20 Engineering Services Brown Street Reconstruction Resolution # GG -239-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FND-024-20 be received; That the proposal received from CIMA+, having the lowest price meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2020-1 be awarded the contract for the provision of engineering services required for the reconstruction of Brown Street; That the funds required in the amount of $101,754.37 (net HST rebate) be drawn from the following accounts: Brown St. Reconstruction (2019) 110-32-330-83457-7401 $ 81,714.62 Region of Durham (2019) 110-32-330-83457-7402 $ 20,039.75 27 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 That, subject to budget approval in 2021 for the reconstruction of Brown Street, the CIMA+ be authorized to provide the required Inspection and Contract Administration at a cost of $75,774.71 (net HST Rebate) and that the required funds be drawn from the following accounts: Brown St. Reconstruction (2021) 110-32-330-83457-7401 $ 60,619.77 Region of Durham (2021) 110-32-330-83457-7402$ 15,154.94 That all interested parties listed in Report FND-024-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 18.7 FND-025-20 Single Source award to Grant Thornton for the development of Key Performance Indicators and Management by Objectives Councillor Jones left the meeting at 6:46 PM. Resolution # GG -240-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FND-025-20 be received; That, under the single source provision of the Municipality's Purchasing By -Law and based on the proposal received, Council grant the Purchasing Manager the authority to negotiate an agreement with Grant Thornton for the development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Management by Objectives (MBOs) for the Municipality; That the Purchasing Manager be authorized to execute the necessary agreement with Grant Thornton for the services, outlined in Recommendation 2, in a form acceptable to the Municipal Solicitor; That funds required for the services be funded from the Continuous Improvement Reserve Fund; and That all interested parties listed in Report FND-025-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 19. Solicitor's Department Reports No Reports for this section of the agenda. General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 20. CAO Office Reports 20.1 CAO -016-20 Strategic Plan Update Councillor Jones returned to the meeting at 6:58 PM. Resolution # GG -241-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report CAO -016-20 be received for information. Carried 21. New Business — Consideration 21.1 Traffic on Darlington Blvd. Resolution # GG -242-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Neal That Staff be directed to report back at the Council Meeting of July 6, 2020 with recommendations for traffic calming strategies on Darlington Blvd. in Courtice, to include consideration of decreasing the speed limit to 40km/hr and blocking the entrance to Foxhunt Trail from Darlington Blvd. Carried 21.2 Drainage in Solina Resolution # GG -243-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Neal That Staff be directed to report back at the September 28, 2020 General Government Committee Meeting on Drainage issues in Solina (the West lake Development) on the following: • How many years has the Operations department had to do work on fixing drainage issues in this development? • Do we anticipate future drainage issues to continue every year? • What is the total cost that has been spent on repairing these issues to date? Carried 29 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 21.3 Anaerobic Digestion Resolution # GG -244-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Clarington Council advise our Member of Provincial Government, Lindsey Park, of Council's declaration of being an unwilling host to the planned recycling plant and anaerobic digestion proposal on Megawatt Drive; That Council ask the Provincial Government, and our MPP, to place a `hold' on the proposed site until a full and proper Environmental Assessment (EA) can be conducted; and That the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks be requested to pass an order prohibiting the Region of Durham from proceeding with the planned recycling plant and anaerobic digestion facility until the EA is completed to the satisfaction of Clarington Council. Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (2): Councillor Jones, and Councillor Neal Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 2) Resolution # GG -245-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -244-20 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -244-20 was then put to a recorded vote and carried. 21.4 Prohibit Symbols of Hate Resolution # GG -246-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Staff be directed to develop a protocol to prohibit symbols of hate and racial intolerance in our community; and That the Diversity Advisory Committee be consulted in the development of this protocol. Yes (7): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart Carried on a recorded vote (7 to 0) 30 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 21.5 Scugog Street and Bons Avenue Intersection Awareness Resolution # GG -247-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That, in light of the recent motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Scugog Street and Bons Avenue, Council request staff to investigate and report back at the Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committee Meeting of September 14, 2020 on measures that can be taken to heighten awareness of the all -way stop at this intersection, in particular that on Scugog Street. Carried 21.6 Questions for the Chief of Emergency and Fire Services Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG -248-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to add an additional item to the Agenda. Carried Resolution # GG -249-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Staff be directed to report back, in the fall, on the following: 1. How is the complement of volunteer firefighters to -date? 2. How many volunteer firefighters has Clarington trained and equipped for the past five years and what has been the cost? 3. How many volunteer firefighters has Clarington lost over the last five years? 4. What is Clarington's plan to attract and to retain volunteer firefighters, as per the Master Fire Plan requirements? 5. How much will it cost to accomplish #4 above (to meet the volunteer firefighter requirements set forth in the Master Fire Plan including equipment, training and salary?) 31 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 6. Are there any areas where the Chief is concerned that there will be issues in attracting, training and retaining these volunteer firefighters in future? 7. If yes to Question #6, what is Council expected to do about any areas where the Chief has concerns (i.e. not meeting levels of protection)? Carried Recess Resolution # GG -250-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:07 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 22. Unfinished Business 22.1 CSD -006-20 Addendum to Report CSD -004-20 2020 Community Grant Requests Resolution # GG -251-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report CSD -006-20 Addendum to Report CSD -004-20 2020 Community Grant Requests, be received for information. Carried Tyrone Community Centre Resolution # GG -252-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Grant Application #20-06, from Tyrone Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $5000.00. Carried 32 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Newtonville Community Hall Kendal Community Centre Brownsdale Community Centre Solina Community Centre Resolution # GG -253-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Grant Applications #20-01, 20-02, 20-04 and 20-05, be approved on consent as follows: Newtonville Community Hall That the Grant Application #20-01 for the Newtonville Community Hall, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Kendal Community Centre That the Grant Application #20-02 for the Kendal Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Brownsdale Community Centre That the Grant Application #20-04 for the Brownsdale Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Solina Community Centre That the Grant Application #20-05 for the Solina Community Centre, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Carried Hampton Community Association Resolution # GG -254-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Grant Application #20-03, from the Hampton Community Association, be approved in the amount of $4,000.00. Carried 33 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Orono Agricultural Society Resolution # GG -255-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-15, from the Orono Agricultural Society, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Carried Clarington Ravens Resolution # GG -256-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Neal That the Grant Application #20-32, from the Clarington Ravens, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Carried Feed the Need Durham Resolution # GG -257-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-16, from Feed the Need Durham, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Carried Bowmanville Allotment Gardens Liberty Allotment Garden Resolution # GG -258-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-13 and 20-14, be approved on consent as follows.. Bowmanville Allotment Gardens That Grant Application #20-13 from the Bowmanville Allotment Gardens, be approved in the amount of $500.00 Liberty Allotment Garden That Grant Application #20-13 from the Liberty Allotment Garden, be approved in the amount of $500.00 Carried 34 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Orono Horticultural Society Resolution # GG -259-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Grant Application #20-12 from the Orono Horticultural Society, be approved in the amount of $800.00 Carried Big Brothers Big Sisters Resolution # GG -260-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-21, from Big Brothers Big Sisters, be approved in the amount of $4000.00. Carried Bowmanville Horticultural Society Resolution # GG -261-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-11, from the Bowmanville Horticultural Society, be approved in the amount of $800.00. Carried Autism Home Base Durham Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Report CSD -004-20 regarding the 2020 Community Grant Requests for Autism Home Base Durham (Application #20-19) as he is a member of the Board. Councillor Neal muted his audio and video and refrained from discussion on this matter. Resolution # GG -262-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Grant Application #20-19, from Autism Home Base Durham, be approved in the amount of $3000.00. Carried Councillor Neal returned to the meeting 35 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 The Gathering Place Resolution # GG -263-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Grant Application #20-17, from the Gathering Place, be approved in the amount of $3000.00. Carried Scientists in School Resolution # GG -264-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-20, from Scientists in School, be approved in the amount of $1000.00. Carried Bowmanville District Navy League Resolution # GG -265-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Neal That the Grant Application #20-09, from the Bowmanville District Navy League, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried Boys and Girls Club of Durham Resolution # GG -266-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Grant Application #20-18, from the Boys and Girls Club of Durham be approved in the amount of $3000.00. Motion Lost Luke's Place Resolution # GG -267-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Grant Application #20-24, from Luke's Place, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Carried 36 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 St. Paul's United Church Resolution # GG -268-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-25, from St. Paul's United Church, be approved in the amount of $2,500.00. Carried Clarington Martial Arts Resolution # GG -269-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Grant Application #20-34, from Clarington Martial Arts, be approved in the amount of $2500.00. Motion Lost Resolution # GG -270-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Grant Application #20-34, from Clarington Martial Arts, be approved in the amount of $1000.00. Carried Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Resolution # GG -271-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Grant Application #20-08, from the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society, be approved in the amount of $1000.00. Carried Clarington Tamil Association Resolution # GG -272-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Grant Application #20-10, from the Clarington Tamil Association, be approved in the amount of $2000.00. Carried 37 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Clarington Swim Club Resolution # GG -273-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-31, from the Clarington Swim Club, be approved in the amount of $2500.00. Carried St. John's Anglican Church Resolution # GG -274-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Grant Application #20-26, from St. John's Anglican Church, be approved in the amount of $1000.00. Carried Clarington Knights Football Resolution # GG -275-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Grant Application #20-33, from the Clarington Knights Football, be approved in the amount of $1000.00. Carried Soper Valley Model Railroad Association Resolution # GG -276-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Grant Application #20-28, from the Soper Valley Model Railroad Association, be approved in the amount of $750.00. Motion Lost Resolution # GG -277-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Grant Application #20-28, from the Soper Valley Model Railroad Association, be approved in the amount of $500.00. Carried General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Heroes 4 Wildlife Resolution # GG -278-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Grant Application #20-27, from Heroes 4 Wildlife, be approved in the amount of $1000.00. Carried Bowmanville Tennis Club Resolution # GG -279-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Grant Application #20-30, from Bowmanville Tennis Club, be approved in the amount of $750.00. Carried Boys and Girls Club of Durham Resolution # GG -280-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Neal That the Grant Application #20-18, from Boys and Girls Club of Durham, be received for information. Carried 22.2 Report CSD -004-20 2020 Community Grant Requests (Referred from the May 11, 2020 General Government Committee Meeting) Resolution # GG -281-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report CSD -004-20 be received for information. Carried 39 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 22.3 Resolution #GG -093-20 Hall Board Grant Requests (Referred from the May 25, 2020 Council Meeting) 22.4 Resolution #C-232-20 Newtonville Community Hall Grant Application (Referred from May 25, 2020 Council Meeting) Resolution # GG -282-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Unfinished Business Items 22.3 and 22.4, be received on consent. Carried Recess Resolution # GG -283-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Committee recess for 5 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 9:05 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 22.5 FND-018-20 COVID-19 Financial Support Update (Referred from the June 15, 2020 Council Meeting) Resolution # GG -284-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FND-018-20 be received; That the temporary tax relief by-law under Section 365 of the Municipal Act, as set forth in Attachment 1 to the memo from the Director of Finance dated June 9, 2020, be approved, with the following amendments: a. "Eligible Proprietor" be deleted; b. The eligibility period shall expire on June 19, 2020 and the deadline for submitting an application shall be August 31, 2020; c. Any amounts unexpended from the $1,000,000 tax relief fund as of September 30, 2022 be transferred to the Clarington CIP. That the Clarington CIP be drafted, and a $1,000,000 fund be established for improvements as set forth in the staff report to qualifying businesses in Clarington that meet the following criteria: a. The business was forced to shut down as a result of the provincial emergency declaration; .E General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 b. A restaurant which was only doing take out business qualifies as being forced to shut down; c. The business is independently owned, and is not part of a national or provincial chain; d. The business owner meets a means test, as determined by staff. Carried as Amended, Later in the Meeting, by Division Resolution # GG -285-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Jones That the foregoing Resolution #GG -284-20 be amended by adding the following at the end: That Community Agencies renting space in Municipal Buildings be provided rent relief, outside of the Community COVID-19 Support Program, as recommended in Attachment 3 to Report FND-018-20; That Community COVID-19 Support Program guidelines and application, as included in Attachments 4 and 5, be approved and Staff be directed to proceed with the intake with the Director of Finance, Director of Community Services and the CAO being delegated authority to award grants; That Darlington Soccer Club be granted a deferral of their contribution to the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Facility to 2021; That Correspondence dated April 20, 2020 from the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Centre (BIA) be received for information; and That all interested parties listed in Report FND-018-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried as Amended by Division Resolution # GG -286-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Jones That the foregoing Resolution #GG -285-20 be divided such that Paragraph (Regarding Community Agencies) and Paragraph 5 (regarding the BIA) be considered separately. Carried 41 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Paragraph 1 of the foregoing Resolution #GG -285-20 was now before the Committee for consideration. Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Paragraph 1, regarding Community Agencies Rent Relief as he is a member of the Autism Home Base Durham Board. Councillor Neal muted his video and audio and refrained from voting on this matter. Resolution # GG -287-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Community Agencies renting space in Municipal buildings be provided rent relief, outside of the Community COVID-19 Support Program, as recommended in Attachment 3 to Report FND-018-20. Carried Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. Paragraph 5 of the foregoing Resolution #GG -285-20 was now before the Committee for consideration. Councillor Hooper declared a direct interest in Paragraph 5, Correspondence from the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Centre as he is a member of the BIA. Councillor Hooper muted his video and audio and refrained from voting on this matter. Resolution # GG -288-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Traill That Correspondence dated April 20, 2020 from the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Centre (BIA), be received for information. Carried Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting. Resolution # GG -289-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Neal That the foregoing Resolution #GG -284-20 be amended by adding the following as the second last paragraph: That Staff examine options and implement the closing of downtown streets and Municipal parking lots to provide outdoor seating, in consultation with the BIAs. Carried 42 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Resolution # GG -290-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Neal That the foregoing Resolution #GG -284-20 be amended in Paragraph 3 by replacing the word "enacted" with the word "drafted". Carried The amended Resolution #GG -285-20 was now before the Committee for consideration. Resolution # GG -291-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the foregoing Resolution #GG -284-20 be divided such that Paragraph 7 be considered separately. Carried Resolution # GG -292-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the foregoing Resolution #GG -284-20 be divided such that Paragraph 4 be considered separately. Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the amended Resolution #GG -284-20 was now before Committee. Resolution # GG -293-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FND-018-20 be received; That the temporary tax relief by-law under Section 365 of the Municipal Act as set forth in Attachment 1 to the memo from the Director of Finance dated June 9, 2020, be approved, with the following amendments: a. "Eligible Proprietor" be deleted; b. The eligibility period shall expire on June 19, 2020 and the deadline for submitting an application shall be August 31, 2020; c. Any amounts unexpended from the $1,000,000 tax relief fund as of September 30, 2022 be transferred to the Clarington CIP. That the Clarington CIP be enacted, and a $1,000,000 fund be established for improvements as set forth in the staff report to qualifying businesses in Clarington that meet the following criteria: 43 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 a. The business was forced to shut down as a result of the provincial emergency declaration; b. A restaurant which was only doing take out business qualifies as being forced to shut down; c. The business is independently owned, and is not part of a national or provincial chain; d. The business owner meets a means test, as determined by staff. That Community COVID-19 Support Program guidelines and application, as included in Attachments 4 and 5, be approved and Staff be directed to proceed with the intake with the Director of Finance, Director of Community Services and the CAO being delegated authority to award grants; That Darlington Soccer Club be granted a deferral of their contribution to the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer facility to 2021; That Staff examine options and implement the closing of downtown streets and Municipal parking lots to provide outdoor seating in consultation with the BIAs; and That all interested parties listed in Report FND-018-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Yes (5): Councillor Anderson, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (2): Mayor Foster, and Councillor Hooper Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 2) Paragraph 4 of the amended Resolution #GG -284-20 was now before the Committee for consideration. Councillor Neal declared a direct interest in paragraph 4, regarding Rent Relief for Community Agencies. Councillor Neal muted his video and audio and refrained from voting on this matter. Resolution # GG -294-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Community Agencies renting space in Municipal buildings be provided rent relief, outside of the Community COVID-19 Support Program, as recommended in Attachment 3 to FND-018-20; Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Jones, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (1): Councillor Hooper Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 1) Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 Paragraph 7 of the amended Resolution #GG -284-20 was now before the Committee for consideration. Councillor Hooper declared a direct interest in Paragraph 7, Correspondence from the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Centre as he is a member of the BIA. Councillor Hooper muted his video and audio and refrained from voting on this matter. Resolution # GG -295-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Correspondence dated April 20, 2020 from the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Centre (BIA), be received for information. Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart Carried (6 to 0) Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting. Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG -296-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 11:00 PM. Carried 23. Confidential Reports 23.1 PSD -023-20 Potential Acquisition — Future Works Yard Closed Session Resolution # GG -297-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing matters that deal with: 1. a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and 45 General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 2. a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 10:37 PM. Mayor Foster advised that three items were discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed to provide direction to staff to refer the Confidential Report PSD -023- 20 to the September 14, 2020 Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committee meeting. 23.2 Memo from Ron Albright, Acting Director, Engineering Services, Regarding Land Appraisal Value to Portion of Given Road to be Closed and Conveyed as Part of Adjacent Development Proposals Resolution # GG -298-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the item 23.2 be referred to the next Regular Council Meeting dated July 6, 2020. Carried 23.3 CAO -017-20 Rural Broadband Connectivity Resolution # GG -299-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report CAO -017-20 be received; That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into a multi -site lease agreement with Rapid Connex substantially on the terms set out in this Report in order to implement a phased approach for the provision of broadband services in rural Clarington; That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute such other documents or agreements reasonably required to implement the proposal outlined in this report; That, prior to installing any tower infrastructure, a public meeting be held in accordance with the public notice requirements of the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development; EN General Government Committee Minutes of June 22, 2020 That staff continue to work with Fontur International to assist the rollout of this initiative, a long-term broadband strategy and the update of our Telecommunications Antennae and Tower Policy; That staff continue work with other levels of government and private entities to explore other potential locations across Clarington for infrastructure installation; and That Rapid Connex be advised of Council's decision, Carried 24. Adjournment Resolution # GG -300-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the meeting adjourn at 10:44 PM. Carried ay 47 If Deputy Clerk