HomeMy WebLinkAbout2484A By-law to stop up and close the south part of the original road allowance between Lots 16 and 17 in the 8th Concession of the Township of Darlington and providing for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington deems it advisable to pass a by-law to close that part of the original road allowance between Lots 16 and 17 in the 8th Concession of the Township of Darlington,more parti- cularly described in Schedule "A" hereto. AND WHEREAS Notice of such by-law was published in the Canadian Statesman, a weekly newspaper published in the Town of Bowmanville and circulated in the Township of Darlington in its issues dated September 22nd & 29th and October 6th and 13th, 1971. AND WHEREAS Notice of such by-law was further published by posting up for at least one month ire six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of each of the said parts of road allowances. AND WHEREAS no person or corporation will be deprived of the means of ingress and egress to and from his land or place of residence by the passing of this by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington pursuant to the Y~Zunicipal Act R.S.O. 1860 Chapter 249, Section 459 (1} (c) and (d) and Section 477 (1} HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That all that part of original road allowance between Lots 16 and 17 in the 8th concession of the Township of Darlington running northerly from the concession road between concessions 7 and 8, more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. That the said original road allowance hereby stopped up and closed shall be offerred for sale to the abutting owners at a total price equal to $1.00 plus all of the Township's costs in stopping up and conveying the stopped up portion of road allowance. Such price to be apportioned between the abutting owners on the basis of acreage being conveyed. - 2 - 3. That in the event that either of the abutting owners should not accept in writing the offer of the Township to him to sell that part of the stopped-up road allowance abutting his land, within ten days of the date of mailing of such notice of Offer b~ Sale to him by registered mail, then such stopped- up portion of the original road allowance shall be offerred for sale to the other abutting owner at the same price. 4. That upon payment of the said purchase price by the abutting owners or one of the abutting owners, the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign a conveyance of the said stopped up original road allowance in favour of the owners or owner, and impress the Corporate Seal thereon. By-law given its first and second reading this /,g day of C~v-zf 1971 By-law given its third reading and finally passed, this /S `~Pday of ~~~~~-` 1971. ~~2,(/~~L l~L~ ~ Reeve clerk ,~_ , ... s ' SCHEDULE "A'• ~; tiLL t.h'D ~'FdGUi:.n ti:at certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying ~~ and being in Fl:c Township of Darlington, County of Durham, Province of Ontario, f1, and being corr.;,ose~i of alk that portion of the- criginal allowance for road be I~ tweet. LoL Sixtaer (l6) and Lot Seventeen i17i in the Eighth Concession of the ii said :,wrr_hi} ~ ;arlington, lying South of tt;e Scugoy Road Diversion (County ~'~ u:ad ':umbi,r '; _ =hnvar cn 'veposited Plan P~umber N14317, containing by admeasure j'. rr.en± 1."'C~~ ,il,: ,. ' e the some more or Less, the boundaries of t:ir said read +~i1o.~r'? t:v ~: morn ixrrticularly described as ioilows; 'RE.".~IoI"c5 t}" ;t '.,he .esterly iimi.t of said Lot 16 has a bearing of ,;arth 18 degreesi :? minutes r. secon;is West as shown on said Deposited Plan "lumber [:14317, .and rrl:,`ing ak: ~ -,.<<;: i:,::; herein thereto; (;C'.lN: __ li~G tha ors. }'- ~, a^ n± `~`~ _~ ~t: re;t~~Iy angie of said L,. 16; r.~T't~ `?oxt}~~ r degrees li r.~inutes 10 seconds l':est along the i+,'esteriy limit of :;ir: ,..e ir. i~.stanCe of "73?.88, feet to the point of intersection with t~.e 1:1~..`.'. esterl~~ 1 icr,t e` Saunty Road dumber 57 as shown on s'aZd IJe;;osited Plan it U:f?._~ iti'.. .. , ::_.,<, :c:tt, < ?rj@:rHes 53 ^inutes Vest along the last-mentioned Ii~rt a d: stance ,r.t to t}e h_;~ir.ning of a curve to the right, said curve having a *-,,'_ ~ ee';, Witt: a chard equivalent of 119.6*~ r+'et measured on cmrr r -f '._~t~ ~i? ,_ :.reel ~~ minutes 40 seconds tFest; ::'';' +o:rth.r;.': .cony th,-. said carve, being the South ','+estarly limit of C'rn.~,ty _„ na„k,er on arc. distance of 144.69 feet to the point of ir.te^sectior. vritl; t'1 is'~rz, 'i;ui' s~iid i.ut k7; - • ~Util it ,r- s 11 Minutes 2G seconds Eest ak.ong the astezly limit of _ _ . ~. i, 1"` _•;r re of k73.18 feet more or less to a cu+, store a,onument , !} ,t t~rly angle of said Lot 17; ac;:' T'L'r+ ,R<,,:^5?g lr' m nU't a5 1.C? Sef,OndS ~..a';t along the a st PL ly D:'OCi tlf LL Vn cr'. ,,`, ;i, it ns said Lot 1' a o stance or _~ feat to ., .,lt; . t:: r it minutes Past in the ~;esterly prcauct on ~ `h~~ ,,r t ~ rl+/ I .. _ *_ 1~ ...,.stance of „~ feat rr..a;= or :es~ to the prli ,t rr cn7m;nca- ~.. _. _rawr:, ,~!~te7?O L<,nra SIIJ '/eycr. J~ ,! THR CORPORG?IOII OP TIE UNITHD ODUMTIES OF IpklHgOiSLAND AMD D11AitAM DY•iSW M0. z3~.~.... A D!•LAW OF X1E NUIfICip/lL dOFD1CIL AF THt d01tp0114tI0;1 d! T~ 1EI1'<RD CO1MTLaS tit 11011T1Al13EElAliD AIID DUBHAlI '!0 COMFItl1 1Y•7/~v lb. Y4>fA OF '!~ CORFOI~AlION OF ?NS 'pONMSHIF OF DARLIilOT011. WE1RdA8 tiM Msatieipal Conned o! Este 1'arnsAlp o! Darlles~ton, by yy1ar 110. 2484 et the saii derporatistn, etuatN tin !iltseath day a! Ostefer. 1171. hss stappod +'• e1wN asM arrawlN to iispaoe s! tin seasth part o! tiw oriilnal reN allotataes betwen Leta 26 std 17 in tiM litiht6 Coneesaioa o! t1n 1+owtship o! DarltetDtaa. flare pastienlariy deserlbN iw sahsdrle W-" attaelni ineeto; AitD ;J16IaEAS tM uid MWeieipai Cameil iaa appliN to tin lpsioipal pounaii o! tbue 11nitN doasuias !or eontiraatioa of the said 1yLav iaaolar as it reLtes to tM steppltts rp and alwinp e! tM uii road allownw; NOM T~IZ8FOk8 t1M llrataipal Cowsil o! tin OsepOratiat ei tiN United Coemties o! l~rrtbuberland and Durhea eaaeta a follow s 1. lhat lAr-Lar llo. 2414 N' the Corporation e! efn 'MwrMp o! DarliaUton• psued ttn tiitesnth day o! O~ober, 1171, lasolas u it elates to the stoppins y and elwis~ s! the said road ailoas•toe, as outlined la SchNnle 9R attaehN inreta. M and tM saw is hereby aaalirr.a. FASSSn at the iota o! Coboura this 84tH day o! ~rs• 1171. a.e. Garvey s. MaleoL x. syoa. ••••••••NNNNIIN••N•M•••• N•Y•N~Iy~N~•~rNp•N~•pN/N••MN•• ~MAYmP 1~1l~lYLfi~' YYY.i. I. x. Syawns, Clerk o! the Corporation of the United Counties of l;orthutibarland and Durhaa. do hereby that the above is a trw copy o! EyLar llo. 2300 0! the said Corporation, passed the 24th day o! Novataber, 1971. ~--. •. .~s4G~ S' CLBRx ~nl colirolt-slal of !IQ airesn OOIBIlIfB olr MOIR~IWLt1li11 r-se entlllut Bf~LBOLB "A° s! 8!•L-W M0. 8»f0 Alt, AMD iI11B111A1t thaE »rtaiw Nw1 er Batt s! lard aai }ttats» sltrata• 1;-ire sad MZoi !a tha l~ai e! all Shat pets lea !the oriNf.aa~ 1 alwla~r o! Ostarto, aai MMt oo+oa sett !or rod betvata Let flstaea (li) aM LK tiertateea (17) !a tht >~hth Oaoeeulta o! the ad leweht} o! Harlia8tta, 1~tae Berth o! the 4aopB ssad ffi~rarrita (eowt~ Bead N~rier 'J7) u abets to He}witN Plaa ^uiies NLi3i7, »atalaig8 h adwarrwet 1.,Ji2 asrte• M tht sate trrt es Lau. flee bwwlart» o! tM »id cord alleraa» tioiot +~ }artttniari~ ieseriYed u lollaws } that tbs N»torl} 1latt o! sail Lst li has s Nasiai t! Batch iB dtiraes 11 +~» 20 statwU wet u shwa to call De}»ftei lLsa 1FeeYor II114317 • sad nLtiat all M»rtap Meets thereto; Oi~c3118 at the sorth•wstarly ae~la o! call Let li; lYlit«s llesth 14 dttir»s 11 srtart» 20 setaWs wst alooB tM v»terlr 13ntt e! eal4 Lot Ii a dittaw o! 737.48 leet to flee }vial e! tatss• seattea etch tM soegtl^wattrir itatt o! Gouat} 4sN Igdrtr i!7 u tMwr as »td De}»ited }laa Ipni~er 1114317; !s#ItcB iterth 2f dtisaas S3 eiLast» wet altei the iast•wtttt-M lilt a ilataa» •! 194.!4 sett to tM liyleataB of a error Lo the rtiht. uid aar» hs~ieB a radirlt et 2.f14.79 !»t• with s third egYiesleet e! 149.18 leet sweni tr a esrsae of aorth 24 dtitees 24 edaat» 40 sa»udt w»t i !~'Nts; Ilsrtherl} alaei tM said wive, belr8 tM aortirwetell} halt o! Os•set7 Bead MutMar' l17• u ara Hetaeua of 14f.i! lent to tht }vial e! iatrs.stien rith the wterl~ 1iie of uid Let 17; !Mites ssrsh 18 a.4rea 11 .tortes 20 saetads »st aloMB tM »tetrlr Batt o! »id Lot 17 a Itetaeee e! 1,073.18 !»t sr+te ee 1»e to a tat attge seMUawst asrleirs tM wt4•atstoriT as;le et said Lot 17; TMB11CS Mertk 73 da8rws 19 niwt» 20 tataad~ wt aita8 the »sterlr }tedwtlow of tba southarlr Matt o! uid Lot 1T a distaa» e! 3, leot to a paint; lMS~ Merth 72 dgra» 11 airut» wt tw tM wetul} prMratlaa o! tM eontberl} lilt o! »ii Lot li a dtstaate a! 33 Lett asra tar lest to tM }Dist o! verawtattt.