HomeMy WebLinkAbout2476A by-law to amend by-law 2111, as amended. J O k. 6371-71 ,. E V ~, oNlnaio ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 1N '!its :ATTEF. Off' Seetion 35 of The Pl.a.ruiinP, Net,, ('t~.S.O 1970, c. 349), -and - Siv' THfi 's•'~A7`TFR f~F an application by The Corporation of tale Township of Darlington for approval of its Reetrieted Area Uy-law 2476. • d3~F0.~E ) ,) F?. JAP9IESON, ) Vice-Chairr~n ) ) and ) A. VAN t~:Vt'~Y, Q.C., 1 Member ) Tuesday, the 26th day of October, 1971 UPON TH1~. A'Pi~1CATlOP! of The Corporation of tho Township of Darlington, upon consideration of the material filed, and it appearing that notice of application has been given as di~zcted by the board and the only objection having been withdrawn as appears by material filedt T}iE uGAF?D C~DERs, under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the aoard, that by-law 2476 passed the 2nd day of July, 1971, be a>!xl the same is hereb~r snproved. ~~ n SECkETAYY ~~ ~ tl~il ~~E17 ~il ;} ~~~~~ ~~ ~yf ~ E ~ ~. : `;; ( ~ J.~- J +