HomeMy WebLinkAbout2485A By-law to stop up and close that part of Station Street running through the west half of Lot 23 and Lot 24 in the Broken Front Conc. of the Township of Darlington and providing for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. - 2 - 3. That upon payment of the said purchase price by the abutting owners or one of the abutting owners, the Reeve grid Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign a conveyance of the said stopped up original road allowance in favour of the owners and impress the Corporate Seal thereon. By-law given its first and second ready this %,r day of ~ilt~~•.~-~/ 1971. By-law`g~iven its third reading and finally passed. this ~ 5~ day of ~<'c~Yv~',-~.~ 1971. 1, _ ; Reeve ~_~~~ ~ -~-t Clerk ~: SCH~;llULr. "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate,lying and being in the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham and being that part of Station Road 33 feet in width running westerly through the west half of Lot 23 and Lot 24 in the Broken Front Concession of the Tovmship of Darlington, said pa reel being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the south west angle of 8th Street according to regis- tered p~ n number 97 being the point of intersection of the southern boundary of 8th Street with the line dividing the east and west halves of said lot 23 and being more particularly located as follows PREMISING that all bearings are astronomic and referred to the meridian passing through the centre line of construction of the divided highway at the line between East Whitby and Whitby Townships defined as seventy-eight degrees fifty-three minutes and forty-five seconds west longitude, then BEGIN at a poi nt in the western limit of Lot 24 which is distant south 17 degrees,.'3~`minutes East in said limit 1,748.03 feet from the cut stone monument marking the north west corner of the said Lot; THENCE north 79 degrees 56 minutes east in the southern limit of said highway lands 2,010.95 feet to the division line between the west and east halves of said Lot 23 being the western limit of the Lands shown on the plan registered as Number 97; THENCE SOUTherly in and along the said division line between the west and east halves of said Lot 23 and the west limit of reg- istered plan number 97 a distance of 2,482,1 feet to the inter- section of the said half lot line with the south limit of 8th street according to registered plan number 97, which is the Point of Commencement. THENCE FROM THE POINT OF COMMENCEMEPIT running westerly in a continuation of the said southern limit of 8th street running through the west half of Lot 23 and Lot 24 a distance of 1980 feet more or less to the west limit of Lot 24; THENCE northerly in and along the said west limit of said Lot 24 a distance of 33 feet; THENCE easterly in a straight line to Lot 24 and the west half of Lot 23 to a point in the westerly limit of said 8th street a distance of 33 feet from the Point of Commencement; THENCE southerly in and along the said westerly limit of said 8th Street and the said division line between the east and west halves of Lot 23 a distance of 33 feet to the POINT OF COMMENCE- MENT, c !$ COEpOEATION 01 TNfi 1EtIlEH CDIMlIEE Op NfiA1l~ERi~ND ANH BBRIUK xy~q~ Np, 2301 A sY•LAW OP 'llEi NiMICIli-L COIMCIL OF iNi 0! !NL pI2'!E8 ODI~lIEE O! ~1 dMD DNYtIf ?0 QCIIlIEiI 3Y+LAN M0. 2NS Oi- !Ei OIiiROMl10N E1p TIEi lOiE•i1Qp Op a-RLINO'i'011. kl~ tha NWaieipal Ceuneil s! the lysnalip of DsrilaNtaa, hr g•Lw b. 2~si of the uid Osrpoeatian, cooled the !ilteesth day o! patorer, 1171. has stepped up, glared asd arsasNad to diapese et that past eE Etatiaw head ttseyeia~ threesh the wet M1t e! iet 2! and Lot Y4 is the Erelars Frost Ceaeeuiaa et tM 'l+owehip e! BarlioEtas, Bert partieuisrl! dperiLed is lehedule "A" attached hsnte; AND M1EiRRAE toe uid Mtmiaipsi Ceueaii hu spplisd to tha ifeieipsl Casten et thane gaited Uoustiee k arnfis~raties of tM uid ti•Lar !nectar as it fnlatee to the atoppir~ up sad slwit~ of the u!d road alle~renes; NOW !l~REFORE tiN Nusiaipal Cawuil of the CerpOratioa ei t4 Usitad awntiar e! Nortiruicrland and Haslw esaeu as lellewe t 1. chat ayLar No. 2i8S .: the Corporation of tM lawehlp et DerllsEtow, passed the tiftarsth day o! Oatobes, 1f71, iseetar u it relates to tM ateppinE up asd alwit~ of tM uid read silowanse, ae outlined in Schedule "A" attached hereto, a and tha asst !a hereby aestisaed. l~BEED at the Tova ct CoiasrE this 24th dal st Nacwher, 1971, A.H. Nsrvay E. Nalcol~ N•NN•••-N pM~~•••N••NN•N• ~iWE~ R. 8yona N••NNNN••N•NNM•NN•• WM~.LN+ CLEEf I. R. 8yion , Clark of the Corporation of the lfiitad Counties of Northusberland sad Durhes, do thereby that the above is a true copy of SyIaw No. 2301 of the eeid Corporation, paesad the 24th day of N~va~ber. 1971. ~1N /~CduNT~~~~~ ES' CLERK s '!~ OD~SitIM 01 !IS S)Il'ia f3Di~lIES 0! ^@9 1Xa DOOM SCIeEOii Y" e! 111rL1ii N0. 2)01 ALL AMD s~1tL-x that asrtait taaeei or tract at lead std *reaiw sitwte, i~ sad w!y !t tw lew.by s! Dariiytw it tw Ceeat~ e! Sesbar aM wiy twt Nn et St.tlon ®oad 13 feet it ~ridtb rotary wwterlt tbteo~b ebe war bolt e! Let !) aM Let 24 in tw ~eebet Teatt o~topsist e! tw lsatsbi} of Darliyaey eaid psal with ten Asti«iasly deeasiwd p 1e11ew c 67oNSSl~i10 at tw s«ewpt ogle e! siSbeb atewt, acaediy to 9.)is- tend iLrt Ma~ber !7 ~ ew }vitt of itterssati~a el tw s«twsa wsMasr el {iSIKb Stssat rltb tw liw dinidiy tM ept std prat wires el said Let 21 and wit) srerte fsatieirl! leeetN p lellorei !>~SIIIC twc all bpsiys sts psiwerts srd tolsatirM to tw rrti~at *aesiy tbseyit tw ewttn ltts of oeatrwetet e! tw divided bylMry at ew lire wtww East kbity std Mbity lbuisbi~ daliawd p ...eatrifbt ds~rea tittp-chew aiwt« std lortT•!iw sssatds wse loyitv~isr that SlSIN at a Hirt is tln twtsta lint et Lot 7+1 chid is distatt .«eb li ~. K od~wta last it said licit 1r74S.Q3 lost leer tw ere stew rrrirowt rarkit~ tw north wst ooetsr sf tM aid Lot; l1mlCi aortb 7! dedeses !S recces seat is tw settwrt liwft et eau bl~bsa~ Latdr irolo.ls :«e to ew alKsian 1ta wtwan ew wet std scot bslws vi said Let 2! wiy tw w.te:4 1ldt o! tw i,~ abwt an tM Tist lEs~isterM p Herber f7; lYEIICIS settwelr tt aN slay tw sai4 divister lire hottest tw wet std sass wisp el raid Lot 21 std tw sae Brie o! 16yistarN ?lac S1r.Ms !7 a distanes s! 2r4Si.1 feet to tw ittorpatlet o1 tw aid wi! lot lire vitb tw r«tb ildt o! sybtk Strwt seprdiy to Ityloterad Tlat Misr 97r M~lab is ew relaE el ootrate..ant. !llifll~ l~It !B lOZM! Ol Qa/1~l~! ~ wetellir it a ssttisartiet w! tw said espwm !lair et siSMCb Stewt sratiy tbeeyb tw woe wli et Let 2! std Let 24 a aisepss et 1.lSO tsar son ee lap to tw wet licit of Lot 24; IQIIt3R tottbsel) is sM aley Lw sAid twt Brit of said Lot ii a distatp e! )! lwt; !1~ aptotlT !t a atni~bt lire is Lot 24 sM tw war wll e! Let 23 is s mat it tw twteslr 1lait el sAid 8i~btb Supt a distatse el 73 lest less tw crier o! Oa~wpaMt ~ lS~71t s«Lwrlr !n std slay tw said wrcesi~ ifadt e! said ~btb Supt std tw w!d u.isiea lire wtvaen tw asst etd cwt bAl+-p of Lst 23 s distatp el 33 lest to tw naSl~t Ot aaomfdSSOR.