HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/16/2000 -- .- .- Council Minutes PRAYER ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON October 16, 2000 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, October 16,2000, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. Mayor D. Hamre Councillor J. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor T . Young Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director, Community Services, J. Caruana Director, Planning and Development, D. Crome Solicitor, D. Hefferon Treasurer, 11. 11arano Director, Public Works, S. Vokes Fire Chief, M. Creighton Confidential Secretary to the Clerk, H. Jones Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST PRESENTATION Councillor Trim indicated that he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item I - 10. Mayor Hamre presented the die of Clarington Millennium Coin to the Municipal Clerk for safe keeping. . . . Council Minutes - 2- October 16, 2000 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Resolution #C-528-00 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 25, 2000, be approved. "CARRIED" PUBLIC MEETINGS 1. A public meeting is being held for the purpose of: (a) passing a by-law to declare a portion of Elephant Hill Park, more particularly described as Part Block 93, Plan lOM-830, to be surplus property of the Municipality; and (b) passing a by-law to permit the sale and transfer of this portion of Elephant Hill Park to Daniel Neale McLean in exchange for a portion of Block 17 within proposed plan of subdivision 18T-n022. No one was in attendance to address this issue. 2. A public meeting is being held for the purpose of passing a by-law to stop up and close part of the road known as Old Kingston Road being the intersection of Old Kingston Road and Preston vale Road in Concession 2, Lot 33, former Township of Darlington, Municipality of Clarington in the regional Municipality of Durham. No one was in attendance to address this issue. 3. A public meeting is being held for the purpose of passing a by-law to stop-up and close and authorize the conveyance of part of the unopened road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 in Lot 1, in the former Township of Clarke, now in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham. . . . Council Minutes PUBLIC MEETINGS - 3 - October 16, 2000 No one was in attendance to address this issue. 4. A public meeting is being held for the purpose of passing a by-law to stop up and close and authorize the conveyance of part of the unopened road allowance known as Hunt Street in Part of Lot 11, Broken Front Concession, former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham. No one was in attendance to address this issue. 5. A public meeting is being held for the purpose of: (a) passing a by-law to declare the Municipality's interest in the portion of Church Street (unopened) shown as part of Part 14 on Plan 40R-14915 to be surplus; and (b) passing a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk on behalf of the Municipality to execute an agreement with 1138337 Ontario Inc. (" 1138337") to sell the Municipality's interest in the part of Church Street (unopened) referred to in a) by exchanging it for lands owned by 1138337, which comprise Gold Street (unopened) Silver Street (unopened), both as shown as part of Part 13 on Plan 40R-14915 and the realignment area of Mill Street shown as Parts 1,2 and 3 on Plan lOR-2412 No one was in attendance to address this issue. . Council Minutes PRESENTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 4- October 16, 2000 Tom Flood, Co-Chair, Ontario Summer Games Organizing Committee, c/o Town of Ajax, Recreation Services, 65 Hardwood Avenue, Ajax, LIS 2H9 - Ontario Summer Games 2000, advised Council that appropriate three years ago the Committee embarked on a joint venture bid to be the host for the Ontario Summer Games. He wanted to thank the Mayor, Members of Council and the staff of the Municipality of Clarington for all their support and efforts. Mr. Flood presented an Ontario Summer Games plaque to Mayor Hamre. Russ Powell, Chief Administrative Officer along with staff of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 100 Whiting Avenue, Oshawa, LIH 3T3 - presented the Bowmanville/Soper CreekWatershed Aquatic Resources Management Plan to Council The presentation provided details on the following: Vegetation communities Groundwater features Biological water quality site locations thermal classification of aquatic habitat assessment sites salmonid distribution in relation to branches and barriers water quality unimpaired coldwater to coolwater throughout Policy, planning and land acquisition Restorative projects and stewardship Fish communities' future management Research and ongoing monitoring Implementation strategy Must have a licence to draw water from lakes and streams Template for other watersheds Overall, the Bowmanville/Soper Creek Watershed is in excellent health. Helen Schmid, 62 Church Street, Orono, LOB IMO, was called forward while Mayor Hamre read a letter from Allan Gotieb, Chairman of the Onlario Heritage Foundation along wilh a letter from Helen MacDonald nominating Mrs. Schmid for the Heritage Community Recognition Program. Mayor Hamre presented Helen Schmid with a Certificate of Achievement and pin from the Heritage Community Recognition Program, 2000. . . . Council Minutes DELEGATIONS - 5 - October 16, 2000 David Ashcroft, 63 Cedar Crest Beach Road, Bowmanville, LlC 3K3, addressed Council with respect to Addendum No.2 to Report PD-072-00. Mr. Ashcroft highlighted the following three concerns: . Home ownership in the Municipality of Clarington . Beach front residents are feeling threatened by the Land Acquisition Strategy . Financially strapped home owners have found serious problems with their houses ie. leaky basements Mr. Ashcroft thanked Members of Council and especially Mayor Hamre for her tremendous efforts during her years of public service. Kathy Bradford addressed Council on behalf of Christine Brown Reid, 49 West Beach Road, Bowmanville, LIC 3K3, and stated that she appreciated staff withdrawing certain statements in the Land Acquisition Strategy but still feels frustrated. Ms. Bradford stated that there is enough non-residential property to create park lands in the municipality. Pat Pingle, 54 West Beach Road, Bowmanville, LlC 3K3, advised prior to the meeting that she would not be in attendance. Susan Eilbeck, 55 West Beach Road, Bowmanville, LIC 3K3, advised prior to the meeting that she would not be in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Crago, 255 Osbourne Road, Courtice, LIE 2R3, addressed Council on behalf of the property owners south of the 401, Lots 25 to 28 with respect to Addendum No.2 to Report PD-072-00. She stated that they are very confused and they would like to know if the acquisition for the sewer plant has anything to do with the acquisition of property for the Waterfront Trail. Mrs. Crago stated there has been faults in the various correspondence received from the municipality. For example, when they received their papers, staff stated that the property has no access to maintained roads which is not true, therefore, their property has been under assessed. Joe Dasilza, 23 West Beach Road, Bowmanville, LIC 3K3, advised prior to the meeting that he would not be in attendance. . . . Council Minutes DELEGATIONS -6 - October 16, 2000 Lynda MacGregor, 40 Boulton Street, Newcastle, LIB lL9, advised prior to the meeting that she will not be in attendance. Julius DeRuyter, 227 Bridgeland Avenue, Toronto, M6A lY7, addressed Council with respect to Report PD-087-00 on behalf of the applicant. He highlighted some of the positive aspects of the application. Mr. DeRuyter stated that a number of changes have been made to satisfy residents and that the application has been approved by Committee and should therefore be approved by Council. Harvey Thompson, 4720 Concession Road 6, R.R. #1, Newtonville, LOA 110 was unable to attend the Council meeting, however, his correspondence with respect to Report ADMIN-23-2000 was read into the record. Mr. Thompson thanked this and past Councils for all the support the citizens of Clarington have recei ved in their fight to make the Port Granby Waste Site a saver place to store low-level radioactive waste and requested support of the recommendations contained within the staff report. Randy Henry, 2 Rothean Drive, Whitby, LIP lL5, appeared before Council to answer any questions with respect to Report PD-097-00 (Item #7 of Report #1). Ron Hooper, Chair, Bowmanville Business Improvement Association, P.O. Box 365, Bowmanville, LIC 3Ll, addressed Council seeking approval, in principle, for a conceptual architectural proposal for the downtown parking lot and requested for the drawing to be displayed in the foyer of the Municipal Administrative Centre. Mr. Hooper thanked the Mayor, Council and staff for the many years of hard work. Representatives of the Orono Town Hall Board, advised prior to the meeting that they would not be in attendance. Representatives of the Kendal Community Association, advised prior to the meeting that they would not be in attendance. Vaden Earle, 1748 Baseline Road West, Unit 200-C, Courtice, LIE 2T1, addressed Council requesting the release of a land freeze for a temporary turning circle on a property located on Wabokish Court in Courtice. Mr. Earle is interested in building a house on this property and has stated that he would gi ve up his rights to the property. . . . Council Minutes DELEGATIONS COMMUNICA nONS - 7 - October 16, 2000 Tony Collier, 85 Bridges Drive, Newcastle, LIB lL9, addressed Council stating that he is very frustrated with the serious problems he is having with the new home he bought in the Village of Newcastle. Mr. Collier's house has very serious safety and health concerns. Numerous times the developer has attempted to fix his foundation and now his basement looks like a war zone. Several of the houses in the subdivision have foundation problems, cracked footings etc. Mr. Collier has filed a claim with the New Home Builders Association. He has revealed that there were several building codes infractions. Tracy Ignagni, 31 Granville Crescent, Bowmanville, LIC 4L7, Carol Halminen appeared on behalf of her daughter with respect to Report CD-55-00. Ms. Halminen stated that her daughter's dog has gotten out of their fenced property twice and, on the occasion in question, did attack another dog. Ms. Halminen told Council, however, that the dog is well supervised at all times and is usuall y a very well behaved dog that likes to play with other animals. She requested that Council overturn the vicious dog declaration. Resolution #C-529-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Council recess for 15 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 9: 10 p.m. Resolution #C-530-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception of Items I - 10 and I - 18. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS I-I ClO.MO 1-2 A01.GR 1-3 ClO.MO 1-4 C02.BY 1-5 L11.GE - 8- October 16, 2000 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that the Finance and Administration Committee of the Region of Durham on September 20, 2000, passed the following resolution regarding Economic Development and Tourism Department Summary of Activities for the period of January to June 2000: "a) THAT Report #2000-A-57 of the Commissioner of Economic Development and Tourism be received for information; and b) THAT Report #2000-A-57 be forwarded to the area municipalities." (Received for Information) The Greater Toronto Services Board forwarding GTSB Highlights - a publication distributed for the information of the media and public following each GTSB board meeting. (Received for Information) Regional Councillor Larry O'Connor, Chair, Health and Social Services Committee, Region of Durham, introducing to Council the Durham Region's Children Charter. The purpose of the Charter is to incorporate the spirit and substance of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and to serve as a benchmark by which to assess, in a local context, Canada's implementation of the Convention. Approved by Durham Regional Council in April 2000, Durham Region's Children Charter was created to maintain public focus on the promises Canada made when adopting the Convention and when it vowed to end child poverty. (Received for Information) P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, providing a certified copy of By-law #53-2000 being a by-law to establish a fixed date as of which to calculate the cap and clawback for 2000. (Received for Information) Johanne Curodeau, Manager, Ministerial Correspondence Unit, Department of Justice Canada, providing Council with a copy of the Minister's response to the City of Niagara Falls regarding the Young Offenders Act. (Received for Information) . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS 1-6 E05.GE 1-7 M02.GE 1-8 T08.GE 1-9 A01.FE 1-11 C06.LO - 9- October 16, 2000 Ontario Power Generation, providing Council with the Nuclear Report Card of all the sites for July 2000. (Received for Information) The Learning Partnership, advising Council that Wednesday, November 1, 2000, is Take Our Kids to Work day. The key program goals are as follows: . Involve the family, the school and workplaces in helping enhance Grade 9 students' understanding of individual jobs in the context of a working community; Help students make the link between their education and their futures; Allow students to begin an exploration of what they themselves enjoy doing; Emphasize the increased importance of continuous life-long learning in pursuing career opportunities; and Foster understanding and co-operation between education and the community to achieve shared goals. (Received for Information) . . . . Steve Jacobs, Senior Project Manager, URS Cole, Sherman & Associates Limited, advising Council the Ontario Ministry of Transportation has retailed Cole, Sherman Consulting Engineers to undertake a Planning and Preliminary Design Study to examine the future transportation needs on Highway 35. (Received for Information) Joseph P. Dion, Director, Policy and Public Affairs, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, inviting members to submit resolutions of national municipal interest for debate at the December 6 - 9, 2000, meeting of the FCM National Board of Directors. FCM will take a stand only on issues that are clearly of national municipal interest and which fall within the jurisdiction of the federal government. Indirect municipal issues and local/regional issues will not be supported by major research and lobbying activity, unless otherwise directed by the Annual Conference or by FCM's National Board of Directors. Resolutions must be received by FCM no later than midnight on November 6, 2000. (Received for Information) Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee dated September 19, 2000. (Received for Information) . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS 1-12 E05.GE 1-13 M02.GE 1-14 L11.GE - 10- October 16, 2000 Ontario Power Generation, Nuclear Report Card for Darlington Nuclear Site for the month of August, 2000. (Received for Information) Ramona Kaptyn, Executive Director, National Kids' Day/The Smile Trust, thanking Council for proclaiming June 10,2000, as the 3rd Annual National Kids' Day. They look forward to the Municipality of Clarington supporting National Kids' Day again in the 2001. National Kids' Day celebrates and educates children. It tells them the special place they hold in our lives, in our hearts, and in our society, and it seeks their counsel. It is also a day for governments, organizations, corporations, retailers, individuals, families, and even kids, to raise money for our Canadian children in need. (Received for Information) Power Budd, advising Council of the grandfathering of the transfer tax exemption. On September 29,2000, the Ministry of Finance published Ontario Regulation 524/00, which, in effect, grandfathers the transfer tax exemption applicable to certain transfers of property described in the Electricity Act, 1998. The Electricity Act, 1998 requires the payment of transfer tax by municipalities or municipal electricity utilities (MEUs) that intend to transfer any interest in property used in connection with generating, transmitting, distributing or retailing electricity. The Act provides for two exemptions from the transfer tax: (i) if the transfer is to another MEU; or (ii) if the transfer is to an Ontario Hydro successor corporation. Ontario Regulation 524/00 provides relief to municipalities that are currently working out the details of their mergers, amalgamations or sales, by allowing these transactions to remain transfer tax exempt provided that the written agreement to make the transfer is complete and the MAAD application is submitted to the Board before November 7,2000. (Received for Information) . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS 1- 15 A03.GE 1- 16 Ll1.GE 1- 17 ClO.MO - 11 - October 16, 2000 Tony Clement, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, announcing the launch of the new Ontario Learning Opportunities Calendar (OLOC) Web site. The OLOC Web site is a free on-line resource for municipalities that lists a wide variety of events, training and information sessions, workshops and conferences offered by the provincial government, municipal associations and other training providers. The OLOC Web site is the result of a partnership between the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and a consortium of 12 municipal associations which are part of the Provincial-Municipal Learning Network. (Received for Information) David Anderson, Minister of the Environment, updating Council on Bill C-33, the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Under the Accord, the provinces agreed to provide protection for all listed threatened and endangered species. The Accord was further endorsed by the provincial Premiers at their meeting in August. Provinces have taken further steps to protect species since the introduction of SARA, and a number have increased funding for their species at risk initiatives. Under the Accord, Ministers agree to co-ordinate species protection activities through a new Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council (CESCC). (Received for Information) P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, that the Region of Durham on October 4, 2000, endorsed the following resolution of the City of Pickering: "WHEREAS the ability to ask residents questions through a referendum process is critical to grass roots, direct democracy; and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario through its legislation the 'Direct Democracy Through Municipal Referendums Act, 2000' proclaimed to encourage local democracy through the creation of binding referendum questions that have uniform criteria; and WHEREAS municipalities are entities of the Province Municipal Act and as such, every municipal issue could be perceived as having a provincial interest; and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario is systematically disallowing referendum questions on the basis that they have a Provincial interest in the issues being brought forward; and . Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS - 12- October 16, 2000 WHEREAS the Act has created impossible criteria for referendum results to be recognized; and WHEREAS referendum questions are the most effective way for residents to express their views on local issues; and WHEREAS Pickering has utilized referendum questions in the past to gauge public opinion on issues such as an environmental review of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, casinos and Provincial downloading; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby expresses to the Province of Ontario its firm belief that the Direct Democracy Through Municipal Referendum Act, 2000 is depriving the municipality of its democratic right to ask important questions to its public on issues that will greatly impact the future of Pickering; and . THAT the Corporation of the City of Pickering formally request, through a letter drafted by the Clerk, that the legislation be repealed as it is undermining local democracy and failing in its stated goals to promote local participation in the municipal political process; and 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. THAT the Corporation of the City of Pickering request that the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) act on behalf of local municipalities in calling for the Act to be repealed; and THAT municipalities in Ontario be encouraged to pass similar motions calling for the Act to be repealed; and THAT this motion be distributed to: The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs The Honourable Janel Ecker, M.P.P. Pickering-Ajax- Uxbridge The Association of Municipalities of Ontario Roger Anderson, Chair, Durham Regional Council His Worship, Steven Parish, Mayor of the Town of Ajax Area Chairs and Mayors of Municipalities in Ontario." (Received for Information) . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS 1-19 C06.SA 1- 10 C06.V A 1- 18 AOI.MI - 13 - October 16, 2000 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated May 16 and July 4,2000. (Received for Information) Councillor Trim stated a pecuniary interested with respect to Correspondence Item I - 10; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion on this subject matter. Councillor Trim is employed by Goodyear Canada, who is referenced in the Correspondence. Minutes of the Valleys 2000 (Bowmanville) Inc. dated September 12, 2000. Resolution #C-53 1-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Correspondence Item I - 10 be received for information. "CARRIED" Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, introducing to Council a new initiative designed to enhance local service delivery and strengthen government accountability to taxpayers. This new initiative is called the Municipal Performance Measurement Program. Starting with 2000 data, municipalities will begin to collect data that can be used to measure performances in nine core service areas, including waste management, roads and water services. Municipalities will then submit this data to the province through a revised financial information return, which will be available on the Internet. Municipalities will be required to report performance results to their taxpayers in 2001. The province will compile the data from all municipalities and produce a summary of results. This program will allow municipalities to compare their costs, both internally, year to year, and in relation to other jurisdictions. It can also become a forum for highlighting successes and for sharing a wealth of knowledge, recognizing that somewhere in Ontario a local government has found a more efficient, more effective way to deliver a similar service. Resolution #C 532-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Correspondence Item I - 18 be received for information. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS D -I D - 3 M02.GE D-4 CIO.MO - 14- October 16,2000 Resolution #C-533-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda with the exception of Items D - 2, and D - 7 to D - 10, inclusive. "CARRIED" Barbara and Richard Howe, advising Council of their concerns regarding Report PD-078-00. Their immediate concern deals with the proposed construction of a bridge over Foster Creek to make a collector road joining Grady Drive to the subdivision. It was their understanding that the developer would rather not construct a bridge there. They strongly object to the bridge construction. It would cause denser traffic flow, spoil the natural environment of the creek area and the peaceful atmosphere which they now enjoy. When they built their home three years ago they chose this area as a quiet street for their retirement years. It distresses them to contemplate the results of a bridge on Grady Drive. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Planning and Development) Wendy Johansen, on behalf of the Durham Down Syndrome Association, requesting Council to proclaim November 1 - 7, 2000, as Durham Syndrome Awareness Week. This request will correspond with the National Down Syndrome Awareness Week which is being recognized by the federal government. Within the Durham Region we have many children and adults with Down Syndrome who make valuable contributions to our city and they would like to recognize, promote and celebrate their many contributions that enrich the lives of all citizens. (Proclaimed) P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that Regional Council adopted the following resolution of the Finance and Administration Committee, on September 20, 2000: "a) THAT the Councils of the area municipalities be requested to hold their Inaugural Meetings following the municipal elections in November on or before December 5, 2000; . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS D -S PI4.NE - IS - October 16, 2000 b) THAT, subject to the area municipalities agreeing to hold their Inaugural Meetings on or before December S, 2000, the Regional Solicitor be directed to prepare a by-law to provide for the Inaugural Meeting of Regional Council to be held on Wednesday, December 6, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters Building, Whitby; c) THAT a Regional Council meeting be held on Wednesday, December 20,2000 and that the newly elected Standing Committees meet on December 12, 13, 14 and 20,2000, as outlined on the schedule attached to Report #2000-A-S6 of the Regional Clerk; d) THAT the meeting schedule, as attached to Report #2000-A-36 of the Regional Clerk, for the next three year term of Regional Council be received; and e) THAT a copy of Report #2000-A-S6 of the Regional Clerk be forwarded to the area municipalities." (Regional Clerk to be advised that the Municipality of Clarington will hold their inaugural meeting on Monday, December 4, 2000 at 7:00 p.m.) Kristina McCann, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, Durham Regional Police Services, requesting Council to provide complimentary photocopying for non-profit organizations. Over the years, Ms. McCann has been approached by numerous groups of homeowners across Durham Region wishing to start a Neighbourhood Watch program to improve community safety. As this is a "Community" crime prevention program, it is agreed that homeowners pay a nominal fee for signs when staring this program to give the community a sense of ownership. Another fundamental part of the organization is to provide a regular newsletter to each neighbourhood watch member to inform them of incidents of crime in the area as well as crime prevention tips. She has been asked why money should be collected from community members to pay for photocopying when they were volunteering their time to help make their communities safer? The City of Pickering provides a limited number of complimentary printing services for outside organizations. . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-6 M02.GE D-2 Crossing Guard Request T08.GE - 16 - October 16,2000 Ms. McCann is requesting Council to advise if there is currently a similar policy in our municipality or if photocopying could be made available to these volunteers who continually strive to make their region a better place to live, work and play. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk for review and report) Elinor Caplan, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, requesting Council to become involved in Canada's Citizenship Week occurring from October 16 - 22, 2000. The theme for Canada's Citizenship Week 2000 is Canada: We All Belong! Ms. Caplan has provided activity guides that have been developed for teachers, youth groups and community leaders. It highlights the themes and values of Canadian citizenships and reinforces an important message for all Canadians. She is encouraging all municipalities to hold a community Reaffirmation Ceremony in honour of the week, where all Canadians, both new and old, can join together in reaffirming their commitment to Canada. (Proclaimed) Diane Akermann and Susan Loeb, requesting that a Traffic Study be conducted to determine if a crossing guard could be provided at the corner of Worthington Drive and Robert Adams Dri ve in Courtice. On June 5th a letter was sent to their homes by Dr. Emily Stowe Public School advising that busing would no longer be available to students living in the Robert Adams and Hemingway Drive area. Due to temporary safety concerns primarily due to heavy construction and some streets not being completed in the area, the Board decided to temporarily provide bus transportation to students. Once the construction had been completed, the Board advised that transportation would be discontinued at the end of the school year. They were advised that the walking distance for JK/K is 1.0 km and Grades 1-8 is 1.6 km according to Board Policy. As a result, they now have a number of children walking to and from school from this area. With Robert Adams Drive becoming an increasingly busy street as the community continues to grow, they are concerned for the safety of their children and therefore request consideration be given to providing a crossing guard. Resolution #C-534-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D - 2 be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and report. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICA nONS D-7 Tobacco Youth Protection Act CIO.MO D - 8 Stamp Issue Honouring Volunteer Firefighters CIO.MO - 17 - October 16, 2000 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that Regional Council adopted the following resolution of the Health and Society Services Committee on September 20, 2000: "a) THAT Bill S-20 - an Act to enable and assist the Canadian tobacco industry in attaining its objective of preventing the use of tobacco products by young persons in Canada, be endorsed and Durham Region's M.P.'s be so advised and their endorsement encouraged; b) THAT a similar endorsement and advocacy regarding the Region's M.P.'s be requested from local area municipalities, hospitals, Durham Access to Care and the Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Council; c) THAT a similar endorsement be requested from the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); and d) THAT the Board of Health for the City of Toronto Health Unit and Toronto City Council be advised of this action." Resolution #C-535-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the resolution of the Regional Health and Society Services Committee regarding Bill S-20 be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" William Roberts, CAO/Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Hanover, advising Council that the Town of Hanover on September 18, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS Volunteer Firefighters provide a valuable serve to municipalities throughout Canada; AND WHEREAS the Town of Hanover supports and recognizes the efforts of its' Volunteer Firefighters; AND WHEREAS the 75th convention of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada will be held in Hanover in 2003; . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-9 Privatization Of Ontario's Correctional Services PI6.GE - 18 - October 16,2000 AND WHEREAS the Saugeen Stamp Club wishes to have a stamp issued by Canada post honouring the Volunteer Firefighters; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Hanover endorses the request from the Saugeen Stamp Club to have a stamp issued by Canada Post honouring Volunteer Firefighters; AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario, The Honourable Alfenso Gagliano, Minister responsible for Canada Post, local MP, MPP, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Canadian Fire Chiefs Association, the Ontario Fire Chief's Association and the Ontario Fire Marshal for their support." Resolution #C-536-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the resolution of the Town of Hanover regarding the issuance of a stamp to honour Volunteer Firefighters be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Leonard Mason, Ontario Public Service Employees Union, requesting support from the Council of the Municipality of Clarington regarding privatization of Ontario's Correctional Services. The Ontario government has announced that private/public partnerships are being investigated for Correctional Services. The super-jail in Penetanguishine and five "Phase I Young Offenders Facilities" have been specifically targeted for privatization. With this action and the government's stated intentions, Mr. Mason believes that there is a very good change that all of Ontario's Correctional Services will be privatized. OPSEU is supporting Midland and Penetanguishine Town Councils, who have called on all Ontario Municipalities to oppose private prisons and support professional, publicly-run correctional services. He is requesting that Council endorse the resolution of the Town of Penetanguishine in this regarding. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-1O Pool Construction M04.GE - 19- October 16, 2000 Resolution #C-537-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the resolution of the Town of Penetanguishine regarding the privatization of Ontario's correctional services be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Florence and John Larkin, advising Council that on August 16, 2000, they made a structural alteration to the north side of their backyard fence, because of the damage and continuous mistreatment incurred by the ongoing construction of a pool at 39 Mull Crescent. The pool construction commenced on July 28, 2000. On September 1, 2000, they were advised by Rick Pigeon, Chief Building Official, that the Building Department had issued a permit on May 29, 2000, to the residents of 39 Mull Crescent for a pool installation with the assumption that the fence on the north side of their backyard was co-owned; which was incorrect, it is not co-owned and that they should not have made changes to the fence. The Larkins advised Mr. Pigeon that the Building Department had no right to issue a permit for a fence based on their property, especially without their knowledge or consent. The Larkins concern is that the Building Department issued this permit, as Steve V olks, Director of Public WorkslBuilding Department and Rick Pigeon both advised, based on the assumption that the fence was co-owned and that is not the case. They are now being told that this situation is their problem, not a Municipality issue and that they have to make all arrangements, sign an agreement and fix the fence for a pool. This is not acceptable. This situation was caused by the lack of accountability and responsibility of the Building Department by not ensuring that all of the facts, details and plans were in order before issuing the permit to the residents of 39 Mull Crescent. Resolution #C-538-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D - 10 be received and referred to the Director of Public Works for review; and THAT the Director of Public Works reply to Mr. and Mrs. Larkin. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS Report # 1 G.P.A. Report October 2, 2000 Report #2 Declaration Of Surplus Lands Elephant Hill DI4.DEV.02.048 - 20- October 16, 2000 Resolution #C-539-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the actions taken by the General Purpose and Administration Committee on October 2, 2000, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-540-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PD-IOS-00 be received; THAT Council declare, by by-law, a portion of Elephant Hill Park, Part Block 93, Plan IOM-S30, shown as Area C on Attachment 2 to Report PD-IOS-OO, to be surplus property of the Municipality; THAT a By-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality, to execute an agreement for the sale of Area Con Attachment 2 to Report PD-I08-00 and the purchase of Areas A, Band D as shown on Attachment 2 to Report PD-108-00 and a temporary easement in the area of the extension of Tilley Road on plan of subdivision 18T-92022, all at a nominal cost; THAT all legal and survey costs be attributed to the Municipal Acquisition of Property Reserve (Account 2900-X-003); and THAT staff and the Municipal solicitor be authorized to take all necessary actions to complete the transaction. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes REPORTS Report #3 Survey 2000 C06.SU Report #4 Vicious Dog Ignagni PI4.AN Report #5 Part-Time Firefighter HOS.PI - 21 - October 16,2000 Resolution #C-541-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report CD-54-00 be received for information; and THAT the members of the committee be thanked for their efforts. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-542-00 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CD-55-00 be received; and THAT the vicious dog declaration served on Tracy Ignagni be upheld. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-543-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report FD-15-00 be received; THAT the complement for part-time firefighters be returned to 25 per station; THAT the Municipality's requirement that all firefighters complete and pass the York University Fitness and Stress Testing be changed to allow part-time applicants only to provide a letter from their physician insuring they meet the requirements of N.F.P.A. 1582 for firefighting duties; and THAT funds required to provide for wages and protective equipment for additional part-time staff, up to a complement of 25 per station, be drawn from any surplus available in the 2000 fire department operating accounts, and any shortfall at year end be drawn from the Fire Department Equipment Reserve Account No. 2900-14-X. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes REPORTS Report #6 Fire Risk Assessment PI6.FI Report #7 Monthly Fire Report September 2000 PI6.MO Report #8 JEPP Funding FILCH Report #9 Q2000-7 Printing Requirements FI8.QU - 22- October 16, 2000 Resolution #C-544-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report FD-16-00 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-545-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report FD-17 -00 be recei ved for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-546-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report FD-18-00 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-547-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report TR-72-00 be received; THAT James Publishing, Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid amount of $79,601.36 ($75,826.40 printing and $3,774.96 distribution) including GST and PST, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Quotation Q2000-7, be awarded the contract for the Supply and Distribution of the Clarington Community Guide, Clarington Visitors Guide and the Clarington Today Newsletter; and THAT funds in the amount of $79,601.36 be drawn from the current year approved Marketing and Tourism Printing Account #77IO-X-205 and the 2001 current budget as appropriate. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes REPORTS Report #10 Execution of Contracts L04.GE Confidential Report Addendum to WD-25-00 - 23- October 16, 2000 Resolution #C-548-00 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report TR-73-00 be received; THAT the policy marked Schedule "A" attached to Report TR-73-00 be approved; and THAT the By-law marked Schedule "B" attached to Report TR-73-00 be approved by Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-549-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the Confidential Addendum to Report WD-25-00 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. Report #12 Resolution #C-550-00 "CARRIED" Port Granby Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young Low Level Radioactive Waste THAT Report ADMIN-23-00 be received; E05.PO THAT the Principles of Understanding negotiated between the representatives from the Municipality of Clarington, Town of Port Hope, Township of Hope and Natural Resources Canada be approved as the basis for developing a legal agreement for the clean-up, storage and long term management of the low level radioactive waste; THAT the solicitor be authorized to finalize the legal agreement for execution by Council; and THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report ADMIN-23-00 authorizing that the Mayor and Clerk execute the legal agreement with Canada, the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, the Town of Port Hope and the Township of Hope. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes - 24- October 16,2000 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Land Acquisition Strategy L07.GE Proposal to Close And Convey Hunt Street T09.GE Resolution #C-551-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Addendum to Report PD-072-00 be recei ved for information; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-072-00 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-552-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the recommendations contained in Section 2.42 of Report PD-072-00 be amended by adding the words "no residential lands" before the word "owners" in the first line ofthe second paragraph of the recommendation. "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-551-00 was then put to a vote and "CARRIED AS AMENDED." Resolution #C-553-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the resolution passed on May 29, 2000, with respect to Confidential Report WD-25-00 be rescinded. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-554-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Addendum to Report WD-25-00 be received; . . . Council Minutes - 25- October 16, 2000 UNFINISHED BUSINESS THAT subject to TSC Stores Limited submitting an application for Road Closure and Conveyance of the subject road allowance which is known as Hunt Street in Part Lot 11, Concession B.P., former Town of Bowmanville and subject to arrangements being made for the satisfaction of and the requirements of the Region of Durham respecting a road widening on Baseline Road and a perpetual sanitary sewer easement in Parts 11 and 15 on Plan IOR-2532, Council authorize the publication of a notice of application that the subject road allowance be declared surplus pursuant to Section 193 of the Municipal Act and By-law No. 95-22; THAT when Section 193 of the Municipal Act and By-law No. 95-22 have been complied with, Council pass By-law No. 2000-73 and declare Part 7, Plan IOR-2532 to be surplus; THAT Council acknowledge that the Municipality of Clarington has obtained an appraisal of the Market Value of lands shown as Part 7, Plan IOR-2532 as discussed in Report WD-25-00; THAT by-law be passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk on behalf of the Municipality to execute transfers to the Regional Municipality of Durham for a nominal consideration of (i) a fee simple interest in the lands shown as a road widening of Baseline Road on Attachment No.1 to Report Addendum to WD-25-00, and (ii) a perpetual sanitary sewer easement in Parts 11 and 15 on Plan IOR-2532; THAT Council approval TSC's Stores Limited's ("TSC") proposal to transfer to the Municipality for a nominal consideration a good and marketable title in fee simple in TSC's Valley Lands ("V.L.") (approximatel y 6.25 acres) subject to the rights of CNR respecting the railway bridge over the Bowmanville Creek plus the payment by TSC to the Municipality of the sum of $11,305.00 in exchange for the transfer to TSC of a good and marketable title in fee simple in the Hunt Street road allowance as shown in Attachment No. I to Addendum to Report WD-25-00 including Parts 11 and 15 on Plan IOR-2532, subject to the transfers to the Regional Municipality of Durham referred to in recommendation 5 to Addendum to Report WD-25-00 first being made, and subject to TSC agreeing to be responsible for all costs associated with remediation identified for the lands to be transferred by the Municipality to TSC; and . . . Council Minutes - 26- October 16, 2000 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Official Plan Amendment DI4.zBA.99.027 Dl4.zBA.99.030 THAT Council pass by-laws (i) to authorize the acceptance by the Municipality of the V.L. as shown on Attachment No.1, and (ii) to authorize the transfer of the Hunt Street road allowance and Parts 11 and 15 on Plan IOR-2532, as provided for in recommendation 6 to Addendum to Report WD-25-00. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-555-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report PD-087-00 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-556-00 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report PD-087-00 be received; THAT Amendment No. 20 to the Clarington Official Plan as submitted on behalf of 1319164 Ontario Limited to permit retail commercial uses and contained in Attachment 3 of Report PD-087 -00 be approved; THAT the necessary by-law to adopt Amendment No. 20 be passed and that Amendment No. 20 to the Clarington Official Plan be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval; THAT the rezoning applications ZBA 99-027 and ZBA 99-030 to amend Zoning By-law 84-63, as submitted on behalf of 1319164 Ontario Limited, to permit retail commercial uses and a retirement/nursing home be approved as contained in Attachment 4 of Report PD-87-00 and that the appropriate by-law be passed; THAT a By-law to remove the (H) Holding symbol be forwarded to Council at such time as the applicant has entered into a site plan agreement to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-087-00 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "SEE FOLLOWING MOTIONS" . . . Council Minutes - 27- October 16, 2000 UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS Resolution #C-557-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the foregoing resolution be divided to allow for Applications ZBA 99-027 and ZBA 99-030 in Report PD-087-00 to be considered separately. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-558-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report PD-087-00 be tabled until January 2001. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Declaration of Council Member Yea Nay Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Mutton X Councillor Novak X Councillor Rowe X Councillor Schell X Councillor Trim X Councillor Young X Mavor Hamre X By-laws 2000-156 and 2000-157 were withdrawn from the agenda as Report PD-087-00 was tabled. . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS - 28 - October 16, 2000 Resolution #C-559-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2000-168 to 2000-198, inclusive, that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 2000-168 2000-169 2000-170 2000-171 2000-172 2000-173 2000-174 2000-175 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Randy Henry) being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Neale McLean) being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 21 to the Clarington Official Plan (Ontario Independent Crematoriums Limited) being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Ontario Independent Crematoriums Limited) being a by-law to authorize the entering into a Lease Agreement with Goodyear Canada Inc., the owner of a parcel of land located in Part Lot 12, Concession 1, in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Municipality of Clarington (Report PD-102-00) being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 19 to the Clarington Official Plan being a by-law to amend Tariff "A" to By-law 74-72, a by- law for the establishing of rates and fares to be charged by the owners or drivers of taxicabs or other vehicles used for hire, and to repeal By-law 91-8 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle, now the Municipality of Clarington (Durham Capital Management) . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS 2000-176 2000-177 2000-178 2000-179 2000-180 2000-181 2000-182 2000-183 2000-184 2000-185 - 29- October 16, 2000 being a by-law to authorize an agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the Kendal Community Centre being a by-law to amend By-law 96-56, a by-law establishing a Reserve Fund for the Clarington Older Adults Centre being a by-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington being a by-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington being a by-law to provide for the Municipality of Clarington's Tax Rebate Program for Newly Constructed Properties being a by-law to authorize the use of the unopened road allowances shown on the Map attached as Schedule A by the Oak Ridges Trail Association, Clarington Chapter (Addendum to Report WD-25-00) being a by-law to declare the Municipality's interest in the lands comprising the portion of Church Street (not opened) which is part of Part 14 on Part 40R-14915 in the former Village of Newcastle surplus under Section 193 of the Municipal Act being a by-law to authorize the execution by the Mayor and Clerk of a Land Exchange Agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and 1138337 Ontario Inc. being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Contract Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and GeoSolutions Consulting Inc. being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Gerr Construction, Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the Elevator Installation at the Clarington Beech Centre . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS 2000-186 2000-188 2000-189 2000-190 2000-191 2000-192 2000-193 2000-194 - 30- October 16, 2000 being a by-law to authorize the execution of contracts and agreements of a general operating nature, below an annual or one time value of $50,000.00 being a by-law to declare the lands more particularly described as a portion of Block 93, IOM-830, Part Lot 10, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, to be surplus (Neale McLean) being a by-law to authorize the sale and transfer to Daniel Neale McLean a portion of Block 93, Plan IOM-830, Part Lot 10, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, in exchange for the acquisition of certain lands owned by Daniel Neale McLean, including a temporary easement (Neale McLean) being a by-law to authorize the execution of a legal agreement between Canada, The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, the Township of Hope and the Town of Port Hope respecting the long term management of low level radioactive waste being a by-law to stop up and close as a public highway the portion of Old Kingston Road comprising of Part 1 of Reference Plan 40R-20033 being a by-law to declare Part 1 on Plan 40R- to be surplus (a portion of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, in Lot 1, former Clarke Township) being a by-law to stop up and close and authorize the conveyance of Part 1 on Reference Plan 40R- (a portion of the road allowance between Concession 1 and 2, in Lot 1, former Clarke Township) being a by-law to stop up and close as a public highway Part 7 on Plan IOR-2532 (Hunt Street) . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS OTHER BUSINESS - 31 - October 16, 2000 2000-195 being a by-law to authorize the sale and transfer to the Regional Municipality of Durham of Part , on Plan 40R 2000-196 being a by-law to authorize the sale and transfer to the Regional Municipality of Durham of a perpetual sanitary sewer easement in Parts 11 and 15, on Reference Plan IOR2532 2000-197 being a by-law to authorize the conveyance of Part on Plan to TSC Stores Limited 2000-198 being a by-law to authorize the acceptance of a transfer of Parts and on Reference Plan being certain lands in the Bowmanville Creek Valley "CARRIED" Resolution #C-560-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2000-168 to 2000-186 and By-laws 2000-188 to 2000-198, inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-561-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the presentation of Tom Flood, Co-Chair, Ontario Summer Games Organizing Committee be acknowledged with appreciation. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS - 32- October 16, 2000 Resolution #C-562-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the presentation from the representatives of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be acknowledged with appreciation; and THAT the Bowmanville/Soper Creek Watershed Acquatic Resources Management Plan be referred to the Director of Planning and Development. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-563-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the presentation of Ron Hooper, Chairman, Bowmanville Business Improvement Association be acknowledged with appreciation; and THAT the conceptual architectural proposal be approved in principle and displayed in the foyer of the Municipal Administrative Centre. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-564-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the delegation of Vaden Earle be referred to staff; and THAT Mr. Earle be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-565-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the meeting be "closed" for consideration of Confidential Report PD-074-00, pertaining to a property matter. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS BY-LAW - 33 - October 16,2000 Resolution #C 566-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the actions taken during the "closed" meeting be ratified. "CARRIED" Mayor Hamre wished the Council well in the upcoming Municipal Election and thanked staff for their support over the last 20 years which she has served on Council. Resolution #C 567-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2000-187, being a by-law to authorize the execution of an amendment to the Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Syvan Developments Ltd., and Dr. Robin Jeffrey in respect of premises situated at 168 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-568 00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2000-187 be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes - 34- October 16, 2000 CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-569-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2000-199 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 16th day of October 2000, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-568-00 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2000-199 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-569-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:55 p.m. "CARRIED"